the creature

Story by bighorse on SoFurry

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A black huge horrific drooling giant slimy slender salamander like creature wraps around hernys neck, but only he can see it when he says he sees it his schoolmates think he is crazy. The creature says with a curved grin"don't worry my child they will pay for there incomitent slander." Henry says"why do you like me so much when you could just eat me." The salamander says"my child I'm your guardain because you need protection." Henry says"from what?" The salamander says"evil and fatagie of course and the bird that hunts children at night." Henry says"why can i only see you and dose everyone have a gaurdain?" The salamander says"only others pure of heart or those who cause no harm to others peace can only be gaurded."Henry says"do gaurdains ever eat anything?" The salamander says"only those who cause harm or are corrupted and evil." Herny says" then why do you let them laugh at me for talking at you?" The salamander says" I don't i like my prey insucure and alone so i will get them in there dreams." So after school herny goes home telling his parents how his day went they always think herny is talking about an imagenary friend when he mentions the creature.Henry gos to bed and that night the salamander sneaked out and found the kids and made them dissaper forever.The next morning herny wakes up to the salamander with blood on it teath.Herny dose not scream but only chuckles knowing what the creature did even though it said nothing but only gave the same curved smile.Hernys parents tell him some of his classmates went missing as reported on the news,and all they found was blood on the bed and they found no sorts of clues to who did it.Herny says" well at least i have my imagenary friend to protect me."His parents rub his head give him his stuff he aslo gets dressed and ready for school as he will not be tormanted ever again but something horrid happens again as all the students and teachersand parents of the kids went missing.They found the same thing they found with the beds a pool of blood and no clues of who did it.the only surving faimly from the school was hernys.....

the horror story of the shapeshifter

Rick the bold,morronic,womanizing,asshole,14 year old weasle Was dared by his "friend" Jack to surrvive the night at the shapeshifters house the deal was Rick could not bring any food weapons or any sources of helpful items only the clothes on his...

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I'm bringing voring back I'm bringing sexy back pardoy

I'm bring voring back NOM all the prey don't know how to react hard vore gonna make sure it's unignored yea nom nom nom nom nom nom I'm bring voring back NOM so what if you brought sexy back cause bitch your the reason it left so I'm bringing voring...

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the hungry shapeshifter

I the shapeshifter, have got very bored of my prey, mainly because I'm able to overpower them to easy and there no more fun in it. Wait...I can make it more fun. By fucking my prey till they're exhausted, and then eating them. I storm out of...

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