An Unconventional Make-Up

Story by IJrge on SoFurry

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Here is my Halloween 2011 entry. I left it open ended so that collaborators could build off in any direction they like.

An Unconventional Make-Upby IJrges"Hey man! Nice costume."The vampire smelled mostly of cologne, but as he turned his backside to me, to point his destination, I caught the faint hint of latex and water soluble lube. Wherever he was going, it was apparent I'd likely enjoy myself."..Big party just over there. Nice costume like that, you might win something."I looked down at my taters, and I could see their point. My abdominals were glistening from old sweat through the tears in my side, almost hid the mostly healed claw scars. The bottom of my right pectoral was peaking out the top of the tear. There was now a nice smattering of hair to give it a hint of bestial appeal.His gangly devil friend chimed in, "Yeah. I'd vote for you for sure," adding a devious wink."It's a good zombie costume."I chuckled lowly. "Was going for zombie originally, but actually became a werewolf victim, instead." I turned out my torn collar to show the bite ring. The two gasped."Wow! Yeah.""Nice job, man. How did you get it to look so sticky and fresh?"  A flashback of fur, the smell of grass crushed against my face, searing pain at my neck, as he latched on. I forced it out of my head before my chest tightened any more. Jokingly I said, "Just had it done. Was a real pain. My.. Ex-boyfriend did a surprising job." The man eyed the ID. "This was taken in June?"I nodded. "Yeah. New license."The bouncer said, "Man.. You put on a lot of muscle." It was nice compliment coming from a man of his exceptional build. "Says here one-fifty, but I wouldn't guess you under a good two-hundred." The vampire chimed in from inside, "I'd swear he's gotten bigger since we met him ten minutes ago."The bouncer gave a sly smile. "Nice work. Go ahead in, and don't be a stranger."The vampire asked the bouncer, breaking his intent stare on me, "What's your costume supposed to be?""Intimidating," He replied, sneering the vampire into a back step and an agreeing nod.I took a moment to splash water on my face, cool the fever. Poking at my side, I saw the scratches had healed, though they looked dark. A whole jagged row of them going up my side like stripes. Pulling back my lip, I could see I was right. The way my teeth had been itching, it didn't surprise me to see such large canines. The way it felt, almost burned. I wondered if they were infectious already.  My recent scrawny devil acquaintance tipped the ladle over, and before he could put it back in the bowl, I had my hand reaching for his punch cup. "Sorry man. Mind if I just get a sip?" He stuttered, eyeing my chest cleavage that I just unbuttoned loose in the bathroom. I pretended to take a swig, but back washed something horrible. Giving the skinny devil back the tainted cup, I thanked him. "Kind of hot in here. Needed a little something, you know?""No problem," He said, having trouble mustering a confident smile under my intent gaze. I couldn't blame him. From how I looked in the mirror, I was wondering how wild a fuck I'd be. My torn slacks tightened at the thought, and I knew it was time to find out. Turning, I saw the bouncer eyeing me.God he was hot. Thick yet lean all over. Smelled like new gym sweat and a little beer. Just masculine and hot, and the way he grunted and groaned on my swollen cock had me fucking all the harder. For such a rough exterior, the tat sleeves and heavy thug clothing, he rode my dick like a professional, and despite his swinging fat cock, he spread those legs eager once he saw my only half hard eight inches. To be fair, I did the same for John, when I saw his half hard at ten. That was a rough and fun night. Look on the bouncer's face said he was thinking the same now.  He gritted through his teeth, "Fuck yeah! Pound me with that horse cock."I did. I wrapped my two arms around the back of his neck and pulled myself hard up inside him. Anyone within ear shot of the coat check was likely getting sympathy wood off the passionate noises. He shouted another ragged, "Fuck!" Without a stroke, his thick dick exploded across his chest, hopping off the crevice of his pecs to wrap his neck, then littered his chest hair with rivulets. It finished by filling his navel with several moan inducing gushes.The scent of release hit my nose, and my cock surged intensely thick. As I gently thrust into him with his final wheezing spurts, I recognized a tug at his opening. I frantically pulled out before I knotted myself inside the guy. The bouncer leaped down, thinking I was going to shoot. With a cheering, "Yeah. Cum," he tugged off the condom. I frantically double gripped my now huge dick, trying to hide the animal bulge I expected at the base. He wrapped the head with his lips. A surge of smooth, slick skin riding my shaft. A hot tongue rolling my glands. I instinctively drove my cock down his throat till tonsils squeezed the tip. Three thrusts I was through. I filled his eager throat with hot jizz, his tongue gulping and guiding it down. I couldn't count how long it lasted. I knew he gasped for air three times before it finally stopped. John had been fun that way, too.  Shuddering as he disgorged, I stood paralysed by the endorphins, shivers up and down my side. The bouncer stood and kissed me, a deep appreciative kiss. The taste of seed knocked me from my trance. The bouncer brought both hands onto the length of my cock, butting up against mine. "Three hands. Fuck! Gotta be a good eleven inches." It had to be. Damn I grew a lot in the last couple hours. Hell, when I entered him I think I was only a little over nine.I got another salty kiss, and I realized we just exchanged two more fluids than I intended. It was wishful thinking that a condom and no kissing rule would be enough. I'd be lucky if this guy wasn't a beast before the party was over. The monster in my hands surged a little thicker at the thought."Nice tattoos," he commented, pointing at the stripes at my sides."Care for some more punch," I asked the devil, while I scooped a cup and slammed it back. Getting laid can sure work up a thirst. "Fuck no. I had to dump mine back in the bowl." My attention spun his way. He was tugging at his red spandex along the crotch, a more noticeable tube getting jostled around with it. I could tell my spit was working. I guessed it was now swirling in the free punch. "Fuck pineapples. Don't know why they.." He tugged at his snug chest, stuttering as he noticed he had one. "..Put that juice in all the.." He gingerly curled up a bicep, raising his brows as the costume creased for a new nice bulge. "..Punches." I could see him mulling over the new muscle. A glance at the punch and back to his arm. He walks up to me, cocky smile starting on his chin. "On second thought, maybe I'll try some more."  I had counted eight guys struggling with their costumes. The vampire was looking a bit snugger than when we started. A super hero was beginning to not need any of his fake muscle padding. A guy in drag had some hefty stubble going on his legs and chin. There was a unicorn that was getting bulgy, talking with a spartan, who was getting too big for his foam armor. Rounding it out with a classic trio, there was a doctor who started to look a little Mr. Jekyll, Frankenstein was getting a bit too tall for his platforms and a not so realistic wolfman was on his way to being a lot more realistic. Then I saw the real wolfman, not more than a couple feet away. I choked out, "Hi John."He said, "Hey Grant," in his usual deep timbre, just with a hint of remorse. "Sniffed me out?" He nodded. "Mind if we take this outside?""Two years, and you did this." I showed off my mostly healed bite scar. "I trusted you!""Yeah. Two great years, and you knew about me being a wolf for the better part of the last year. Thought we could be together.. long term."  "Then how about a ring, not a goddamn.." I rubbed the scars. John became rigid. "I didn't plan it. Christ, it usually only happens for solstice and equinox moons, and I leave for those, so that I'm not tempted." His voice was rising to a growling shout, "It's only about once in every thirty All Hallow's Eves that the spirits are MAYBE even close enough for a bite to work." He rubbed his face. Calmed down, he turned to look away, "It's just when that moon came up, even just that sliver, I felt it. I felt it bad. I mean, I needed to.."I was getting out the white face paint, when he started kissing on my ear and shoving his hands down the front of my pants. I giggled at first, but my shoves and persistent resisting didn't get me anywhere. I started yelling for him to get off, and then I tried to wrestle myself away, but fell to the floor with him. He was damn near ripping off my pants, when I saw the teeth and hair start. I never had seen him so out of control. A little spooked, I punched his chest and scrambled up for the door. As I grabbed the keys, I heard his growls deepen from the other room, the tear of clothes and popping of joints. I yelled for John to blow some steam off in the back woods, but when I got to the car, there was a crash. The remnant of the door from the kitchen to the garage hung on one hinge, and he was already there on the hood, wild eyes, fangs dripping. I backed away, asking what the hell he was doing. Before I knew it, he lept his full weight on me, skidding rough on my back into the grass. He flipped me. With his weight on my back, I didn't know what else I could do but try and have some fun, thinking I'd just give him hell for it later. He popped my belt and seat like string, and his heat moved up between my legs. It started nicely. He eased in, worked his way in slow loving thrusts, but as the knot got closer, it came harder, quicker. I never took his knot before, but he was driving it in, crunching my face into the grass. I struggled up, complaining. That's when the teeth gripped my neck and the knot was forced.  My body felt tight. The memory was vivid in my mind. The hard hot breaths down around my neck and firing jagged pain along each piercing tooth, as his body convulsed with crazed thrusts. John was staring at me, eyes wild and yearning, like before. "It's starting, isn't it?" He asked, his collar bowing against his bristling neck."Are you getting off on this?"He blinked. "Sorry. Just... can't help it. The thought.." a groan escaped his lips, "What we'll be doing, be free to do." He reached for me, his nails thickening to claws. John dropped them after I stared him down with burning incredulity. "Soon we'll be running together, energy coursing through the both of us as we wrestle, run and fuck our way through the wilds. Free spirits, truly sharing everything."Blankly, I replied, "I never wanted this."John's face gave hints of muzzle and canines as he spoke. "You didn't? I gave you the chance to leave when you found out, but you didn't. I offered to sleep on the floor the nights I couldn't help the change, but you asked me to bed. Even under the sheets with you..."  I muttered irritated, "It was your bed." He barked, "We fucked, while I was changed!" A menacing grumble rolled up in my chest. "You started that.""Did I?" he sneered jagged teeth. "Maybe the first couple times, but you didn't resist very long to stop me, and.." He chuckled, "I seem to recall just a month ago some eager little bitch being all in heat to try to take my knot."My lip curled, showing one of my canines. "You said it wasn't really contagious.""Yeah." He said indignantly. "You knew it could happen, though. You keep poking the animal, you're going to get the teeth, and I don't know how many times we poked." He laughed.He was on the ground before I realized I hit him. My chest rumbled under a growl. "I trusted you to care enough to not let that happen, you dick." I was on his chest, throwing a fist to his chin. "To have a little control!"Spitting blood away from his teeth, he remorsefully observed, "See how much control we have?"Suddenly the wind was out of me. He was right. On a whim I infected that gangly devil. With an interested glance, I was balls deep in the bouncer. Now I was beating John for the exact thing I just did to those people. That damned moon. It was like all reason just gave way to whims.  I punched the ground and shouted, "Son of a bitch!"John chuckled, "You have no idea."My chest was shaking, a true growl. Not in the nose and throat, like what I often heard in John. It was deep in my core. I felt aggression and menace and then power.  John saw it in me. His eyes were again intense, eager to see it start. He offered, "It's not bad. Just.." He grunted. I heard the subtle shift of flesh. Between my legs I felt the movement and swell of muscle. John's breaths grew deeper, and my knees were slowly forced further apart by his chest. His voice was descending low. I could smell his sweat along the creases of his thickening throat. The peeking edge of his pectorals under his neckline pulsed with his heart, spreading the shirt fabric thin. A baritone voice commanded, "Feel it happen."I told him to shut up and closed my eyes, trying to fight the urge. My body felt tense and poised, every fiber wanting to be used. As John continued to change beneath me, my body wondered and wanted to know how it felt. Unable to reign back the urge, I gave into a flex. Tightening my back, the muscle tensed, hardened and then unmistakenly shifted. One muscle pulling upon another pulling upon another, and I was caught arching back and falling to the grass, as the tension chained out across my body.  My body contorted and writhed in the soil, wild menacing cries escaping my clutched form. Heart coursing, I tried to catch air. I took a breath that felt too deep. Another breath, and my tattered shirt felt tight. My muscles burned, thickened. I could see them in my periphery, swelling and stretching my skin. A glance of mounded bicep and shoulder, as I strained arched back. My chin butting against a huge pectoral, while I clench out hard breaths from my giant chest. Lurched into a fetal crunch, I felt spine pop and lengthen. Struggling straight, I could hear the claw tears widen in slow rips and buttons give with snaps, as my body outgrew its clothes.Constricted, I gripped and tore off my shirt remnants. I released rippling abs and brick like obliques, as I dragged my hand across my body. Claws had scratched a few reddened lines, my claws. Dropping the tatters, I saw the nails blackening, long. They were sharper than John's. The fingers looked thicker, too. The pad of each finger darkened to a tough course skin, and my palms thickened, fed by snaking veins pulled along bulging, striped forearms.  "What is this?" I choked out. John rolled over to his front, coiled into a crunch and face to the earth. He eyed my way. A look of amusement and a toothy smile flared along his face. "Always said you were a tiger in the sac." My bare heaving torso was strewn with stripes, starting where the claws had etched me. The skin was lighter along my front, itching tiny white hairs pushing to the surface, while the back of the rest ruddied orange. Jaw agape, I looked to John and repeated, "What is this?"John grunted. "Moon spirits bring out the wolves. The spirits of All Hallow's Eve are a bit more mischievous." He moaned as his spine fired off pops. His shirt pulled up along his back as he grew taller. Heaving a couple breaths, he adds, "They bring out what's inside the person. Grant, I love you, but.." He growled again, his ears beginning up the side of his head. "You have always been a bit proud and self-involved. More a cat person."My glare was burning into the back of his head, when I noticed the orange and purple lights across the building behind him subtly grayed. The shadows ceased hiding what was in them, and as John curled his head under, I began to make out the features of his silhouetted face, even hidden from light. I could see his muzzle pushing free, and I managed a muttered, "Fuck," quickly strangled out as a pressure thrust inside my head.  I felt the unnerving shift of cheek, nose, teeth and jaw. My eyes winced open to watch my face come clearly into view. The nose flattened, grew dark, while smells began to flood over me, intense and new. I could make out the smell of soil. I could make out the smell of trees and plants that I didn't even know had smells. I could make out the smell of mortar and brick, and I could make out the smell of sweating bodies, food and drink beyond those bricks. Then I smelled my first emotion, lust. My body settled its shifting. I just felt the itch of thickening fur, and the odd growing heaviness of my furred lips, with the twinge of whiskers growing along them. I bared my claws. I stretched my long flexible feline back. I twitched my ears. I breathed in the lust and moaned. The throbbing still pulsed along my body, running deep like need. My muscles tensed heavy and yearning. My confined pants popping stitches under the added strain, as the scent took over.Heady and thick, it roiled in the air building from that party. John muzzle drew a deep breath, splitting his shirt with darkened fur and muscle. A smile pulled along his long face, and the pointed tip of his cock peeked from its sheath through his split zipper. "Smells like you've been busy."  The devil rushed up beside the bouncer and helped me get him to the chair. Taking an arm, he huffed. "Damn your big."John locked the hall door, and remarked, as he strode into the coat check, "Looking pretty big yourself."The devil and myself both eyed his over a foot of proud cock, still wet and dribbling from being pulled free just moments ago when the commotion started. The vampire struggled his pants up, blushed and tried to cross a leg over the growing cum soaks down his right pant leg by his knee. "It's quite nice," he stammered.The bouncer leaned further back on his chair and groaned, while the metal backing whined. His once loose sweater shirt and pants now wrapped him like elastic. His pectorals teased open several holes in the middle with every swelling breath. With one long inhale, starting to speak, they merged, revealing a crease of hard chest. Pausing to see, he finally asked, "what's happening to me?" A hand rubbed up along his chest. Between his trunk like legs, the tightly wrapped limb thickened.  "Why is he changing faster than I did," I asked. The rooms eyes turned my way. "It's almost midnight." John replied, scoping the main room from the door. "Next few hours the spirits are at their strongest."The vampire asked sheepishly, "What are you two?"I cricked my head, "I was going going to be a zombie.."The lights dawned on the two. "But became a werewolf victim, instead, right?" asked the devil.I nodded. They both looked to John, who returned them a toothy grin and a wink. "I'm the werewolf."A moment of near silence, as they mulled the information. "So all this," the devil ran a pointing finger from pendulous thick balls up along devastating abs to perfected chest. "Is because we shared a drink?"I nodded. With a shrug, he muttered, "Guess I'm ok with that.""What happened to him?" The vampire asked, nodding towards the bouncer. "Anything I can do to get that big?""Started after I got fucked by a beast of a zombie." The bouncer had a smirk, as he marveled over his swelling size. Glancing my way, he added, "Guessing that was you. I like the new make-up, by the way." His hand kneading at his inner thigh, my eyes were fixed on the thick lump stretching holes in his sweat pants groin.  The vampire muttered, "Hope I get infected with something prehistoric like him. Don't want to be anything timid, like a wererabbit or deerman."John leaned back on the door frame, admiring all the initiates. "Careful what you wish for. They just might be listening.""They who?" Asked the devil."Spirits. What we all come from and return to. Old bits of the world are incarnating and roaming about, looking for any entrance or reason to feel a bit of life again. Best to not tempt them.""So what's going to happen?" The vampire asked uneasily.Pointing his muzzle towards the stage, he said, "By looks of it, one hell of a costume contest."

...Read and add collaborations to continue the story...