Training in the most Unusual ways

Story by Nyrufa on SoFurry

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#7 of Summer Camp

Kenny stood out in the woods now with Lesley who decided to teach him his powers, the other breeders were busy doing their thing for the day, but since they had all month, neither Kenny nor Lesley were worried.

"Alright Kenny, first of all, I think I should teach you the art of disguise, since it seems to be your most troubling problem." said the breeder before him with a smile. Kenny nodded, not sure what disguise meant.

"First of all..." she began "Disguise is what started the whole legend thing about werewolves being psychos. You can retain a human appearance for a long period of time, however you are forced to change back during the full moon regardless of your will. Also, staying in human form angers your wolf-like nature and if you only become a werewolf on full moons, you'll eventually push your werewolf form to where you do in fact become a psycho." said Lesley.

"So you're saying I have to return to this form or I go psycho?" asked Kenny looking at his claws.

"Not just psycho, berserk. Remember, werewolves are created by a disease for which there is no cure, while in human form, you're body is suppressing the disease until finally it become a plague. So don't try fighting it." said Lesley as she closed her eyes.

"Now then, disguise is quite simple, all you have to do is imagine your human form. Don't worry about the pain, it only hurts on your first transformation, just like my first mating." said Lesley with a perverted smile.

Kenny closed his eyes and placed a mental image of his human self in his thoughts and sure enough, he felt the changes. His claws shrank back to fingernails, his ears moved back to human position and changed, his teeth became less pointed as his muzzle shrank into a human face, his hair changed back to normal color as his fur receded back into his skin, his muscles decreased in bulk as he returned to the frail kid from before, and his tail shrank back into his body.

Within minutes, the changes became complete and he now looked like his human form again, the problem though was that his werewolf clothing was now too big and his loin cloth fell right off his waist, leaving him naked and exposed. As he opened his eyes to pick up the cloth, he gasped. Lesley had also shape shifted to human form.

She was very lithe, more so than Kenny and her hair was ebony black as it grew out to her middle back length. Kenny noticed that even in human form, she still had fangs and claws instead of teeth and nails. She also had wolf like ears and tail giving the appearance of a canine version of a cat girl. She was also completely nude for him, giving him a view of her young body and her perfectly round breasts and swollen slit.

"How come you look like that?" asked Kenny blushing as Lesley stretched her limbs, giving him an even better view.

"Well I'm full blooded werewolf. I was made by two werewolves mating so I don't have a full human form." said Lesley as she turned around a few times to show him. She noticed his blushing and frowned at it.

"Come on Kenny, you've already mated with both that deer boy and the husky girl, I can smell their scent on you. Don't act like you don't love my body." said Lesley sounding half angry and half horny.

"you, I, how did-" stammered Kenny but Lesley frowned more as she stepped forward, her breasts bouncing and hips swaying.

"I've taught you disguise, now for other powers." she said backing him to a tree trunk.

"What-what powers?" asked Kenny cautiously. He grunted as Lesley reached down and cupped his balls with her partially clawed hand.

"You're a breeder, well renowned for your stamina and sexual prowess, a Breeder who is too shy to take a mate when and where it is offered is useless to the Tribe and to the Breeders themselves. So I'm going to break you in from a curious boy into a full blown stud." said Lesley as she bent down on the ground and rubbed Kenny's flaccid member with her hands and tongue, coaxing it to hardness.

Kenny tried to escape but his teacher and rapist kept him still with a single finger pushed in his stomach, apparently werewolf strength carried to human form too. Kenny couldn't resist as he became hard for her and in an instant, she took him into her mouth and began to suck.

Kenny grunted as his nails extended and once more became claws as he grabbed the side of the tree he was trapped against and dug into it leaving gashes in the bark. Lesley continued her sucking as she bobbed her head up and down his length, using one hand to carefully play with his balls without scratching him with her claws.

Kenny couldn't help it, but his concentration was slipping on his disguise, he felt the prickling of his fur slowly growing back as he tried to retain human appearance. But it was no use as the werewolf tormented him with pleasure.

"Come on kid, you're a male breeder, start acting dominant." said Lesley as she paused from her sucking. Kenny was losing his grasp on the whole innocent thing the more she worked him until finally just before he gave in and came, he grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her off.

"Looks like you're not breeder material..." said Lesley as she was getting up to look at Kenny with disappointment, but Kenny suddenly pressed to her back in werewolf form again.

"Stay where you are bitch." said Kenny as he gripped her hips and positioned himself.

"Well then again, I could have been wrong." smiled Lesley as she moved to spread her legs further while Kenny slid into her with his now bigger wolf dick.

Kenny wasted no time in penetrating and taking the girl who so wanted him to do so. He was acting like a sex crazed maniac and he loved every second of it, apparently so did the bitch beneath him.

"Take it, urgh, take it bitch!" grunted Kenny as he began to rock her body with his thrusts.

"Oh yes! That's it you big stud, give me your puppies!" she said as she felt Kenny's knot pressing harder and harder.

Finally Kenny slipped deep inside her, tying them with his knot as he released his seed into the werewolf. Lesley screamed out as she came against him and then to Kenny's surprise, she looked ready for more, but instead sat there on all fours waiting for him to soften enough to pull out.

"Okay, that was fun, I admit it." said Kenny as he stood behind her kneeling form, still tied with her and his hands on her hips, Lesley smiled back at him and nodded.

"I should have a nice litter from that." she said.

After an hour or so, Kenny managed to pull himself from his teacher for more learning, she shifted back to full werewolf form and began to instruct Kenny in the ways of using the vast amounts of stamina and energy from the breeder infection and focusing it into a pint up burst of strength and speed.

"Now then Kenny, as Breeders, we have naturally more stamina and energy than any other type of werewolf, we need to since we must make several matings in such a short time." said Lesley as they were standing in the forest in a wide open meadow.

"Because of this, we are practically unable to become tired, even after an entire day of work. However there is a way to take this pint of energy and use it to more than just sex." said Lesley smiling. Kenny listened intently, trying to find out the secret.

"We can focus our large energy to dramatically increase our strength and speed. However only for short bursts of such acts. It puts a great strain on us since we use up that large amount of stamina so fast. You'll only be able to do it a maximum of twice a day, but it can last for up to 4 minutes each use." said Lesley.

Kenny nodded as he looked out into the meadow, wondering why they were now here.

"I want you to try running to the end of the meadow and back again both in under 5 seconds. If you can do this, you'll have mastered this ability, but then again you will be left very tired." said Lesley as she turned to the meadow to give a demonstration.

She crouched to all fours and tensed her muscles as Kenny watched. She seemed to be waiting for something but just as he was about to ask, she darted off through the meadow. Kenny was amazed, she was even faster than the blur caused by the hunters when they ran top speed. Before he could even blink, she was across the meadow leaving a trail of kicked up grass drifting in the air, before he could blink again, she raced back through the meadow, sending the grass scattering through the air.

"Holy crap..." said Kenny in awe but as he said that, Lesley suddenly went weak in the knees and stumbled over, just in time to be caught by Kenny who helped steady her against a tree. Lesley was panting quite hard for a few moments but after that, her breathing returned to normal and she lay against the tree with a tired look on her face.

"I guess it really is tiring... but then again if someone had done that as a human, I'd expect them to be dead." said Kenny turning to the meadow.

"Focus your energy throughout your body, the rest will do itself." said Lesley. Kenny was afraid she was going to go to sleep and miss training him but he figured he'd get it done fast.

Crouching to all fours, he began to focus. As he did so, he felt strange, like adrenaline was rushing through his body. This hadn't happened as a human when he got ready for a run. He finally released and went rushing through the meadow. The moment he took his first step, he nearly screamed in terror, he rushed forward and slammed into a tree, leaving him dazed but unharmed.

The tree was clear across the meadow but to him it seemed as if he had teleported right to the thing and head butted it. Another thing he noticed was that after that use of energy, he felt so tired, he could barely walk on two legs. It took him quite a while to crawl back to Lesley who seemed to be doing better now as she was able to stand, although still a bit tired.

"See? It's pretty taxing." she said smiling as he was panting rather hard from his effort to get back across the field.

Kenny nodded before his limbs gave out and he collapsed.

"As I said, you can only do this twice a day, any more and you might kill yourself." said Lesley as she sat down to rest near him.

It was a good while before both Kenny and his mentor felt rested enough to move again and by then the lesson was almost over.

"Alright Kenny. I've taught you how to transform, how to behave like a breeder, and how to use your inner stamina. I have one final thing to teach you." said Lesley as she held a small bottle, just barely large enough to hold an eye dropper worth of liquid in it.

Kenny looked at the bottle, not sure what was going to be taught to him.

"You should know all the different ways to pass on the werewolf disease. If you don't know them all then you most definitely won't survive back in the human world." said Lesley.

Kenny nodded, remembering what Laurence had said earlier, the night he became a werewolf.

"First of all, the most well known, but also the most deadly is the saliva which is actually a concentrated form of the disease. Only the strongest of humans survives a disease made by saliva, in fact those who do, usually become black types. I highly recommend you never kiss a human." said Lesley.

Kenny nodded, still not sure what the bottle was for.

"next is the sexual juices of a werewolf. It is possible to infect humans simply by mating with them. For males, the sperm is injected directly into the partner, for females, the juices seep into the partner's skin like a lotion. This is less deadly than the saliva but still potentially life threatening if the victim continues to exert themselves." said Lesley.

Kenny nodded, the whole reason he became a werewolf was from giving Laurence a blow job.

"And lastly there is the blood. Injecting a human with werewolf blood is the least deadly way of making them a werewolf, but also the hardest. It works just like human transfusions, you need a human of your same blood type to successfully transfer it. However if you do, they won't exhibit any signs of weakness and will begin turning into a werewolf within two hours. Now I have this bottle here and I'm going to fill it up with one of the three liquids I just described from your body. I'll let you choose." said Lesley.

Kenny wasn't sure where this was going but he nodded held out one of his arms.

"I'll fill it with my blood since it's the least deadly." he said. Lesley nodded and approached his arm, using one claw to slice his palm open and quickly filled the draining blood into the bottle as his cut healed over within seconds.

Lesley put a cap on the bottle and smiled at him.

"Good, now that you have this bottle of your blood, you shall be able to make a human be your friend by making them into a werewolf too. I'll take this back to the tribe and from there we can analyze it and turn it into a formula." said Lesley.

Now that their training was complete, Lesley and Kenny headed back to the tribe, and afterwards, Kenny decided to spend a few days at the tribe before heading back to camp. Little did he know just how exciting his days with the tribe mating season were going to be....