A Visitors New Life: An Unexpected Find

Story by Able Skymage on SoFurry

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#2 of A Visitors New Life

A Visitors New Life:

An Unexpected Find

Chapter 2

Off in another part of the woods a confused Terri starts to scream out to no one in particular. " God damn it all, why the hell did I do that? I have never hit someone before on purpose other than for play, neither have I ever run from some one. Why did I react to someone in such an irrational manner?" almost as if calling from heaven Terri is startled to hear a question from almost directly above her.

" I don't know. I would like to know also, seeing as how you almost knocked my head off with that one punch?" says Able from a branch not ten feet above her.

" SHIT how the fuck did you get up there?" screams out Terri.

" What did you think that these wings wouldn't work? I'm mean come on what did you expect their wings?" says Able while hoping down to the forest floor.

" Listen I sorry about those two idiots, I met them on a planet about 600 light years from here they were priests that worshiped a race of winged felines that might as well have been dictators if it wasn't for the fact that there was over a thousand of them and about six million of their worshipers per moon.

"Now you must keep this in mind I am from a planet not even from this galaxy my planet is about 2.3 million light years away from this solar system. My culture has surpassed your own culture with a warp speed capability of warp 24. Though we tend to travel at warp 18.5 due to the effects of relativity.

Me and my crew have been traveling for about fifteen years now always reporting in to our home world even though I don't think they even expect us to for them we've been gone over seven hundred years due to relativity. They have far surpassed even me in technology. So when we last called in they even gave us leave for the rest of our lives we were free to do what we wanted my family actually became highly influential in government. But that doesn't concern me or my crew, no we continued on doing what we do every time we meet a new space faring civilization like yours except we don't crash.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

We were traveling through space when my long range sensors picked up readings of a space faring civilization not three light years from our present course. " Captain we are coming up on a grouping of planets that I would like to study, it has a space faring culture on three of the seven planets surrounding the twin stars. The third planet in particular is an amazing site in itself." says my science officer.

Gazing at the sensor read out on the screen in my arm rest I was intrigued by what I saw. " I see what you mean ensign Tovar. Sensho set a course headed for the smaller moon of the third planet." I said to my pilot.

" Aye sir, course plotted heading their at warp 6." says Sensho.

" Avery, you and Thaana follow but stay in orbit. I'm going to explore the smallest moon of the third planet, I need you to stay hidden incase I need back up." I ordered over the radio.

" Yes sir." said Thaana and Avery at the same time over the radio.

" Sir we've reached a parking orbit around the smaller of the two moons." said Sensho.

" Good work lieutenant, you have the bridge till we return. Ensign Tovar grab two marines and follow me to the transporter room." I ordered.

" Computer I need four sets of field kits and three phasers and one mark 44( heavy plasma rifle). Computer I also need you to download their main computers." I requested. Grabbing my pack I was last to the transporter room due to the fact that my wings made it harder to put any kind of pack on at all. " Good your all here lets get going, Computer energize."

The moon was small compared to most planets but very dense due to an abundant mineral the locals called Xilitium so the gravity was 0.89 G's. Me and my crew teleported to a place about fifty miles a way from any major city so as to not alert the local government of our presence.

" Tovar what do the preliminary readings say. I'm amazed this is the first planet I have been to that was so saturated in magic." said Able. Amazed Able continued to turn staring at all the new sites and smells. I was amazed at all the green around me because of the fact that on my home world there was no trees in the wild. All the trees were in gardens and nursery's. This much green was unheard of even for the rich.

That was until I heard a loud scream from some ware about 300 yards in front of us. Startled out of my funk I started to run towards the scream. On arrival I find two canine morphs on one side of a fast flowing river and in the middle of the river was a little cub on top of a rock. With out thinking I jumped into the air and started to fly towards the child when the little cub started to scream. When the parents noticed me they turned towards me and pointed screaming at the top of their lungs hugging the other in fear. This I never noticed cause I was flying over the river reaching for their child to try and save him.

Upon reaching the child I tried to reach for him, but when I reached out for him he let go of the rock and the river started to pull him away. Seeing the fact that I might lose him I started to focus my magic and screamed out. " Sorete nanome chibe farame." Then releasing the magic I started to glow a bright blue.

When the spell was released the child started to float. I reached out and grabbed the child from mid air. At this point the child's parents fainted. When I landed the child screamed out something I did not understand at all so I turned on the universal translator. When at last the parents started to come around I just stood aside and sat down on a rock just looking at them. When they finally were able to concentrate on something than their son they finally noticed me just looking at them calmly. " Your holiness please forgive us for that. please don't take our son to punish us for our impudence."

While just listening to them was bad enough, when they asked me to not take their son that just floored me. Never an I mean never did I expect any one to ask me, or even be forced into that kind of situation. With my jaw hanging wide open I looked like a fool. After a minuet I finally was able to speak.

" No I'm not going to punish you, why would I? I'm new here. I am not familiar with your customs so I don't know if I'm supposed to or not." what I said must have relieved them because they all sighed heavily.

" You mean your not a god, but you look like one? How can you have wing and magic, and not be a god?" asked the two confused canines. " Lord Highcalcome decreed that all with heavenly wing must be gods." explained the mother of the child.

" No I'm no ones god, I am only a homely interstellar explorer. I do not, nor will I ever claim to be someone's god." I said to the canine family. The more and more I watched the relax the more I got to recognizing their species. They looked a lot like Crefmans." said Able

" Crefmans? What are those? I have never herd of such a species." holding up my scanner I was able to show her a small holo of the family. " Oh is that the family you saved? They looked like a male wolf morph an a female husky." explained Terri.

" Ok now we know. Now let me finish my explanation to the priests behavior. Now where was I. Oh yea, I could not believe that they thought that I was a god so I said, all I was doing was just surveying the land around our teleportation site when I heard their screams."

" I'm not a god please believe me, I only came here to make first contact and gather supplies and intell." I said but I could see it in their eyes that they did not believe me one bit. " If you don't believe me take me to your city or the nearest temple the priest's will know." they looked at me and shrugged. While following the child's parents I began to question the young wolf morph.

" Young man what is your name? My name is Able Skymage." I asked politely.

" My name is Kuro. Skymage ? That's a new family." wondered Kuro.

" Family? What do you mean by that?" I asked

" Your god family. Don't you remember that?" asked Kuro petulantly.

" I told you that I'm not from this planet, or any planet near by." I explained.

" Sure what ever." said Kuro in a sarcastic tone.

The rest of the journey to this temple was pretty quiet. The only sounds made were from the local fauna, and our scanners. The input from the scanners was a lot to handle for such a little computer. From ten miles away our scanners where near crashing from the input the city was giving off.

Upon entering the outskirts of the city furs were either running away from us or bowing on their hands and knees. I did not like this kind of behavior at all, and let it be known. " People please do not bow to me, I am not a god. I'm just like you, see I bleed red blood just like you." while saying this I pulled out my plasma knife and cut a six inch long and quarter inch deep cut. I started to bleed profusely but did not care. " See I bleed just like you. Now will some fur give me a clean rag? I don't want to prove how mortal I am."

After receiving a clean black shirt to cover the wound we continued. Along the way to the center of the city to get to the temple we ran into a large group heading the opposite way and in the front of this party was a winged feline. He was pure black in coloring with large feathered wings. He was impressive with his well defined muscles and crystal blue eyes.

" Halt who are you to block the way of a god." I just stood there impassively staring at him down my muzzle. Every fur other than me and this so called god. " You must not be from around here, so cower in fear at my mighty power." after letting his statement sink in he raised his hand and started to call on his power.

Glowing red he started to chant his spell. I just walked up to him and before he finished his spell I grabbed his index finger and ripped it right off his hand. Screaming, he fell to the ground in pain bleeding every where. " Some god you are, you attack first and think later. Well now you can't attack."

Reaching forward I grabbed his hand and muttered a spell reattaching his finger and healing it. " So are you going to tell me your name or are you going to scream more?"

" My name is Tesh of the Panthereon Clan, we are going to make you pay for your insolence. Your going to scream for mercy before were done with you." and with a loud bang he apperated . Still flabbergasted by such a spectacle they did not notice that he had ran away till I started to walk away.

" Your holiness where are you going?" asked Kuro

" I'm going to this temple to see what this all about. If a fur claims to be a god and attacks some one for just standing in his or her way dose not see other furs as equals or friends." I explained.

Walking through the city was even harder than before. Furs were no longer cowering, they were starting to crowed around me. " Furs please make way I need to get to the temple soon." as if by magic all the furs in front of me started to make a path for me to get through.

Continuing on through the city was easier now that they weren't blocking my path. I was now able to see some of what the city and culture was like. Almost every house or business had a painted figure of an winged feline of one species after another. The closer I got towards the center of the city the more statues of these winged felines of the Panthereon clan made of the same mysterious mineral that comprised most of the core of this world.

Upon coming up to the third statue I asked the nearest fur about the material that this statue was made of. " Sir these are made of Xilitium." said the buff looking Doberman.

" Xilitium? What is this?" I asked.

" Xilitium is a strong, dense, light, and malleable metal. It's actually stronger than an alloy made with titanium or steal in it." explained another fur.

" Hmmmm, this has strong possibilities in ship building." I said.

Finally entering the center the city I was able to see the temple, it was not what I was expecting. Outside of the temple was several groups of furs on the steeps of the temple. This whole scene there was females every were mostly fondling the few winged felines in the area. Some of the many females were even going so far as to suck off some of their "gods." This whole scene just made me sick.

" So this is were the cowards of this city live. You ladies sucking them off, or those of you just fondling them to pleasure them. You disgust me." while I was saying this most if not all of the females turned away from the Panthereons, and the Panthereons were standing up all ruffling their wings in anger. " Cowards, and you call your selves gods. Gods do not act in such a way. God should respect their followers and not contempt. God's should be looked up upon as figures of high morals, not lazy bums that take advantage of people. You all are fools, to think that this 'paradise' of yours would last for long. "