Uninvited Brother

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When Jamie got home, there was an invitation waiting for her. 'Follow this link' it said, 'to the NeoRave Calendar.'

  • Since then, you've made it to Jack's raves twice, and it's been just as interesting as your first each time. The summer's all but folded up, though, and school is seriously starting to crimp your style. That is, until you notice a special entry on the calendar. 'Neo Beach Rave: Close out the summer in style! Join us at a private beach in Provincetown to see the warm weather out properly. As always, members only, no friends, no visitors, no exception. The first rule of Rave club...' P-town? Your family's going to be there that same weekend! All you need to do is slip the parental units for an evening and you're home free!
  • Fantastic! The mink is nothing if not an expert at misleading her parents, ask them and she only ever goes out to study with her friends. Putting her experience into practice the mink, again, finds herself outside late at night, making her way across lamp-lit streets. There are occasional passers by, but no one knows her here and it's not late enough to rouse suspicion and the mink shortly reaches the address mentioned on the calendar.
  • It takes you through the red light district, and you get a few openly lewd gazes as you tromp along. You're big for your age, which is to say you're small for your age, but still big among minks, so in the minds of passerbys, you're nothing more than a pocket-sized prize out for a fun time at night. When you arrive, a fox--the same one you remember from your first time-- opens a gate in a chain link fence for you as you find the right address. It's a nice, warm evening, sun painting the ocean red as you crest the top of the sand dune that protects Jack's private beach from prying eyes. Out here, they haven't bothered with the fancy lights and the fog machine. Instead, you smell burgers on the grill and alcohol. Practically the whole crew is here, though it's a bit more laid back and social than the raves you remember up in the penthouse. There's music, but it's not the hard, grinding beat that you've become used to. - The mink gives a nod to the fox, head tilting this way and that, looking around as she makes her way to the busy spot. Man, Jack has some nice digs here, would explain how he could afford an apartment that size in the big city... She doesn't get a chance to think more about it as she approaches the group, grinning and nodding toward the familiar faces she spots. Mmmm, those burgers smell divine.
  • The night doesn't take long to get good. You've only just started at dusk, so it isn't long before the sun sets and the lights flare up, and the music gets louder. It's not quite the penthouse, but it's got a charm of its own that's compelling for completely different reasons. The smell of salt, the sound of the ocean in the background, it's almost romantic when the buck starts feeling you up again. It's not unwelcome, really, but you're not on one of Jack's pills yet. "Damn, girl, you work fast." The buck whispers in your ear as he grinds up behind you. "Only been here a few moments and already you're tearing up the dance floor?
  • The weasel moves and sways with the music, her natural flexibility and endurance allowing her to literally dance the night away when she feels like it. And tonight? She does. It's the last part of the year before obligations cut them short and she'll make the best of it. The buck's an okay guy (and a fantastic fuck), but at the moment the mink just wants to dance. She doesn't stop her flowing movement, but gently pulls the buck's hand away in no uncertain terms, "What can I say, I love to dance..." She turns in her dance, looking up at the buck, "And right now I feel like -dancing-." Softening it with a grin and a wink she dances off. - You dance for a few more minutes, maybe five, maybe ten. Who can tell? The songs are all over the map, so it's impossible to judge by how many songs you've been in for. Then, you feel a tap, then hands again. Someone snuggles up behind you as you dance. "That's better, Jamie." It's Jack. No one else gets that rough growl to their voice. "I saw you wide eyed and scared behind the grill just a few minutes ago. Good to see you're doing better." - The mink's sense of time is wonky at the best of times and entirely missing when she dances. One of the reasons she likes these dances is because it doesn't matter, no one cares how long she dances. Mmmm. Hello Jack... "Well hello there." She moves against him, swaying with the music's beat. Wait, wha? "Sorry? I think you might have me mistaken for someone, I've been dancing since the music started." Jamie tilts her head to give Jack a grin.
  • The wolf's face smiles down into yours. You're so short that he can look down over you, without even craning his neck. "You sure you haven't been into my special stock? I could swear I just saw you up..." He points, and sure enough, there's another white figure in the crowd. It's just about your height, your weight and build and- Shit. Shit shit shit. How the fuck did Jessie get here? Your brother can be such a sneak, but you're pretty careful about covering your tracks. How did he find out about this? There's no way that little twerp would catch on to this on his own--he doesn't even like dancing! No, Jack can NOT find out about him, or that he's your brother. That would be the end of all of your fun, for sure. - The mink freezes up, staring at the other sibling. Think think think! "Heh! Told you it was someone else. And you mistook him for me? Do all minks look alike to you?" She gives Jack a playful grin and shakes her head. "I do feel like a drink though. Be back in a bit!" The mustelid slips away from him and into the dancing crowd toward the drinks table, but changes her path half the way through and instead heads for her brother. He's got some explaining to do.
  • Your brother stays by the grill, eyes wide and staring. A glance around tells you that you're going to have visitors soon, too. Jack didn't take your hint because... Because... Oh shit, he knows everyone who comes to these, and if that's not you, then he's not supposed to be here. You've got about fifteen seconds before this becomes an emergency, and why is your brother staring like that? Oh. It's the husky and the fox. Those two are inseperable, except possibly with a crowbar. The fox is giving some very skilled head to the husky next to the DJ's little table, and your brother doesn't seem to be able to tear his eyes from it. Shit. Ten seconds, Jack is heading your way, and he doesn't look happy.
  • "Hey Jamie, this guy a friend of yours? You know you gotta run it past me if you're going to bring someone else." "No!" "Yes." You and your brothers' answers are simultaneous. The look on Jack's face tells the whole story. He doesn't believe you. Fuck! "Look, sorry, it's my fault." Your brother pipes up. "I met her at another rave a week or so ago, and she gave me her number. Her GPS just told me she was in town, so I tracked her down so I could surprise her. The guy at the front just let me through..." At that answer, Jack just lets out a loud laugh. "I bet he did. Fuck me if you two don't look like twins." Too damn close to the mark. - Jamie grins nervously, "Haha, yeah, twins... it's quite uncanny, isn't it?" She looks to her sibling, shooting him a chilly glare so that Jack can't spot it, "But, you really should have asked. I'm afraid Jack might be forced to kick you out of here now." Back to Jack, "Right?" If he didn't know any better he could swear she actually sounded hopeful. Must've been hearing things.
  • Jack appears to consider for a moment. Your brother returns a glare of his own. You know that one, the "I'm getting my way or you're getting in trouble" glare. "Well, the rave we met at was a lot like this, but not anywhere near as nice. I mean, this is way better than a grungy club." Jack shrugs. "Hey, if you're cool with the scene, then you're welcome at least for the night. I'd hate to have to throw anyone out, especially a friend of Jamie's. I'm Jack." "Jessie." "Well, Jessie, get a drink and enjoy. I'm not about to have someone sober and boring at one of my parties." Obviously feeling much more at ease, Jessie throws you a big evil grin, then flounces off towards the mini-bar that Jack's been so kind as to set up on the beach. "Hey Jamie, I think you were showing me a few steps on the floor? Let's show your friend what this rave's all about!" Jack gives you an innocent smile.
  • Jamie doesn't look all that happy. Or rather, she does, but it doesn't quite feel sincere. Maybe she just needs a drink. Or something from the private stash. Still, she does cheer up at the mention of dancing, "You're on!" Soon the mink is moving, swaying and bouncing like before but it feels like something is on her mind. She feels more reserved, as if worried about something. Others might not notice, but you've seen her dance plenty of times.
  • Jack isn't able to get next to you, or up against you, or behind you, and while the dancing's fun, that's just not his scene. Thankfully, a mutual friend solves the problem for him. One large hand wraps around your waist, and another touches your muzzle. Above you, two sets of flashy antlers sway in time with the music. "Bottoms up, girlie. Get it down for the big bad buck." One finger pokes against your lips, and a pill is pushed into your mouth. This isn't the first time he's done that, it'll be just another of Jack's favorite 'fixer'. - Swaying to the tune, Jamie is able to relax a little, but feels far too self conscious with her sibling there to be herself. That little asshole just ruined her last dance! Oh, she'll make him pay... gulp? She swallows the pill almost on reflex. A part of her wants it anyway, she wants to enjoy herself without worrying about her twerp of a brother. Another is worried what it could lead to, but hey. It'll just be a relaxant like usual. Pill or placebo, the mink relaxes some, dancing against the buck.
  • It quickly starts to turn into the rave you've come to expect. After just one song, the buck's hands are in your pants. You intentionally wore a loose skirt just for this, but your brother is still somewhere out... Beh, it's your last chance, and you won't let Jessie screw this up for you. You'll worry about what he'll do tomorrow. And of course, this decision has nothing to do with the buck's blunt finger slipping up and down against your slit as he pushes that shaft you're so familiar with against your back through the fabric of his pants. Jack's gone, but that's okay. He'll be back sometime, and you've got the buck to keep you company now. - Jamie's visibly relaxed now, her mouth opening with a silent moan as she feels the blunt finger brush against her sex, the buck quite familiar with the mink's buttons by now. And he's pushing them all in order. She rolls her hips and rubs against his front as she dances, rubbing herself against the finges as she does. She glances around after Jack, but is soon distracted by the horny buck.
  • You're just starting to really get into the buck's motions when the song fades out. "Ladies and gentlemen, everybody's favorite asshole, Jack, has just informed me that we have a surprise guest this evening. Since he doesn't bother to keep his best DJ informed, I've got nothing lined up, but I know you'll all enjoy this dance even if it is what I was planning to play anyway." The music shifts, and Jack pulls your brother out onto the dance floor. Your brother can't dance like you can, but he at least puts in the effort of bobbing a bit to the beat as Jack runs his hands all over him. Your brother looks at you, and he's got a somewhat blank, dreamy look on his face. What's he on? Then, while the buck pushes one finger into your snatch, Jack helps Jessie by unbuttoning his jeans. Holy shit. Jack's about to fuck your brother right in front of you.
  • The weasel keeps moving, but tenses up against the buck at the DJ's announcement. She's sufficiently relaxed to keep dancing, but her eyes are glued to Jack and her brother as they make her way onto the dance floor. What's that little shit doing? He can't dance, he hates dancing... oh. She knows that look. Despite herself she moans as the buck pushes his digit inside her tight sex, unable to look away as Jack begins undressing her sibling right there and then.
  • The buck leans over and nips at one of your short ears. "Oh, now he's a catch. Like what you're seeing? Heh, bet you are; he looks just like you." The finger pushes deeper and twists. The buck knows just how to wind you up. In front of you, dominating the dance floor, Jack pushes your brother over at the waist as he pulls Jessie's pants down. He smiles out and runs his eyes around the dance floor. He knows how to work the crowd, and there's a few catcalls as Jack unzips his fly and lets the thick canid cock you're so familiar with dangle over Jessie's back. Your brother puts his hands down to the ground to steady himself, and Jack winds one hand erotically down Jessie's back, under his tail, then cups your brother's all-too-visible sheath and balls. "Yeah, welcome to the never-ending party, Jessie. You're one of us, now, Jack's crew, and that makes you mine." Jack aims his cock down with two fingers, and a stream of piss colors the fur of your brother's back yellow. The dance floor very suddenly smells very sharply (and familiarly) of wolf.
  • Though still moving the mink looks entranced with the scene before her. She's not quite sure what the buck slipped her, but she suspects she shouldn't really be taking the scene quite as calmly as she does. And yet she does nothing as Jack has her sibling bend over, the all-too-familiar dick whipped out over the mink's lower back, then pulled back as he's "marked". As the stream hits her brother the mink gasps and shudders, clencing around that twisting digit, the digit getting damper still. - The buck chuckles behind you. "Oh, like that show, do you? Well don't you fret. The night's young, and if you ask nicely, I'm sure Jack'll let you play with his new toy too." Jack doesn't spend long with his marking, just enough that the yellow stain spreads between your brother's shoulderblades, before the wolf pulls his hips up. Jessie's feet aren't even touching the ground anymore when Jack lines his cock up between the little mink's rumpcheeks, then pulls the pure white hips up onto his shaft. The buck lets you enjoy the show, only teasing and prodding at you as you watch. He's not letting the opportunity go completely to waste, though, as you can feel his hand pull his waistband out and down, so his bare fleshy length throbs meaningfully against your back as his fingers, two now, probe into your slit. - Jamie doesn't answer, or at least, the quiet little moan doesn't much qualify as language. She continues rolling her hips, both against that digit and the firm bulge behind her, the spectacle before her, against all reason, turning her on immensely. As her sibling is picked up and impaled on that familiar wolfdick she shivers and moans, now grinding back against that throbbing length behind her, her juices soaking the two digits that now spread her.
  • Jack seems to be taking his time. For the crowd, he draws out the seconds as he pulls your brother's plush ass onto his cock. You can see your brother's belly actually bulge slightly as Jack finally hilts, nestling that monster of a knot of his firmly beneath your brother's wiggling tail. "God, that ass looks hot. Jack had better let me get a shot at it before the nights out." The buck lifts you as he talks. Expecting to be sat on his cock, you let yourself be manhandled, but then with his fingers still buried in your snatch, the buck walks you forward until you're right in front of your brother. "Heh, hay sis'." He looks drunk, and more, as he tilts his head back so he can look up at you. The buck must not have heard what Jessie said, because he blithely tugs at your skirt, until your brother can see the buck's blunt fingers buried deep in you. Probably for your brother's enjoyment, he pulls his fingers apart, so Jessie is staring straight up into your slit. "Come on, pretty mink. Show a girl a good time here, will you?" The buck urges your brother on. - The mink doesn't respond to the buck because, well, what's to say? She shivers expectantly as she's picked up, giving a confused blink as the buck carries her onto the main stage. She'd protest, but those fingers are still buried inside her and still feel oh-so-good. As Jessie speaks her ears fold back, but fortunately the music seems to have drowned out his drunken slur. More than anything Jamie can't believe how her brother is taking this. This being that huge wolfcock in his ass. Before she can say anything she might regret the buck begins exposing her to the other mink, making her squeal pleasurably as the digits spread her.
  • Your brother doesn't hesitate. You thought maybe this would sink through that haze he's in, but he doesn't even bat an eyelash. His hands grasp the buck's for stability. He's now fully suspended in the air between you and Jack. Speaking of the wolf, he leans over your brother and gives you a broad smile. The fingers in your slit twist a bit as they make room for a muzzle, and Jessie's smooth mink tongue immediately dives into your snatch. The buck lifts you further, letting your feet dangle as your brother eagerly goes to it, licking across your lips and inside. Then there's a bump, and the muzzle against your slit rumbles as Jack gives a proper hump. - Jamie mumbles something in weak protest, but that's as far as she gets. Held up in the air she watches her brother's muzzle disappear between her legs, his tongue soon lapping eagerly up her dripping sex. The mink closes her eyes and moans out audibly as she feels his tongue lick over her nether lips, then push inside, the situation so wrong, yet so arousing. The sibling's rumble snaps her back, her eyes lowering to watch Jack begin to pound that sizable wolfcock into her brother's small ass. Is that how large it looks against her? It looks downright obscenely large in comparison...
  • The buck lifts you again. You and your brother are so light that he can simply raise his arm, and you come with it. Both his fingers and your brother's tongue disappear from your slit, but you knew it'd happen sooner or later. The buck's impatient, and just fingering you wasn't getting him nearly enough of the action. When he lowers you again, he sits you on his cock, the long and relatively thin length rubbing between your pussy lips as the rest of it sticks outwards towards your brother. Without even a shred of hesitation, your brother closes his mouth around the buck's shaft and rides it straight up until his nose is pressed against your slit. Then, further as Jack takes another hard thrust. There's more catcalls from the crowd as Jack spreads his legs and squats a bit so he can give your brother a proper fucking. The tip of Jessie's muzzle is pushed into your wet slit as the wolf's hard thrust pushing his mouth onto the buck's length. - Jamie watches the whole thing with almost morbid fascination. Horny fascination? One or the other. Either way she does nothing to stop buck's actions; fuck it, if they've gone this far the little fucker won't really have anything on her, she might as well enjoy the ride. She shivers, dripping juices over the base of the buck's shaft pressed against her lips, moaning quietly even without the digits' stimulus as her brother is spitroasted before her, the buck's long member thrust all the way down his muzzle and throat until his very nose is pushed against her slit. The mink rolls her hips, grinding herself against the base of the buck's dick and her brother's muzzle.
  • On one backstroke, Jessie lets the long deer shaft slip from his muzzle. He looks up at you again and smiles broadly, dribbles of the buk's pre dripping from one side of his mouth. "Ready for him sis?" He doesn't seem to be aware he's using the word. Maybe others will just pass it off as a term of endearment. Noticing the shift in action, Jack leans over and stops his thrusts for a few seconds. Jessie wraps his hand around the buck's shaft and starts to angle it up. Getting the idea, the buck lifts you up, and with your brother aiming it, sits you right back down onto the tip of his cock. Your brother's fingers push at the sides of your slit almost in wonder as he watches the long shaft slowly slide up into you. If his goal was to watch you being fucked, he's now got the best seat in the house. - She barely even reacts to the word now. The world is a comfortable, warm glow and she's about to finally get that buckshaft inside her. Her eyes screw shut as he feels the tip of the shaft brush against her sex, then slip inside, giving her sibling a good look indeed as the long cervine shaft pushes inside her, spreading the small mink's snatch even as he holds it apart until it hilts inside her, causing a pleasured yelp from above.
  • The buck wraps his hands under your knees and pulls you up, until he can lift and drop you on his shaft. Seeing that the manuever is managed, Jack takes another long thrust at your brother, and his muzzle bumps against your slit. Moments later you feel his tongue working over your tender flesh as the buck's shaft starts to slide in and out. Down below you, you hear a soft grunt of pain. Your brother stops with the lapping as Jack pulls at his pearly white hips. As obscenely large as the wolf cock seems to you, he's never tried to tie you. Before your eyes, though, your brother's tight rump starts to slide again, and then with a 'pop' that you can just barely hear over the music, Jack's sheath kisses Jessie's pucker. - Legs spread wide by the buck the mink gives everyone present a rather good view of her young snatch as the cervine dick pushes inside it, her brother getting a look better than most. At the grunt she looks behind her sibling, eyes going wide. He wouldn't? He... did. Jamie shudders against the buck with a horny moan at the sight of that huge wolfdick inside her brother's ass. She looks down at Jessie to see how he's handling it.
  • Jessie looks shocked. He hasn't yet surfaced to start licking you again, but equally, he's not crying in pain or protesting. He looks up at you, and your mood is restored by the wide, horny grin he gives you. He doesn't look hurt--in fact, it looks like he's still enjoying every second. The buck leans you over a bit as he bends towards Jack. The two exchange a few words over your head, then smiles are passed around. Jack pulls your brother up to his belly and chest, and for the first time that you can remember, you see your brother naked and fully hard. His bright pink minkshaft is poking out into the light and spurting so much pre that it's constantly dripping. The buck lifts you as well, but instead of dropping you for another thrust, he steps close to Jack and Jessie. You're too far gone to complain, but it still feels on the borderline of what you can handle as the buck pushes your wetly dripping (and tragically empty) pussy against your brother's belly fur.
  • Jamie looks surprised herself. Either Jack gave him something really special or minks are as stretchy as Jack always claims they are... having long abadoned the pretense the mink looks over her brother's nude front with little shame, eyes sinking down to the dribbling minkcock. Too distracted to notice the exchange above she reacts only when the buck steps forward, shortly finding herself in a far more intimate distance with her brother than she'd ever expected to get. And that's ignoring the whole nudity matter. Even this far gone she can still see where this is going... and finds herself getting excited at the prospect, nosing down and giving her brother an almost violent kiss, biting his lower lip as she grinds her lips against his plush bellyfur.
  • Jessie cries out as you bite him, but it's a lie. You can feel something tap your rump cheek as he throbs. Above you, the buck whispers in your ear, "Get ready, little mink. The ride's just starting." You're lifted a few more inches, and the horny buck's thobbing length kisses your own tail end. Slick with your own juices and your brother's saliva, there's really very little friction as the slim and tapered tip slides into your rump. You still feel the burn, though, as he slides you down. The shaft feels like it's becoming frightfully thick, even though you know it's really quite slim. All of the pain seems to disappear, though, when halfway down the buck's cock you feel Jessie's own length prod at your slit. He moans into your forceful kiss as the buck drops you the rest of the way, letting gravity send your brother's twitching mink shaft up into your tight pussy.
  • Still kissing her brother the mink grunts through her nose as the tapered shaft pushes against her pucker, then through it, the long shaft feeling even longer as it pushes inside her and seems like it just keeps going and going... she lets out a quiet whimper as the large buck pushes into her rear, but it quickly turns into a hungry moan as she's dropped the rest of the way, the discomfort in her rear balanced by the feeling of her brother's throbbing cock hilted inside her sex, her juices mingling with his as the dribble down their crotch, staining his white, fuzzy balls.
  • You're treated to second after second of intense pleasure as your brother just twitches and throbs in your cunt. He's smaller than the buck, and significantly smaller than the wolf, but still large enough to really feel every little spasm. Neither of you can really move, so instead Jack and the buck start to move for you. You feel that long buck shaft slide halfway from your rump, just as Jack pulls your brother away from your front enough that his cock slides out until just the tip remains inside. Then both thrust. It's almost too much sensation to bear. Any one of the feelings alone would be enough to stroke your senses, but all together, it's quickly approaching sensory overload. The buck's shaft feels so much longer and thicker in your tail end than it ever did in your pussy, but that's hardly left out as your brother's cock is pushed deep. He moans against your biting as Jack grinds your hips together. Earlier, you saw your brother's belly bulging, and now you can actually feel the wolf cock shift and twitch in your brother's insides. - The white mink breaks the kiss and hisses quietly, toes on her upheld feet curling as that cervine dick slowly pulls out of her rear, her brother's twitching minkcock likewise pulled from her pussy, then MOANS out as they're both slammed back inside, the two siblings ground against one another between the two. She bites at his lower lip again, slipping a paw between them to run over his belly, letting out another lewd grunt as she feels the wolf's cock moving inside him, letting go of the lip to look up at Jack, "Rrrrf... fuck him... fuck him hard!"
  • You and your brother are rocked together between Jack and the buck, each timing their thrusts to grind themselves (and yourselves) together. Your brother lets out a soft little cry, and as you bite his lip, you feel him twitch. It's so wet that it's tough to tell, but you're pretty sure that he's cumming. That's confirmed as your hips are ground together, and you can feel his balls twitching every second, while his creamy seed starts to drip down over his cock. When you look up to cry to Jack, though, he ignores your words. He's too busy locking lips with the buck, moaning into his muzzle as they hammer you and your brother together. - The two minks grind against one another as the other pair fuck them in turn, Jamie's head cheek to cheek with her sibling's as she enjoys the ride, grunting and moaning into his ear, the twin cocks pistoning into her... she gives a disappointed sigh as she feels her brother peaking, but doesn't let up, grinding against his front, enjoying that twitching dick inside her young pussy while he's still hard hard as the buck behind her pistons his dick into her ass the member's slickness and the erotic nature of the situation overriding potential discomfort and pain and replacing them with arousal.
  • Above you, the buck has finally had enough. His hands close around your hips and pull you down. Jack gets the idea and stops his thrusting to let the buck enjoy his peak. For you, it means the hammering thrusts are replaced with throbbing and spurting against your insides. This time, there's no question what's happening. You can feel each spurt travel up the buck's shaft, then burst into warmth as it coats your walls. Each jet is matched by a hard twitch that tugs at you, hard enough that it's riding the line between pleasure and pain. - Jamie's eyes are closed as the deer pushes and holds her down, the twitching, long shaft eliciting quiet yelps from her as the small mink squirms against the large buck as he shoots his plentiful load inside her. Unfortunately for her, with Jack's movement stopping and her brother peaking she finds there's a sudden lack of stimulation against her sex, the weasel rolling her hips against both the buck and her brother to compensate, her insides clenching around the cervine dick embedded in her as her long body flexes.
  • The buck behind you gives a jerk as you start rubbing yourself back across his shaft. He holds your hips still and leans down. "You needy thing! Don't do that." He sounds out of breath. To compensate, though, he reaches down between you and your brother. The buck's fingers dig against your slit where you and your brother are connected. Your brother may be (obviously) new to this, but the elk knows all your buttons. As he holds himself hilted in your tight rump, his thumb and forefinger squeeze your clit, as the rest of his fingers rub around the periphery of your brother's cock, and fingertips slide and prod, threatening to push their blunt lengths into your pussy along with the cock that's already (mostly) filling you. - Jamie rrrfs in response, calming down as the deer reaches down to feel around her damp sex, reacting perhaps counter to what was desired as her overstimulated clit is rubbed and clenching around the cervine before relaxing again. She throws her head back against his chest as he fingers her, letting out little chitters of pleasure as those fingers rub her nether lips and clit, the noises growing more excited still as the fingertips begin to push inside.
  • The buck gives a little twitch again, but soldiers on through it. Jessie seems to start coming down from his high, and as he gazes blearily at you, he starts to hump again, this time under his own power. Even though he's only able to move an inch or so in either direction with the wolf's thick knot restricting him, that's just enough to pull the buck's fingers inside you at the end of each thrust. The thick digits rub against your inner walls, pushing deeper lubricated by your brother's cum. - The white mink's moans grow louder as her brother begins to thrust inside her again, his thickness joined by that of the deer's digits, stretching her young pussy further. Opening her eyes she looks at Jessie, leaning in to whisper into his ear as she strokes down his front, "Mmmmm, how does it feel? To have him inside you?" Pleasured yelp, "To have -all- of him inside you?" Her breathing and grunts come closer and closer together as she nears her own peak, but she's riding it out for all it's worth and right now getting off on her brother getting fucked in the ass as she herself is getting fucked from both ends is really, -really- getting her off.
  • Jessie wraps his arms around you and holds himself tight. Every time he rocks, you can feel Jack's cock twitching and moving around in his insides. Even though he's just cum, you can feel your brother starting to twitch and throb again. This time, he's thrusting under his own power, and you can feel the shivering shake of his hips every time his balls slap against your backside (and the deer cock embedded in it. Jessie's muzzle buries itself against your ear. "I..." You tune out the grinding thump of the music, waiting to hear just how it feels. "I love you, sis." He shudders and twitches against you, and this time you can really feel him cum. The buck's fingers convulse as he feels the young mink's shaft twitch beneath his pads, and you can feel the hot jet of cum against your insides. - Unable to move much, impaled on the deer's dick as she is, Jamie instead contents herself on nuzzling the side of the other mink's neck, grunting into it as he fucks her, her breathing more like panting now. His response is... not expected, to say the least, but the night's excitement finally gets to her also as she spasms against him, her chitters joining his as hot juices flow down Jessie's balls and the deer's fingers, the mink contracting around both dicks currently lodged within her, squirming and shuddering against the other weasel.
  • There's whoops and catcalls around you as your eyes squeeze shut and you peak visibly and uncontrollably against what, to everyone's eyes, could be your dopplegaanger. The buck leans down and grazes his teeth against the soft fur over your skull as he holds you tightly, letting you enjoy your orgasm. As the moment starts to pass, the buck slowly lifts you. An unexpected amount of liquid drools and dribbles from you as first your brother's shaft pulls from your slit, then the buck's longer and quickly softening length slides from your rump. You immediately start to feel sore, and when the buck carefully places you on your feet, your knees can barely hold you upright.
  • The mink finishes riding out her orgasm and signs, enjoying the short rest before letting out a quiet hiss as she's lifted, feeling oversensitive and sore now... and honestly, with what she just had inside, it's not really surprising. Her knees wobble but she remains standing, looking up at Jack with her brother still impaled on his dick.
  • Your brother, now that the haze is starting to pass, start to look bashful, even a little panicked. He lets out a little yelp as Jack starts to lift him up, but apparently the canid had already started to soften significantly. There's just a wet 'plop' as your brother is lifted up, then placed next to you on equally (if possibly even worse) knees. The best part about a rave out on the beach is that you can always go for a quick dip to refresh yourself. The water looks inviting, and honestly, you could probably do with a few minutes to hash things out with your quickly recovering brother, before he starts to freak.
  • Jamie gives her brother a look over, glances around, then nudges his shoulder, "I think we both need a bit of freshening up. Let's go take a tip." When he hesitates she practically drags him with her until they're standing on the sand, away from prying ears.