The Scout's Run: Chapter 2

Story by Kitaii on SoFurry

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#2 of The Scout's Run

Chapter 2

I woke in a warm bed, sunlight flooding in through the window, birds singing the songs of greeting to the new day. For a moment I had thought it all a horrible dream, till the dull throbbing pain of my leg returned to me. I winced, my ears drooping as I lowered myself back down into the deceitfully comfortable pillow. With a sigh, I began to summon the courage to examine the wound. I figured it must have been dire to put me out like it did. I hesitantly lifted the cover, and blinked. The first thing I noticed was the clean bandage on my leg. It wrapped my inner thigh, between my pelvis and knee. The second, more disconcerting thing I noticed, was my nudity, and still rather filthy body. My wound had been cleaned, but the rest of my orange fur was a muddy amber, matted and unkempt.

I scanned the empty house, remembering it as a much more sinister place when shrouded in darkness. In fact, it was a rather cozy abode. In the light it seemed quaint and peaceful, a place I may rather like to have for my own someday. Maybe, I hoped, that nightmarish dire wolf will be miraculously transformed in the light as well. My hopes were quickly quashed as the door opened and the terrifying creature entered. He carried with him a stick, a number of silvery fish tied to one end. He closed the door behind him and sat at the table, ignoring me completely. I didn't know whether to be thankful or offended.

The dire wolf set to work gutting the fish, his back to me. I silently watched his form, tense for what seemed like hours until I couldn't take it any more. "Um.....Hey?" I said, my voice coming out in a girlish chirp. He turned to me, ears perked and gave me a toothy smile...or what I assume he thought of as a smile. I grimaced and cleared my throat. "Umm...w-what is going to come of me, wolf?" I said, trying to not sound as scared and helpless as I felt.

The beast of a wolf blinked his big yellow eyes at me and pointed to the fish. He spoke a word slowly, as if saying it in this slow manner would allow me to understand what he was saying. He then nodded, I suppose figuring that he had answered my question and went back to his work. "Oh..." I said, utterly confused at why the huge barbarian was not tenderizing me with a tree branch and wearing me as a hat. Maybe he would just let me leave. He hadn't tied me up or anything, maybe I could leave whenever I felt like it. I decided to try, slowly, quietly I slid my paws to the floor.

I heard a jingle from below and I looked down to see a leather cord tied to my ankle, hosting a number of small bronze bells. There was a low growl and I quickly looked over to see the dire wolf glaring at me. My ears dropped into a acquiescent gesture and I slid my legs back under the sheets. The big barbarian gave me another toothy smile and went back to his work. I made a silent (and admittedly childish) snarl at the back of his head and slumped back into the nefarieuscomfortable pillow again with a sigh.

It was worth a try I, guessed. Feeling helpless and entirely unclean, having no real say in the matter, I tried to relax and let my mind wander. My first thought was; what would I even do, if I could get back to Fox-run? I would be executed on sight as a traitor, for sure. I mean, even if I could get past the wall unseen, I couldn't return home. What would my family and friends think of me? I groaned and covered my face with my paws, despairing at my situation. All of that meant nothing, because I was prisoner to a giant monster of a Norther, who was keen on...what? Keeping me in bed? The logical part of my brain chewed on that for a few moments.

The barbarian obviously didn't want me dead right away, and it seemed as though he protected me from that hunting party. If that wasn't enough, he also had cleaned and bandaged my leg. Well, I could only assume he did, he was the only other one here. I considered this for a bit, as the dire wolf worked to start a fire. My mind wandered first to the worst-case scenarios. The horrifying tales of the ruthless and uncivilized barbarians briefly haunted my thoughts. The worry became tiresome quickly though, as I had been worrying and terrified far too much recently. My mind and body where exhausted, and so my thoughts found a new direction. I was alone, naked, and completely at the mercy of this tall, muscular fiend.

I bit my lip as I could feel my cheeks warming, just thinking of the ridiculous idea. I must be overtired, I thought. I had no other explanation as to why my brain was coming up with such...such- ...I turned my gaze and observed him quietly. The barbarian was crouching as he carefully placed the gutted fish over the fire, proceeding to then sit back on his ass to tend to their cooking. He was indeed a terrifying creature, but very much the picture of ferocious masculinity. He was anything but an ugly brutish beast. I felt a gradual warmth stirring under the sheets and a bit my lip hard. I knew then I had lost it, somewhere in the forest and the rain. I had lost the sane, sensible part of my mind. I wrote it off to the stress of the last few days and redirected my mind back to brooding about all the savage barbarian-like things he could do to me.

My stomach growled suddenly and loudly as the aroma of the freshly-cooked fish wafted over to me. How long had it been since I had last eaten? I realized it felt like at least a forever ago. The dire wolf had hardly moved from the fire, carefully roasting the fish, patiently making sure it was all cooked through. It surprised me, I figured he would have become impatient and just torn into the fish raw. He instead had cooked it evenly, like some sort of civilized being.

He evidently decided they were done then, as he removed the fish and took them back over to the table. Part of my mind wondered if maybe I was to be the dessert, and if he would take the same care cooking me as he did for the fish. I chuckled to myself at the macabre imagery and shook my head.

The barbarian came over to me at the bed, carrying a plate of fish and bread, and proceeded to place it on my lap. I looked at the food, then shifted my gaze back to him, blinking in surprise. In my haze of confused apprehension, I felt unable to fully comprehend what was happening. He just looked at me, silently and inscrutably. I shivered a little.

"I...uh...Is that for me?" I stammered out as I found my voice, pointing shakily with a claw at the food. He gave me his strange, toothy grin and nodded ardently. He seemed quite pleased with himself, for reasons beyond my perception.

"Oh..." I said, momentarily turning my focus to the temptingly-delicious looking fish, then back to him.

"Um...Thanks." I said, numbly. He nodded again and went back to his table. I noticed dimly that there was no silverware...or any utensil, for that matter, on the plate. "Barbarians..." I snorted indignantly, shaking my head as I gingerly used my hands to pick up the fish. My hunger soon overwhelmed my sense of tidiness, however, and I found myself uncaring to the filthied state of my paws if only to get the food to my stomach that much faster.

I had not yet finished my own meal when I noticed the wolfish barbarian had eaten all of his food rather quickly. He was leaning back in his seat, picking at his teeth with a fish bone when I paused to observe him. He stood then, and gave a long, satisfied stretch. I found myself intently watching his every move, as though I was stricken with some kind of bizarre infatuation. I wish I could say he repulsed me, but it would have been a lie. I had been shamelessly stealing glances at the attractively imposing creature, ever since those ridiculous thoughts had entered my head. He caught me staring at him, and he hesitated for a moment to give me an interested look. I startled and dropped the piece of fish I had in my paw, sheepishly glancing away. I could feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment. What utter nonsense this was. Don't get me wrong , it's true that I've always felt an attraction to the male body. I had even experimented a few times back home. In my civilized home lands, such "nontraditional" physical attractions were not seen as wrong or incorrect. They where even encouraged in some circles. Hell, one of the most prominently powerful nobles in the court even had a reputable and respected male concubine. What troubled me, was the idea of a proper civilized fox, like myself, and this filthy outsider.. this barbarian. It would be a scandalous and downright criminal, for sure. But.. at the rate things were going, I suppose no one would ever find out.

I sighed and stared down at my plate. I could still feel the wolf's eyes on me. He then said something indiscernible in Northern and walked away, going out the door and closing it behind him. I frowned, puzzled, and honestly felt a bit put off. He just left me there in bed, completely unguarded. Was I that pitiful, then? I gritted my teeth, glowering resentfully, and waited for a moment. When it seemed he wasn't immediately coming back, I slid out of bed, my ankle jingling to betray my otherwise-silent motions. I leaned and tested my injured leg. It was sore and tender, but was holding my weight without much issue. With hardly a limp, I made my way around the to the other side of the bed. There was a bundle of soaked clothes piled on the floor. My clothes. I picked up and surveyed my green Scout's cloak. It must have weighed more than I did, at the very least, as it was still heavily sodden and muddy from my excursion in the woods. I dropped it back to the floor with a sigh, and looked down at my filthy naked body. I felt very small compared to the dire wolf. I scowled begrudgingly, reaching to brush some dried mud from my tail. A wooden chest at the foot of the bed caught my eye then. I glanced at the door, then back to the chest.

I dared a peek inside of the chest. Just some of the barbarian's clothes, I discovered. I opened the chest wider and to get a better look. I dug around in the chest, hoping to find something that might fit me. My ears twitched as I heard a low chuckle from behind me. I could feel his eyes on me as a tingle started between my shoulder blades. My tail dropped limp between my legs as I stood frozen. I lowered my ears in a gesture of obedience as I heard heavy foot steps behind me. I slowly closed the wooden chest, fighting the instinct to flee. I felt a large, warm, paw come to rest on my shoulder. I tensed at the sensation, not knowing how the barbarian would react to me going through his things. I stayed very still, until there was a booming belly laugh from the from the big, black, dire wolf behind me. I startled, tripping over the soaked pile of clothes at my feet and caught myself on the wooden chest as I fell.

My cheeks warmed as I realized the compromising position I had fallen into. My feet had not moved far as I tripped, on account of my right foot being tangled up in my cloak that caused me to lose my balance in the first place. I had saved myself from cracking my head on the chest with my arms. So my rear was slightly raised, my legs spread and I was bent over the chest. I was about to move, when I felt the warm weight of the dire wolfs paw between my shoulder blades, keeping me in place. He had fallen quiet. I could feel his gaze lingering on me. It left me feeling exposed and more then a little mortified. Despite myself though, I felt a warmth begin to build, my sheath swelling slightly. I bit my lip and waited for something to happen.

The dire wolf slowly moved his paw from my shoulder blades, down my spine. His claws lightly pushed against my back. His touch was firm, but not enough to cause me pain. I gasped, the touch felt good, very good. Involuntarily, my legs began to slide apart as his paw moved over me. As his paws came to my lower back, even my traitorous tail responded to his firm touch. My tail lifted slightly, instinctively reacting to his wandering paw.

Chills spread down my arms, legs, and rear in the form of goose flesh from where his paws strayed. The dire wolf paused, his paw on my lower back for a time. I could only assume he was watching me, or maybe trying to decide something, I didn't really know. I instead waited patiently and motionless, part of my mind hoping he would continue. The other part of my mind was wrought with feelings of utter embarrassment and self loathing. The wolf's paw moved again, slowly. It slid to the base of my tail and paused there. I gave a little joyous shiver at the touch, goose flesh renewing. His paw moved from my back and closed around the mid section of my tail. He lifted my tail up in a slow, deliberate motion. He must have been satisfied with the view, for he made a pleased growling sound deep in his throat.

I bit my lip, cheeks hot, my heart racing. I felt the tip of my length begin to swell from its sheath. I felt strangely pleased that he seemed to approve of me. It was not the first time in my life that I had warranted a growl like that. After all, it was a reaction like that which helped me gain my position within the scouts. Maybe I could come to some kind of deal with this barbarian. I couldn't say I was entirely opposed to the idea of being taken by this uncivilized creature. Maybe submitting to his desires would gain me my freedom from this house. I leaned forward, lowering myself so my upper body rested on the wooden chest below me. I reached behind me with one paw to spread a cheek to the side. It gave the barbarian a clear view of my tail hole. He was probably going to take me anyway, I could at least cooperate and make it as painless as possible.

My heart beat faster and I closed my eyes as I waited. I could hear the dire wolf behind me, shifting slightly. I was curious, but I stayed still, ears down submissively. I held the position for his satisfaction. I heard cloth hit the ground behind me. Was he undressing? I braced myself as he removed his paw from my tail, though I kept it raised of my own volition. I felt his paw on my shoulder again, where it then slid down my chest, then back up to my neck. He lifted up my chin and I felt something slide around my neck. I tensed, somewhat alarmed, my eyes blinking open in surprise. I felt it tighten slightly. I quickly reached up to my neck. My paw tips met a thick rough rope. I looked over my shoulder to see the dire wolf, standing completely naked and grinning bemusedly, holding the other end of the rope. Before I could act he gave the rope a solid tug, and me with it. I fell to my hands and knees, shuffling on all fours to keep up with his long stride. He moved to his table, grabbed a chair and turned it before sitting there to face me.

Somewhere in the background of all this, my leg throbbed dully. It felt disconnected though, like it might have been on someone else's body, far away from me. The whole thing felt like a hazy dream, quickly fading away, leaving just the warm and lovely wanting that was coursing throughout my body. He grinned down at me and spread his legs, scooting his rear to the edge of the chair. His member was beginning to peek out of his considerable sheath. He tugged me closer, gesturing to the tip of his moist length and spoke. The meaning was clear. I hesitated, and when I did not respond right away, he gave the rope a tug and pulled me closer still. He leered intently at me, repeating the words slower this time.

I took in a breath and moved on hands and knees, crawling over till my muzzle was inches from his sheath. I swallowed and looked up at him. He gave me a pleased nod, and relaxed back into the chair. I closed my eyes and leaned my muzzle in, giving the tip a long, slow lick. The dire wolf reacted with an indulgent groan. I leaned in closer, his aroma filling my nostrils. His smell was thick but not unpleasant. He smelled primarily like most canines do, but with that slightly more musky scent only wolves have. He also had a more subtly scent, that was earthy and masculine. I enjoyed it and pressed myself closer. I placed a paw tentatively on his thigh. When he did not object to me touching him, I used my paw to support my weight and balance as I set to work on him.

I gave the dire wolf another slow, long lap of my canine tongue. I could feel it pulse and further swell from its sheath. A bead of clear precum formed at his tip. I brushed it away with the flat of my tongue, getting my first taste of him, and rather enjoying it. My whole body was starting to get into it, my own length swelling as I lost myself somewhere in his taste and scent. I realized then how simple it all was, that I had only to focus on this task. I set to the work with vigor.

I used my free paw to begin softly stroking his growing length, sliding his sheath back slightly as I handled him. He gave another low groan of pleasure as I moved in to nuzzle the at his sheath and sac. I continued the motions for a time, feeling the wolf gradually become harder. I then lifted my muzzle and positioned my mouth over his length. With my lips secured around his girth, I carefully began sliding it deep into my maw, slipping it against my tongue. I started into a slow repetitive motion of bringing his length fully into my mouth, and giving a firm suction as I let it slide back out.

My own length had become almost fully erect. Precum made the fur of my stomach moist where the tip had brushed against it. The overwhelming taste and smell of the wolf made me feverish with want and desire. I groaned, or tried to, as the dire wolf's full length filled my mouth again. His length was definitely considerable. A challenge maybe, but nothing I couldn't handle. The barbarian was panting with gratification and gave the rope an insistent tug. I gave a playful little moan while I took as much of him as I could into my mouth. I started to move my muzzle up and down, more vigorously now than before. My tongue slid and lapped against his throbbing length. I felt his paw firmly grip the fur between my ears, and he started to push my head up and down with a sudden impatience. I did what I could just to hold on. There was a sick, deeply-rooted base part of myself that reveled in being used like this. I let him find his own rhythm, accommodating where I could. My paws moved up his chest, then back down to his thighs to hold on as he pushed his length deeper into my throat.

He gave a low beastly growl, pushing my head down onto his throbbing, slick length. He was close and I was quickly reaching my own limits. He gave a final rough push, thrusting slightly off the chair. Both of his paws were on me now, one roughly grasping at my head fur, the other firmly attached to my neck and shoulder. His claws were digging in sharply and the rope was briefly forgotten as he finished hard. Jets of hot seed slid down my throat. I swallowed as much as I could before it filled my mouth as well. I reveled in the feeling and the taste of the hot mess.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally withdrew his length from my muzzle. I coughed and gasped for air. In the intensity of it all, tears had formed in the corners of my eyes. I blinked them away and shook my head, wiping my muzzle clean with the back of a paw. I panted heavily as I looked up the dire wolf. He looked immensely pleased, and that excited me. Part of my mind was disgusted and mortified at what I had just done, but a larger part of me loved every bit of it.

The dire wolf studied me for a time with his intense yellow eyes, before standing and moving the chair aside. He knelt down in front of me, so his muzzle was slightly above and in front of mine. My pulse quickened as I tentatively moved my muzzle up closer to his. He suddenly gave a harsh sniff in my direction, muzzle wrinkling. The dire wolf blinked and recoiled slightly, looking rather disgusted. I stopped and sat back sheepishly, feeling like an idiot and hoping I hadn't done something wrong. He spoke, holding his nose and indicating to me. I blinked and curiously sniffed myself. I grimaced and looked down, embarrassed. I desperately needed to wash, and what was worse, even the uncivilized barbarian was pointing it out.

The wolf stood and picked up the rope, giving a light tug and prompting me to do the same. The bells around my ankle jingled as I stood. I gave no resistance, there was little point in trying to defy the larger creature. With me securely in tow, he went to retrieve his clothing and redress himself. As the wolf finished securing the belt on his kilt, he looked over my body with an inscrutable gaze. He then headed for the door, tugging me along. As he opened it, I halted in my tracks. The wolf paused as the rope went taught. He looked back over his shoulder, tilting his head and giving me a firm tug. I lurched forward a bit, but otherwise stood my ground. I moved my hands to cover my sheath and deflating length. I gave what I hoped to be understood as a pleading whine. The dire wolf laughed and gave me a sinister toothy grin, giving the rope another demanding tug. I stumbled slightly but kept my footing. He turned fully then to face me, laughter fading from his eyes as his expression hardened to a stony glare. A shiver ran down my spine and I took a step back. The wolf took moved swiftly to the table and grabbed the short carved stick he had used earlier to carry in the fish. He pointed to the door with the stick and growled something at me. I persisted in giving him a pleading look. I felt helpless enough in this strange land. To be marched around tied and naked, it was just too much.

I continued to stand firm and tried desperately to convey that I needed something to cover myself with. His response came quick, in the form of a resounding thwack to my rear. I yipped in surprise, covering the the area where the blow had landed with my paws. The dire wolf pointed again and glared more fiercely. My rear stung where the swift impact landed, and I could feel a welt already forming under the fur. My eyes watered from the sting. I blinked away the tears that had welled up, realizing I wasn't going to win this argument. I reluctantly moved for the door. He followed, rope in hand, and we both stepped out into the cool Northern air.

It was a beautiful Autumn afternoon. The sky was dotted with wispy playful clouds. A warm breeze rattled the colorful leaves and leading the grass in a lazy swaying dance. The sun warmed my fur and it felt truly wonderful. I was, unfortunately, unable to enjoy it for long. The wolf tugged the rope leash and we started down the small foot path from his door. I could see the tops of village buildings through the trees and surrounding foliage. I swallowed, and thought frantically as we started to head in the direction of the town. I felt helpless, used, and humiliated. Much to my chagrin, I found myself a little aroused at the same time. What was wrong with me?


As the title indicates this is indeed the second chapter of my short-story 'The Scout's Run'. As promised this one contains some wholesome male on male sexy time.

I warmly welcome and comments, questions and critiques! So let me know what you think of this chapter. :3

I would also like to note that the next chapter will be the last in this story. When that is finished I plan on doing a series of short-stories in the same world, with different characters. With a variety of species and orientations. I already have a few ideas of things I would like to do, but I am open for some input.

Thanks for reading, and I hope that you enjoyed. :3