The Plight -- Intro.

Story by War D Wolf on SoFurry

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Exclaimed the tall hooded figure in a husky almost gutural thick growling voice, causing the group of four wolven weres to immediately cease their chatter,

small whimpers of concern and the rustling of shuffling foot paws on the wooden floor, all of them centering their attention to the deep breathing figure

that had just entered the small musky old room of their current low ghetto hideout.

Noses pointed towards the newcomer, fangs and claws slowly being retracted as the familiar scent of their leader, their alpha general is recognized by the male

were warriors, closing the door of the decadent accomodation and taking off the water drenched cloak that just covered his weary body, the mature black and gray

wolf finally allowed himself to relax in the company of those who were his. The four rushed to him, gently caressing his panting body, concerned looks crossed

between them, their heads at a lower level than his, a sign of their respect, gently reaching with their paws to touch and probe his water soaked arms, legs, neck,

seeking for wounds.

The panting leader lowering himself to his knees in exhaustion, reciprocates their concern by extending his bigger arms, reaching to caress their ears, and fur,the

four now gathered around him, finding themselves cocooned in a warm embrace, their leader in the middle, his taller torso now being nuzzled by the muzzles of the four,

his fur tended to, by the sniffing and gentle licks that have been added, from the tip of his nose, his chin, down to his chest and his back, the four younger wolves

bathing his fur in synch, two on front of him, two on the back, the two on the front taking his big paws on theirs, rubbing licking his fingers and suckling them, making

him groan as the oher two on the back immediately press their noses under his armpits, and lick and suckle softly on them, cleaning him with every lap of his sweat.

The leader wolf moans on the ministrations of his loving pack warriors, one on the front cupping his chin, and capturing his tongue, sucking on it, muffling the pleasure noises

of the general, drinking his spit and being fed the younger one's tongue that laps around inside his maw, the other male at the front lowering himsellf as his muzzle punts the lower

belly of their leader, takign in his male scent, as his paw grips the plump sheath, his tongue striking and pushing inside the entrance, extracting the rich flavor of the alpha's

cock tip. He takes it inside his maw, suckling on it vigourously, some moans of his own escaping his throat at receiving the glistening pre dripping wolf penis, as his paw cups the

big ballsack and his fingers caress the orbs within in a strong grip.

One of the wolves behind embraces his muscular torso, the paws clinging to his nipples, tugging and stretching strongly as the nubs grow, the tips of his claws poking gently at them,

while the other wolf lowers himself, his nose poking under the leaders tail, taking in the strong musky aroma as he spreads open the tightass cheeks of the mature alpha and spreads them open

enough to press his hungry tongue in between, the wet tip making contact with his leaders ass ring, lapping in circles and pushing it inside as both him and the alpha

muffle a deep moan.

Unable to withstand the treatment any longer, mostly because of his exhaustion, the leader tenses as his pelvis thrusts, serving his thick wolf cum to the one suckling his cock,

the piss slit contracting inside that throat.

War gasps and breathes in deeper as he is released by his loving wolf pack crew, letting them lower him enough so that his body rests, the rest of them laying in circe around him, covering him

with their bodies, he drifts into sleep as the rest of them.