The D-Reaper Rape (Commission)

Story by Tygriss on SoFurry

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Well, here we are with my second and last comm...

Well, here we are with my second and last commission, unless I run out of stories to write which doesn't look likely anytime soon. Hope I did something right in this one Mystery-Guy.

A year had passed since the digimon and their tamers had defeated the D-Reaper and saved the world.

Little did they know that after the D-Reaper was destroyed however that a fragment of its data had survived and found its way deeper into the digital world than before.

It was then that it came into contact with something else, another dimension that seemed to hold vaster technology and creatures of a similar nature like that of the digital world.

It was thanks to this dimension that the D-Reaper healed it's fading self and plotted to take out the Digital world and earth by reducing the number of digimon that posed a threat.


"Sigh, I miss Takatomon" a red dino type digimon sighed as he lay on the ground in the digital world, chomping on a mushroom as he spoke.

"So then, Guilmon is it? What type of digimon is Takato again?" a blue lizard looking digimon asked still puzzled by this Guilmon's baby talk.

"Not a digimon, Takatomon is a human" Guilmon corrected him.

"So that would be Takato then wouldn't it" the Veemon asked in realisation.

"That's right, Takatomon" Guilmon answered unhelpfully back.

"Ugh, never mind" Veemon groaned as he put a blue hand to his face "where's those friends of yours anyway?" Veemon asked Guilmon as he noticed that two of Guilmon's friends Renamon and Leomon had been missing for a while now.

"They just playing with each other in the cave right now, I asked if I could join in before but they say it's a game I won't get. It sounds fun, whatever they do" Guilmon said wistfully as he remembered the sounds they made whilst making love.

Veemon's blue face had turned red at this point as the impact of his words hit him "err, yeah. Anyway I'm just going to...go somewhere" Veemon said as he quickly dashed towards the cave.

"Hey, wait up!" Guilmon shouted as he lumbered after him.


Inside a small cave, pleasurable moans could be heard. "LEOMON!!" the beautiful yellow furred kitsune shouted as the lion digimon thrust a final time inside of her, feeling her vaginal walls clench round his enormous 11inch shaft.

Feeling himself cum inside of her, Leomon hugged the Renamon right up to his strong body, causing the yellow furred kitsune's furry G-cup bust to squash against his chest.

"Was that as good for it was me my love?" Leomon asked as he gently caressed a furred bust, running a hand over the nipple as he spoke.

Twining their tails together in passion as they remained connected was all the answer he needed as she looked at him lovingly with her sapphire blue eyes.

Unknown to the mated pair, two pairs of eyes was watching them. One been a Veemon, who had to stifle a moan as he jerked himself off as he peeked round the corner to see them in such intimacy and from the moans they made.

And the other been a small bug like creature on the ceiling of the cave that had been watching them intently.

Veemon was almost scarred witless as Guilmon sneaked up to him whilst he was distracted "that's dirty, you pee out of that" he said as the Veemon Had to clamp his mouth to stop him from yelling.

"Shh, if we get caught then we'll be dead" Veemon said quietly as Guilmon peeked round the corner of the cave.

"Hey, looks like fun!" Guilmon said as he lumbered into the cave to see if he could play also.

"No, Guilmon. Wait!" Veemon said panicked as he disappeared round the corner.

The couple sat joined as they enjoyed the heat from each other with their heartbeats thudding against the others chest, sharing a passionate kiss as they entwined their tongues.

Renamon's heart always thrilled with him, as she ran her hands over his well-muscled chest and hands through his lion mane that only seemed to amplify his good looks.

Leomon stopped suddenly and pulled away, his eyes going wide in alarm.

"What is it Leomon?" Renamon asked as she put a paw to his face.

Turning to see what he was staring at, she gasped in alarm as she saw Guilmon standing there with a curious look on his face. "G-Guilmon, get out!" Renamon shouted as she disentangled herself from Leomon.

They both turned around to hide their dripping pussy and throbbing cock in embarrassment, but there was a good sized puddle from their mixed live juices as Guilmon went to sniff at it experimentally.

"I bet I know why he's here, right Veemon?" Renamon snarled as a blue head peeked tentatively from the corner.

"Er, hiya?" he said rather timidly as a blue head appeared cautiously round the corner, as if expecting it to be blasted off.

"I knew he would be trouble, he does have a reputation for been mischievous and a joker" Leomon grumbled as his erection slowly went down.

"Listen, I have a very good reason for this" Veemon began as he walked slowly up to them when a digital gate suddenly opened in the back of the cave.

"Hey, maybe it will lead back to Takatomon" Guilmon said excitedly as he ran towards the gate.

"Ahh, shut up about your bloody boyfriend!" Veemon yelled as they began to get sucked in.

Renamon saw her friends disappear down the portal, and deciding she couldn't hold out any longer, stopped her frantic scrabbling of the floor as she too was sucked in.


"Oooaahhh" Renamon groaned as she started to come round.

"Hey, she's waking up" a voice said excitedly from somewhere.

"Who's...there?" Renamon asked bleary as she slowly opened her eyes to see a fury face looking down at her.

She looked on curiously at this figure; she was female, that much was obvious to start with. She had a canine like muzzle and head with dull red colour irises along with the triangular shaped ears and wide nose.

As Renamon ran her eyes along the length of her she noted that this creature had grey fur on her underside with a black mane like of hair and black fur on her back as well as her hands, legs and tail.

She also had a really nice body with an E-cup chest Renamon blushed slightly before a large head suddenly loomed into view.

"Aahhh" Renamon screamed as she backpedalled and got herself to her feet.

"What are you two, you don't look like any sort of Digimon that I have ever seen" Renamon said as she took up a defensive stance.

"Calm down, my name is Mica. I'm what am known as a Charizard here and this here is Recca, what's known as a Mightyena" the new comer said in a calming manner.

This one was also female, that much was obvious from her huge H-cup rack really. But unlike her companion, she was a dragon, with muscled orange body that was covered in tough orange skin with a white stomach and bust. Medium length wings with a blue underside to them that was tucked against her body at the moment and blue eyes of a lighter nature then her own.

Hers and Recca's hands ended somewhat in a less feral way then Renamons own hands and feet.

Most interesting of all was that this creature had a long tail with what seemed to be a constant flame at the end.

Though both humanoid in shape, the Charizard had a slightly more feral form, similar to her in some ways.

"Never heard of either of those Digimon" Renamon said as she geared herself up for a fight with them.

"You keep using that word" Recca said "we aren't Digimon, its Pokemon or more specifically Pokemorphs. But we just keep with Pokemon nowadays as that's what is left now, having evolved past our limited forms and overthrowing the humans who made us their slaves".

"You mean...there used to be humans here too?" Renamon asked in disbelief as she looked round at the grasslands.

"A long while ago, it ain't all grasslands but we have adapted our way of living and mixed it into the humans modern ways" Mica amended.

"And just what are you then?" Recca said as she walked around Renamon as she looked at her, her black tail curling round her in curiosity as she took in her figure.

A yellow furred body, with a cream coloured front and mane that barely contained her big G-cup bust and a long, bushy yellow tail with a white tip at the end.

Deep blue eyes that seemed to float in empty sockets, which gave her face an almost ghost like appearance if it wasn't for her beautiful triangular fox like head with a pair of long ears tipped white at the end.

Her hands seemed to end in a very feral like design, all tipped with short black claws with the fur ending in white on the hands and feet.

Her only item of clothing was a pair of purple gloves, with a yin yang symbol on them each.

"I'm...what's known as a Renamon" the vixen said with some hesitation in her voice as she studied them with her blue eyes.

Recca found her to be quite interesting and alluring as she eyed her athletic body as she eyed her up.

"So what are you doing here then stranger, it's obvious you're not from here so where are you from?" Mica asked as she looked on at her curiously, ruffling her wings slightly.

"I'm from a place that is known as the digital world and...wait. Where are my friends?" she asked in suspicion as she remembered her friends been pulled into the digital rift.

The pair of Pokemon looked at each other before Mica answered her in a calm voice "there was no one else with you. You just fell from the sky as I was flying and saved you from a horrible death just in time" she explained.

Liar, I saw them get pulled through the same rift that I went through. Tell me where they are otherwise I'll beat It out of you" the yellow furred vixen said, narrowing her dark blue eyes in a threatening manner.

"It looks like you won't be talked out of it I guess" Mica sighed as she readied herself for a fight.

Renamon looked on at her powerful body with some apprehension but figured that her speed would pull through in the end.

Renamon immediately jumped in the air and aimed a diving kick at the Charizard morph, she only just dodged the attack with a surprised look on her face at the Renamon's savagery.

"Some ones got an issue" Mica said as Renamon lunged at her with clawed hand outstretched and a dark, almost scary look on her beautiful face at the thought of losing her friends, especially Leomon.

In an effort to end the fight quickly, Mica used Dragon Claw as she took flight and used her speed to get in close to Renamon.

Her claws glowed as she powered on to her, but to her surprise Renamon avoided her as easily as if she was hardly moving at all.

"Enough of this, if you won't tell me where they are then DIE!" she shouted as she crossed her arms in front of her bust.

Hundreds of little diamonds appeared at once in the air around her as she cried out "Diamond Storm!" in a flash they were sent hurtling towards Mica.

Her little blue eyes went wide in alarm as she saw the high speed projectiles and banked to avoid them, but was too late in doing so and they tore through a wing.

Screaming out in pain she spiralled to the ground whilst clutching the torn wing, to end in a large impact on the ground.

Renamon approached Mica, whos flame flickered feebly until she was hit by a Sucker Punch attack from behind.

"Stop it you bitch, you're going to kill her" Recca said tearfully as she looked on at this strange creature in a mix of fear and awe.

"That's our way, especially to our enemies" Renamon said as she looked at her with those same ghostly eyes as before.

"Fist Of The Beast King" A deep voice sounded as a lion shaped bolt suddenly slammed into Renamon from behind, knocking the breath from her.

Renamon turned round with tears in her eyes and ears dipped as she gasped out "Leomon...why?" Before a big fist connected with her skull, knocking her out.

Recca turned to run from the Lion Pokemon, no not Pokemon. He seemed similar to her somehow she thought as she was blocked by a big red Dinosaur.

"W-what is going on?" she gasped as she made to fight her way through him, but before she could he let loose a big fireball that connected with her face, leaving her face burnt and unconscious.

A big blue dragon like creature came and picked two of them up, leaving Leomon to pick Mica up.

As one they headed in the direction of a big cave where they could have privacy for what was about to come.

Renamon was the first to wake up, a groan escaping her muzzle as the digital vixen came to.

"O-ooohhhh, what was that all about?" she moaned as her tail hung limply.

"Wait, something's wrong here" Renamon whispered as she opened her eyes to see a dimly lit cave, the only light coming from outside and the dragons flaming tail "Mica" Renamon amended in her mind.

Looking around Renamon could see that she and the other two she had met was pinned up against the floor of a big cave by what looked like some strips of bent metal around their wrists and ankles.

Renamon then spied Leomon "why Leomon? Why are you three doing this to us?" she asked her eyes shimmering with hurt at their betrayal.

"That's because we are no longer Leomon, Guilmon or Exveemon.

You may remember me from before, after all it was you and your friends that defeated me last time" the three of them spoke together in an eerie flat tone, seemingly in unison with each other.

Renamon's eyes flew open as realisation hit her like a hammer "th-the D-Reaper?" she said in disbelief.

"Correct, after you had destroyed me a single fragment of my data had survived and found its way to this strange dimension.

Though not digimon, these creatures are very similar to us. However after I had restored myself I found that I could no longer exist in my previous dimension and without a digital body I am destined to fade completely over time.

I managed, however to create a single drone through this planets data stream and was able to successfully send it to the digital world to monitor how to get the energy to make a body completely mine.

Which is when I discovered through you and Leomon that mating gives off a lot of energy, which I will take from you three and utilise to make your body completely mine".

Renamon just stared in horror at the seriousness of the situation as the D-Reaper finished talking before she caught her new companions as they stirred into wakefulness.

"Wherrre are we?" Recca asked in confusion as she saw the dimly lit surrounds.

"Are these your friends?" Mica said in a sarcastic tone as she pulled at her bonds, but seeing as she was a lot stronger than the other two; they had put an extra-large band of metal round her body and one pinning her flaming tail.

"They aren't in control of themselves" Renamon said defensively as they all strained against their bonds.

"It begins now" the three males said in unison as they all moved to converge on the three helpless females on the floor.

"What the hell is going on here" Mica said as a blue dragon like digimon with white wings and an X-shaped scar on his chest, straddled her mouth with his huge cock starting to become erect.

Mica's big blue eyes went wide though with her thoughts quickly been replaced by thoughts of lust despite the situation.

As he lowered himself onto her she flickered a tongue across his head causing him to stop as a sudden moan escaped his lips.

For the D-Reaper controlling them, this was an entirely different experience. Exveemon continued to lower himself until the Charizard wrapped her lips round the head of the Sixteen inch long cock and sucked.

This sent such a powerful feeling that it rippled through the link of the other two, as they stopped to gasp out loud at the sensation.

The Mightyena, Recca noticed this strange effect too and as her sight drifted downwards she noticed that they all seemed to be connected by what looked like an umbilical cord of some sort that seemed almost invisible.

The red dinosaur with the hazard sign on his chest seemed to get a feral look in his eye as he thrust his cock into her mouth, made rock hard by the feeling he had sensed along the connection.

Recca was nowhere near as compliant as her friend Mica as she clamped her mouth shut.

"Take It!" Guilmon growled as his eyes shrank to slits and he opened his mouth and spat a fireball at near her in warning.

Tearfully, she did as he bade and sucked as she sobbed on his ten inch cock, with him been only at the rookie level but still impressive none the less.

Leomon stood there with his face in rapture, cock straining at fifteen inches as if it was receiving immense pleasure as the sensations from the other two coursed through him.

"Leomon please, come to your senses" Renamon growled at him as she lifted her head up to glare at him.

"I've said before, there is no Leomon now. Only the D-Reaper" he said as his eyes snapped open to look at her with a bit of lust in his eyes now that was once dead of emotion.

He knelt down and brushed aside her bushy tail as she tried vainly to impede his efforts, as he grasped hold of her big, G-cup breasts through her mane with his strong hands and started licking at her passage.

Renamon did her best to not moan as she gritted her teeth and wriggled about but her restraints prevented much movement.

Mica meanwhile was enjoying the huge dragon cock that was filling her mouth, moaning as she felt the blue dragon thrust hard as the length slid down her throat.

She didn't quite get what was going on, but she hadn't had a mate in a while and to have a hot, muscly blue dragon have his way with her was fine by her sex starved mind.

"This is...a lot different to what I thought it was going to be" Exveemon grunted as Mica sucked hungrily at his organ. Been of a particularly strong fire type, her insides were very hot and was having a profound sensation on his member as she gulped the almost nonstop stream of pre down her throat.

Recca was not enjoying the experience as much as her friend, as she sucked reluctantly on Guilmon's red member.

She gave a cry of pleasure though as his swinging red tail made contact with her furred entrance, "so, you like huh?" he said in his baby like voice as he angled his tail to plunge it deep into her folds, bringing out a cry of pleasure despite herself as her black, furry tail wagged in pleasure.

She started to suck with more fervour as his tail pumped into her, stretching more as the length thickened towards the base, Reccas hips bucking at the sensation it caused.

Guilmon threw his head back, much like a dogs as he gave a howl of pleasure as she sucked him off in earnest now.

Renamon writhed, her beautiful tail twitching and jerking as she tried to not enjoy Leomons administrations to her, made increasingly difficult by the fact that it was her chosen mate doing this to her, albeit against his will.

He roughly fondled her breasts as he ate her out before his hands roamed as if examining her body "yes, you'll be the perfect vessel for my new body" Leomon said before he dived in for a last time and sucked on her folds bringing a squeeze from her thighs as she cried out, her fluids soaking the fur around her crotch, tail and Leomons mouth.

Similar cries could be heard from the other pairs as Mica cried out, also receiving a good tailing as Exveemon's cock was otherwise preoccupied at the moment, a huge torrent of juices spilling forth into her maw.

He cried out as he was rocked by this as he squeezed her breasts, the flesh been surprisingly soft as he groped the warm bust under his big hands.

"Oh that was good, now if you would be so kind as to let me out of these bonds" she smiled her sweetest smile, flamed tail tip wriggling to try to free itself so she could at least use that if need be, but was clamped down good.

"No, now the real mating starts" he said as he calmed down, looking a little bit lost in the new feelings coursing through them, earning a worried look from Mica.

The D-Reaper was starting to enjoy the perverse feelings and wondered how it must feel in the female's body; it knew it would find out soon.

"What's going on here, is this how things are normally done in your world?" Recca asked as her cunt dripped with fluids from her own orgasm as she spat out the cum of her rapist, her black and grey fur looking a little ruffled as she looked on at her, sensing something amiss.

"No!" she said through her emotions "we're what are known as digimon, we come from the digital world. A world made entirely of data that a being calling itself the D-Reaper tried to destroy both our digital dimension and the real world.

And now it wants to use me as it's vessel by possessing my friends and using them to channel the data into me" this last part stunned them both at the severity, that this was no normal raping. That and the fact that these creatures were made of data was something they found hard to digest.

"Hey you, you had better let us and her friends go or else I'll roast you the next time you try to sex me" Mica snarled as she realised how serious this was.

"Go ahead, all you'll be doing is deleting a temporary vessel and her friend though" Exveemon said, again in an emotionless voice, though this time a hint of lust on his features.

Mica looked on at Renamon who just shook her head sadly; the whole situation seemed lost to them as Leomon straddled her lap, ready to insert his penis into her sexy body.

Squirming, as she tried to impede his progress he slowly slid into her. A gasp escaping his mouth, though Leomon may be very experienced at this the D-Reaper on the other hand wasn't.

"This feels...just so good. All that time I spent studying human emotions and yet not once did I think about doing something like this" the D-Reaper said through Leomon as his fifteen inches continued to sink into her with a cry of dismay coming from her.

"I-want to try that too!" Exveemon said as he felt the sensation ripple through the link, enthusiastically plunging his cock deep into Mica, bringing forth a cry from the Charizard as his enormous length was forced into her hot, clenching tunnel.

Despite what had been said earlier, Mica's tail blazed as she prepared to let loose a Flamethrower only to have her mouth tied up by Exveemon's powerful tail.

"No you don't" he said as he leered at her, beginning to thrust into her tunnel that seemed to have a will of its own as it drew him in.

Panting hotly, he latched onto one of her huge orbs and suckled slightly on her nipple.

Her chest seemed to be very sensitive as she bucked her hips and arched her back as he increased his suction and sped up his thrusts into her.

"Hm, I wonder what you taste like" Guilmon said out loud as he straddled Reccas body and then tuned round so that he was laying with her vagina within easy access of his mouth and his member resting on her face as she stubbornly refused to play his sick game.

As he began to move his body in motion to his licks however, his cock became wedged between her grey furred breasts that wrapped snugly round his shaft.

"Oh, that feels nice!" he squeaked as the fur added stimulation to the soft breasts, making him speed up his licks and dive his tongue deeper.

Recca had to admit that it did feel nice too but had to try and resist.

"Y-you're her friends though deep inside aren't you? Please, stop this or your friend is going to perish." The Mightyena said with a pleading look in her dark red eyes.

For a moment it looked like she had gotten through as he stopped before he answered "Guilmon isn't here, not that he's ever been" he snarled as he thrust his head into her with increased savagery.

Renamon fought hard to try to keep herself from getting aroused as she was mercilessly pounded upon by Leomon's large shaft.

"Leomon please, wake up" she said with tears in her dark eyes as she begged him, her large breasts shaking with the force of his thrusts into her, causing her to wince with each inward and outward motion.

He just continued his pounding as if he hadn't heard her as she strained in a vain attempt to break free of her bonds, her body shaking with the urge to climax.

It was no good, she couldn't stop her body from betraying the sensation as she climaxed with a loud curse "SH-IT!!" she shouted as her pussy climaxed and Leomon's seed flooded her.

A puddle of sex juices formed as her passage and womb was filled up with the large amount of fluids.

She sobbed as she felt humiliation welling up inside of her, as she came down from her orgasm she felt violated and helpless as she knew what was to come next.

Mica could feel her orgasm fast approaching as the blue dragon sucked hard on a sensitive nipple, bringing a loud gasp each time he sucked hard, making them painfully erect and hard with the attention. Her other tit coated in a film of saliva, glistening in the dull light of her tail.

As big as she was, his sixteen inch cock was stretching even her to the limit.

He stopped for a minute, and Mica thought for a minute that he had come to his senses until he captured her maw in his.

No longer caring for the situation anymore, she clamped her mouth shut to prevent entry until he prodded her torn wing, causing a cry of pain from her.

"You...bastard" she cursed into the kiss, wanting to bite his tongue off but not wanting to aggravate him and cause her further pain.

Feeling him pressing himself down on her breasts as he force kissed her, she gave a scream of both anguish and pleasure as she came. The flaming end of her tail twitching wildly from such a powerful orgasm, setting hi own off and sucking so hard on a nipple that the combined feelings made her pass out.

"Now we're...almost ready" Exveemon said through pants, her body radiating heat making him pant and sweat as he withdrew his enormous organ from her flooded depths. Her body shuddering a bit from the sensation and his cock twitching from the after effects.

Recca begged for the Guilmon to stop, the grey parts of her fur darkened with sweat and her face streamed with tears. She shouldn't enjoy this, but his cock, even though not as big as the others, was certainly the better feeling and looking.

Even though fully erect, the pink organ felt so soft as It slid between her mounds as he licked out her tunnel.

He made such long, slurping noises with that long tongue of his and the fact that he seemed such a kid in how he acted turned her on more for some reason.

It was all she could do to resist not licking that tempting cock as he rocked his body in time with the licks, sliding his member up he breasts to tease her with the sight.

Recca gave a cry of pain as he tried to force his muzzle into her sopping depths, seeming to not be able to get enough of her taste.

The pain seemed to heighten the pleasure as Guilmon's muzzle became soaked in juices, her furry boobs triggering his own orgasm, coating her face and E-cup breasts in his sticky seed.

"That was so good, let's play it again" Guilmon squeaked excitedly as the D-Reaper seemed to lose some of its control over him.

Recca looked on in puzzlement at the sudden change but was soon wiped out as the D-Reaper took control again.

"No time for that, time to claim my new body" he said as he lumbered off to where Leomon and Exveemon waited around the Renamon.

Leomon worked on tearing the strips of metal from around her wrists and ankles, making sure to never let go of her so she might run away.

"Time runs short for me, now to begin the final stage" the three said together as Leomon held her arms whilst Guilmon lay on his back.

"Lay on him" Leomon commanded her and when she stubbornly refused to he put a hand on her and forced her to lay on him.

Oh how she wanted to fight back, but she just couldn't. Not with two champion level digimon and a rookie who at times seemed near enough to champion.

Tears welled up as she felt Guilmons pink shaft spread her butt as it slowly entered her, thanks to the lubrication. Though his was not as big as the rest, it was still big enough to cause Renamon sufficient pain

When she made to stop, she cried out as Guilmon pulled her down the rest of the length eliciting a groan from the pair.

Next, Leomon filled her mouth with his cock, again with having to forcibly persuade her in doing so as Exveemon came to fill her well worked tunnel up with his massive length.

The situation was lost, she was been raped by her friends as they all started pumping into her and she was going to lose her body in the process.

She gave a choked sob around the length in her mouth, as she scraped her claws across the floor in frustration.

The situation would have been hot and pleasurable if it wasn't for the sinister nature of it, she felt their seed starting to pour into her as it trickled up her tail hole, her throat and pussy.

She could feel her mind starting to recede as something else seemed to make itself present in her mind "yess, this body will be mine" it said as the D-Reapers data was pumped through her friends and into her.

As they fucked her from all three ends, and more of their seed spilled into her she found herself giving in to the pleasure of it more and more as the D-Reaper claimed more of her body and mind

As one they all orgasmed, covering Renamon's yellow fur in cum as they exploded in every tightly filled hole.

"Ohhh, that's it just a bit more" the voice said in ecstasy as her senses began to feel more of the pleasure, coursing through her hot, furred body as her mind shrunk smaller to be replaced by something sinister. Her fur started to take on a more demonic like form as her body was pumped full of the seed that was imbued with the D-Reaper data.

Her fur starting to turn a more purple and red colour as her mind started to be ate up by the new data flooding her.

The entire procession was interrupted though by a flying Exveemon as he smacked into the wall.

"NO!" The D-Reaper said through Renamon who had come so close to obtaining a permanent body.

Standing before them was Mica, her orange skin red raw and bleeding from where the metal strips had dug into her and eyes ablaze in anger at what they was doing to her.

Leomon got up as if drunk before Recca tackled him, Mica having used her strength to of rescued her and laid numerous punches to his face.

He suddenly grabbed a small fist with a questioning look on his face "why are you hitting me?" he said, causing her to stop.

A shriek tore itself from Renamon's throat as the last remains of the D-Reaper was erased with the process been only part complete it was left unstable.

Her fur went back to its yellow colouring, along with her mind returning to normal before passing out.

"Is this what you and Renamon play at?" a muffled voice came from behind her, they realised that Guilmon was still embedded underneath her.

"Guilmon, w-what are you doing to her?!" Leomon roared as the lion digimon picked his mate up, making a squelching noise as he did so, as she was pulled off of his member.

"Oh, that felt good as well" he moaned before Leomon grabbed him by the front of his skin.

"What was you doing underneath her?" he snarled at him before a clearing noise was made behind them.

"Er, you don't remember anything do you?" Recca said, black tail curling nervously in uncertainty.

"What are you talking about?" he asked before he looked at them and didn't recognise them as any sort of digimon he knew, or this cave for that matter.

He looked at the opposite side and saw a, now unconscious Veemon, having de-digivolved after the impact.

"Where are we?" he asked in bafflement, before cradling his beloved. As he pulled his hand away, he noticed it was covered in cum as was her fur "and what happened here?"


Leomon, Veemon and Guilmon was briefed on what happened based on what little the pokemorphs knew, Recca filling in some bits of details whenever Mica left some out.

Veemon had to admit that the Charizard did look cute, and to Recca's discomfort Guilmon had taken a shine to her too as he seemed to like stroking her ears and tail.

After been shown to a spring to clean up in, Renamon and Veemon was roused from their state upon been dipped in the cold water.

Leomon had explained about the digimon as they walked and digivolving when they asked about Veemon's appearance.

"And that's what happened" Renamon said as she finished explaining the events of what happened after finding themselves in this dimension.

There was a moment of silence as the two pokemon tried to absorb the information, which still seemed farfetched and other worldly. But then again they were from another world.

Leomon cradled Renamon's face in his broad hands "sorry Renamon, I swear that no more harm shall befall you again" he said soothingly to her.

Renamon sat a little gingerly from been sore after Guilmons cock had made her butt sore, giving the odd accusing look in his direction just leaving him innocently puzzled.

"Huh, lucky her" the Mightyena said with a huff that she had such a handsome partner.

"What's the matter, do you want to play the game that they do?" Guilmon asked innocently ignorant to the nature of the supposed 'game'.

"Uh, n-no I do not" Recca said before diving under the water to cool her face that had suddenly gone all hot at the question.

Veemon came out of the spring having cleaned himself off only to be pounced upon by Mica "so, how's about turning into that big blue hunk, only this time it'll be all fair unlike last time" she smiled in a sultry manner.

Veemon suddenly grew very hot as her huge breasts pressed into him as he squirmed " uh...well I can't really just change without my partner, more than willing to give a go like this though" he said with a hopeful smile at the Charizard.

She just huffed in way of response as she turned round and hit him with her tail, sending him smoking from behind into the water again.

"So how do we get back then?" Renamon asked with her head buried in Leomons mane, with her bushy tail wrapped round him, happy that he was back to his old self.

"Don't know" Recca said as she wrung the water from her Black and grey fur "but your more than welcome to stay here, as long as there is no more happenings like before".

"And no more unwanted attempts on my life" Mica blurted out as she pointed at her wing.

Renamon looked away ashamedly, s-sorry. Will it be okay?" she asked in a guilty voice.

"Thankfully yes, the skin will grow back eventually. So don't fret on it" Mica reassured her.

"Yay, new friend" Guilmon said happily as he hugged Recca, who sent him immediately into a bush with a bewildered look on his face.