In Space, No One Can Hear You Moan Pt. 3

Story by Wutenwolf on SoFurry

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And now, the third and more than likely the last part of this series. Or not, who can say? For my good friend Sturmfuchs, and introducing a brand new character in this story. One that we both actually know from real life. I hope everyone enjoys her. =^,...,^=

So here it is, enjoy yourselves people.

And btw, don't read if you're under 18 or are offended easily, yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah.

(And also, I had to cut out some of the story, seeing as it would've ended up being a whole damn book had I continued like I wanted, but don't worry, there's still plenty of goodies. And maybe later I might decide to fill in those parts if enough people want it. 'Till then, cheers! ;D)

Tom was sitting in his office, actually getting some work done for once. Or at least trying to. He still had trouble getting the episodes that he had with the Captain and Colonel out of his head. Not that he wanted to, but they did seem to distract him more often than not. Take now for example, he had to crunch some numbers on the inventory catalog for this quarter, and all he could think about was what he and the two wolves continued doing week in and week out. And now he had a raging hard-on just thinking about it.

So here he was, sitting at his desk, with his pants unzipped, paw around his cock, leaning back in his chair and pawing off. In his mind he was with the married wolves, doing what they do best. Fucking. But because he was focused on his fantasies, he didn't hear the timid knocking on his office door.

"Mr. Stolworthy? Sir?" The door slowly creaked open and a blue fox muzzle poked its way into Tom's office. Chandra Grey had just enlisted as a private into the army and was, in her opinion, lucky enough to be set as Tom Stolworthy's assistant. The great Tom Stolworthy, the fox who fought off all of those T-Virus sufferers in the lost space station. She thought it was great. Not to mention he was really cute. But she would never have the guts to actually walk up to him and tell him that to his face. She was way too nervous and jumpy for situations like that. But this, being his assistant, being able to be this close to him on a daily basis, was enough for her.

Now she had brought him some more paperwork for him to fill out, and as she walked into his office, she was surprised to find that his lights were turned off and she could hear heavy breathing. Her eyes widened.

Oh my god! He's choking!

She dropped the papers and turned on the lights, meaning to run over and help him somehow. Instead, she got a severe shock.

"Fuck!" Tom dropped his paw and his eyes shot open as he quickly stood up. "Chandra! What are you doing?!"

Chandra just stood there. She couldn't believe it. Her hero, the brave fox, was jerking off right in his office. Her eyes were glued to the scene before her. The blue fox brought one paw and covered her mouth as she stared at the rusty fox, sitting there trying to stuff his boner back into his pants. She could feel a furious blush starting to cover her face. He was bigger than she had thought. Sure she'd fantasized about him, almost all of the females in the Wormhole did, and they talked about him all the time, not to mention the rumors about him and Captain Richley. Plus the much more quietly spoken, but equally numerous rumors about him and a high-ranking male. ALL the girls really enjoyed that rumor.

"I-I c-came to b-b-bring you s-some m-more..." She could barely speak as she looked at him. Her blush had begun to spread over her entire body and she felt herself growing hot as forbidden thoughts entered her mind.

Tom had finally shoved himself back into his pants and he zipped himself up as he looked at her.

"Chandra," He said slowly. "This isn't what it- I mean it is but..." He took a step closer to her and noticed that she was staring right as his crotch. "Chandra?"

The blue fox's eyes shot up to look her hero in the face. "I-I'm so sorry sir!" She began backing out of the room. "I had j-just s-s-stopped b-by to..."

Tom cocked his head at her. He had never taken a really good look at her, but with the situation being as it was... He noticed that she was very good-looking. Maybe a year or two younger than him, with straight black hair down to about her higher back; in between her shoulder blades, light grey eyes, a nice rack; maybe about 36-38 c, full hips, and a mouth that was begging for a kiss.

Tom walked up behind her and closed the door before she could leave. He then slowly walked back around her until they were facing one another, maybe only about nine or ten inches away from each other.

His eyes seemed to shine as they looked at her. "Was there something that you wanted to say to me?" The rust-colored fox whispered.

"I... You..." She dropped her other paw unconsciously to the front of her pants, where she could feel herself growing hotter and wetter the more she thought about seeing Tom's dick. She just couldn't seem to get the sight of it out of her mind. And she found that the more she thought about it, the more she wanted it. The more she wanted to feel it, to feel him.

Tom smirked as he watched his assistant squirm in front and he slowly inched his way closer to her, until their muzzles were only a few millimeters apart, and he could feel her panting breath hot against his own face.

"You know," He started slowly. "You're a very pretty vixen." He brought his paw up and ran the backs of his fingers down her cheek and leaned his muzzle down next to her ear. "Any fox would be lucky to get with you."

Chandra gasped and her blush deepened, if that was even possible, to cover her whole body. She shivered as the other fox's words teased her ears. Her body seemed to be losing its ability to hold itself up and she felt herself swaying slightly.

"I know that I," Tom whispered seductively, "Would do just about anything to be... with... you."

Chandra's breath all came out in one breath as she fell forward into Tom's arms, like a puppet that had just had its strings cut.

As Tom felt the young fox's lips press against his own, he smiled to himself.

The game of seduction is easier that I thought. He thought to himself. Sure he had played the game with Sue and Gary, but they were willing participants. This was the first time that he had tried seducing someone who he had barely known, let alone known how they had thought about him. He was surprised that she had given in so easily. Well, maybe not THAT surprised.

His arms slowly began to wrap around the younger fox and he slowly began pushing his tongue into the blue vixens' mouth.

Chandra's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she felt herself melt into the older fox's arms. So many sensations were flooding her mind at the same time, all were vying for her attention and she had no idea what to do or how to feel. His strong arms were tightening around her, squeezing her to his chest. While his lips were like velvet against her own, and his tongue writhing around in her mouth, dancing the tango it felt like. The smell of his fur mixed with his sweat and the musky smell of his manhood was pounding at her nostrils, screaming at her brain to just lose control and to give in to the raging hormones that were now racing inside of her. It didn't help that she had just started her heat cycle a few hours before. So while she hadn't started to bleed yet, the feelings and pheromones were definitely there. Of that she had no doubt.

Tom had taken notice as well. Her sweet odor was wafting throughout the room and he was already getting light-headed. So, deciding to take a quick break, he pulled away, and grinned when her lips followed his.

"Did you enjoy that?" He asked.

Chandra could only nod and give a strangled "Mmm." in confirmation as she began grinding her hips onto his.

Giving a low chuckle that surprisingly sounded like it would have come from Gary's lips; he gently led her over to the desk and had her sit down on it. He pushed himself in between her legs and leaned close to her again and asked, "Would you like me to continue?"

The blue's answer was to close the distance between them and lock their lips once more.

Taking the hint and deciding to step up the game a bit, Tom pushed her over fully onto his desk; sending papers, files, and other various office junk flying all over the floor, and pulled open her shirt to reveal her breasts, hidden beneath a black lace bra. His paws immediately worked themselves around and undid the clasp, then threw both her shirt and bra, followed closely by his own shirt, onto the floor.

This got her attention.

"W-wait, I-I don't think we should..." She placed a paw on his shoulder gently, but still slightly firm. "Y-you're my boss a-and..."

Tom smiled gently down at her. She was blushing again, or maybe that was just the sexual fever building? "Don't worry." He assured her. "Nothing's going to happen. "

She's just too damn cute for her own good. He thought. And he was right. Lying beneath him, a paw clutched between her perfect breasts, the other resting on his shoulder, a faint flushing on her cheeks. And those sultry yet innocent gray eyes staring trustingly up at him.

She took a deep breath, seeming to be relieved by his assurance. Her paw on his shoulder lowered and she laid it next to her.

"P-please... be gentle. I... I'm a virgin." She closed her eyes tightly as she said this, as if he would become disgusted and throw her out.

Instead, she was pleasantly surprised to have him kiss her again. This time more gently and say, "Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything to hurt you Chandra."

He slowly lowered his head to her right breast, while at the same time one of his paws was inching its way down to the waistband of her trousers, where he deftly undid both the button and zipper in one fluid motion, before sliding his paw fully beneath the fabric of her pants, but over her panties. He was slightly surprised to find that they were also lace, but this did not matter. Not at this point. He began rubbing her over the soft fabric, she was already moist, and the smell of her was thickening in his nostrils. Growling lightly in his throat as his own hormones automatically kicked into gear, he nipped at her nipple, causing her to let out a small yip and to squirm beneath him.

Unbeknownst to the two foxes, there was another figure standing in the now open doorway, that of Captain Sue Richley. She had come to check up on her little foxy, and maybe to have a quickie. But this was totally unexpected. She would've never had thought that Tom was THIS bold. Sure he could take charge when he wanted to... but actually coercing another into having sex? She was so proud. So there she was; standing in the doorway with her paw down her pants and fingering herself while she watched the foxes at play.

Meanwhile, Tom had managed to wriggle Chandra out of her pants, leaving her in just a pair of black lace panties. He was now sucking vigorously on both of her tits while he slid his paw into her panties and slid a finger inside of her tight virgin pussy. He could hardly believe how wet she was.

I guess the sayings true about virgins. He thought. They get wet real quick.

Deciding not to waste any more time he stood up grudgingly, pulling her panties down her legs and undid his own pants, (making Chandra whimper again in the process), letting them and his boxers slide to the floor, allowing his cock to stand out fully. It seemed to point directly at the vixens waiting hole.

Chandra's eyes widened again. He looked even bigger up close. She started to shake visibly as the thought of that thing going inside of her. It couldn't possibly fit. There was no way!

But Tom had been expecting this reaction from her. How else would a shy virgin react after all?

"Don't worry." He said again. "I promise I won't do anything to hurt you."

She only nodded and closed her eyes tightly. Tome kneeled down in front of her. "Let's get you ready." He whispered, and drew his tongue in a long lick up her pussy, making her gasp. Tom took his time, he wanted this to last. His tongue made paintbrush-like strokes up and down her length, before he started to stick his tongue inside of her. Only a little a first, but soon, more and more of his tongue was thrusting in and out of her sweet pussy. It was like an aphrodisiac, he couldn't get enough. His paws wormed their way up to massage her breasts as he licked and sucked at her hole, wanting to taste every inch of her.

Chandra was gasping and moaning. She had never felt this good before. Her whole body felt like it was on fire! Shots of electricity were shooting off of every nerve fiber in her being! She could feel something building up inside of her, like a water balloon getting ready to burst. And then, with a howl Tom was sure was heard by everyone on the floor, she did.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG!!!! OOOOHHHHH GGGGGOOOOODDDDDSSSSSSS!!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!" Howling out her soul, she came. She came like she never had before. Sure she had masturbated before, and even thought she had orgasmed once or twice. Boy was she wrong. Dead wrong.

Tom was in heaven as Chandra's juices came gushing out. He tried to drink it all up; he didn't want to waste a single drop. And he almost succeeded. Almost.

Sue was gasping as her own orgasm rocked her body, seeing her young fox make someone cum was so intense! She brought her fingers up to her muzzle to lick them clean. Her pussy leaking; she could feel her wetness soaking through her panties and jeans, the juice from her hole sliding down her legs and she let out a sigh of contentment. She turned away, intent to let the two foxes have their fun. But she found her husband standing right behind her.

"Gary!" She whispered, not wanting to disturb the two younglings, "What are you doing here?"

"Same as you I suspect." He answered. "Hoping to get in a little alone time with Tom, and yet, he already has company. Shall we have a look?"

And with that, he stepped around her and pushed the door open more, luckily avoiding notice of Tom and Chandra.

Meanwhile, Tom had slid himself back up the blue fox's body, kissing and nibbling his way up to her muzzle, where he kissed her passionately before pulling back and asking, "Are you ready?"

Chandra only nodded and took a deep breath.

Tom glanced down as he grasped his member firmly; he wanted to make sure he did this as painlessly as possible. He aimed his rod directly in line with Chandra's pussy, and fit the tip inside of her, eliciting a small gasp. Then he slowly began pushing himself in, inch by inch until he reached her hymen.

"Here we go."

With a single thrust, he broke past her hymen and buried himself in her. Chandra cried out in pain as he took her virginity, the thin membrane of tissue now torn.

Tom didn't move. "You alright?"

She was breathing heavily. "It hurts."

"It will for a bit. Just wait a while; it'll start to feel good. Promise."

She waited. After a few moments, the pain started to recede, and was indeed replaced with pleasure. She looked up at him, her eyes now more sultry and beguiling. "Ok, do it."

Tom didn't say anything as he slowly drew himself out of her until just his tip was inside her, then he thrust back into her, and soon enough his hips had a mind of their own. He was pounding away at the virgin fox pussy; it was waaay tighter than Sue's cunt. Tighter even than Gary's ass for that matter. She fit him like a glove, a very tight glove. He knew he wasn't going to hold on more much more. He leaned over her and drew her nipple into his mouth and began suckling her.

Chandra, on the other hand, was in heaven. Sex was so much better than she had imagined it would be. Feeling her superior's, no, Tom's, cock inside of her, pumping in and out of her wet pussy was ecstasy. And when he started sucking on her nipple she could feel another orgasm building inside of her. With another howl, quitter this time but still fairly loud, she let lose, her tight cunt clamping down on Tom's dick.

Tom grunted as he felt her cum on him, and he arched his back. "Fuck, I'm gonna, I'm gonna-"

"I don't think so."

Tom felt a pinching on his cock, and he knew before he even looked who it was.

"FUCKING SUE!!!!" He pulled out of Chandra quickly, who was still lying on the desk, a dazed look on her face from cumming. "WHY!?!?"

The Captain, who was standing with Gary, both nude, Gary rock-hard and Sue soaking wet, stuck her tongue out at him. "Because I can little fox. Because I can."

Chandra sat up finally and covered herself modestly. "Oh gods! Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods! This isn't what it looks like I swear." She was blushing harder than when she had caught Tom with his dick out. Here were two wolves stark naked who had just caught them having sex! And worse, her eyes widened as she recognized them.

She shot to her feet and snapped a salute to the wolves. "Captain! Colonel!" She stared down at herself, blushed again, and tried to cover herself again while still at attention.

Tom only sneered.

"Don't bother Chandra." He said. "They're not going to do anything."

"Au contraire," Gary lifted a finger. "We are here to do something. Two something's as a matter of fact."

Tom only sniffed.

Chandra's hand dropped. She looked over at Tom, a confused look on her face. "What is he...?" She looked back at the couple and the situation finally dawned on her, causing her to blush even harder, if that was possible. "Are, are you serious? I mean..."

"Oh, he's very serious little one." Sue walked up to stand in front of Chandra. She took the fox's arm that was saluting and brought it to her lips, laying a gentle kiss on her knuckles. "We never kid about sex."

Gary walked around behind the blue fox and ran his fore-claw down her spine. "In fact, we find that it could be one of the most important things in life. After all, what is life if you can't enjoy yourself?" His claw reached her ass and he squeezed a cheek gently, making Chandra jump slightly.

"It would be a very boring life," Answered Sue, before she drew Chandra's finger into her mouth and starting sucking on it.

Tom decided to join in on the fun and walked up behind Sue, where he simultaneously began rubbing his hard cock against her ass and reached around her to fondle one each of Sue's and Chandra's breasts. "Hardly a life at all," He said.

Chandra was in a state of confusion and sexual tension. First she just had sex with her boos, and now she's in the middle of what seems to be a foursome in progress. She laid her head back against the male wolf behind her as her ass and tits were being fondled and her neck was suckled. Not that she was complaining; it just looked to be a bit much for the once virgin right now. It was like she was going into overdrive since all the sensations seemed to be frying her senses.

"You certainly know how to pick them, don't you Tom?" Sue muttered. She leaned in to start kissing the fox and said, "Yes. She's very fine indeed."

Tom was still angry at the wolves for interrupting his fuck session with the blue fox. So, he chose to take his anger out on the wolf ass in front of him. "Yeah," he agreed. "I sure can." With one thrust, he slammed his dick into the Captain's tail-hole, getting all the way to the edge of his knot with that single thrust of his hips.

Sue groaned into the blue fox's mouth as she felt Tom's dick invade her insides. She loved getting anal from him. She had tried it with her husband once, but he had been too big for her. But Tom, Tom was just right for her ass-hole. Sue's fingers slowly began inching their way down to Chandra's nether regions, wanting to have a piece of the secret treasure that was so recently shared with the fox who was now fucking her ass. Once they found their mark, she pinched the blue fox's clit lightly, rolling it around with her fingers.

Not one to be outdone by either his mate of foxy lover, Gary rearranged himself so that his wolf meat was lined up with the fox's pussy, sure that her ass wouldn't be able to handle him. Slowly, he began working his hard cock into her insides, her juices making his job just that much easier. Slowly, inch by inch, his cock was pushed into her, until; finally, he was inside her up to his own knot.

Chandra, meanwhile, was dying of joy. The Colonel's was bigger than Tom's, so it hurt more, but just like Tom's, once she got used to it being inside her hole she started enjoying it. So, with a wolf dick fucking her while a wolfess played with her clit and made out with her, along with her tits being massaged and nipples being pinched, it wasn't long before she came for the third time that night. Followed quickly by the fourth.

If you were walking outside the office of Sergeant Major Tom Stolworthy at that exact moment, this is the scene you would have witnessed; a rust-colored fox grabbing a blue fox's tits while he fucked a female gray wolf in the ass, who was making out with the afore-mentioned blue fox while playing with the fox's clit, who was in turn also being fucked from behind by a male silver fox.

It was indeed quite a sight to behold.

This went on for a few hours, in fact reading about all of their sexual antics that night would probably dry out your eyeballs and nuts and/or vagina very quickly. And we wouldn't want that.

So in the sanctity of time, I shall instead just say that almost every position in the book was used that night, with guys fucking girls, guys fucking guys, girls fucking girls, two guys fucking one girl and vice-versa. Again in any position you could possibly imagine.

In the end there was cum, saliva, and even a bit of blood from both Chandra's hymen breaking and some biting and clawing that was going on. And by the time it had gotten this messy, the two wolves decided that it was they took their leave.

This is where we shall pick up the story.

Sue and Gary had finished gathering up their clothes and were standing at the door way, ready to leave, both were extremely tired. Which was nothing to say about the two foxes curled up together on top of Tom's desk, fast asleep.

Gary chuckled deep in his throat. "I think we broke them."

Sue only sighed.

Her mate turned and looked at her with concern. "Something the matter love?"

She shook her head. "No, I'm just remembering how we fell in love. How the situation was much the same."

Gary wrapped an arm around her shoulders and drew her close. "Well, kind of anyway. Besides, how do you know they're in love?"

The gray wolf looked at her husband, then back at the two foxes who had their arms around each other. Chandra's head was lying on Tom's chest; both were breathing the breath of sleep. And beneath all the bodily fluids, they both looked extremely content and satisfied.

"Oh, just a feeling," She answered, then turned and walked out the door, her mate in tow, and as she closed the door behind them she again muttered, "Just a feeling."