It's Tough Living on a Farm - Part 3

Story by Galthroc on SoFurry

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#1 of Farm Series

"Just where do you think you're going?" Ashton grinned down at his younger brother from the top of the porch stairs, his arms crossed in front of his chest triumphantly.

"Shit," Cole whispered. "What do we do?"

"You've been going into that barn an awful lot, Cole," Ash descended the stairs, one small step at a time, slowly approaching Cole. "Needless to say, it's all been very suspicious...just what are you up to, hmm?" he reached out to stroke Dash's head, but the horse recoiled, snorting at him. Ashton raised an eyebrow, and shrugged.

"We're going to get Gambit and Levi back, if you must know," Cole said. No way he was going to lie his way out of this one, especially with Ashton.

" 'We' ?" Ashton laughed. "You've been getting pretty close to the horses, haven't you, Cole? Just how...intimate have you gotten with them, you freak?"

"Fuck you, Ashton! They're part of our family. You just want to think I'm having sex with the horses or something sick like that. I wouldn't be surprised if that got you off."

Anger flashed onto Ashton's face. He grabbed Cole by the shirt and yanked him off of Dash's back, throwing him onto the ground and standing over him. "Listen to me, you little bitch. I don't like you. I never did like you. Ever since you were born you've been 'Mommy and Daddy's little angel.' I think they'll be interested to know that their wonderful, hard-working son snuck out behind their backs."

Cole smirked, "aw, is Ashton having Mommy and Daddy pwoblems?"

And that was the first time Cole's brother ever punched him, right in the nose. Cole cried out and grabbed it, blood dripping down his face. "What the FUCK, Ash!?"

"Shit!" Ashton hissed. His anger had cost him victory tonight. No way would his parents care about what Cole was doing now that Cole could say his brother punched him in the face. He stepped back slowly, inching his way back towards the house.

Cole stumbled as he got up. Dash supported his back with his snout as Cole rose, preventing him from falling. Ashton watched this with incredulity, a look of pure confusion on his face. Was his brother the horse whisperer or something?

"Go back inside, Ash," Cole said, still holding his nose, his hand dripping red. "And keep your mouth shut, or I'll return the favor in full."

Ashton stood there for a moment, deciding what to do, but finally he swallowed his pride as he usually did and retreated back into the house.

"You okay?" Dash asked, nuzzling Cole.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. He hits like a girl," he smiled.

Frank wasn't amused. "We're wasting time, let's go already!"

Cole remounted Dash, and the horse galloped to the road leading into town all on his own, with Frank trailing close behind. The night air was cool on Cole's face as they rode, the pain quickly leaving his nose. He was smeared with blood, however, and looked rather intimidating.

It was a peaceful ride, with no more interruptions, much to Frank's delight. He'd probably run down anyone who got in the way at this point, especially since the sun would be rising in just a few hours.

Cole hoped Mr. Thompson lived in the same place he did several years ago. If not, he had no idea where he'd begin to look for him. It's not like he could ask his parents.

Which led him to question something else. If they did rescue Levi and Gambit, what would they do with them? Cole's parents sold them, and would be very confused if they entered the barn one day to find the horses they just sold back inside. Maybe they'd be happy, rather than angry?

But then Mr. Thompson would find out. He'd come back, and tell his parents what happened, and they would be forced to give the horses back.

Cole was starting to feel hopeless. This would never work. Sure, they could free Gambit and Levi, but then what? He didn't even want to do this in the first place, he just didn't want Frank to get mad at him.

He had to admit, he was only interested in the sex. He didn't feel any emotional connections to the horses, as they seemed to feel with each other, which was rather shocking to Cole. He felt guilty about how he felt, but it's how it was.

He shook his head, trying to focus on the task at hand for now. He could worry about everything else later on.

Before long they were in town. It was small, quiet, and not very modern. It was almost like they were living in the 1920's. The road was dirt, with many cartwheel marks and hoof prints engraved in it. There were very few cars here; people preferred horses or buggies, since it was such a small town. One didn't have to venture far to get what he or she wanted.

"Ok, let me tell you where to go now," Cole readied Dash's reigns and steered him in the right direction. They cantered along the main road for a few minutes, passing many closed stores and stands, the town eerily quiet except for the sound of crickets, and veered off onto another, smaller road, proceeding down it in a gallop.

"He lives in this big house in the middle of nowhere. He raises his horses there, and then travels to the big city for the races every few weeks," Cole explained as they rode. "Gambit and Levi should be there. My mother and I examined some of his horses several years ago. He keeps them in the back, in a large stable."

They rode on in silence from then on, with nothing but the wind on their faces, their hooves on the ground, and the chirping of the crickets echoing in the night to keep them company. It was a moderately - long ride: about 20 minutes, before they finally saw a building at the end of the road. It was a huge, white house - a mansion, in fact. Mr. Thompson was a very well - off man.

Cole made Dash slow his gallop to a trot, and Frank followed suit. He dismounted and grabbed Dash's reigns, pulling him in the right direction. Dash snorted and jerked his reigns out of Cole's hands. "Oh, yeah, sorry. I keep forgetting you can...nevermind. The stable should be in the back."

They made their way silently around the side of the mansion and into the back yard. It was very quiet, and the full moon did well to illuminate the flat expanse of grass that was Mr. Thompson's back yard. It was very bare except for the large stable, as large as a normal home. It was enclosed, and Cole led Dash and Frank to the door, which was locked.

"How are we going to open this?" Cole asked, examining it.

"Only one way," Frank said. Cole turned around to find the horse in his anthro form, incredibly tall, muscular, and powerful. He pushed Cole away, grabbed the small padlock, which was like a pea in his huge hand, and with a grunt he gave a powerful tug, yanking the thing right off with nary a sound but a small clank. Cole shuddered as he saw Frank's muscular arm flex and rip with the effort of it.

"Okay, wait out here. I'll find them." Cole quietly pulled the door open and stuck his head inside. It was too dark to see anything, though, so he stepped in further, letting the door shut behind him, effectively separating him from Frank and Dash. Levi and Gambit had to be in here somewhere!

It was a very large stable, built to fit many, many horses for Mr. Thompson to collect and try out. If they didn't meet his standards, he sold them back or to someone else who could use them. Cole hoped they weren't too late, but it had only been one night. They were bound to still be here.

The smell of hay and horses flooded Cole's nostrils. It was a scent he had grown to love, considering what it had brought him in the past. He was getting horny again already just thinking about it, and secretly hoped that he wasn't far off from having another amazing, unforgettable time.

As Cole moved further into the stable, he could see better. His eyes had adjusted to the more intense darkness, and he could see the outlines of the equines in their stables. They were all soundly asleep, their heavy breathing rising and falling. But another noise could be heard above it all. Cole wasn't quite sure what it was, but he figured he should investigate. It almost sounded like...a struggle of some sort?

The blonde boy looked around, playing a game of Hot or Cold in order to find the source of the noise. All he could make out with his eyes were large, dark silhouettes, lightly stirring in their slumber. It was impossible to make out any details. Cole didn't know how he could do this without any light.

But then that noise became louder. He was going in the right direction! Cole shut his eyes and listened intently, quietly and slowly stepping closer and closer to the disturbance, which was steadily crescendoing. He could make out the sound a little better now. It sounded like...

All of a sudden, Cole knew where Levi and Gambit were. He knew they were the source of the noise. It was loud and clear now, and when Cole opened his eyes and looked into the stall where the noise was coming from, he wasn't surprised to see two large figures, one on top of the other, grunting and moaning softly as they fucked.

Cole didn't know that any of the horses went all out with each other. He felt his cock harden in his pants within seconds of witnessing the act. He put his hand down his pants and slowly stroked himself as he watched and listened, imagining the details of the scenario - two muscled, hung horses: one fucking the other with his huge cock, precum splashing out with every massive thrust, the bottom horse stroking and sucking himself as he was rammed.

Cole shuddered and groaned, although too loudly. Gambit and Levi stopped suddenly, looking up. They couldn't tell it was Cole standing there. In fact, they didn't know what to do at all - they were totally busted. Cole stared right back at them, as though we was also in trouble, but finally he spoke: "Gambit? Levi?"

The two stallions seemed to heave a sigh of relief, happy to have been caught by their friend. "Cole, thank God it's you!" Levi said.

"Have you come for us?" Gambit asked, sitting up on his knees. Cole could see the clear outline of the stallion's cock jutting from his large figure: a massive pole of lightly-bouncing flesh. The boy gulped, shaking some of his blond hair from his face. "Yeah. Come on, we need to get out of here," he unlocked their stall gate and opened it with a creak. "Frank and Dash are waiting outside. Go on ahead, I'll meet up with you soon."

They nodded and obeyed, walking on two legs outside the stable. Cole waited until they left before similarly unlocking and opening all of the other stalls, swinging their gates open wide. A few of the slumbering stallions awoke, gazing quizzically at Cole. They didn't know he had a special relationship with his horses, though, and thus refused to speak as Cole knew they had the ability to. He could see their questions in their puzzled eyes, though, and Cole nodded to them as if to say "don't worry."

When all of the stalls were opened, Cole went to the back of the stable again, and approached the horse in the furthest stall. He slapped him hard on the behind, giving a "yah!" until the stallion yelped and galloped out of the stable. He did this for every horse until, in a few moments, they were all neighing and running for the exit, a mass of horses escaping the stables. This way, it would not appear as though someone had come back just for Gambit and Levi, which would severely narrow down the list of suspects for this break in.

Cole hurried outside behind the last fleeing stallion, the quiet of the night broken by the sound of many fleeing, heavy-hoofed horses, escaping into the night, probably glad to be free. "Come on! We have to get out of here!" he said as he hopped onto Dash's back. Cole and his four horses hurried along with the rest of the group, following them out and down the road again that led away from Mr. Thompson's mansion. A few stallions parted from the main group, going in their own direction.

They rode for a while until they reached town again. At this point, the main group was divided up as many stallions took separate paths to go wherever they desired to venture. Before long, Cole and the others were alone as they galloped back to the family farm, accompanied by nothing more than the wind in their faces.

The sun was coming up by the time they arrived back at the farm. Cole wasn't too worried, since it was a Saturday morning, and his family wouldn't rouse until later in the morning. Usually they would have already been awake at this time. He opened the barn door and led the stallions inside, closing and locking it as the last one entered. He sighed relief and fell onto the hay floor, resting against the door. "That went a lot better than I expected."

Suddenly he was lifted into the air by an excited Levi, who wrapped his strong arms around him and gave him a bone-crushing hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!" he kept repeated, a smile on his face. Gambit stood nearby with his hands on his hips, rolling his eyes. "Go easy on the boy," he said, giving Levi a playful punch. "Thanks for saving us, Cole. That Thompson may seem nice, but he's almost as bad as your brother in actuality."

That was certainly saying something. Cole smiled, giving Levi a squeeze. "Not a problem. It was those two who orchestrated it all," he motioned towards Frank and Dash, who were standing offside, smiling as well. "Couldn't leave our friends behind," Dash said, winking. Frank nudged him with a large elbow, upsetting Dash's balance and nearly toppling him.

"In fact, I believe a little reward is in order," Levi smirked, suddenly groping Cole's crotch with a large hand, his face inches from the boy's. He was obviously still horny from earlier in the night, having not finished his session with Gambit. "What do you say, boys?" he asked, not breaking his gaze with Cole, eyes narrow, lips curled.

The other three stood side by side, pinning Cole against the barn wall, all of them touching, groping, caressing him. Cole couldn't even think. He was hard in no time, his cock being groped through his shorts by Levi. He shuddered and groaned, eyes flickering, writhing against the wall as he was touched and squeezed all over by these four muscled, super hung horses. His mind was overblown with pleasure, and he wasn't even naked yet. His cock throbbed in his shorts, leaking more precum than he thought he could ever produce, the material tenting largely as one of the stallions grabbed it and stroked it.

"Seems our boy's getting pretty excited," Gambit said, licking his lips as he looked at Levi through narrow, lust-ridden eyes.

"He's not the only one," Levi returned the gaze, and suddenly clasped the back of Gambit's neck, pulling him in and planting his lips on the other's, kissing him feverishly. The two soon became lost in their own private session, caressing their bodies, dry humping one another, tongues intertwining in the other's mouth. Levi placed his hands on Gambit's firm ass, squeezing it roughly, groping it and giving it a few slaps. The two of them were moaning loudly, Levi letting out a particularly powerful groan as Gambit kissed his neck, working his way down Levi's body until he was squatting in front of his crotch, nuzzling his face against the horse's sheathe as his massive cock began to slither out.

But Cole didn't care if the two of them were getting distracted. He still had Frank and Dash, after all. Dash continued to grope and kiss the boy's body as Cole did a similar treatment on Frank. This was something he had especially yearned for, often imagining worshipping the enormous draft horse as he whacked off in the bathroom.

He was in heaven as he groped Frank's titanic muscles, running them over with his hands and tongue and lips, helplessly thrusting against the stallion's leg. Frank just smirked and flexed for Cole, bring both arms up and flexing his towering biceps, which Cole was quick to kiss and touch and squeeze, lost in a daze. Frank continued to pose and flex, letting out the occasional "yeah..." as his perfect, enormous muscles bunched up and throbbed, hard as marble, driving Cole up the wall with the pleasure of worshipping him.

Dash had yanked Cole's pants down, exposing the boy's 9 inch cock, so hard it was purple and unable to throb, sticking straight up from his crotch, dripping ropes of precum like the boy never imagined he could do. Cole moaned even louder as his prick was engulfed by Dash, who started sucking like a vacuum, easily able to deepthroat him with his long muzzle.

"S-stop..." Cole said, feeling an especially powerful orgasm about to sweep over him, but not wanting to cum yet. He pushed Dash off, who complied and stood up. "Well if you don't want to be the one who gets sucked," he said, wiping his mouth. "You better do the sucking!" He pushed Cole down until he was on his knees, his fat 14 incher slapping against the boy's face.

Cole groaned, blond hair getting in his eyes, and he grabbed that throbbing cock, rocking his whole body as he pumped it with both hands, sucking on the head and taking as much as he could into his mouth.

Levi and Gambit were feeling up Frank now. The draft horse's cock was at full mast - two feet of throbbing, pulsating horse cock. Levi was standing next to Frank and stroking his cock, rubbing his fat shaft against his body until those hot, hard muscles were covered in a film of clear precum, making them stand out all the more.

Gambit was standing on the other side of Frank. He had grabbed his head and turned it towards himself, holding it as he made out with the draft horse passionately, who occasionally grunted as his cock was stroked, pre spurting out and coating his chin, long strings of the hot fluid drooling off of it.

As Frank and Gambit kissed, Gambit slowly turned Frank's head away from his lips, instead aiming it forward and down, pushing Frank's lips against the draft's own cock. "Go on, big guy..." he snarled. "Suck it..."

Frank complied eagerly, opening his mouth and engulfing his massive cock. "Mmmph.." he groaned as he took it down his throat, easily able to suck his enormous endowment. Gambit kept his grip on Frank's mane, pushing him further down his cock, and then pulling him up before pushing him down again, forcing the horse to suck himself. "Tastes good, doesn't it?" Levi moaned in Frank's ear, continuing to jerk the bottom half of his shaft. They took the horse's moans as a yes.

Cole was going all out on Dash's cock. He groaned loudly as he sucked and stroked it, rubbing it all over his face, coating the entire length with his saliva. "Damn," Dash said, chuckling. "Boy's hungry for some cock."

"Yeah, him and Frank, both," Levi grinned.

This continued for a while - they lost track of time. They were happy doing what they were doing - Cole sucking Dash off, and the other forcing Frank to suck himself off. Soon, though, Dash had had too much.

"Shit, Cole..." he groaned, starting to buck his hips, his hot, firm ass clenching. "Oh, fuck..."

Cole popped his mouth wetly off Dash's inflating cock, feeling it throb in his hands. "Cum, you fucking stud," he groaned, pumping it with both hands, aiming it at the horse's own face.

Dash's eyes clenched shut and his teeth grit. "Oh YEAH!" he moaned, grabbing his cock and pumping it with Cole, his head flaring and his slit opening like a cat's pupil to make way for a thick rope of cum that shot right into his face. "Fuck yeah..." he said, letting rope after hot, thick, heavy rope spray him in the face and body. He rubbed his pectorals, kneading the semen into his muscled torso, sliding his hands down his toned stomach and licking the cum off his fingers.

His load ended after ten or so spurts, but his cock was still rock hard and the horse was eager for more. "Grrr, flip over," he said to Cole.

Cole was too horny to even care about taking this fourteen inch cock up his rear. He obeyed eagerly, laying on his stomach, groaning as he humped the ground, his sexy, toned ass clenching as he did so. "Do it," he snarled, wanting it badly, knowing it'd hurt but that it'd be worth it in the end.

Frank was really picking up his sucking, wrapping his arms around his enormous, throbbing shaft. That thing had to be as thick as his arm, and almost as long! Spit and pre waterfalled down his cock, dripping from his massive, swaying balls onto the ground in a puddle. "Fuck yeah, Frank, suck your huge cock..." Levi moaned, jerking himself off as well, his 18 inches adorned with pulsating veins, his flared head growing sopping wet. Frank groaned loudly, eyes flickering as he sucked his throbbing meat, his shaft being rubbed and jerked by Levi and Gambit.

Levi couldn't watch that stud going down on himself so easily anymore without succumbing to his mounting pleasure. He moaned loudly, squeezing Frank's cock hard as well as his own. His body spasmed and his hips jerked uncontrollably as rope after thick, steaming rope of horse cum shot out and splattered all over Frank. The draft sucked himself harder, a loud, muffled moan coming from his throat as Levi's cum washed over his body. Gambit was quick to rub it all over that barrel chest and cut, eight pack abs, licking between the ridges of muscle as he made the draft's fur shine with cum that kept coming and coming from Levi. The last blow splashed onto Gambit's neck as the horse was worshipping Frank's cum-covered body.

Still, Levi was hard as a rock. He in front of Gambit and turned around, rubbing his firm ass on the stallion's cock, hotdogging it between his cheeks. Gambit grinned, turning so that his own ass was grinding against Frank's cock. The draft got the hint, letting his huge member fall out of his mouth with a pop and slap onto Gambit's pack, the throbbing cockhead leaking precum all over it.

Gambit and Frank reared their hips back, lining their cocks up with the respective hole in front of them, and simultaneously they slid forward, popping their huge dicks inside: Frank inside Gambit, Gambit inside Levi. All three of them cried out in pleasure, Levi's cock swelling and spurting a huge wad of pre in front of him.

Dash was slowly penetrating Cole, squeezing his cock as he pushed forward gently. Cole's teeth were grit, and his eyes were shut in pain, but he wanted to take it; he wanted this stud to fuck him senseless. "C-come on..." he groaned. "Fuck me."

Dash eyes him wearily, but he complied, and suddenly popped more meat into Cole. The boy cried out, at first in pain, but that cry gradually transformed into one of pleasure. "Yeah!" he moaned. "Keep going. Use me!"

Dash grinned and grabbed Cole's waist, pushing him down on his cock as he thrust his hips forward, cock throbbing as it slid further and further inside, precum seeping out and sliding down his shaft. "Doing good, Cole," Dash said, sliding out and then slamming back in, making Cole cry out once again. The boy started jerking himself furiously, hand a blur on his cock, precum spitting and flying out.

Meanwhile, the threesome between Frank, Gambit and Levi was picking up. All three studs were moaning loudly, bodies rocking back and forth as one fucked the other. Levi's cock found its way into his mouth, and he hungrily sucked himself as Gambit pounded his cock into him, made all the more forceful by Frank's powerful thrusts. Gambit couldn't nearly take all of Frank, but it was enough for the draft to be shivering in pleasure. He felt like a god being in the back of that fuck train, grinning to himself as he slid his hands down his cum-soaked body, caressing his own muscles. He lifted an arm and flexed his enormous bicep, smirking at it as he slowly and sensually thrust into Gambit, bringing his hips way back and slowly pushing them forward again, making his hot ass clench and flex. "Yeah..." he moaned, giving that huge bicep a slow lick before bringing it down, grabbing onto Gambit's waist and really hammering into him now.

Gambit's eyes started to flicker. "Oh, fuck..." he groaned, getting close, overwhelmed by the pleasure attacking him from front and behind. His cock throbbed heavily, and soon he was emptying his load into Levi, who in turn shot his second load into his throat before letting it pop out to moan in pleasure, cock spewing in front of him, thumping against his chest with every massive spurt.

Frank growled and pushed Gambit further back onto his cock, consequentially causing Gambit's spurting cock to slide out of Levi. Frank fell onto his back, Gambit still in his grip. With his colossal strength he held Gambit above him, sliding him up and down his cock like a sex toy, the horse moaning and cumming the whole time, load after load of cum spraying in front of him, some of it landing on Levi, whose own orgasm finally died down.

"Oh FUCK! FRANK!" Gambit howled, loving how he was being used by this stud - by this god of sex. Frank snarled and thrust his hips upwards, slamming into Gambit as he simultaneously pushed him down onto his cock, his muscled arms flexing so hard they looked fit to burst, veins emerging all over them. He stood up as he fucked Gambit, slamming him into the wall of the barn, sending him up the wall with each powerful thrust. "You like this huge horse cock inside you?" he moaned in his ear. Gambit must have been on his third orgasm now, his mind nearly breaking from the pleasure. "Y-yes...GOD yes..." he said dumbly as he was used.

Dash was really having his way with Cole now. Cole had laid on his back, and Dash went to hit feet and put his legs on each shoulder, sliding the boy down onto his cock as he pushed it forward into him. Cole was grunted with each thrust, his purple cock having already spent its load across his chest, now shooting blanks. His abs crunched as he was pushed down onto Dash's throbbing member, his mouth open and drooling.

"Here it comes," Dash grinned. He fucked Cole harder and harder, cum starting to seep from his ass, splashing all over the two of them as they both cried out in pleasure. "Yeah!" Dash howled, sliding out and letting the last of his second orgasm bathe Cole. The boy moaned and rubbed the cum into his body, smiling with pure pleasure. "Dash..." he whispered, eyes closed.

"Get ready boys," Frank said. He had lifted Gambit off his cock and set him down. The horse fell onto the ground in a heap, eyes glazed over, tongue hanging out as he smiled goofily. He figured he'd just sit here for now. Levi and Dash went over to Frank. Cole was in the same state as Gambit.

The two horses couldn't believe how engorged Frank's cock was. It was -huge-. It nearly touched his chin as it throbbed so hard they could see it swelling before their eyes. Veins pulsated like his cock was its own heart. Precum leaked from his head in long thick, unbreaking ropes onto the ground. "Make it blow," he growled.

Levi and Dash obeyed, hugging Frank's monster to their hard bodies and grinding against it, sliding it against their cobblestone abs and rock hard pecs, milking that mammoth for all it was worth. "Yeah..." Frank groaned, eyes closing, head rolling back. "Oh fuck..."

They slipped and slid all over his cock, licking and kissing it, jerking it with both hands. They could feel it throbbing in their palms, the draft getting close.

Frank's fingers clenched into fists, his arms popping all over with veins. His neck whole body became rigid, his teeth grit, eyes clenched shut tightly. "RRRRGH-!" he howled. His slit opened wide and out poured the thickest, heaviest load any of them had ever seen. It reached the roof of the two story barn, splashing against it before falling back down on them. Levi and Dash kept jerking that enormous, spurting cock as Frank convulsed in the throes of his orgasm, pleasure sweeping through his body. His knees were shaking, and it was amazing that he could even remain standing.

He came and came, those huge cantaloupe balls of his hugging his shaft. He painted the ceiling, the walls, the horses and Cole in what must have been gallons of cum, the stud just not relenting. Minutes upon minutes passed as Frank came, each stream of cum slowly becoming smaller than the last one, until finally it was but a short spurt that landed in front of him. With a grunt he fell onto his butt on the soaked floor.

Everyone was exhausted, covered in cum, breathing heavily. They looked at each other and laughed. "How was that for a celebration?" Levi grinned.

"Thanks again Cole," they said, looking at him, smiling. But Cole wasn't listening. He was laying on the ground, cock still hard and thumping against his body. He was looking up, past the ceiling, mouth open and smiling dumbly. He was somewhere else now.

The stallions laughed. There was much more in store for him.