Chapter One: Lost and Alone

Story by Timothy Hoxley on SoFurry

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#1 of Unamed Story

~Chapter One: Lost and Alone~

Dazed and hung over, I feel sitting up off the floor rubbing my eyes getting the crudd out of them. Looking around the room, all I see is white pale walls and carpet you might find at an old folks home on the floor. The room completely empty with a metal door with no window, and no windows in the room but one camera. Begining to freak out, I go to try and open the door, and it is locked from the outside. I turn around and look up at the camera, and start to think criticaly, as I here foot steps coming from the hallway.

"I see your awake, the doctor has been waiting." The wolf announced, dressed in white lab coat. His fur dark brown with strips of grey, he wasn't wearing anything but that lab coat. As he escourted me down the long hallway with many doors like the one I came out of, we reached a flight of metal spiraling stairs lit only by dim crimson lighting. Door I was lead to different from those downstairs, but had to be hand turned like a safe. "There, the doctor is waiting for you inside."

I stepped in, as the wolf shut the door behind me from the outside watching him lock it as the wheel span back around into lock from inside watching him walk away from the the doors window. I heard the doctor clear his throat, catching me off guard to spin around. He was a naga, the creatures of legend, all black with dark red eyes. He waved me forward to come closer to his presense, and then pointed for me to take a seat accross the coffee table from him.

"It'sss so good to see your awake," He hissed dark and innocently. "We thought you were never, going to wake up. After all, you did suffer quite the illnessss."

"Excuse me, but," I started to interject, "But I don't know where I am, last I remember, I was coming home from work, and I..."

The doctor tilted his head down, and picked up his coffee. He pressed a button on the coffee table which caused the window guard to see my home space ring completely destroyed. He took a sip of his coffee, and then looked at me and asked if I knew anything about what happened.

"I...I..don't know..."I stuttered trying to reply seeing the entire ring which enhoused my intire life, family, and friends.

"From the reports," The doctor began to read a paper in front of him. "As and emergency precaution, after shots fired by a still uniditified ship, Inter-Galatic Habitat Ring 34, evacuated all habitat districts and removed them from sight. After detaching all districts all 8 districts were unabled to launch projectory boosters and 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 were destroid. Only 1 and 7 survived but took heavy damage, amount of survivors found 328."

I just stood looking out the window, not able to fully grasp that everything I had known in my life uptil now is gone. My friends and family lived in district 4, I wish I had died. Now I was stuck on a ship, that wasn't a human vessel. The doctor presses the button closing the window guard, then gets up and slithers over to me. He turns me around and began to stare deeply in my eyes, his words just telling me to relax and forget everything. My mind starts to slip away, as he begins to undress me. I blink and I am naked, but soo relaxed.

"You must be wondering why you can't fight it, or why I am doing thissss," The doctor started. "Itsss because, the people we rescued are going to become my dinner. We got the distresss signal and well.. you however along with a few otherssss... shall have a chance to be something more. But first I getsss to have sssome fun."

The doctor reached around groping my bare ass, lifting me up and pulling me closer to him as his member began to slide out of his slit. He slowly let my ass glide around his member, letting out moans of pain as my virgin ass was taken, only 19 years old, my mind was slowly becoming blank, I was starting to forget everything as he began to move his arms to my back and pound harder, and drill deeper into my ass. Letting out loud screams of pain, that started to turn into pants of lust. My mind was now being reprogramed, wanting to obey and submit to the doctor, my new master. I began panting and begging for harder and deeper more sex, I wanted it so bad, I have to please master, I have to submit. With three more pounds he came inside me and I became lost falling off licking his member dry, as master teased my hole with his tail.

"Ssshuch and amuzing and well fit young man, it would be a waste to eat you, I want you as my pet." Master began to address. "You must take a more amuzing form, let me look deep into your what once was mind, I must see what you are inside."

Master grabbed my chin, and looked deeply into my eyes, as if he was reading my mind. He smirked and called for his men to take me away, he told me to sleep and I... so...