A Brother's Love Ch. 6

Story by Timelord216 on SoFurry

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A Brother's Love

Chapter 6

"A Family trip"

Warning: This story contains a scene of extreme sexual content.

Note: to those who are wondering why I posted this a second time, I wasn't to satisfied with the way it turned out the first time, so I'm posting it a little differently this time around. Hopefully it gets a better reception.

Marty Drake, Jamie Drake, Daisy Carmichael, and Davis Hanes are all © me.

Nickelback is © Nickelback Maroon 5 is © Maroon 5

"So would you mind telling us where we're going?" Davis asked.

"Just be patient! We'll be there soon." Daisy said.

My name is Marty. 3 weeks ago, one of my friends from my past, Davis Hanes, pulled a gun on my little brother and Daisy, a friend of ours while we were relaxing at a local club. The next night I kissed him and forgave him for everything he did. After that, mom and dad, bought Jamie and me a house of our own. We moved in and have been enjoying life. Jamie's a member of a popular band from uptown called "Beneath the Shadows". I loan my skills on the guitar to them from time to time. I have a job of my own, working at a local bar as a guitarist and bartender. Everything was perfect. Life was perfect.

"Do you have any clue where we're going?" Jamie asked.

"Not really. All I know is she was super excited to tell us." I muttered.

"Here we are!"

We pulled up to a house on the outside of town, a very large blue house that could have qualified as a mansion. There was a small trail leading into a very dense forest. Daisy hopped out of the car and trotted up to the house laughing.

"Beautiful house!" Jamie said.

"Nice color. I could live here!" Davis said, smiling.

"So guys! What do you think? Isn't it beautiful?" Daisy said.

Jamie jumped up on the porch and sat on the rail.

"Daisy, it's gorgeous! But what are we doing here?" Jamie said.

"Welcome to my new home! I bought it yesterday!" Daisy squealed.

"Really? HA! That's great!" I said and gave her a hug. "Heh figures it would be blue."

"Looks like it could use some work." Davis said, looking over the outside, "do you need some help? I would be glad to help out."

"We all would." Jamie said, putting an arm around Davis' shoulder.

Daisy smiled and sat down on the steps and just stared at the ground. Jamie and Davis sat beside he and I sat in front of her.

"I can't believe I can finally have a life of my own." Daisy said, "I've waited all my life for this."

"You can quit that bullshit job and just relax." Davis said.

"No, I can't. they transferred me here to the Washington branch of the newspaper, so I will be staying here. They're changing the name of it too. It's to be called, "The Global Inquirer"." Daisy said. "And besides, I need the money to help fix my new house."

"We'll help as much as we can. After all, you're on of us. Right?" ,I smiled.

"Yeah. We're a family." Jamie said.

"You guys are more of a family than I have ever had." Daisy said.

We hugged, all of us. I was so happy to have a new family of my own, even if some weren't related to me.

The sun was going down over the field across from the house. Quite a sight. After Daisy took us home, davis said his goodbye to us and walked back to his place.

"Join me in a shower honey?" I asked.

"You really have to ask?" Jamie said in his usual evil way.

I started the water while I waited. Jamie and me always showered together. Sometimes just for the comfort of holding each other, other times just for playful sex. He strutted into the room, his tail flipping side to side. I love it when he does that. He tenderly kissed me, scratching behind my ears.

"You like that brother?" He asked.

"Do YOU have to really ask?" I said.

His hands found their way down to my ass, his wonderful touch sending shivers through me. He squeezed, pinched and clawed as much as he could to get the rise he wanted out of me. My boxers became tighter the more his tongue danced inside my mouth. I pinned him against the wall making him yelp in surprise.

"Tell me you want it..." I whispered.

"I...want it...oh god I want it!!" He said.

I pinched his ass, his moans echoing throughout the house. His hands draped around my neck as he nibbled on my ears. I bit back as he did so.


"AHHH FUCK!" Jamie cried.

I loved biting him. His neck always tasted so good. He wiggled and shook every time I clamped down harder. I could feel his cock dripping all over mine, and I couldn't hold on any more.

"Take a deep breath, little brother. I'm gonna fuck you raw." I whispered.

"You better, because I am damn sure am gonna give it back twice as hard!" Jamie yelped.

I lined the tip of my cock up to his pucker, and clamped down onto his neck again. I shoved into him as hard as I could, his tight hole wrapping my cock in its velvet-like embrace.

"OH GOD YEAH!" Jamie cried.

"NGHH, FUCK!" I howled.

His tight ass felt so damn warm, I felt as if I was gonna burst. I horsed into him hard as I could, just the way he liked it.

"AHHHNnn....SHIT! HARDER! GAHH YES! Just like that!!" My little brother howled.

Every thrust resulted in a wet squish from his hot little ass. Jesus I loved him so much.

"Take all you little slut!" I said between breaths.

"Oh shit! FUCK! I'm all yours big brother!" He yelped.

*squish squish squish squish*

I picked him up and laid back in the tub. The shower was on full blast, wetting the both of us from head to toe. Jamie laid down onto my chest, his arms around me.

"Your mine forever" Jamie whispered.

His hips start bucking, my cock beginning to swell with my coming orgasm. I could feel his ass tightening.

"Oh...ngh...holy shit...I...ain't gonna last...much longer baby..." I gasped.

"L-let it all go...cum inside baby! You won't hurt me!" Jamie moaned.

*slap slap slap slap slap*

"Oh fuck...here....I...I...oh shit I'm CUMMING!!" I roared.

"NGHHAAAAAAAA YEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Jamie screamed in orgasm.

His ass felt like vice on my cock. I felt his body shiver as his cum poured out of him and onto my face.

"AHH! *pant pant pant* oh my god Marty." Jamie said, falling onto my chest.

"Jesus...that felt like a whole bucket load of cum." I said.

"That was great, but now it's my turn to have some...fun with you big brother." He said with his devilish grin.

"I'm all yours Jamie." I said smiling.

He gasped pulling my still hard cock out of him. I knew what he was gonna do. He grabbed some shampoo out of the closet and started working it into the fur around my cock. He is damn good at massage.

"You like that baby?" Jamie smiled.

"Oh damn... you are so good at this. You should do it professionally honey." I moaned.

"Heh, I've thought about it, but I would be too tempted to give my customers a happy ending." Jamie laughed. "Now arch your legs baby! I ain't through yet."

"What? You've never-" was all I managed to say.

He shoved me back against the wall, and then he rinsed my balls and cock thoroughly, massaging the hot water deep into my fur. I did so, and he held my legs back. His tongue snaked all over my balls and cock before burying itself inside me. My eyes bulged in my head before I whimpered quite loudly. He laughed and drove his tongue even deeper.

"EEEP! Oh shit, that feels...so...so...so strange. Oh god, Jamie!" I gasped.

For my first time being rimmed, it felt oddly wonderful. Jamie and I had often fantasized about tentacle monsters. My mind drifted. I felt like I was high. The euphoria was so damn strong. And just when I knew I was gonna blow...he stopped. I was in shock at first, and then I looked and saw him lining himself up to impale me on his hot cock.

"Please...Jamie, please don't tease me..." I begged.

"As you wish!" He growled then he shoved his cock into me, all the way in.

I thought I could feel the tip pressing against my heart. I screamed out in ecstasy with every pound.

"Faster! Faster! FASTER! FA-Fa-HOO! AH AH AH AH AH!" I growled.

"DAMN brother! You are always so tight for me! TAKE IT ALL!" Jamie roared and then bit me.

"AHHHH FUCK! Oh shit...my ass is on fire! Oh YES!" I cried.

"Nghh...I'm getting so close...oh fuck it's gonna be big!" Jamie growled.

"Oh god yes! Fill me up Jamie! I want it...I NEED IT!" I howled.

With a final squish, our howls echoed throughout the house again. When we were sure, we finished emptying our loads, our lips met for a hot, wet, passionate kiss that would make Romeo and Juliet jealous. After we spent some more time playing with each other in the shower, we dried each other off and walked with our arms around the other ass. Jamie crawled playfully into bed, the moonlight illuminating his angelic, god-like beauty.

"And just what are you staring at?" Jamie growled playfully.

"I must be staring at an angel. Because there is no way, beauty like yours is earthly." I whispered, crawling on top of him.

He wrapped his arms around me and licked my muzzle.

"I can't believe how blessed I am to have been given you." Jamie sighed. "I want my entire life to be about you."

"Plenty of time, my love." I smiled, and pulled him into my arms for the night, "Plenty of time."

The next morning, I woke to an empty bed, then the smell of bacon filled my nostrils. He must be downstairs. I pulled a pair of jeans on and walked downstairs to find Jamie cooking, with my mom and dad sitting at our table. They smiled at me, and I waved back in reply.

"Morning Marty!" Jamie said cheerfully.

"Morning Jamie. Hi mom, hi Dad. What are you guys doing here?" I said siting down and yawning.

"Do we have to have an excuse to visit our kids?" Mom said.

"No, I guess you don't." I said.

"We dropped by to see if you and Jamie would like to go somewhere for your...anniversary." Dad stuttered.

"I know your not to happy about Jamie and me. You can be open about it, I don't mind." I said. "Besides, the way you just said that sentence, I know ma put you up to this." "It's not that I disapprove, it's just..." Dad said. "You do realize the road your on is a hard one, don't you, boys?"

"Of course we do Dad, but that's not why we're on it." Jamie said. "We're on it because we love each other as more than just brothers."

"I just don't want you two to get hurt." Dad said. "You're my kids after all."

"We Know." Jamie and I said.

"So how bout it?" Mom said. "Where do you want to go for your anniversary?"

"We were planning to stay here and help Daisy and Davis fix up Daisy's new house." Jamie said, flipping the bacon.

"Daisy got a new house?!" Mom said, surprised.

"Yup! Her loan was finally approved, and she makes more than enough money to make it back. But the place needs work." I said.

"Let me guess...it's blue?" Dad said.

"Yep." Jamie laughed.

"I figured. I have an idea. Let's all go! We can make it a family trip!" Mom said.

"You guys really want to help out?" I said, taking my breakfast from Jamie, who sat next to me.

"That would be great!" Jamie said.

"I can get some supplies. Give me a list and ill take some money from the family account and get them." Mom said.

"I've got it!" Jamie said, digging in his pocket. "Here. We need all this."

"Okay. I'll pick this up and ask for a few days off, and we'll meet you there tomorrow!" Mom said.

The next day, I picked up Davis, who was dressed in baggy sweats, and an old Aerosmith T-shirt. On the way, there we teased each other on how they were dressed for the day of work that was ahead. Mom, Dad and Daisy were waiting on us when I pulled up. The three of us hopped out and each grabbed supplies for our individual task. Daisy popped in a mixed CD and skipped it to her favorite song, "Moves Like Jagger" By Maroon 5. Catchy song, but kind of annoying after a few hours.

Mom and Dad took over the Gardening, while Jamie and Daisy were busy painting the outside a lighter blue color. Davis and me were Tasked with moving the constant flow of new furniture that was arriving into the house for later. The inside of the house had already been painted by Daisy, Jamie, Davis and myself. An off-white color if you can believe that. The music got everybody dancing in their own way. Daisy was shaking her tail, Davis and me were fucking around and doing an Irish quickstep. Jamie was singing along and moving his body to the beat. Damn beautiful his voice is. Mom and dad were to busy laughing their asses off at me and Davis to be dancing.

The gardening was finished, with Rose bushes all along the front of the now repaired fence. The paint outside was all done and drying. So we all decided to pitch in and help move things around. The upstairs was first, with the bedroom and spare rooms finished first.

"Hey Daisy!" I shouted upstairs.

"What do you need honey?" She shouted back.

"Can I skip a song or two?" I pleaded.

"Yeah. Put on your favorite song!" She shouted.

I skipped ahead to track 7 and Nickelback's "When We Stand Together" blared through the speakers. I loved that song, and Jamie's band does a cover of it every now and again when they have gigs. Jamie and I hauled the last thing upstairs, which were daisy's bedroom belongings. The bedroom was finished, along with the rest of the upstairs. This time we split the work: dad and mom would sort out the electronics and hook everything up while the rest of us moved everything to its proper place.

The whole house took a matter of one day with the six of us working together. We stopped and relaxed on the lawn with some wine.

"Whew!" Daisy said falling back on the grass.

"If these feet could talk, they'd be swearing." I said.

"God! Even my hair's tired!" Jamie said, laying on me.

"I think it went pretty well, considering we had an entire house to move." I said holding jamie in my lap.

"The garden looks lovely! Thank you so much!" Daisy said to my parents.

"Our pleasure." Mom said.

"We'd best be going! We need to clean up before our dinner appointment tonight." Dad said, pulling mom up.

"See you all later!" They both said. Then they were gone.

The four of us looked at the house, each smiling at our work. The house was beautiful, a perfect home.

"Guys?" Daisy said.

"What is it?" We said.

"I love you. You are the closest thing I have to brothers. And I want to say thanks, in any way I can." She said.

"You're here with us. That's all we want." Davis said.

"Here here!" I said raising my glass.

"Davis is right." Jamie said. "We love you too, and we always will."

"Davis? Can you hang back after they leave? I want to talk to you about something." Daisy said.

"Um...sure. What for?" Davis said with a smile.

"Oh you'll see honey." Daisy said.

Jamie and me said our goodbyes and drove away, happy with what we had done that day. Daisy was one of us, and she had a home now. Ad I'm pretty sure if she wanted Davis to stay behind...heh, well I'm sure you can guess. Jamie and I cleaned each other up, and fell into bed, exhausted by the days events.

"Hey Marty?" Jamie Murmured.

"Yeah baby?" I said.

"Will you marry me this Spring?" He said, getting nose to nose to me.

In the second he asked me that question, our life thus far flashed in front of me. When we first met, when we first had sex, the Mall Attack, Davis, Daisy, Mom and Dad, and I knew what my answer was. I did not hesitate....

"Yes Jamie. This Spring I'll make you mine forever."