The House on Rainbow Road - 10 - Gina

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#12 of The House on Rainbow Road - 2011


When the floor fell away, Gina screamed as one would when assuming their death was at hand. As she tumbled into the blackness, the strangest sensation closed in on her from the sides. The walls were slick and they seemed to come together like a funnel, giving her desperate fingers something to press against to slow her fall. Strange fleshy surroundings seemed to flex and strain around her, moving her along until she was seemingly excreted into a dimly lit chamber.

The final moment, of her trip, deposited her into a pool of liquid which felt like a giant bowl of snot. The impact knocked her senses from her, and for several moments, she laid still. A strange pulsing sound surrounded her, and a familiar voice called her name. "Gina? Gina! Wake up!" Gina wanted to respond to the voice, which seemed like a friend, but the world felt so far away. Everything was a mushy blur which denied her focus, until a sudden scream rattled through her skull and bolted her upright.

"Rachel?" Silence. "Rachel?" More silence. "Where the hell... am I?" she muttered through panic stricken breath. The darkness was absolute but a strange sensation seemed to calm her. The lump in her throat settled and her stomach unknotted but her breathing was still deep. Somewhere in the distance, a deep thump-thump thump-thump resonated through her surroundings, pulsing through her body like the heart of some mighty life-form.

The air smelled sex and tasted like a stranger's kiss. Darkness gradually gave way as her pupils dilated, allowing her to see a strange sort of reddish florescence. The closed portal above her looked very much like a sphincter, and the walls had the appearance and feel of some massive intestinal track. For a moment, Gina wondered if she had been swallowed whole by some huge beast which lived below the house.

Rising unsteadily to her feet, Gina found the ground to be smooth but firm enough to walk across. Slowly, she moved forward as the thump-thump pounded in her ears. Each step was a precarious one, but when she slipped and fell onto her backside, she discovered the slick surface was not hard enough to injure her.

It was then that she realized that one of the reasons for her footing difficulty was that her $300 heels appeared to be melting. It did not take long for her to kick them off, but then her stockings began to dissolve as well. On a whim, she checked the rest of her moist outfit and discovered that all of the material on her body appeared to be pealing apart and she would soon be naked. Whatever chemical reaction was stripping her bare, she was grateful to discover that it did not appear to be harming her skin.

Thus Gina laughed at her ridiculous fate and moved farther down the hall, passing strange depressions which she ignored until one of them suddenly opened. A short scream ended with an undignified SPLAT as she tumbled into a side chamber and came to rest in an ankle deep pool of whatever was oozing from the walls. A string of cursing escaped her as she realized she was stuck, but an odd sensation began to make itself realized as well.

In this strange place, with all of these frightening things, she found herself inexplicably turned on. At first it was something she could ignore, just another bizarre moment in the weirdest day of her life, but the longer she sat in this enclosed space, breathing the uncomfortably humid air, the stronger the sensation became. It was not long before her hands moved involuntarily into her quickly dissolving clothing and began to touch the slippery parts of herself.

Though Gina felt her own body was creating enough lubrication to take a sizable fist into her passage, the plentiful excretion, seemed to enhance the experience of her exploring fingers. As this outer-wetness mixed with her inner-wetness, her body began to tingle and soon she was masturbating with far more gusto than she felt the situation called for.

It only took a few moments for her to bring herself to her first orgasm. The clenching of her muscles was intense and the cum it projected onto her hands was rich, but instead of diminishing her desire it only seemed to intensify. A sickening horror began to build as she tried to remedy the situation, but soon she was prone, her body splashing up and down in the strange little pool as she tried to satisfy this great unholy need.

All of her other problems seemed to fall away as this one took up more of her attention. The complete disappearance of her clothing did not seem to matter anymore. The surrounding secretions covered her completely, oozing steadily into the chamber. Then, another detail emerged from the walls but it was ignored until it reached her.

A powerful retraining device made contact with Gina's arms and legs then quickly wrapped her up. A frustrated scream was emitted as she struggled against these restraints. But no matter how hard she tried, there was no way for her to continue caressing her burning desire.

Soon, though, smooth and flat appendages, covered in tiny feelers, worked their way into the crevices of her need. They drew themselves pleasingly across her slippery skin. Causing her to cry out as they read the chemical traces of her secretions and determined what was needed to continue.

A third type of tentacle soon stretched forth. Large and flat on its business side, they seemed to specialize in teasing the girl, stimulating her into an even greater fury with their efforts. Gina squealed with delight, wiggling her body as she writhed against the unknown lover which held her so strongly. It was difficult to determine who or what this new arrival was, but he held her so that she could not touch herself and did the job far better than any lover before. Even she could not have pleasured herself this well, and she had always taken pride in the creativity of her self-inflicted orgasms.

The chamber's feelers coddled her curves, drawing across her flanks, her legs, and her mid-sized breasts. Long flat strokes ran across the outside of her labia, teasing her moist inner parts which soaked themselves in rabid anticipation. But for all of this external pleasure, the penetration she cried out for was strangely absent. But as she grit her teeth and shook once more from the inside, the final phase of her indoctrination was about to begin.

The voicing of her pleasure was beginning to chafe her throat when she called out for the world to do its worst. As she begged for more invasive treatment, a fourth set of tentacles emerged from the fleshy walls and obeyed her commands. Their unmistakable design slithered along her body, oozing their creamy fluids onto skin. Gina leaned forward toward the first of the mushroom-tipped heads with her open mouth. The taste spread across her tongue as she suckled. Hearty flavors drizzled onto her taste-buds, which she drank gratefully. The hunger in her belly quickly abated, but the liquid was not only there to feed her.

As the long appendage caressed the outer lips of Gina's labia, another uniquely shaped penetrator stretched forth, spurting cream onto her opening which burned with a need to be filled. Though the restraining tentacles were already holding her legs apart, Gina strained to open herself wider as she twisted her lower half toward the teasing intruder. Finally, the inseminator agreed and pressed its mushroom-shaped head past her lower lips, into the passage which led to her core.

All of the muscles in her body seemed to spasm at once as she clenched around the two precious invaders. They thrust and withdrew, beating out a steady rhythm as they spread through her channels, loosening her up, conditioning her for acceptance. Muffled gasps whimpered from her throat as they thrust deeper... and deeper... but she wanted more. Gina's bare-feet pressed against the vaginal protrusion and pulled it toward her, drawing it farther inside, causing the pulsating head to immerse into the limits of her flesh.

Finally, from the head squirted a batch of stimulating hormones onto the opening of her cervix. A slow dilation opened her wide, allowing the invader into her core. Liquid heat burst forth, searing her nerves, filling her with an even greater desire. The world swirled in a whirlpool of orgasmic bliss as her belly bulged with seed. A knot formed along the opening to keep this precious substance inside.

Every part of her writhed in submission as her body burned. There was no resistance. There was no fear. As the cognitive nerves of her mind ceased to fire, there was only pleasure. Without a moment of regret, Gina plunged head first into the rapture of oblivion as she became a vessel for those who would soon call her... mother.