White on Black [Request]

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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#1 of Old stories

One of my first requests. :3

It was a cold day. The trees seemed to huddle together in swaying bunches of remorseful brown skeletons. All the clouds had decided to converge on this one area of the sky, so as to paint that sky an icy shade of grey and block out the sun without another sense of thought. It seemed that there was no life anywhere: nothing moved save for the lifeless things that may have once been plants, stirred with half a care by the wind blowing on through. Everyone was huddled in their houses, trying to keep warm, thanking God that it was a weekend.

There was absolutely nothing to do and all the time in the world to do it.

Nobody wanted to get out of bed - especially the red fox with all the blankets of his bed pulled up to his chin: underneath the coverings of fabric and feathers - and, of course, his own fur - he wore nothing. Fast-fleeing half-memories of a faint dream escaped his mind as he awoke, and he rolled over onto his side with a groan. "Thank God it's the weekend," the fox - Tyler - muttered to himself: it was somewhere around noon, and he did not want to get up. His eyes were still heavy, the bed was still so warm... and a certain part of him was still hard from just awakening. This was a good morning.

Wait, no - good morning ruined. A series of knocks on the closed door of his room, his mom's voice: "Tyler, someone's here for you. Wake up."

In response, he just groaned again - but louder this time - and sat up, then regretted it. Where had he thrown his clothes last night...? It was so, so cold, almost to the point of being painful; well, at least his winter coat had grown in recently. He stood, cast about for his clothes, gave up, and pulled on some pants that happened to be lying dejectedly on the floor of his closet. The semi-stiff fabric felt like ice as he pulled the pants up his legs, and ended up bouncing around and yelping softly when the cold zipper pressed against his sack and still-hard member. Who could it be on such a day like this? Should he wear a shirt? It wouldn't be long - well, it shouldn't be.

Mom again: "Tyler! Hurry up!"

"Well, who is it?" He opened the door and looked around - she was shouting from the front door.

He heard her ask whoever it was, and there was a somewhat low-voiced reply: had that voice been louder, he might have recognized it... but it wasn't, so he didn't and instead relied on what his mom told him until he reached the door himself. "It's Eric," his mom said: the wolf smiled at Tyler, who regretted his decision to not put on a shirt - this wolf was his biggest crush. Tyler had seen him naked in the locker room at school, and liked what he saw. "He said you have an English project to work on. Tyler, why don't you ever tell me about your school projects...? I-"

"It's alright," said Eric - in that sweet tenor voice of his, "we're almost done. Just have to finish an essay; I'll be out quickly."

She looked him over - observed the black jeans that matched his fur, the large grey school hoodie he wore, and the rings in his ear - and then nodded, closing the door behind him. "It's too late for breakfast, and I'm oging somewhere with some friends later, so you guys are on your own for lunch."

"Alright. Thanks, Mom. See you later." Then, when the two were further down the hall, Tyler said under his breath: "We have an English project...?"

"No." Eric chuckled. "...Your mom has friends? Moms aren't supposed to have friends. I told her we had a project so we could just hang out: I know how she won't let guys in your room with you."

"Yeah. She... walked in on me with-"

"Yeah, you told me that before." Eric was completely cool with how Tyler was gay - what if he wanted to try something? Why would he take time out of his weekend - and bother to walk over here in such cold weather, too - to spend a while with this [perpetually horny] fox?

"So, why you here? I mean, we never talk outside of school."

"Well, there's nothing else to do today." The wolf closed the door to Tyler's room - that was something else his mom did not allow, and he hoped she didn't hear it close. That would ruin everything. "Hey, your mom keeps it really hot in here. Mind if I take my shirt off?"

It was cold - really cold. Eric definitely had something in mind... Tyler didn't mind, though. He didn't mind at all. "S... sure. I don't care. Just... try not to let my mom see before she leaves, alright?"

"Oh, sure." Tyler watch as Eric pulled his jacket up over his head and dropped it to the floor: underneath, he was wearing a tight white shirt. Tyler could feel himself start to grow hard - all of the wolf's muscles were clearly outlined in that shirt - and shifted his position sitting on the bed to make it less obvious... but Eric still probably saw it, because he took his time in taking his shirt off. Why was he being like this? What was he planning?

"So, what have you been doing all day?" Eric sat back in the chair by the desk, on the other side of the room from the bed: his belt was loose, and his pants hung a bit low.

"Well, I just woke up before you got here... still half-asleep, and I'd like to get back to that soon. Oh, but no rush."

"Of course. No rush at all." The way Eric was sitting - he was leaning back, one arm hanging limp by his side and the other on his knee, with his legs partially spread - made the bulge in his pants seem very large... though, from what Tyler had seen in the locker room, it was. The outline of his sheath was clearly visible... and by the look on his face - that sort of faint, amused smile - he knew it.

"So..." said Tyler, his heart pounding in his chest, "what did you really come here for?..."

"...Oh... well..." The fine black wolf seemed nervous, and he moved a bit - however, this movement didn't hide his bulge. Tyler was thankful for that. "...I was wondering if you could help me with... uh... something."

"Something?" Tyler didn't bother to hide it this time as he readjusted his pants: Eric watched, and shifted again. "What would that 'something' be? I mean... I'll help you with anything."

"Well... you know how I just broke up with my girlfriend?"

"I thought she broke up with you."

"No... I lied about that. I didn't want anyone to know that... that it wasn't there anymore."

"What wasn't there?" Tyler stood and stepped toward the wolf; he had never seen him so quiet and nervous before.

"You know... it. All of it. I think she was cheating on me with two other guys, for one. And... after a while, she stopped responding to my texts and started ignoring me whenever I saw her..." He looked away when the fox placed a paw on his shoulder - was that a blush?

"So... what do you want me to do?" What if Eric hadn't come over here for him? What if he came here just for some advice? Tyler's member was straining against the front of pants; if he could get Eric out of here fast, he could fix that himself...

"I don't know what I want you to do, Ty." Ty. Only his boyfriends called him that. "But... that's the thing... I just don't know what I want at all. I mean, I like girsl, but then there's... well, all my relationships for the past three or so years have ended like this, with them all acting like I don't exist or I did something wrong. You and your guys have never seemed to have that problem, and I... I've been wondering what it feels like."

There was a realy, actual blush this time: it made Tyler smile to himself. "Do you mean the relationship itself, or...?"

"...Both." Eric looked up at Tyler, and in those eyes - those emerald-green eyes that clashed beautifully with his fur - the fox saw hope.

This was it. Tyler stepped over and kneeled down in front of that wonderful wolf, whose blush grew hotter. "Well, for one, guys aren't total bitches." He released the top button slowly, letting his paw press against what was underneath. "Two, most guys aren't complete and totaly whores... well, most of the time. Some are all of the time. They'll never talk to you: they want you to approach them." He looked up as he began pulling down the zipper: Eric looked back at him with the same faint smile as before and the blush still present. "Oh, and one more thing." The fox hooked his fingers around the waistband of the wolf's pants and boxers. "Guys love you back."

The wave of musk hit his nose: it was hot in the coldness of the room, rich, thick, and utterly delicious. The wolf's meat - already hard - hung in front of his face, teasing and tempting his nostrils. Time seemed to slow down at that moment, as he started to lean forward:he felt Eric's paw rubbing behind his ears, then softly sliding down and caressing his face... Tyler closed his eyes and opened his mouth, just enough for his tongue to hang out. He could almost taste it, before his tongue met that hot, hard meat - and then, he really could. He felt Eric lean back, release a breath, and relax, as the fox let his tongue play and dance around the tip: Tyler never thought that he would actually get this far with such a strong, powerful wolf as Eric - but, now, it was really happening. It was really, really happening. What more could he ask for?

Tyler's own erection felt like it was going to rip the fabric of his pants; he devoted one paw to fixing that, focusing most of his attention instead on the [more important] wolf whose cock sat on his tongue - this wasn't something he wanted to go away. This was absolutely wonderful. He could still taste the rich, delicious musk, could still feel it each time he inhaled - he opened his eyes and, seeing how Eric's were closed and his head thrown back, just closed them again and pulled the tip of his cock into his lips. This elicited a soft moan paired with a pleasured sigh from the wolf; Tyler slid down, letting his tongue cup Eric's meat, enjoying how the rich flavor filled his head and throat...

He could feel the wolf start to press upward into his mouth, wanting it to go deeper: Tyler happily obliged, pulling his meat as far into his throat that he could without gagging. With one paw, he reacdhed up a bit and massaged the wolf's warm sack, still bobbing his head up and down - and gagging slightly. He knew Eric was big, but never thought he'd be this big.

His breathing got faster, and the thrusts up into Tyler's throat increased in both speed and power he put behind them: the fox also moved faster, still resisting the urge to reach down and begin working at himself - and then, off a random thought, he wondered how Eric would taste once he had finished. After all, he had to be close by now: why else would he seem more urgent?

Everything happened at once: Eric released a long, euphoric moan and pressed up deeply into the fox's throat; Tyler responed by squeezing the base of the wolf's cock and keeping it that deep in his throat; Eric's seed shot out onto his tongue, hot, thick, and utterly delicious. Tyler drank all of it in, gagging only slightly as it hit the back of his throat - he could feel the wolf's pleasure as he pulled his mouth off of that hot mass of meat: he saw the content, drowsy smile on his muzzle and the rising and falling of his beautiful bare chest.

Tyler leaned back onto the balls of his feet, his own erection having worked itself free from his unbuttoned and unzipped pants - or maybe he did that. He coud only vaguely recall what he was doing, and instead remember - very clearly - everything about this wolf: how he felt in his mouth, what he tasted like, the warmth of his sack in Tyler's paw...

The two sat there for a while - Eric leaning back with his eyes closed as his breathing gradually slowed to normal, and Tyler stroking himself slowly, sweetly. Right as when he was about sure that Eric had fallen asleep - it was very possible - the wolf stirred a bit, opened his eyes, and watched Tyler as he worked: this brought a shy blush to the fox's cheeks, and he slowed and ceased.

"No, no, don't stop..." murmured Eric, beginning to blush himself, "but c... can I help...?"

Tyler didn't know what to say - so he said nothing and instead leaned back on his elbows after pulling his pants the rest of the way off, legs spread in front of him and tail swept off to the side. Eric - avoiding his eyes shyly - slid off the chair he was in and got onto his hands and knees in front of the bare fox. "You sure you want to do this?" asked Tyler in a soft voice: he got a slow, light nod in response, and then a warm, wet tongue pressed against the base of his meat: he leaned his head back and closed his eyes again, letting himself drift off into euphoric oblivion as the wolf tasted him, smelled him, held him in his paw to squeeze and stroke, figuring things out - Tyler's outlook on the situation [and pleasure gained from it] rose steadily, for Eric didn't seem to be repulsed and was instead drawn in. He began to stroke faster and harder, and mirrored the dances Tyler's tongue performed with his own... he seemed to enjoy it - if shyly.

Tylre let him take his time - after all, this is what he came over for, right? - but after a while, he just couldn't take it: he clenched his paws and arche dhis back, and emptied his own load into Eric's muzzle - who spat up some of it, coughing and gagging. Tyler breathed a soft 'sorry', eyes half-closed, but the wolf waved it off and replied "No, no problem: I had a lot of fun, but... kinda tastes bad..."

The fox giggled and stood, pulling his pants back on: Eric followed suit. "It's an acquired taste," he explained, handing the wolf his shirt, "and if I do say so myself, you tasted very good."

"Thanks." There was that cute blush and smile again; Tyler had to resist leaning forward and kissing him right on the cheek. "Hey, uh... Ty?"


"Do you think that maybe... we could do this again sometime?"

The fox smiled, and went so far as to take Eric's paw in his own: he was met with no resistance and, instead, a squeeze back.

"I think that could be arranged."