Another Suprise

Story by insertclevername on SoFurry

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#6 of (untitled story)

So it wasnt too long before i decided to write the next. my friend wanted to be inloved in the story so he is :) i hope he likes it


Daniel pulled out of the driveway and drove down the road, Mike watching from the window. The wolf sat down and finished his French toast before washing the dishes. His mood was better after finding out Danny wanted to adopt him, he loved the idea! They haven't filled out any of the forms yet, but they read through everything. He laid on the couch and rubbed his stomach.

He was wondering where Daniel went, he didn't tell him. All he said was he "needed to go out for a bit." The wolf smiled, maybe he went to go see his boyfriend...did he even have one? "I wish I had one..." Mike muttered to himself. He hugged a pillow as he thought about how much better it would be to have someone who deeply loved him. Even more than Danny. Mike never wanted one before; he figured it was too big of a risk. They could be caught talking to each other about private things, caught kissing...or even doing something more. He was still a virgin, never even been kissed. It shouldn't be a big deal that he never had one...but did it also mean no one was ever interested in him?

He hugged the pillow tighter unsure if still being an unkissed virgin was a good thing or bad. He sat up and looked around for something to occupy himself. Besides his room and Daniel's there are two other doors upstairs, why not take a look? He climbed the stairs and reached the first door. He opened the door and looked around. Empty. Absolutely nothing was in here, except a box. What did he expect to find? He shrugged and closed the door, heading for the next. "I hope this one isn't empty too" he said as he opened the next and walked in. There were bookcases around the room full of books. It wasn't a very large room and other than the books there was only a desk with a computer and lamp on it. He sat in the chair and noticed a few motivational pictures on the walls.

He pressed a button on the keyboard and the screen lit up to show the desktop. He opened the internet and decided to log onto his instant messenger. The familiar "Welcome Wolfeh366" popped up. At least his instant messenger was always glad to see him again. He looked at his list of friends online. There was only one, his friend Garrett. He decided to check up on the bunny.

Guily366: Hey bun bun

Wetbun69: Dude! Where the hell are you?

Guily366: At home

Wetbun69: ...

Guily366: what?

Wetbun69: Your parents came to the school. They told the principal to delete all their info form your file...

Guily366: figures...

Wetbun69: Mike whats going on?

Guily366: It's complicated...

Wetbun69: Did they find out your gay?!?!?

Guily366: Its more than that

Wetbun69: where are you? We need to talk

Guily366: but your in school

Wetbun69: no...actually I cut today

Guily366: why?

Wetbun69: Just tell me where you are!

Mike hesitated before responding

Guily366: Mr. Kang's house

Wetbun69: is it true? Are you two...

Guily366: we'll talk when you get here

Wetbun69: I need the address

Guily366: you know that house I always wish I had?

Wetbun69: That's his house?! Gimme 10 minutes!

Wetbun69 has logged out

Mike sighed. At least he'll get to see a friend. He logged off and headed downstairs to wait. Garrett didn't have a license so Mike could imagine him running, his ears flowing behind him. They became friends after the wolf asked him why the bunny's fur was white but had baby blue zebra stripes. The bunny's response was to ask why the wolf's fur was dark gray. His point was that "it just was." Weird way to start a friendship, but it was 2ndgrade and they didn't mind,

Mike's ears perked up at the sound of the doorbell. He opened the door to see a wheezing Garrett. The wolf smiled "C'mon in" Garrett walked in and collapsed on the couch, catching his breath.

Mike sat next to him "Welcome to my new home"

"Well" Garrett said, still panting a bit "Start...talking"

The wolf spent the next hour or so telling him about everything that has happened, holding back tears. By the end of it, Garrett was speechless.

"That's what happened..." Mike finished

"Well at least things are looking up, right?"

"Yeah...I hope it keeps getting better"

"I'm sure it will man" The bunny smiled at the wolf, who couldn't help but give one back

"Hey where's the computer? You gotta see something!"

"The confused wolf responded with a "follow me" and led him into the study. Garrett sat in the chair and typed in the site for their school.

"What's so special about the site?" Mike asked

"Just wait" The bunny responded and clicked on the "newspaper" link and they both read the headline out loud: Crackdown on Bullying

"So they finally are going to do something about it!"

Garrett got up and sat the wolf down so he could read the article. The bunny smiled wide "They have a box in the office and one on the site! Enter a name and the staff will watch that student for awhile to see if he's bullying!"

Mike look at him "and you want me to enter their names..."

"Of course! This is your chance to get them back, get them expelled! It'll make things better"

"But they'll know it was me!

"But you won't be alone anymore; me and Fabian will always watch you. No ones gonna mess with a horse"

"You guys are straight, do you really wanna be seen with the fag?"

"We're you friends. You didn't tell us about this before so we couldn't help you. But now I know and I'm going to tell Fabian" Garrett's ears drooped a little "and...I'm not straight..."

Mike's eyes widened "W-what...?"

"I didn't want to tell you because you had enough to worry about with your parents..."

"But why tell me now? You have a crush on me or something?"

The bunny took a deep breath "I just thought you should know. And kind of..."

"'Kind of?' what does that mean?"

"Well your like a brother to me, we've known each other forever. But I still think your cute and..."

"So you don't have a crush on me, but you think I'm attractive"

"More than attractive..."

Mike still didn't understand "Meaning...?"

Garrett sighed "You innocent little wolf..."

"Well what are you trying to say!?"

"That I want to sleep with you!"

Now the wolf didn't know what to say.

His friend sighed again "I care about you like a brother, but I'd also sleep with you if I had the chance...I don't really know how to describe it...I know it's weird b-"

"What about the girls?" Mike interrupted "Your exes"

"They...they were to seem straight"

"So when you kissed them it meant nothing?

"...Yeah" "So the only people you've ever kissed you lied to, you tell me you don't have feelings for me, and you want me to sleep with you. Like a fuck buddy?"

"That's not it!" Garrett sniffled "I told you it's hard to explain. I care about you, but as something like a brother...but not. And not as a boyfriend either..."

Mike pulled his friend into a hug, not wanting him to start crying "It would be nice to have my first kiss with someone I know I can trust..."

Garrett hugged back smiling "wouldn't it also be nice to have your first time with someone you trust?"

Mike looked him in the eyes with a slight grin "Don't push it bun bun"

The bunny gave a chuckle and shrugged "It was worth a try"

Mike pulled him closer, noticeably nervous about his first kiss. Garrett took over, guiding his muzzle to his own. The wolf didn't know what to do, his paws stayed awkwardly on his friends sides. The bunny licked the wolf's lips and he understood, slightly opening his maw, letting his friends tongue in to massage his own. He relaxed into the kiss and let his paws roam his friend's body as the bunny did the same. They kissed for awhile, feeling everything they could above the waist.

Garret broke the kiss and placed a paw on the noticeable bulge in the wolf's jeans and mike blushed hard "I-I'm sorry, it got me excited" The bunny laughed and kissed his cheek "I can take care of it for you, you wont have to do anything back I promise." Mike couldn't talk; he just gave a slight nod. His friend smiled and undid his pants, groping and kisses the wolf's neck who could only moan in response. His paws gripped the chair as the bunny pulled out his cock and slowly stroked it"

Suddenly the door opened and an orange figure walked in "Mike, you in he-oh!" the two boys jumped as Daniel left and closed the door "Dinner's ready, come down when your ready." They listened as his footsteps faded and sighed

" we go?" Garrett asked

Mike stood up and zipped up his pants "Uh...yeah. Let's go"

"Is he gonna be mad?"

"I hope not...but only one way to find out"

They both agreed and left the room, heading down the stairs for dinner.



hope you all liked it, i dont know when ill write again but the story is not over of course. i was going to add "cockblock" in tags but i didnt want to give it away heheh

TTFN ^.=.^