Unintended Seduction

Story by Elorra on SoFurry

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Note from the writer: The character Rignora belongs to a friend of mine and is used in this story with her permission. The character Elorra belongs to me. All other characters are made up and any resemblance to anyone else is a coincidence. Also, the opinions of the characters in the story are not those of the writer's, they are exaggerated for the story.

Unintended Seduction

Elorra sat in the bar of the hotel she was staying in. She wasn't drinking; she was just sitting there in her leather vest and matching skirt, an outfit her sister had made for her and the nicest thing she had to wear. She was enjoying watching the people of the room. She didn't much like being in crowds, but she did enjoy watching them. It was especially fun watching the various single males try and fail to impress the various females around the room. Males were such fools, but they were entertaining.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a small commotion at a nearby table. To Elorra it looked like a young couple, possibly on a first or second date, arguing. From the sounds of it the male, a rabbit, wanted to take his date, a doe, back to his place. But she seemed to be refusing. Elorra thought she heard her say she was a virgin and wasn't ready for that, which was angering the male. A moment later a vixen stepped over to their table and said loud enough to carry around the room "If the boring doe won't give you want you want, I certainly will" and without even looking back at his date the rabbit smiled and left with the vixen. Noticing several hungry looking males inching toward the abandoned doe, Elorra asked the bartender for 2 glasses of whatever the doe was drinking and quickly darted across the room, sliding into the seat beside the doe and setting one of the glasses in front of the startled girl, noticing as she did so the beautiful, though not very comfortable looking, dress the doe had on. "I'm sorry to intrude. I um...saw what happened. I thought you could use a drink that didn't come attached to a horny male hoping to score with the lonely girl."

The doe had clearly been crying, but at Elorra's words, she gave a shy smile, "Th-thank you." she said in a small, quiet voice. She picked up the glass Elorra had placed in front of her and took a drink.

Elorra slid a little closer, "my name is Elorra. What's yours?" the doe blushed and said "Rignora" which made the cheetah smile. She slid a comforting arm around Rignora's shoulders "was he...your boyfriend? I shouldn't be so nosy I know, I was just wondering how serious you two were."

The doe momentarily stiffened at the feel of the arm around her, then relaxed. She sniffled, and shook her head "No. This was our first date." the doe took another drink "and last"

The words sounded defiant, but the doe's tone revealed how upset she was. Elorra sat with her, mermering soothingly to her, slowly comforting the doe, who continued to sip her drink and cuddled a bit closer to the cheetah. Elorra let herself purr softly, the sound soothing to the doe. When Rignora's drink was gone, Elorra silently switched glasses with her. This made the doe look up at her, blushing, with a small smile on her lips "trying to get me drunk so you can have your way with me?"

Elorra chuckled and nuzzled the doe softly. "Not at all. Just thought it would help you relax, help you forget..." she trailed off as the doe's expression grew sad again. "Look, I'm staying in a room upstairs in the hotel. Why don't you come with me? We can curl up on the couch, rent a movie, and pretend the movie is what is making you cry. I don't think you should stay here alone, or you might end up leaving with a male you will regret meeting." Rignora blinked at her and looked around, blushing and shivering nervously as she noticed a few males still eying her, but obviously recognizing Elorra's intentional effort to keep them at bay. The doe nodded to the cheetah, who showed her room key-card to the bartender so he could charge their drinks to her room. Out of earshot of Rignora she gave him a generous tip and asked him to keep an eye out for the male rabbit, and not to let him back in if he showed up. The bartender nodded and walked down the bar to a bear sitting at the end, apparently a bouncer. The bear looked at Elorra, then Rignora, and nodded.

Elorra headed back to Rignora, and they stepped into the elevator. Rignora pressed herself lightly to Elorra's side, making the cheetah smile as she looked at their reflection in the mirrored surface of the door. Then she turned to look at the doe. "Can I borrow your cell phone for a minute?"

The doe looked uncertain for a moment, then took her phone out of her purse and handed it to the cheetah. Elorra quickly turned it off. "Wh-what are you-"

"I'm protecting you" she said before Rignora could finish the question. "I've seen situations like this before. Once he's had his fun with the vixen, the rabbit will want to come back for you. Sometime tonight, or more likely tomorrow morning he will probably call you, saying how sorry he is, how stupid it was to leave you, how much he loves you. It's all BS, except for him being stupid" that made the doe blush and giggle softly. "He will expect you to be waiting by the phone for him, and he will expect you to change your mind about sleeping with him because he thinks you will spend your whole night alone dwelling on it. But I don't want that happening to you. You're too cute for that" the doe blushed a very cute pink at that. "You won't answer your phone when he comes after you, and you won't dwell on him all night if I can help it. When he realizes he can't manipulate you like that, he will either go after easier prey, or if he really cares, his apology will be more sincere when you see him."

Rignora rode the rest of the way up to Elorra's floor silently considering the cheetah's words. She realized she was right. If not for Elorra, she would either have gotten totally drunk and ended up sleeping with some strange male, for which she would never have forgiven herself, or she would have spent the night thinking about Ryan. Instead she'd only had a few drinks, and though a little unsteady, she knew she wasn't as drunk as she would have gotten herself without the cheetah. And instead of focusing on the rabbit, her mind was focused more on the sweet and friendly cheetah beside her

Finally just as the doors opened she whispered softly "thank you." The Cheetah smiled and took her hand, leading her off the elevator. She led the way down the hall to her hotel room and brought the doe inside.

Once inside, Elorra slipped her feet out of the sandals she had been wearing and gave a barely audible purr as her toes dug into the carpet. Given the choice, she always preferred to go barefoot. But these fancy hotels had silly rules about that these days. She turned with a smile to Rignora, pausing at the oddly uncomfortable look on the doe's face

The doe blushed and looked down "I think I need help taking off my shoes" Elorra looked down and could easily see why. Because of her hoofed feet, the doe was wearing specially shaped shoes held in place with a number of attractively designed but very secure straps. And as tipsy as the doe was, any attempt to lower herself to untie them would result in the doe landing face first on the floor. Elorra smiles calmly and knelt in front of the doe and began working at the straps on herright leg. as she did, she lightly teased her fingers through the doe's fur, making her squirm slightly. Elorra glanced up to give the doe a mischivous smile, but paused, blushing a bit, when she noticed her position gave her a glimps under the doe's short dress. She could see the white panties the doe was wearing. Elorra quickly dropped her gaze, blushing as she helped her new friend out of her shoes and stood up. As she did she couldn't resist sliding her hands up the sides of her legs to the bottom of her dress, smiling as the doe let out a gasp at her touch. Then her hands continued up along her sides on top of her dress until the cheetah was face to face with her, the cheetah's hands resting on the doe's sides. The doe was blushing and looking down, but when she lifted her gaze, she had a soft smile on her lips.

She stepped back and led the doe deeper into the room. It wasn't a large room, most of it filled with a huge bed. There was a desk, a couple chairs, and a large screen TV. a door to one side lead to the bathroom, complete with all the features a fur needed. Complimentary soaps and fur shampoos, a fur drier. Rignora paused and looked around the room, the blush returning to her cheeks "I thought you mentioned a couch?"

Elorra blushed "I didn't want to scare you by saying bed. I figure we can pile the pillows at the head of the bed and cuddle together, and rent a movie on the TV."

Rignora glanced down at her dress "this isn't really comfortable for cuddling in." Elorra eyed the doe's dress. It was a lovely dress, and looked great on Rignora, but it didn't look like it would be comfortable. Elorra shrugged "then take it off. I won't tell if you won't." Elorra wasn't surprised when this made the doe blush, but she was surprised when she said "I'm not wearing anything under this"

Hearing that, Elorra tilted her head in confusion. "But when I was helping you with your shoes I got a glimpse up your dress and I saw white...oh" she was looking more closely at the doe's fur and realized her mistake. Rignora had brown fur on most of her body, but like Elorra and most other furs, her front from her chin down and under to her tail was white. That was what she'd glimpsed. And Rignora was blushing worse than ever hearing Elorra admit to seeing up her dress.

Elorra's mind raced as she tried to think of a solution, and as she thought, she spoke out loud "unfortunately I can't lend you anything to wear because all I have besides this outfit is a variety of bikinis that won't fit you. This hotel is too cheap to supply robes. Um..." she looks nervously at the doe, hoping she wouldn't take this next idea the wrong way "you could always just go without clothing. I mean we are both girls, we have the same parts and all."

Rignora blushed once more at this idea. Any other time in her life such a thought would have made her leave the room. But Elorra was being so sweet to her, had been so helpful. And technically the feline had already gotten a view under her dress. After a moment of hesitation, the doe nodded. Then, hoping to see the cheetah blush she said "that might work, but to make it fair, if I have to go naked, you should too."

Sure enough, this made the cheetah's face turn red enough that with her fur color her face looked like it was on fire. She wondered for a moment if it was a joke, but Rignora reached behind herself to undo her dress, and nearly fell over, the cheetah dashing forward to catch her "maybe I should help with that. You're still a bit unstable from the drinks I think."

The doe smiled and nodded. Actually she wasn't that tipsy, she was slightly exagerating it because letting the cheetah help her felt nice. Elorra helped her stand straight again, then Rignora held still while the cheetah slowly slid her zipper down her dress, then shivered slightly as the dress slid to the floor. The doe crossed her arms nervously in front of her chest, blushing as the cheetah stepped back around in front of her, trying not to look at the doe's body. Then she turned her back to the doe. "Would you mind unzipping me?"

Rignora reached up and pulled down the zipper on Elorra's top. The cheetah held it in place until the zipper was completely undone, then let it fall to the floor, revealing a bra the same color as her fur. Rignora undid the clasp on the bra and Elorra slipped it off, suddenly blushing and keeping her back to the doe. Rignora moved her hands to the feline's skirt and undid the zipper there as well, letting it fall to the floor. Elorra had not been wearing panties and now as naked as Rignora.

The cheetah stepped toward the bed and piled a bunch of pillows against the headboard. Then she pulled back the sheet and crawled in, glancing over her shoulder to see the doe blushing and trying not to stare at her. Once Elorra was comfortable half sitting against the pillows she held the sheet open for Rignora. The doe crawled under the sheet and slid in next to the feline. She blushed a bit as Elorra's arm slipped around her and held her close, but smiled and rested her head on her new friend's shoulder.

Elorra smiled and purred softly at the feel of the doe pressed lightly to her side. She picked up the TV control and looked for a movie to watch in the hotel's rental channel. They went through the list twice before choosing a movie and settled in to watch it.

Rignora tried to focus on the movie, but he mind kept wandering over the events of the evening. Ryan had been asking hr for a long time to go on this date but she was too shy and kept delaying until she finally gave in and said yes. Then she found out he wanted to take her home to have sex, and then he got mad and left her when she refused. The other males eying her, hoping she'd get herself drunk enough to give them what she'd refused to give Ryan. Worse, she had actually been on the verge of doing just that before Elorra stepped in and stopped her. She glanced over at the cheetah. The feline was so sweet. She had done so much for Rignora. Even though a couple hours ago they had been complete strangers, and Rignora was normally so shy it took much longer to get close to someone, the doe already really cared for her new friend, and felt like the feline cared for her too. She knew part of it was the alcohol in her sustym taking way her usual shyness, but then that is why she had taken the drinks Elorra had offered her. She knew it would help her get past her shyness. Now Rignora wanted to find a way to thank the friendly feline. Then she had an idea she would normally never have considered with someone she just met, but she could always blame the alcohol if she was uncomfortable about it after the fact.

Rignora's head was resting on ELorra's shoulder, so all she had to do was turn slightly and she was able to nuzzle softly at the feline's neck. At first Elorra did not react, then she tilted her head the other way slightly, exposing more of her neck to the doe's attention. Rignora smiled and turned to face the feline. Then she gave her new friend's neck a soft lick, enjoying the purr that came from the feline in reponce. She started to give her neck another soft lick, then jumped and blushed when ELorra turned her head to look at her and asked "What are you doing?"

"I-I was just...I just wanted..." The doe blushed even more and lowered her eyes, looking at the Elorra's lips instead of up into her eyes. She took a deep breath and continued in her soft voice "You've done so much for me in the short time you have known me. I just thought it would be nice to do something for you." Staring at her lips, Rignora saw the small smile that formed there, and those smiling lips seemed to the doe like they should be kissed. She hesitated, her usually shy nature trying to stop her, and then she pushed past that and leaned forward again.

Elorra gently rested a hand on Rignora's shoulder, stopping her, which made the doe look up into her eyes again, worried she'd made a mistake. The expression on Elorra's face was sweet and kind, but she also looked worried. "This really isn't why I brought you to my room you know. I'm afraid the alcohol might be affecting your judgment."

Rignora smiled and shook her head. "I know it isn't what you were trying to do. You were just being nice. You are sweet and caring, and that is why I want to do this with you." She lifted a hand and rested it softly on the cheetah's cheek. "And the alcohol is not affecting my judgment. It is just letting me be more open. Normally I would be too shy to try anything like this. Now please, be quiet and let me kiss you before I lose my nerve and we miss this opportunity to enjoy this moment."

Elorra nodded, smiling as her cheek rubbed against the doe's fingers. Rignora leaned forward again and, after just the slightest hesitation, touched her lips lightly to the cheetah's. The cheetah purred again and her lips answered Rignora's, kissing back lightly. It was a sweet, soft kiss, and for a while neither one of them moved. Then Elorra's hands moved to the doe's sides, fingers trailing through her fur around to her back. The doe felt a brief moment of panic as the hands pulled her forward, but then she relaxed and let Elorra pull her closer, their bodies pressing lightly together as they continued to kiss.

They stayed that way a while, the movie forgotten. Then Rignora pulled her body back slightly. At first the hands on her back held her in place, but then they eased a bit, letting her pull away. The doe broke the kiss, pulling back enough to smile at the cheetah and she kissed her again. This second kiss was a bit harder, deeper. The cheetah matched it, kissing back, tilting her head slightly. Rignora moved her hands to the feline's sides. Then, blushing as she considered what she was going to do next, she slid her hands up and softly caressed the feline's breasts, her fingers trailing lightly over Elorra's nipples, feeling them react to her touch by hardening and poking out from under her fur.

With a gasp, Elorra pulled back from the kiss as her nipples were caressed. Rignora was still blushing slightly, but she smiled as the feline responded to her touch. She glanced down and saw the cheetah's nipples poking out of her fur, and had a sudden urge to taste them. Before she had time to think about it and shyly talk herself out of it, she lowered her head to the feline's chest and softly ran her tongue over one of the nipples. She heard the cheetah let out another gasp above her, and the purring she had heard when they kissed returned, louder than before. The sound encouraged the doe, and she continued licking softly at first one nipple, then the other, smiling to herself as the feline's body shivered in response. Elorra's hands shifted on the doe's back, one moving up to the back of her head, softly petting her, silently encouraging her to continue. The other was gently trailing up and down her back, a sensation the doe found comforting and helped keep her from backing down.

Rignora had moved her hands to Elorra's sides when she had started to lick the cheetah's breasts. Now, wanting to take things a step further, the doe moved one of her hands down, inching it slowly down Elorra's body. She felt the feline's body tense, heard her taking in a breath, and worried the cheetah was about to tell her to stop. The doe didn't want to stop; she wanted to make her new friend happy. Then the doe got an idea and she opened her mouth, wrapping her lips around the nipple she had been licking, and sucking on it instead. Whatever Elorra might have been about to say came out instead as a soft moan as the doe sucked at the nipple. A moment later her hand slipped between the cheetah's legs. Her fingers very softly brushed over the feline's slit, and felt the feline tremble with pleasure and spread her legs, inviting the doe to continue.

So Rignora did continue. Her fingers continued to trail lightly back and forth over Elorra's slit. She kept her tough light, almost teasing, and she could feel the cheetah's slit moisten in response. She moved her middle finger to the middle of the feline's slit and just barely pushed the tip of her finger in, sliding it up and down the length of her slit. This caused the cheetah to moan slightly louder, and Rignora enjoyed the sound. Then the tip of her finger found the feline's clitoris and she very lightly teased it, fighting not to laugh as the cheetah's hips bucked slightly, obviously wanting more than the light teasing the doe was giving her. But Rignora continued to keep her touch light, softly teasing Elorra's clitoris a moment longer before her finger slid away again.

The doe's finger slid back and forth along the feline's slit a couple more times as she moved her mouth to the cheetah's other nipple, and then she began to gently push it inside. Once her finger was all the way inside the feline, she started to slide it in and out as she sucked gently on the nipple in her mouth, feeling the feline's body squirming slightly under her. She added a second finger to the feline's slit, gently sliding them in and out, and seeking the feline's most sensitive spot. As she did, the opened her mouth a bit wider and softly bit down on Elorra's nipple.

This caught Elorra by surprise. Her body tensed and she let out a soft cry as she came, her juices flowing and coating Rignora's hand. The doe smiled and withdrew her fingers. She gave one final lick to the feline's nipple before releasing it. She eyed the moisture on her hand a moment, then gave in to her curiosity and gave her fingers a nervous lick. Finding the taste to her liking, she calmly licked her fingers clean of the feline's cum, then looked at Elorra and realized she'd been watching. They both blushed, but then Elorra gently pulled Rignora into a hug, which the doe was more than happy to return.

They stayed that way a while. Rignora would have been content to remain like that all night. But after a few minutes Elorra broke the silence, whispering "I thought you had never done this kind of thing before. That felt wonderful."

The doe blushed and closed her eyes, hiding her face in the fur on the feline's neck before she responded. "I hadn't. This was the first time. I just...did what I thought you would enjoy." She pulled her face out of Elorra's fur and smiled shyly at her "Did I really do a good job?"

Elorra smiled and gave Rignora's lips a playful lick, which made the doe blush and let out a surprised squeak. "You did wonderful Rignora. Now, I would like to repay the favor."

Before Rignora could reply to that comment Elorra was gently rolling them both over until the doe was on her back looking nervously up at the feline. Elorra smiled down at her and lowered her head, kissing the doe's lips again. Rignora relaxed and returned the kiss. Her body relaxed as she reminded herself she could trust Elorra. The feline would not hurt her. They continued to kiss a little longer, then ELorra pulled away and gave Rignora a playful wink before moving her head down to the doe's chest.

It was at the exact moment Elorra began to run her tongue over Rignora's breasts that the doe remembered something important about felines: the rough texture they had on their tongues. This thought went through Rignora's mind just before ELorra's tongue found her nipple. The feel of that textured tongue on her nipple was unlike anything the doe had experienced before and she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out at the sensation of it. Elorra paused after that first lick and smiled at her, then continued. She moved her head back and forth, licking one nipple then the other while the doe shivered and sighed at the feel of that textured tongue.

Elorra kept this up for a few minutes, purring softly at the sounds the doe made as her nipples were licked at. But the feline had other plans for her mouth and she stopped licking the doe's nipples, giving each one a soft kiss. She glanced up to see Rignora panting slightly and looking confused when Elorra's tongue stopped, but Elorra just gave her a wink and began moving her way down the doe's body. She gave her stomach a few playful licks and heard Rignora whimper softly as the feline's tongue moved lower. Rignora wiggled a bit and slowly spread her legs as ELorra's licking moved lower. The cheetah pasued and smiled. They were both in for quite a treat this time.

Elorra paused for a moment when she reached her destination and sniffed the air. She had been with other girls, preferring them over males, but she had little experience with herbivore species. Most of her friends were wolves, tigers, or other canine or feline races. She had never been with a doe before, and she noticed Rignora's slit, which was already wet from everything that had happened, had a different scent to it. Liter and sweeter than others. The feline liked the scent and was eager to see if her taste matched. Using just the tip of her tongue, avoiding the rougher part, she gave the doe's slit a single slow, soft lick from the back to the front, and as the doe wiggled and gasped in response the feline purred happily, enjoying the taste.

The cheetah was tempted to just dive in and lick wildly at the doe's slit, getting as much of that taste as she could. But Rignora had been so sweet and gentle, Elorra wanted to repay that. So instead she gave another slow lick with the tip of her tongue, then another, getting more of that sweet flavor with each lick as Rignora moaned softly and wiggled in pleasure. Then Elorra gave another lick, extending her tongue fully, letting the entire length slowly slide over the doe's slit. The addition of the textured surface had Rignora moaning louder and squirming in pleasure, as well as giving Elorra a stronger taste of the sweet juice.

Elorra continued to lick slowly and gently at the doe, enjoying both the taste of her nectar and the beautiful sounds of her moaning in pleasure. Then she used her fingers to open the doe's slit a bit so her tongue could lick inside, slipping deeper with each lick while Rignora whimpered and moaned in pleasure at the feeling of the feline's tongue. It only took a few minutes of this before the doe cried out and came, her delicious nectar flowing into the feline's waiting mouth. As Rignora's orgasm hit, Elorra flicked her clitoris lightly with the tip of her tongue, prolonging the pleasure a bit longer.

Elorra continued to lick a little longer, cleaning up the juices dripping from the doe. Then the feline licked her lips and moved up beside Rignora, smiling at the happy but dazed look on her face. Elorra gave Rignora a soft kiss, and the doe kissed back. She paused, blushing, as she tasted herself on the feline's lips. Rignora pulled back slightly and smiled a shy smile. "This is not at all the way I expected the night to end."

Elorra's smile suddenly had a trace of nervousness to it as she looked back at the doe. "You are not going to regret doing this, are you?"

Rignora shook her head and moved closer to the feline, licking her neck softly "The only thing I regret about tonight is agreeing to go out with that...no, I can't say I regret that. I wouldn't be here if not for him." The doe suddenly giggled and Elorra blinked at her, looking confused. "Maybe we should turn my phone back on, and when he calls looking for me, you should answer. We can thank him for the wonderful night."

Elorra laughed at that idea, then reached over to the table beside the bed and pulled Rignora's phone from her purse. She turned it on and set it on the table next to the purse, then turned back to the doe. Rignora was already falling asleep beside the feline. Elorra gave the doe's cheek a soft lick, then cuddled closer to her and closed her eyes. She gave another soft chuckle at the amusing conversation they would be having in the morning when Rignora's phone rang, then she followed the doe into sleep.