Love and War Chapter 2

Story by HuskieWolf SouthPaw on SoFurry

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#2 of Love and War

Chapter 2

As he walked down the street, he looked into the distance. He saw the Bowling Alley and he saw his familiar friend. Mark waved in recognition. Josh smiled and did the same. Mark was wolf, with brown fur, and green eyes that anyone could get lost in. He was the same height as Josh and the same build. Josh wasn't sure if Mark had any hidden fur patterns anyway and he didn't intend on asking. He had only seen him topless a few times and that was when the sun was shining hotter than ever. "You made it!" Mark said in a happy tone. "Sure wouldn't stand up my bowling partner, now would I?" They both laughed. But the laughter was soon cut off. In the distance they heard a high pitched whistle. They both flinched. And then, chaos. The direction in which the whistle came from changed from blue sky to smoke and fire. All of a sudden Stukka Bombers where flying above the horizon. "Let's get the fuck out of here!" Mark said as he grabbed Josh's arm and ran. Josh was in shock to notice. As they sprinted down the street they saw a U.S. army soldier standing in front of them. "Can you take us somewhere safe?" Josh roared in the midst of the Stukka's loud engines. The soldier just stood there with a blank expression, holding a M4 in his suddenly dropped. A k-bar knife crept around his neck and dug it's blades into to his fur, which in turn created a huge gash which went as far back as his voice box. As the blood trickled down his neck, his body slowly collapsed, and in its place stood his murderer. Another U.S. officer, who slowly walked towards Josh And Mark. "Dude! What the fuck are you doing!" yelled Mark at the officer. His face was expressionless, his eyes as empty and dark as an abyss. He slowly walked towards the two friends, which they react to. "Run"! Shouted Josh, even though there was no need to say it. They both instinctively ran around the corner where there stood another emotionless soldier, holding a pistol in Josh's face. Instead of seeing his life flash before him, all he saw was Marks leg swing up and kick the pistol in the air. Without hesitation Josh kicked the fur back from him, while Mark grabbed the USP and shot one 9mm bullet through his head before he got. There was a splatter of brain and blood on the street. Josh was initially speechless but then he remember that Mark had grown up in a Military background, his father being a retired U.S. Navy Seal veteran. His father taught him the basics and as he got older, the basics got harder. It was the one feature that Mark hated about himself, but for once it came in handy. "Go take cover" Mark said it so calmly, it cooled Josh's nerves and he looked around. "I can't see any!" then the whistling."Down! Now!" Mark jumped on Josh and they dropped into a prone position. The bomb hit a shop across the street. The derby filed away from them, but they were suffering from shell shock. The piercing ring, like a whistle being blown in their heads. As soon as the dust had settled they both got up and ran to the beat up shop. I wall had collapsed and fell on its side. "There!" Josh roared. As they ran with their heads low, they heard gun fire whizz above their heads. Josh jumped to prone behind the wall, and Mark did a more professional slide on the floor. "It's that guy we saw! Keep your head low, and I'll take care of him" Mark peeked over the cover and saw him holding the M4,equipped with an ACOG scope and a grip. Then he let rip of the 45mm bullets. Mark immediately ducked back down "Ok..ok...assess the situation, find the solution." He observed his surroundings. Just inside the debris he saw a solders uniform, next to him was a smoke-grenade and a SCAR with what he thought was a x4 scope. "Josh take this. You know how it works? Just like air-soft" Josh nodded in recognition "I need suppressing fire while I get around him" Mark grabbed the dead furs equipment and found a USP clip which he tossed to Josh. Josh wasn't that bad at air-soft, he had about 10 kills to every death he suffered. But this wasn't air-soft. This was real bullets. He looked at Mark. He wanted to tell him how he felt, in case they got hurt. But now wasn't the time. Mark cooked the smoke-grenade and threw it over the wall. "Now!" As they heard the wisp of the smoke coming out, Josh opened fire and Mark sprinted through the shop. Josh was sure he heard coifing and cursing through the smoke. "He doesn't seem to be lifeless anymore..." he thought to himself, buy continued to fire blindly over cover. Mark mean while was doing what Josh referred to as 'CODing'. This was where his gun handling in air-soft was as accurate as the Call of Duty games. He took it as compliment since Call of Duty was one of his favorite games, except for Battlefield. But Josh concluded that Battle fielding wasn't as catchy. He snapped back into reality when he heard the USP firing. The front of the shop was blocked off by debris but there was a window still intact which he could use to get out."Assess the situation...find the solution.." This was the one positive thing his dad had taught him. He didn't hate his dad, he loves him. But he didn't like the fact that he was raised as a soldier, an outsider. Josh was his only friend at the time. And they've been close ever since."Right Mark..." He look through the window and noticed a two story house which had its second story blown away. The door to downstairs was straight in front of him. "Flank him" he confirmed to himself. He raised his SCAR and shot a bullet through the center. It cracked instantly. He firstly peeked around the corner and noticed that the soldier was hidden behind a car, and was too caught up on killing Josh. Without hesitation he jumped through the window pane and sprinted across the street. Bullet holes followed his heels as Mark ran for the house. He returned fire and heard the USP firing too. Mark snapped into the wall of the house, safe, and took a breath."Holy shit...those were fast reflexes.." He rose his gun and continued up the stairs, checking his corners. As he reached the second floor he saw a window facing the soldier. "Perfect" he taught as he crouched and walked to the cover. He heard no more of the pistol firing. "Shit, he must be out" he whispered "gotta' be quick". just as he rose he noticed that the soldier wasn't at the car. He was at Josh. Josh was on the floor. He was fear struck. "Please..don't shoot.." Josh pleaded. Then the soldier raised his gun."A soldier shows no mercy, no compassion. A soldier ki-" There was a whizz and then the side of the soldiers head exploded, blood trickling down his cheek. He dropped dead. The two friends met up when a jeep pulled up. Mark raised his gun. " Lower your weapon civilian! We're friendlies!" Mark hesitated then lowered his weapon. "You displayed some impressive skills there civilian. Are you with SEALs? Black ops?" Mark shook his head. Chapter 2 continued "Names Mark O'Sullivan. father taught me..Former Navy SEAL General Collin O'Sullivan." The soldier in the jeep looked at him with a blank expression. "what the hell is going on?" Mark asked after the silence. The soldier replied."Both of you get in the jeep. I'll bring you to the Major General. He will explain everything." They both looked at each other and got on the jeep, Mark bringing the SCAR with him.

Love and War Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Josh woke up in his intact house. It had been 3 days since the bombings. It was a tough 3 days for Mark too. The side of his house had been hit by a falling tree, so he was stating at Josh's. But that was nothing compared to the de...

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Love and War Chapter 1

Chapter 1 (by HuskieWolf) It was 2 a.m. Josh woke up with a thumping head-ache. "God damn it, not again."He thought as he rose from his king sized bed. He heard the light clattering of rain against his window. He grumbled under his breath. As he...

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