
Story by Graphite on SoFurry

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#1 of Crossroads

Readers Note:

I advise that any readers of this story have some background knowledge on the Halo universe. If you don't you may have some trouble understanding certain aspects of the story.


Space, it seems so gorgeous, so tranquil and quiet. Through my window my quarters, space seemed so peaceful. It used to be. Now war rages on just outside these hulls. The fight between humans and the covenant has been raging for a good 27 years now, we ruthlessly slaughter their fleets, and glass their planets, but they just never give up. They fight to the death to protect every planet, every inch of soil, no other species the covenant has fought put up this kind of fight. Their refuse to go quietly into the dark is astounding. I actually admire their determination, but they were doomed to the start. They don't stand a chance against the mighty covenant, but something about them makes me feel wrong about killing them.

I ended my deep thought and looked away from the window, down at myself. I was still wearing my jump suit and I had to report to the launch bay in 30 minutes for combat insertion. "I can put my armor later" I thought as I ran my hand along my curves. I love these jumpsuits; they fit so well, and are so form-fitting it's as if you weren't wearing it. My hand slid further along my body until I reached the inside of my thighs. I stopped and tried to remember the last time I had pleasured myself, I haven't done it in a long time. Being female elite in the covenant army is a full time job. I thought to myself "I've been doing a lot of work lately. I could have a moment of "me time" if I wanted." I stood up and walked over to my personal storage compartment, and dug around the back of it and out a smooth, purple, and roughly cylindrical device. I pressed a button on the side and the glowing, blue-white shape of a penis emerged from the top.

It was my personal energy pleasure toy, much like an energy sword, but shaped like a penis, and was only warm, not searing hot. I lied down on my bed, and looked down at myself; through the middle of my breasts I could see the energy dildo in my hand. With the other, I opened the Jumpsuit, revealing my private parts."I need this" I thought to myself. Slowly, I inserted the toy. As I pushed it in further it felt better and better. I started to push it in and out, and soon I was moaning silently as I was doing it faster and faster. My free hand grabbed the sheets and balled into a fist. The warm plasma relaxed my muscles and the toy kept going in further and further with no pain.

I moved my free hand over my breast and squeezed it to add to the delight. Plasma licked my wet, juicy lips as I continue to masturbate. I'm glad the doors to my quarters are closed because if they weren't, someone would hear my moans, and occasional shrieks. The warmth inside my belly from the plasma just added to the pleasure. It just kept getting better, and better. I've never had an orgasm this intense. It began to feel like I needed to pee, I know what this means, I prepared myself for the climax a best as I could.

The feeling was overcoming, I was moaning louder and louder until I came. I closed my eyes as I let out a little shriek of pleasure. I pulled the toy out and turned it off. When I was done gasping for breath I looked up, and saw I was dripping onto the sheets. I quickly covered up the wet spot with my blanket and closed-up my jumpsuit.

That was the most amazing orgasm I had ever had. I fixed my hair, then glanced at my clock and realized I had only 5 minutes to put my combat armor on, and make it to the launch by. I threw the toy back into my personal compartment, and started putting on my armor. In three minuets I was out the door of my quarters, I'm still dazed the best orgasm of my life and I'm about to go into a combat zone, Great.


The ships intercom crackled to life and the captain's voice boomed "Attention all hands, the colony on planet ellipse is as of 13 hours ago, is under attack by the covenant. Our ETA is 30 minutes. In that time prepare all of the ships systems for combat. Also will Spartan 173 report to the bridge for briefing. That is all." I sighed and put my sidearm back into its holster. Another planet, another millions of lives lost. Spartans like me always win on the ground, but in orbit it's a completely different story. I stepped into the elevator and continued my thought. The covenant slaughter our fleets, then go on to glass the planet, no matter how hard people on the ground try, we always lose in the end. Whenever the covenant finds another planet, we all hope that somehow this time, it will end differently. Maybe this time it will.

My thoughts were interrupted when the elevator doors opened at the bridge. Before me stood a tall male figure in his mid forties, his gray uniform was decorated with so many medals and awards his entire upper right torso was covered in them. He said in a confident voice "Ah 173, glad you can make it. As you know Ellipse is the first inner colony that the covenant has found, so we will have the advantage of our orbital MAC guns to assist us in fighting them. " He paused, then gestured me to come with him as he walked to the center of the bridge. He continued "We will be winning in the beginning, but it won't be long until the convenient discover the reactor complex powering the guns ground-side."

I interrupted, "Let me guess. You need me to aid in protecting the generator complex."

"Precisely" the captain said looking slightly surprised that I had talked back to him like that. "You will have all of the support, weapons, and ordinance we can afford to give you. You cannot let the convenient destroy those generators. If they do we're all screwed."

"Don't worry sir, I'm a Spartan. I won't let you down."

"Good. When we come out of warp, you need to report to pelican 17-A for combat insertion. It'll take you were you need to go."

I turned around and began to head back to the elevator. When the captain put a hand on my shoulder-piece and said "Good luck Spartan."

I looked back, seeing now the worry and stress on his face, I said to him "Thanks, but I won't need it." And I continued to the elevator, stepped inside and pressed floor 1-B, The launch bay.


The phantom Drop ship loomed over me and my squad as we prepared our weapons for deployment. The humans apparently had apparently not been giving us their best fight, because in orbit around this planet, are enormous orbital guns they call MAC's. These MAC's are five times larger than the ones found aboard their ships, and can destroy five corvettes with a single shot. The first battalion of ships the covenant sent was apparently pounded to bits by their orbital guns. However, small scout ships reported the location of a planet-side reactor complex that the shipmaster thinks is powering the massive guns. My spec OPS team and I will plant a bomb, while a small army of infantry provide a diversion, well if they get through the orbital defenses.

I opened up my weapons crate for the mission, a focus rifle, (My personal favorite) a plasma rifle, and two sticky grenades. As I inspected the weapons, when a strong hand pulled my shoulder so I turned 180 dirges, coming face to face with my unit leader. He was close enough for me to see all of the scars criss-crossing his face, it was like somebody was playing tick-tack-toe on his face with a knife. Oh wait, that did happen to his leg. He was a good foot taller than I am, but definitely not as good as a worrier.

He snarled and said to me, "Only the gods know why the prophets allow you meek pathetic females to fight as worriers, but they did, so if you jeopardize this mission, I'll have you thrown in the brig! Your mission is to protect me as I arm the bomb. Fail and it will be the last time you see the light of day."

Se'nueli, my unit commander pushes me down and walks back to the other males in the group. He makes that speech to me every single time we go on a mission, even though I've saved his ass multiple times. I actually hope he gets killed, because if he dies I become the new unit commander. I'm second in command, and the best worrier in the team. Whenever I accomplish something great, he gets all the credit for it. That's how it's like to be a female soldier is in the covenant. Everyone treats you like shit, like you can't do anything right even though you beat all the males. I would quit but fighting is what I'm best at, and I need the money they give us to support my family back on Sanghelios. It's just flat-out unfair the way they treat females.

I had finished preparing my weapons when the phantom drop ship rose from the clams that held it in place. It moved right above us and activated its gravity lift. Once on-board, I took a seat away from everyone else. My only friend on this ship, Nesen'tha, is the only other female elite on this ship, and she is a seraph pilot, so I don't get to see her in combat situations. I only get to see her during slipspace jumps, and times of peace. (If any of you are wondering, I am bisexual, and I have had sex with her.)

As I was daydreaming about her, the phantom approached the launch bay doors. The shield deactivated for only a moment to let the phantom, and several others through before re-activating. It was peaceful for a few moments, until something shook the phantom. Se'nueli cursed, and screamed to the pilot, "Evasive maneuvers! We have entered their firing range!" It seemed as if the entire world was being thrown about, the phantom was dodging left and right avoiding missiles and bullets. A nearby phantom exploded when a volley of missiles struck its haul. Parts and superhot gasses exploded from the vessel, engulfing the whole thing in purple flames. My phantom suddenly banked to the right as a light MAC barely missed us.

The co-pilot turned around and said to Se'nueli; "Commander, you might want to see this." I looked at the pilots video feed, and far ahead of us, was a fleet of pelican drop ships heading the same way we were. I spoke out, "They must have seen us coming. They're going to protect the generator complex."

Se'nueli, looked back at me like he wants to kill me. My heart raced, "I shouldn't have said anything."He hit me in the face with the butt of his gun and knocked me to the floor of the drop ship. "Shut up female. Pilot, fire, and destroy those pathetic humans."

"I'm sorry commander, they are out of range. Please do not harm me." The pilot pleaded.

Se'nueli shrugged, and said to his squad, "We will land soon. Prepare your weapons. The eradication of humanity is the will of the gods!" Everyone in my squad but me stood up and cheered "For the Gods!"


The eight ton pelican drop ship landed softer than a feather on the tarmac. Slowly the bay doors opened revealing a large industrial complex, swarming with marines, and technicians. Temporary guns were being set up all over the place in preparation for the covenant's arrival. In mere minutes a small army of phantoms would arrive to destroy this place. If we lose this complex, we lose the planet. An alarm sounded, and a voice boomed over a loudspeaker, "All units report to battle stations, phantoms inbound from east side." I put on my helmet, grabbed a DMR and ran with the marines to the east side of the complex. When I got there I was blown away. There were sandbags forming a perimeter, turrets on every high point, falcons hovering above, and at least 300 marines.

In the distance, small purple shapes began to appear. After two gruelingly long, suspenseful minutes, the snipers, turrets, falcons, and anybody else there began to fire. Before the phantoms were even in range of shooting back, a good seven of them had already fallen. Something didn't seem right. Why would the covenant send their entire attack force to one spot . . . oh god. I attempted to radio in to command.

"Come in command! Come in command! I have urgent info, please respond!"

Nothing but static. They must be jamming our transmissions, while everybody is too busy to notice! Well if there attacking from the east there is only one direction a small, discreet invasion force would come from . . . the west.

I shouted to the nearest firing squad, "Hey you, come with me. No time to explain. What's the fastest way to the other side of the complex?" All off the marines looked puzzled for a minute until that look was replaced by terror as they just realized the same thing I had just realized. One shouted "This way!" and ran in another direction. I ran after them, hoping that we weren't too late.


The doors to the main reactor room slid open, revealing a large, spacious room. In the center, running the entire height of the room was the main reactor. There were tons of pipes, wires, and dials jutting out in all directions. There was absolutely nobody there. The diversion team must be doing its job splendidly.

"Wait here while I go to arm the bomb." The commander stated as he took the large pack off his back. We strode over to the wall of the reactor, placed the bomb down and he began to enter the series of activation codes required to arm the device.

A large blast came from the other end of the room followed by a small green object. The object bounced and landed right on front of my startled unit commander. He roared before being engulfed in flames. As soon as the grenade went off, shots were fired at the rest of us through the cover of smoke. Several rounds bounced off my shields as I took cover behind a nearby crate. I looked up just in time to see my teammate torn to pieces by multiple enemy fire. His armor was riddled with bullet holes when he fell to the ground dead. Finally I screamed "Concentrate fire into the doorway!" I shot up from behind the crate, focus rifle in hand and open fired. At the same time my entire squad did the same. After the smoke cleared we could see five dead human corpses in the doorway.

But one figure was still standing. He was taller than all of the other ones, and he had some sort of special armor. I shouted back to the remainder of my team "Demon!" A grenade flew, landing right in the cover of another one of my teammates. He was instantly killed in the blast, but shots kept firing. I got out from behind cover to see the Spartan charging at another one of my teammates with a knife in his hand.


I jumped onto the massive elite, knocking him to the ground and penetrating its shields. I raised my knife, and then dug it deep into the aliens flesh. I felt the blood pool in the wound when I yanked the knife back out. I looked up, starring down the barrel of a focus rifle. An Elite had me at point blank range. I dropped the knife and stood up with my hands up.

I glanced at my radar; all of the other elites in the room had retreated except this one. Just get a little closer, closer. It finally got close enough for me to grab the barrel of the guns and push it the side. As I did the gun fired, grazing the sides of my shields. I kicked the Elite in the gut, sending it across the walkway. It ran back at me and attempted a right hand blow. I blocked, and struck back. She dodged my fist, fast and almost instantly returned with a left haymaker. The Elite missed my face by mere inches. This one is fast, really fast. The fight went on like that, hit, block, return, and dodge. Finally the Elite did a round house kick, its foot struck home and I was knocked I to the ground. Enough games! I charged and jumped right at the Elite. Our shields flared, and the Elite to the ground reeling from the blow. I ran over to the bomb set against the side of the reactor. On the display was a set of symbols, which kept changing at even intervals of time. I didn't know what they meant, but I knew it was a countdown. I was too late. I failed. Suddenly the symbols turned red and the device began to beep. The bomb detonated sending me flying back. Fire and smoke spewed from the reactor, followed by more explosions all along the machine. This place is crashing down! I made for the exit but something caught my attention at the top of my vision. Is that a metal beam? Shit.


I was at the doorway when I heard a defining crash. I stopped in the doorway and looked back the scene. A large beam had fallen and pinned the demon to the ground. His shields fizzled, as they attempted to re-stabilize. I turned around ready to run back to the phantom before the entire compound blows, but a thought occurred to me. "This isn't right. He doesn't deserve to die like this"

But then again, he is an enemy who tried to kill you a moment ago. But he is unconscious, he can't fight back. And it's the right thing to do. I can save him. Can I? I can, but will I. Should I?

Gaaaa, to hell with it! I ran to back my fallen foe, and drew my energy blade. In one swift motion, I sliced the beam clean in half, freeing the demon. I dragged him out from underneath the split beam. Dam, he is heavy. I put him over my shoulder in a fireman's carry, and bolted to the door. Just as I ran out the entire compound exploded in a giant fireball. Hey I didn't look back, I'm an action hero!

When I arrived at the phantom, the gravity lift was already on, ready for my return. Man you should have seen the dumfounded look on my teammates faces when they saw I came back with a live demon.


What's going on, where am I? I opened my eyes; I was lying down on a hard surface in a purple room. Where's my armor? My armor had been removed, and I was in my jumpsuit. All at once my wits returned. Shiny purple room!? I'm in a covenant ship!

I bolted up right and looked around. I was on a bench in some sort of prison cell. On the other side of the cell, instead of a wall there was a shield door. Behind the shield an Elite rested against the outer wall, but this Elite was odd. It had feminine curves, and a sleek body. Also it was slightly shorter than me, it almost looked attractive. Wait a minute. That is the same Elite that took a focus rifle to my head back in the compound. I tried to stand, but an intense, sharp pain shot through my side when I tried. I sat back down and looked at my side. There where bandages wrapped around my waist.

From across the room I heard in a taunting voice, "Not such a tough guy know, demon."

I looked up; it was the strange Elite who had said it. I smirked and said, "well you don't look to tough yourself. You're oddly small for an Elite."

"What you've never seen female elite before? Or is it that you're all embarrassed that a girl beat you up."

"The first one." I replied in a solemn tone. "I didn't know females served in the covenant. I'm sorry if I came across as offensive. "

"Why would you be sorry? You're a demon." She said in a fierce tone. "You don't have feelings, you can't be sorry."

"What do you mean? Of course I have feelings. Whatever, I'm not going to bother arguing." I looked down at my feet and said, "Can you just answer one question for me? Why do you do it?"

"Why do I do what?"

"Why do you attack us? Why are you spending so much time, and effort trying to eradicate humanity? Why do you hate us?"

The alien confidently replied, "Well that's an easy question. We are doing it to . . . to uh . . ." The alien now looked puzzled and devastated.

"Forget that question. What is your name?"


"S'eva, my name is S'eva." I looked down at my feet. Why were we trying to kill the humans? For the three years I've been serving in the covenant I've never asked myself that question.

The demon, now looking a little more friendly said, "S'eva? That's a nice name. My name is Will." His blue eyes stared at me with intense curiosity. He had a very masculine face, and heavily muscled body. Besides that, he looked like a normal human. The demon had short black hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and smooth pale pink skin.

"O.K Will. Now I have a question for you. Why are you being so nice to me?"

Will, shook his head, smiled, and replied, "You don't get it do you? I'm being nice . . . because there's no point in being mean."

O.K. now my entire world has just been turned upside down. Is everything that they told us about humans wrong? They told us that these demons were vicious killing machines with no emotions, but here I am talking to living evidence that that is wrong.

"Hey by the way what did you do with my armor?"

I had taken it off earlier personally. It took a whole hour to get it off; the entire thing had to be disassembled off of him. "It's down at the research department, but forget about it because you're never going to see that thing again."

"Say what you wish."

"Alright, now it's my turn to ask a question . . . got one. Why do you fight? You know you're doomed to extinction right? There's no way you can stop the covenant."

He sighed and said. "Sometimes I ask myself the same question, but then I remind myself it's because we can. It's because we know the odds, we know that there is at least a sliver of hope. Every man and woman in the UNSC knows that there probably not going to make it to see the end of the war, whoever wins. We fight because there's a small chance we can win. Now it's my turn for a question. Who do you want to win?"

"Wait, females can serve freely in your army?"

"Yes, don't dodge the question."

I thought for a minute, if the convent wins than life continues as normal, with absolutely no respect towards females. If the humans win than things might change. I'm not religious so the whole "Their destruction is the will of the gods." Thing doesn't really give me a reason to want to kill humans.

"Well I guess that's debatable." We both giggled a bit at that.

Wait, I'm forming bonds with a human, worse this demon. This conversation has gone too far, I'm actually beginning to like Will. For my own sake this conversation had to end.

"Goodnight Will." I said to him as I turned the lights off, and left the brig. As I was walking back to my quarters I thought to myself. This is wrong. For three years my own kind treats me like shit just for being a girl, but a enemy captive treats me like family in the first five minutes after meeting him. Suddenly the pride of capturing Will, and allowing the covenant to destroy the colony disappeared, and in its place sat a lump of grief in my stomach.

I reached the door to my quarters and swiped my key card. The door didn't open and a little message was displayed on the screen. "Commander S'eva, your quarters have been re-located to room 37-G, sector 3." Commander S'eva? Oh yea, Se'nueli was killed, which leaves me in command of the spec OPS squad. Once again the pride was sucked out of me by the kindness of Will. I finally arrived at my new room. I swiped the card and the door automatically slid open, revealing a large, well furnished room with a king sized bed in the center. Wholly crap they gave me a commanders quarter. It even has its own bathroom and shower. I'll try it out some other time. I'm tired so I'll just go to sleep. I turned off the lights, crawled into the bed, closed my eyes, and fell asleep.


Well she was nice, sort of. I don't know but there's just something about her that makes me feel special. She actually calls me by my name, not by a number. Also, after she realized she didn't know why she hated humans, she seemed to get much nicer. As long as I'm being held on this ship I might as well make at least one friend. This brings me to my first query. Why did they let me live? The covenant never takes prisoners. I can only think of two reasons to keep me alive. One, they want me as a war trophy. Or two, they plan on interrogating me for information. I hope the first one. My second Query. Why was S'eva outside my cell?

O.K, lets recall what happened at the compound. A beam fell on me knocking me unconscious and giving me this injury. S'eva was the only other person in the room when it happened. All the other Elites had left. Huh. So S'eva saved me. Maybe she's an even better person than I thought.


I woke up feeling like shit. Not physically, mentally. I feel terrible for treating Will the way I did last night. Oh well. Maybe I'll talk to him after breakfast. I took off my armor (which I had apparently slept in.) and headed down to the mess hall for breakfast.

When I arrived, the mess hall was filled with Elites, jackals, grunts, and all the other species aboard this ship. Sitting at an empty table, waving to me was my friend, and the only other female Elite on this ship, Nesen'tha. I walked over to her and gestured for her to come with me as I headed into the serving line.

"Congrats on the rank advancement, and on the demon S'ev! Man you are the best soldier here. I mean a demon! How on earth did you pull that off?"

We both grabbed a tray and headed down the line. "Will."His name is will."

"Tomato, tom'ato, who cares about the dam things name. It's just a filthy human after all."

I wanted to punch her in the face for saying that, but I resisted the temptation. "Yeah, I guess you're right. I have one question though. Why are they worse than us?" I said as I was grabbing things from the buffet.

"They just are S'ev. They just are."

O.k., know I really wanted to punch her in the face, but once again better judgment got a hold of me, and I resisted. "Whatever. Let's sit back down."

We sat back down at the table Nesen'tha was sitting at when I arrived. "Oh, I have a message to deliver to you. The shipmaster says he wants to see you tomorrow night for dinner. You know to congratulate you on the demon, and stuff like that."

"Sounds interesting." I was about to take a bite of my candy bar when I suddenly remembered that will needed to eat too. And the food that they were giving him was probably barely edible. It didn't feel right that I get candy, and he gets shit. I put the candy bar back on my tray, picked up the tray and began walking towards the door.

"Where are you going? Commander Stuff I'm assuming."

"Yeah, whatever." I said. I was thinking, why was I getting so worked up whenever Nesen'tha said something bad about will?


I awoke to the sound of a grunt stammering into the brig with a tray, then pushing the tray through a little slit in the wall. I crawled over to it, apparently it was breakfast. It was a warm, steaming bowl of something, with a side of something, drizzled in, you guessed it, something. At least there was water.

I dipped my finger in the bowl and put some of the disgusting warm goo in my mouth. Gaaaa! It tastes like five-year-old milk that's been marinating in shit. I spit it out but the taste was still there. I drained my water in practically one gulp. Ah that's better.

I pushed the tray to the side just as the brig doors opened. S'eva walked in carrying a tray, but this time she wasn't wearing armor. She was wearing a form-fitting black jumpsuit, and I could now see her face. She had beautiful hazel colored eyes and hair, and soft, smooth skin. She looked beautiful actually. She had silky brown hair that hung over her left eye, and deep brown eyes to match. Also, her face wasn't as masculine and rough as male Elites. Her skin was mostly flawless and smooth, which added to her feminine appeal. Hell I can't believe I'm thinking this but she's actually beautiful.

With fluid grace, she waltzed over to the shield door and said to me, "I have some edible food for you Will. Will you be a good boy if I open the gate to give it to you? "

"Yes I will, and good morning to you too S'eva. You look nice this morning, anything new and exciting happen?"

She pressed a button on the wall, and walked into the cell before the shield activated again. She placed the tray on front of me and sat down. "Well, thank you for the complements, but no. No new news. Anyways this is my breakfast but I don't want it all. You can have whatever you want. How's your side?"

I looked at the bandages around my waist then back up at her, "It still hurts but I'll manage. Thanks for asking S'eva, but before I start accepting your gift," I gestured over to the tray that the grunt had brought in. "what is the stuff in this bowl?"

"I have no Idea."


Will laughed at my response. "You don't know either ey."

Questions burned in the back of my head. I wanted answers. I asked Will, "So Will I'm curious how your government system works?"

Will reach over to the tray and grabbed the candy bar that I had already opened and replied. "Well we have something called a democracy. You probably don't know what it is so I'll explain it. Whoever is the leader has limited power. He cannot do whatever he wants; there are rules the leaders have to abide by, like protecting our rights, and following laws. Also every so often the people vote on new leaders."

"Amazing. So the citizens have the right to choose their leaders. Alright another question I have is." Will interrupted me, "My turn to ask a question." he said with a mouth full of candy bar.

Will swallowed and said, "Why is it that there are so few females in the covenant?"

"Simple, men don't think we are as good as them. Most women stay at home while the men go off to fight wars."

"Interesting, in our society females are equal to males. There are even laws that enforce equilibrium."

With every question Will seemed more and more friendly, maybe even more than a friend.

"Man covenant society seems shity compared to human society."

"Yeah, seems a lot like that doesn't it. Hell it is like that!" We both giggled at that.

"I have one more question. This one's a little bit more personal." I said, now in a serious tone. "Why are you better than the average human soldier?"

Will sighed, his tone of voice changed from cheery, to melancholy. "At the age of six, me and 74 other children were kidnapped and put through intense military training. For years we trained until we were the best of the best. We were a family. All of the Spartans have grown bonds over the years of training. They were the family we never had. Soon we had become an unstoppable force, a super soldier in all sense. Apparently that wasn't enough, because they decided to physically augment us into real super soldiers. They injected us with drugs that were supposed to increase our muscle mass, bone density, and reflex time. Only about one third of us survived the augmentation process. Most of my friends, the people I grew up with for years, my family, were killed. Do you know what it's like? To have almost your entire family, everybody you cared for, killed. Killed by an enemy we couldn't fight. That is what makes us special S'eva, Sacrifice."

"Oh god, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine going through something like that."

"Don't be."

A long silence followed. I was shocked. Under all of his cheeriness, how could anybody have guessed he had been through something like that? He always seemed so cheery, so full of hope. I looked up at him, he seemed broken now. It was like he had locked up his grief deep inside of him for all of these years, and it was coming out all at once. I could see his eyes watering with deep sadness.

"Will . . ." I said before I embraced him with a gentle hug, and kissed him on the lips.


I closed my eyes, my entire body relaxed at the touch of her lips. I had completely forgotten about my sorrows, my doubts. All of my concerns were pushed to the back of my mind. All I was thinking about was her. Our body's where up against each other, close enough that I could feel her heartbeat. She was the most beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes upon. We were meant for each other. This is the way things are supposed to be.

She abruptly pulled away from me. She looked at me, and in those beautiful hazel eyes, I saw fear and confusion for a moment, before she fled the room in a panic.

I stared blankly at the brig door she had run through just moments ago. Put my hand to my lips, she is a great kisser. She's so compassionate, so self-disciplined; why would she run out like that? Now I understand that she is my angel, my new sole purpose in life. I know that at the moment she kissed me she realized it too, but what is holding her back?


I sprinted back to my quarters, ran in and locked the door. I took a moment to catch my breath as I slid down the side of the door. I was sitting at the foot of the door when my heart rate slowed enough for me to take in what had just happened. I put my head in my hands as I tried to make sense of this.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, I did not just do that, but I did. Ga! Get yourself together S'eva! You can't actually be falling gaga for some human!" I kept trying to tell myself that, but I knew he was more than just some human. He meant more to me than anybody else on this dam ship, hell he even treated me better than anybody else had on this dam ship! Why is it so bad to love him anyway? He's nice, he has a great personality, he's in great physical condition, but most of all he cares about me. He listens to me, and my opinions. Plus, he loves me too. I could tell when I kissed him that he felt the same way about me as I do him. He trusts me enough to show me his true feelings. He almost cried right in front of me when he was talking about his past. I admit to myself that I love him, but we can never be together. Can we?

My reflection was interrupted by a beeping noise. Is that a phone? Man this room has everything. I walked over to the table by my bed where the receiver lay, and inserted the small earpiece into my ear.

"Hello, this is Commander S'eva speaking. Who am I addressing?" I tried to talk in the most professional voice that I could muster, for I was still shocked from today's events.

"Greetings, and congratulations on your victory commander S'eva. This is the shipmaster; I invite you to dinner tomorrow at 18:30 in the officer's dining room for celebration of your great achievements'. "

"Oh, sounds wonderful. I'm truly honored shipmaster; I will be there to celebrate with you." I took off the earpiece and set it back on the receiver. This is one hell of a mess.

Nothing special happened today, or most of tomorrow. I followed the usual routine, with the exception of visiting Will several times. I brought food, and we talked some more. We talked more about our societies, likes, dislikes, current events, but neither of us mentioned anything about the kiss or our relationship even though over those two days our relationship had strengthened further.

It was now 18:00, and I was just finishing taking my first shower in my new bathroom. I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. I actually have only bathed once before in the entire three years I have served aboard this ship. I know it seems appalling but there is a reason. The ship has showers, but they are completely public. There is absolutely no privacy, and I'm one of the only two females aboard this ship. When I was new on the ship I thought taking a public shower wouldn't be so bad, but when I tried it out for the first time, it took the words right out of my mouth. Imagine the embarrassment of being nude, in front of a hundred rowdy also nude, males. It was bad to begin with, first of all they were all getting erections at the sight of me nude, but they started talking about me, converging around me, and then making inappropriate advances towards me. It kept getting worse and worse until one stuck up Male tried to fuck me where I stood. I was so startled that I just grabbed my jumpsuit off the hook, and ran back to my quarters without even putting it back on. Yes, that means I was running through the halls naked.

Now I had my own shower, this is the first time I have smelled decent for three years. I needed to be because in about thirty minutes I was going to dine with the ships officers. I grabbed a towel off the rack and dried myself. There, now I'm not dripping wet. I slid back into my jumpsuit and began to work on my appearance. This is also the first time in three years that I was able to style myself. I've always had a styling kit but I've never had a place to use it until now. I opened it up on front of the bathroom mirror and began to work. For twenty minutes I stood on front of that mirror, applying a range of different colors of make-up, and types of products. When I was finally done I took a moment to examine myself in the mirror. My skin was now flawless, and smooth. There were no hairs sticking out, and my hair in general was now shining, and silky smooth. "You are one sexy girl." I said to myself as I tried different posses in the mirror. Just then I had a thought. What would Will say? He would probably pamper me with complements, and tell me I I'm gorgeous even without all the products. I let out a little chuckle at the thought. He's always trying to make me happy.

I looked up at the clock. 18:25. if I want to get there on time I should leave now. I headed out the door of my quarters, and they automatically closed behind me. I stepped into the elevator and pressed the bottom marked "OM" Officers mess. I waited patiently as the elevator brought me to the dining hall. The elevator doors slid open revealing an enormous, tall room. Classical music played softly in the background. The walls were furnished with artwork and pictures of prophets. On the other side of the room, there was a gigantic window that curved around half the room. Through it, the planet Will called Ellipse glowed in luscious spender but the fact that there were ships hovering over the planet's surface made me feel uneasy. In the center of the room down a small ramp of stairs was a lavishly decorated table with about 50 high ranking Elites, and Brute Chieftains. The largest of the Elites stood up and called to me.

"Ah S'eva, thank the gods you have arrived just in time for your meal!" This must me the shipmaster. I silently strode down the steps leading to the table, and took a seat in the chair the Shipmaster had pulled out for me next to him. Just seconds after I sat down an army of grunts waddled through a door adjacent to the one I came in from carrying plates of the most splendid meats, and greens. They placed the dishes on front of every guest at the table; on front of me was a dish of food classy beyond anything I will ever be able to afford in my lifetime. They were items from all over covenant controlled space, things from planets that I don't even know the name of. All of the guests at the table dug into their food, and chatted with each other except me. I just pushed the food away; it didn't seem right dining in luxury while Will starved in his cell.

After about an hour, the shipmaster stood up and everybody was silenced immediately. "Tonight we give thanks to the gods for blessing us with the mighty worrier S'eva." The others sitting at the table all clapped, and then went silent again as the Shipmaster continued, "Without your valiant efforts we may not have succeeded in the destruction of yet another filthy human colony. To add to your list of great achievements, you have singlehandedly captured a demon, and rose to higher rank than any other female. For your efforts, we have a show for you." He turned my chair around so that I was facing the large window. The gun ports on the ships I observed earlier began to glow, they grew brighter and brighter until a beam of brilliant purple plasma shot from their undersides to the planet. No . . . They were glassing the planet.

I said to the shipmaster, "Those are human cities we are destroying. We must be killing thousands of civilians."

"Yes! Isn't it glorious? Their destruction is the will of the gods! And you made all of this possible."

The truth suddenly washed over me like a title wave. It was me. I'm the reason this is happening. I'm the reason that they can just waltz in here and kill billions of innocent humans. I'm the reason Will is in that cell, starving. I destroyed the generator compound. I destroyed the human's only defense against complete annihilation. I'm a monster. Will was kind to me and this is how I repay him.

I stood there and just looked on in horror as cities melted, as innocent people died, and the planet's surface melted and turned to glass. I felt like something died inside me. I wanted to just collapse on the floor crying. I put on my best casual voice and said to the shipmaster, "Excuse me shipmaster, but can I retire to my quarters for the night?"

"Of course you can retire to your quarters, anything for you!"

He looked back at the window, and I slowly backed out of the room. I was holding back tears the entire way. I'm a monster.


I was awoken from my sleep by the soft sound of somebody crying. I opened my eyes and looked up, it was still dark. Everything was pitch black, but slowly my eyes adjusted to the dark, and soon I was able to make out the form of a something weeping on the bench outside the cell's shield door.

"S'eva, is that you? Oh my god it is you. What happened? Come in."

Without saying a word she wiped tears her eyes, and dragged herself into my cell. Her jumpsuit was stained with tears and her usually tidy brown hair was a mess. Tears shined in her eyes, she had the look of being broken, of giving up, of complete self loathing. She collapsed onto me and wept on my shoulder as I embraced her with a soft hug. She sobbed on my shoulder for several minutes before she finally stopped crying enough to speak. "Oh Will. I'm so sorry."

"Sorry about what?"

"There glassing the planet Will. There killing billions of innocent people, and it's all my fault! Billions of people vaporized for no one's fault but my own."

She broke down again, crying and sniffling on my shoulder. I felt her tears running down my neck as I patted her on the back.

"S'eva, listen to me sweetheart. You haven't done anything wrong."

"No Will I have. I'm responsible for the death of billions! I'm a monster just like all the others. I don't deserve your affection."

She wiped another tear from her face and continued to weep, silently whispering "I'm sorry Will. I don't deserve your forgiveness. I don't deserve your kindness. I don't deserve your love. I'm a horrible person."

With my finger I gently lifted her chin up to face me, but she turned away, resisting my attempt at comforting her. "S,eva. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are the most beautiful creature in the entire galaxy. You shine brighter than the stars themselves because you're my star S,eva. You are my goal in life now."

She wiped another tear from her face and looked up at me.

"Don't be so hard on yourself because I love you S'eva, and even if you did do something wrong I forgive you. I'll always forgive you. I'll always love you."

"Do you really? Am I actually that important to you?"

"More important than you could ever imagine."

Some of the despair vanished from her face. In a shaky voice she hugged me tighter and said, "Will I love you too! You mean the same to me as I do to you. You're brave, and kind, and fearless. You are the single most important person in my life to. I'm so happy came into my life."

She managed to flash a little smile before the despair returned to her face. "I still don't think I can ever forgive myself. I can't go through life with this sort of guilt."

She began to cry again. "Well this cheered me up when I was sad, maybe it will do the same for you."

I gently lifted her head to face me; I closed my eyes and kissed her.


My heart raced as his lips met mine. They were so soft, so smooth. As he embraced me with this gentle gesture of affection, my sadness melted away. He loves me that much, that he is willing to forgive after what I did. I was his muse. Nothing I did would ever be bad in his eyes. He would follow me to the ends of the earth to keep me safe, and down the darkest abyss to make sure I was happy. I feel the same way about him.

Now his tong was poking through his lips, and into mine. I extended my tong to meet his, and the world seemed perfect. I felt his breathing, his pulse. My body was against his as we cuddled in this romantic embrace. We made-out for what seemed like hours, but every moment of it was splendid.

When we finally pulled away, he said to me in a soft, smooth voice, "It's O.K, I'm not done yet."

I felt his hand reach under my breast, and it slowly began to slide down until it was on my waist. With two fingers he walked his hand over to the inside of my thighs. His fingers kept going until he had reached my private area. I was about to move my hand to cover it, but instead I just felt, and waited. I squirmed a bit when he began to tickle me with his fingers.

"Ha-hay, stop that! Ha ha!"

I was squirming all over the place laughing. Now he had two hands in-between my legs, both tickling.

"Alright alright enough! Ha! You can stop now!"

The funny feeling went away as his fingers stopped moving. He pulled his hands away as I fell limp, back first on the bed. My body relaxed and my feet hung over the side of the bed. Will lied down next to me, cuddled me and began to whisper into my ear.

"Do you want more, or is that enough for now?"

"Oh no Will please don't stop. I want more. Give it to me."

"I will grant your wish my star."

He began to kiss me again. I closed my eyes and once again, our tongs met. I felt his hand on my breast. My nipples were beginning to perk up and become visible in the shape of my jumpsuit. His hand rubbed across both breasts, back and forth, and back and forth until it stopped on one. His other hand crept around me and grabbed my other breast. Slowly he squeezed harder and harder until I was purring with pleasure.

He lets go, and gestures to the zipper on the back of my neck, "Now what do we have here?"

I rolled over onto my stomach to grant him access. He slowly begins to pull the zipper down along the length of my body. He kept going until the zipper reached the bottom at end of my buttocks. I felt the jumpsuit being sliding off me as Will slowly began to pull it off. I felt it slip off the end of my feet, and heard a gentle thud as the jumpsuit fell to the floor. I sat up and looked at will. This time I kissed him, and reached for the zipper on his jumpsuit. He tensed for a moment as I began to pull the zipper down. It glided with ease till it reached the end of its journey. I pulled the suit off of his soft skin with ease. I looked down and saw his penis. It was enormous, almost a foot long and two inches wide, no hair. I've never seen a penis that huge before, not even any sex toys. Man, physically augmented is right.

He said in a slow, soothing voice, "Forget about that for now. Lie down on your belly." I did as he told and felt the cold sheets against my breasts. His strong hands massaged my tense shoulders; I closed my eyes as he gave my entire body a massage. When he was done he said to me in that same soothing voice, "Are you ready for the main course?"

"Oh yes."

He lied down flat on his back, his erected penis sticking up like a tree. I placed my knees on either side of his waist so that my vagana was directly over his mammoth penis.

"Are you sure you want it there? I'll do anything you want me to do."

"Oh god yes I want it there! I can take it."

I lowered myself onto him. Was it even going to fit? It was too late now. I cried out in pane as he penetrated me. I lowered myself onto him, and it went in deeper, and deeper. After what seemed like thirty minutes I finally reached the base of his penis. It hurt more than anything I have ever experienced before, but I didn't want to stop. It felt so good. When his penis finally settled inside my stomach my entire body relaxed, and the pain went away.

"Come on, give to me. I'm ready."

"As you wish my love."

He began to push it in and out, and the pain returned. It hurt even more than it did before but the pleasure was more than enough to make the pain insignificant. I was crying out in agony and pleasure at the same time. Tears slipped down my face and onto my breasts. It was too much, I needed to grab hold of something. I grabbed my own breast and squeezed as hard as I could.

"OH GOD, Will, I love you! I love you so much!"

Will kept getting faster and faster, until the feeling was almost unbearable. I was moaning and crying. I've never felt like this before.

I didn't think it was possible but my orgasm got more and more intense, until I began to feel it. It began to feel like I need to pee really badly. I could barely handle the pleasure now, I prepared as best as I could for the climax. The feeling built more and more until it hit. An unbearable feeling of pleasure exploded through my body. Every cell, every part of my being felt it. It penetrated deep inside; it was more than I could take. All of the air rushed from my lungs in that one final shriek of pleasure. Suddenly the feeling left my body and shook with weakness. My cum spilled onto his penis, and pooled on his stomach. The lubrication lessened the pain to a bearable amount as I tried to catch my breath. Will kept on going, I could feel it in his penis, and he was about cum too. I stopped panting just as he cummed inside of me. I felt it squirting inside me. I let out a soft purr in agreement. It just kept coming, it was so much cum. I loved the feeling; my belly was filling with his warm, thick cum. I could feel it sloshing around when I moved. I felt the stickiness of his cum in my belly.

Will was gasping for breath now. When he had finished, I lied down over him and gave him a gentle hug. I winced in pain a bit as his penis settled again inside of me, but it wasn't too bad.

I whispered into his ear, "Thanks for that Will. I needed it."

"Just doing what I can to make you happy. I love you so much S'eva."

My eyes began to water, "I love you too Will."

"Could you promise me one thing?"

"I'll do anything your heart desires."

"Promise me you'll never leave me. I don't think I could live without you."

I hugged him tighter and whispered again into his ear with a soothing voice "I promise." We made out one more time before Will finally fell asleep. I could feel my eyes getting heavier with every passing moment I watched Will sleep. I watched as his chest moved up and down with every breath. I gently laid my head down on his chest and let the thumb of his heartbeat sooth me to sleep. Slowly my eyes closed, and my breathing slowed until I fell into a deep sleep.


I awoke the next morning feeling rejuvenated. Something was on top of me; I looked up and saw S'eva soundly asleep, lying on top of me. She hadn't moved since I fell asleep last night, my penis was even still inside of her. I shifted slightly and felt something sticky on by lower torso, it must be S'eva's cum from the night before that had dried during the night. Last night was wonderful, but the best part about it was that S'eva is happy again.

I looked down at her face. She was sleeping with a smile on her face, how cute. What could she be dreaming about? It might be me, but I'll probably never know. I slowly ran my hand along her silky brown hair; she's so beautiful, so independent. I'm lucky to have her. Last night was more than just sex, it was the final barrier being broken, the final hurdle jumped. Now we were inseparable. Our love has formed an unbreakable bond between us. Even though we are from two completely different worlds, we are sole mates destined to be together for as long as we live.

One concern was fresh in my mind. I cummed inside of her, and all of the cum went straight inside of her. What if I impregnated her? I know we would both stay together through anything but if she was pregnant how would we deal with it? Could humans and elites mate? It's possible; I heard that somehow humans and Elites have remarkably identical DNA, a closer mach than any animal known on earth. Even if Elites and humans could mate, I had no idea where she was on her period. The likelihood that I had impregnated her is small, but it still burned a hole in the back of my mind.

My though was interrupted when S'eva stirred on top of me. Slowly she opened her beautiful brown eyes and raised her head to look at me.


Will said to me in a smooth, soft voice, "Morning sleeping beauty. I see you slept well, are you feeling better?"

In a weak voice I rubbed my eyes and said, "Yeah I'm feeling much better. Thanks again Will."

My face was crusty with dried tears, and I could still feel the stickiness inside of me from when Will cummed. Speaking of sex, Will's penis was still inside of me! Had I fallen asleep with that mammoth thing inside me?

"Hey Will, could you uhh." I gestured down to our private parts.

"Oh yeah of course." I winced a bit with pain as he finally pulled out. It came out with a "pop" and I rolled over on the bed next to him. I felt hollow now down there. Like somebody dug a gigantic hole in my body. When I moved I could feel his cum from the night before sloshing around in my belly. I was filled, it felt like I ate or drank way too much. Also, his cum that had leaked out of me had dried leaving a crusty residue on the lips of my private parts. It all sounds sort of unpleasant but it actually felt sort of good.

"There, that better?" Will said.

I cuddled up next to him and said in a playful voice as I ran my hand along his chest, "Not really. Hehe. But nothing lasts forever." We made-out again for another several minutes before we finally sat up.

"Will, I feel sorry that you're stuck in this cell."

"Well you can't change that."

Wait could I? At that moment I formulated a plan to liberate us both. "Will, I can change that, and I'm going too." I shakily stood up, the cum was still sloshing around. And I began to pull on my jumpsuit.

"I'll be back in couple hours. When I come back were gona blow this dump."

I was halfway out the door when Will shouted, "Wait! Before you go, when was your last period?"

I thought for a moment why he would ask such a question, and then it hit me. I said to Will, "Don't worry about it; my last period wasn't that long ago." and I ran out the door. As I ran down the hall way I thought to myself, "That was a lie. That was a fucking lie."

To be continued