Devolution: Chapter 1

Story by Seventh Architect on SoFurry

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Tis Chapteiro viatse. I will do an overlapping format.


Allice got up after her nightly 'pleasuring' and crawled from her den. She began running, not looking back nor did she turn left or right. She just ran for what seemed like an hour before the urges overcame her once more. She slowed down then stopped, holding her soaking wet mounding.

"Damn it! I can't take this!"

"Then why don't you quell the urges like everyone else does?"


Allice jumped, losing ballance and falling in a spread position, vulnerable to any male.

"Whoa. You...Wow. What a fine pussy you have."

Allice blushed from embarrassment and used her tail to hide her nethers as she got up. She turned to the person and was face to face with a male fox.


She jumped once more, this time keeping her balance.

"Don't jump like that, your breasts keep jibbling oh too cutely."

The fox seemed drunk, toying with her. She covered her breasts and sat down.

"Stop it! It's not funny!"

"It is to me. Eheh. Ehehehhehh."

"What do you want from me?"

"I don't want anything. Your scent of arousal woke me. I was having such a nice dream though."

"Well it's not my fault! I didn't wish for such a body!"

"Whoa. You need to calm down little missy. Is that the way you talked to your boyfriend?"


"Allex? Allex Sebei?"

"You know him?!"

"Yeah. Thats the guy who was killed on sight in one of the camps. He tried climbing a fence last time I remember."

He gave a soft yawn and laid his head down on his paws. Allice's ears dropped, the sure sign of real sadness.

"Oh. Ok then."

"Hey. It's nothing to be sad about. The kid was not a good one. None too bright either. Listen. You were better off without him."

"Thanks for trying to make me feel better but thats not why I'm sad..."

"Well you can tell me all about it tomorrow if you wish. For now, just sleep. You shouldn't be alone either. There are a lot of males hiding in the bushes. You don't want to wake them or meet them either."

"What?! But I...I uh...I don't remember where I came from..."

"Listen. Lucky for you I'm a nice guy. You can sleep here with me or in a tree for the night."

"Oh...I think I'll just lay down here."

"Ok. Just don't make too much noise if you decide to pleasure yourself at night. Lots of the mails here are horny. Including me. But I don't show it. I try to hide it."

His eyes were closed.

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because I really want a girlfriend. Plus. Saving you might work. It doesn't look to hard to keep you away from a bunch of horny males."

"What?! I should have known. You just want me for my body!"

He didn't reply. Only the visible rise and fall of his back was visible. Her anger disappeared and she laid down next to him.

"Well. It's probably the best I could get. Might as well make do with what I got."

She closed her eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

The male woke first, Inhaling a lung full of air and stretching each leg, his front legs forward then his back legs outwards. He noticed that he touched something with his left leg and saw the female folf. He froze, looking at her lovely body. He was speachless, embarrassed, and confused. He jerk away, panicking.

"Oh sh-shit!"

He looked around, finding some large leaves sprouting from a plant. The sun peaked through the bushes and the sounds of the other males rising became audible. He quickly grabbed each eaf from the plant, covering her with them and shoved her next to a tree to further conceal her. All the males moved from their hiding places, passing by the single frightened male.

"Hey Bentley. No need to be scared of the robots."

"Oh it's n-not the robots. I'll be fine. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be with you guys."

"Ok. Whatever."

Once the last male left he hurried over to the pile of leaves and pulled allice out and she awoke.

"What are you doing?!", she whispered.

"You have to get out of here! Go that way, keep going till you find other females, find some place to hide even!"

"Wait...I thought you wanted me to be your girlfriend..."


"Don't you remember last night?"

"Oh damn it to hell...I thought that was a lucid dream..."

"But you were awake. Do you not remember anything that you said?"

"I do but...That is not the me me. That was who I wished to be. I have wished to have a girlfriend but I wished for her to see me for me, not beause I got horny and woke up!"

"But...You have won me. You don't want me?"

"I...Wha...I don't know!"

"Listen...Calm down."

She took his head into her arms and pressed it against her chest. His breathing slowed and he closed his eyes.

"I...Thank you...You are so gentle."

"Just try not to think of it too much. Just relax."

He stayed quiet for several minutes, swaying with her as she hugged him close. Another male walked in from the bushes, trotting along with a happy face.

"Het Bentley! We're waitin for...Whia. Hot! Oh yeah. I'm gettin some of this!"

The wolf approached the two and Bentley's eyes shot open. He pushed away from Allice and took a stance in front of her, growling deeply at the wolf.

"Oh! Sh-shit!!"

The wolf skittered away and Bentley stopped.

"Uhm. Over protective much?", Allice asked.

"Actually. That wasn't me. I think that was Instinct."

"Instinct. Hmm. Maybe this is one of the flaws the robots fixed."

"Maybe. But. I've never been mean to anyone. In mine or nyone else's defene or even in offense. I...I don't understand."

She walked beside him.

"Then don't try. It will only cause more confusion. I...I chose you because I knew that it would be the best of what I would ever get. To take up your drunken offer was what seemed like a good idea in this new world. And now I'm sure of it."

"But I've only...Stopped rape. Holy crap. But wouldn't we have to get to know each other?"

"Well that is what I originally thought. But there may be points where you will have to introduce me to your friends. It will take the right words though as of for now. You could just be my caretaker or something."

"That could work perfectly. But, stay here. I will stay as well. We could live together for a while and probably find a home to claim as ours."

"Whoa. We need to think of one thing right now. Our friendship. So lets just start by getting to know each other. My name is Allice Nomei."

"I am Rickler Tensauc. But it's so hard to pronounce, everyone calls me bentley.

"Ok then. Let's continue."


Further in the woods, the many animals began their own wonderings, finding new mates and all. Everything was being recorded by the drones though. The robots just kept watching everything.

"Robot 2729. Report."

"There has been suspicion of a sighting near Air's Rock."

The robots flew overhead above the large trees, following up until they came across a husky whipping out long strands of quickly oving wind streams. He walked on his hind legs, dancing upon the rocky surface as he manipulated the sand and rustic dust to make a beautiful swirl of red coloring. The robots' sides opened and several guns came out, targetting the husky. They opened fire and he dropped dead, blood pooling under him. The guns retracted and the robots left.

"Any news of subject A?"

"No sir. She shows no signs."

"Data tabbed, verified, pending offer, accepted, awaiting new command, new command recieved. Find Kikler Nomei."


This is part two. I don't think I'm rushing much, but it seems to be working perfectly.