Keeto's New Place: Chapter 3

Story by Nogard on SoFurry

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Sorry for the long wait. I've been on vacation for a few weeks. That, plus writer's block meant this chapter took a while to write. Enjoy.

The next morning, Keeto was the first to awaken. His neck pained him greatly considering he had slept without a pillow. Maneuvering his body very slowly and meticulously, so as not to wake Kay, he slipped off his bed and tip-toed out of his room into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth in the mirror, urinated, and went back into the bedroom. He found his clothes strewn across the floor. He quietly picked up his underwear; he balanced on one leg while trying to put them on, but considering his state of semi-consciousness from just waking up, he fell over, thudding on the floor. He silently cursed to himself and looked over at the bed to see if Kay was awake. She had both eyes wide open, staring directly at him; her mouth was twisted in a smile, and judging by her stomach's pulsing, she was laughing at him.

"I've been awake for the last five minutes," Kay said. "It was pretty funny watching your attempt at being stealthy, and also your falling over naked."

"Well, I was trying to be nice and not wake you. Did you sleep well?"

"Very well, your bed is quite comfortable."

Keeto's stomach growled loudly, which made Kay giggle some more. She said, "When was the last time you ate?"

"Uhh... I don't think I ate at all yesterday. It's a lot different when you don't automatically get 3 meals a day prepared for you."

"I know you don't know how to cook, so do you want me to make you some breakfast before I go?"

Smiling, Keeto said, "Thanks, that sounds good."

Kay got out of bed and put on her clothes. Keeto went out of the room first, and Kay followed him. Before she left the room, she glanced over at the bed, spying the nice big stain on the bed. She was going to have to wash his covers for him because she knew he would never get around to it. She left the room and ventured into the kitchen. Keeto plopped onto the couch and turned on the TV.

Keeto said, "I don't understand it. When I lived at my parents' place, I used to watch TV all the time. Now that I have my own place, I feel like I'm just wasting my life away."

"Well, technically you are. Do you even know how to fry an egg?"

"No... I've never had a reason to learn."

"Well kiddo, get off your butt and get in here. I'm gonna show you how to cook a nice breakfast that doesn't involve opening up a box of cereal."

"But I like cereal..."

"You better get in here before I decide just to go home and leave you hungry; and don't think I won't do it."

Keeto sighed, "Alright, teach me 'oh mighty goddess of omelet.'" He turned the TV off and sauntered into the kitchen. Kay spent the next thirty minutes lecturing him about everything he needed to know to make his own breakfast the next day. When she finished her food speech, she told him to sit at the counter while she made both of their plates. She reached above the stove and pulled down off-white glass plates with a raised pattern around the edges.

She said, "I can't believe your mom let you have these. If I were your mother, I wouldn't dream of giving you these dishes; you would get paper plates like every other teenager."

Keeto said, "Actually, my mom didn't give me those. You're right, she probably wouldn't give those to me. The landlord was actually nice enough to supply plates, cups, and silverware, on the condition that I pay for them if I break anything."

"Ah, that makes sense." Kay joined Keeto at the counter and they began eating the delicious food. After a few bites, Kay's cell phone rang. Kay got up from the counter and went outside to get better reception as she took her call. Keeto finished his breakfast alone and few minutes later, Kay came back inside, her eyes watery.

She said, "Keeto, I'm not going to be able to see you for at least two weeks."

"WHAT!? Why?"

"Well, that was my mother. Apparently my grandma's not doing so well, and the doctor said she'll probably die soon, and my family wants to see her and be with her when her time comes." Kay closed her eyes as a tear rolled off her cheek and onto the floor. She grabbed a napkin and wiped her eyes before looking back into Keeto's face. He was staring at his empty plate, trying to avoid her eyes. He had no idea what to do or say to her; she answered by hugging him and burying her head in his chest. The rest of the morning went by quietly, and eventually it was time for Kay to leave. Keeto walked her to the door, and instead of their normal goodbye kiss, they simply hugged again as she left.


Keeto walked in from work, tossing his keys and wallet onto the counter. It had been five days since Kay left, and things were starting to get boring. Keeto's parents had visited a couple days earlier, but aside from that, nothing was new. Work had been particularly stressful, so Keeto decided to go for a walk to clear his head. After his fourth trip around the complex, Keeto elected to take a shower and go to sleep. He was about to unlock his front door when he heard a quick bark to his left. He looked down and there was a dog with its tail wagging madly staring up at him. Keeto looked around for its owner, but saw no one. He bent down, searching for a collar, but the dog didn't have one. The dog had to have come from somewhere, so naturally it would just go home whenever Keeto went inside; but then again, the dog might be abandoned. Going with his better judgment, Keeto led the dog inside to get a better look at it. He didn't know if having a dog was allowed in the apartment, but it would only be until he found another owner.

Keeto went to the couch, and the dog followed, jumping onto the couch with him. Keeto figured he would make sure the dog didn't have fleas, or if it had any distinguishing marks that could be used to identify the dog. He didn't find anything wrong with the dog, and considering it had not been neutered, it was not a puppy anymore. Keeto left the living room, the dog following close behind, and pulled out several sheets of paper from the desk in his room. On the sheets, he wrote the same thing: "FOUND DOG: Adult male. Solid grey, smooth coat. No collar." Below each message he included his name, address, and phone number. When he finished, he left the dog inside, and began setting up the flyers wherever he deemed necessary.

When he finally got back to his apartment, he was greeted as he walked in the door by a nice pile of dog crap into which Keeto conveniently planted his paw. "You dumbass dog. Where are you?" Keeto cursed some more, washed his paw, and cleaned up the floor. He was about to look for the dog when the sound of liquid drew his attention. He knew it could only be one thing. "Shit, shit, shit you better not be doing what I think you're doing," Keeto said as he sprinted toward his room. When he arrived in his room, he spied the dog with its leg hiked up, pouring a stream of yellow urine directly onto the side of Keeto's bed. Keeto, not knowing what to do about the situation, just sighed as he watched the last bit of urine trickle out and onto the floor. When the dog put its leg down, he just wagged his tail and stared at Keeto. "Damn it, why can't I stay mad at you?" The dog, now quite relieved, bolted out of the room and leaped onto the couch. Keeto sighed again and grabbed one of the towels his parents had brought on their last visit, dabbed the towel with soap and water, and proceeded to clean up the second dog mess.

When he finished in his room, Keeto went into the living room where he noticed the dog was now curled up on the recliner, seemingly asleep. He plopped onto the couch and proceeded to take off his clothes. He was not going to let the presence of the dog disturb his daily pleasure ritual.

He stuck his finger into his sheath, circling the sensitive head. His entire body involuntarily shuddered, and the blood rushed to his cock, causing it to swell with need. He plunged a second finger into his sheath and lightly began to stroke the head up and down. He used his other hand to lightly tickle his package, causing him to grunt in approval. Keeto watched his pink member slide out of his sheath, pushing his fingers aside. Only when his cock was fully unsheathed did he grab the head, squeezing it gently. He took his other hand off his balls and placed it at the base of his cock. He slowly began thrusting into his hand, eliciting a moan to escape his mouth. He bent his head back, closed his eyes, and concentrated on the pure pleasure he was feeling.

His movements continued for another couple minutes. He didn't notice that the dog had awakened and was now standing inches from his penis. The dog licked the head of Keeto's cock, causing a gasp to escape from his lips: one of both pleasure and shock. Keeto thought about pushing the dog away, but the feelings he was receiving felt so good that he cast the thought from his mind. He knew it was wrong, but it was heavenly. The dog continued licking the head and Keeto stopped thrusting, letting the dog put him in another world of ecstasy. The dog quit licking as suddenly as it started. Keeto was disappointed, wanting the dog to continue, but how could he get the dog to come over again, and keep licking 'til he was finished? He brainstormed and came up with a simple, slightly messy solution.

He got up, went into the kitchen, and grabbed his jar of peanut butter. He stuck his finger into the jar, and began to cover his pink flesh in the creamy substance. Putting the peanut butter on the counter, he went back to the couch, and got the dog to come back over. It took almost no time for the dog to find the peanut butter and resume its licking. Keeto's breathing became labored and he leaned back and closed his eyes again as the bliss returned. He hoped the peanut butter would last long enough for him to achieve his climax; judging by how he was feeling at the moment, he knew it wouldn't take long. It took everything he had not to thrust into the dog's muzzle because his orgasm was approaching very fast. He reached down and fondled his package again for some added feeling. The added stimulation pushed him over the edge. He felt his balls shrink into his body, and he tensed as the semen flooded into his cock. His penis pulsed rapidly, shooting his fox cream all over the dog's back and face. The final spurt went into the dog's mouth, causing the dog to back away due to the new taste.

Keeto opened his eyes and saw his cock was clean of the peanut butter, but all of his semen was now on the dog. He would have to get it off soon, else it will begin to stick to the dog's fur. He got up to get something to clean off the dog, but before he could find anything, there was a knock on his door.

"Who is it?"


"Uh... give me a minute." "Oh crap, what am I gonna do about you?" Keeto whispered to himself, staring at the dog. He quickly led the dog into the spare bedroom and shut the door. He then got dressed again before going to see what the landlord wanted.

When Keeto opened the door, the landlord said, "I hope you're not doing anything illegal in there."

Keeto couldn't tell if he was joking or not, so he played it safe and calmly said, "What do you mean 'illegal?' What would I be doing?"

"Are you sure there's nothing you want to tell me sonny?"

Did he find out about the dog? If so, how? He thought he was pretty discreet about keeping the dog inside, and it didn't make any noise, at least when he was there. As if the landlord read his mind, he responded, "I know you have a dog here. Did you not think that I wouldn't see one of those flyers you put up all over the place?"

Keeto mentally kicked himself for forgetting about those. "So, does this mean I have to get rid of him?"

"Actually, no. I don't mind if you have a dog as long as no one complains. So, if that dog is a barker, you might want to get rid of him right now."

"He's been pretty quiet so far, and he seems to be very well-behaved."

"I'll be the judge of that. Do you mind if I see this dog?"

Keeto couldn't tell him no, but he never got a chance to clean the dog. He would just have to hope that he could get enough of the stuff off him before the landlord saw him. "Yeah, sure. Let me see if I can find him."

The landlord stayed at the front door, and Keeto went to the back bedroom. He would just have to use his shirt because he didn't have much time. However, the second he opened the bedroom door, the dog bolted past him directly to the landlord. Keeto tried to catch the dog, but it was no use, he was already sitting in front of the landlord. He looked the dog over, and glanced up at Keeto with an inquisitive look.

"What's the dog got all over his muzzle?"

Saying the first thing that came to his mind, Keeto said, "That stupid dog must have found my toothpaste..." He went into the bathroom and quickly grabbed his tube of toothpaste. He unscrewed the cap, and popped the top into his mouth, rapidly chewing it. He then spread some toothpaste around the outside of the tube, and spit the cap out into his hand before confronting the landlord.

"Yup, looks like he chewed the top right off and had some fun. It was on the floor in the bathroom, so he probably ended up rolling over it which would also explain why it's all over his back." Inside, Keeto was applauding his quick-thinking brilliance. He just hoped the landlord would buy it.

The landlord chuckled and said, "Looks like this little guy might give you a little bit of trouble. But, he seems happy, and I don't see any reason why you can't keep him until his owner comes to get him. You have a nice night kid."

"You too."

And with that, the landlord left. Keeto breathed a heavy sigh of relief and massaged his aching jaw from just having chewed plastic. "Well dog, I'm gonna have to give you a bath or something. Also, I need a shower."

Keeto decided to take a shower with the dog to kill two birds with one stone. After both of them were clean and dry, they ventured into Keeto's room where both fell asleep on his bed.

When morning came, Keeto knew the dog would need to go outside. He got up and went to the front door, but before he opened it up to let the dog out, he saw a note sticking out of the bottom of the door. He picked it up and read it:


The note had no signature, but this meant that Keeto could keep the dog indefinitely.

"Well dog, looks like you need a name." After about a minute, he decided on the name Peanut. "It can be our little secret, heh. But, I don't think I can take care of you myself." Keeto glanced over to the refrigerator where the number was posted of the person looking for a place to live. He went and grabbed his phone and dialed the number on the paper. Looks like Keeto won't be living alone anymore.