For Better or For worse chapter 6

Story by Takahiro Hamato on SoFurry

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#6 of For Better or For Worse Chapters


Chapter 5 was lovely so I suppose I'll start with chap...

Chapter 5 was lovely so I suppose I'll start with chapter 6. I'm getting a lot of comments on this story and I hope that as the chapters increase they will continue to grow! :) I hope you all like this next chapter, because here it is!

Chapter 6 - Confrontation

Red's POV -

I awoke to the feel of something shifting beside me. Opening my eyes slowly I saw Chris's face in front of mine. My first idea was to jump back and kick him away, but I stopped just before I did as I noticed his head was on a pillow. I sat up slowly, rubbing my head softly as I looked around. I was in a bed, a queen sized bed that had white sheets and covers. I looked down at Chris, he was still asleep, and he had no shirt on. Thinking he was naked I gently scooted away, but slowly lifted the covers to find he had his boxers on. I let go of the covers and slowly moved off the bed, standing up fully and stretching, my tail swishing from left to right behind me. I looked down, noticing I was only in boxers. I looked around, seeing my clothes lying on a large dresser, folded neatly. I dressed quickly before glancing at the bed, seeing Chris was still asleep, his face so peaceful, yet it made me sad in a way because I couldn't see his bright blue eyes.

I sighed. Ignoring the wave of sadness I got and couldn't understand as I walked out of the room, noticing I was upstairs. I looked around before descending the stairs. The only sound in the house was my feet moving across the hardwood floor. I walked into the living room, seeing that Damon wasn't in there, so I headed to the kitchen, spotting him leaning against the counter, an apple in his clawed black hand as he spotted me and waved hi with his free hand. I waved back and walked in, sitting at the table before laying my head down on it.

"Still tired Red, have a rough night?" He said with a chuckle.

I looked at him and flipped him off.

"No, I'm just thinking is all. I wonder when the next time I'll have those flashes again will occur."

Damon looked at me and tossed his now eaten apple in the trash, coming to sit beside me.

"Well it's at random, you never know, at least that's the way it's always been for me. Just don't worry about it. I'm sure you'll be fine."

He placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and I smiled, happy that somebody was there for me, that I wasn't alone. Although I was still a bit weary about him, it still felt good to be reassured. I stood from the table, walking out of the kitchen, saying to Damon over my shoulder as I passed the entryway.

"I'm going to go wake Chris up, if you need anything just shout."

He nodded and I climbed the stairs, feeling more awake now as I opened the door and walking in, but seeing that Chris wasn't in the bed, the covers were messed up. He was awake. I looked around, he wasn't in the room. I heard the sound of running water and looks in the direction of the sound, there was a door on the far wall, it was closed, but steam was rolling from underneath it. I slowly walked over to the door, the sound of the water becoming louder the closer I got. I heard the water stop, and the sound of knobs being turned. He was getting out, I stood there, pressed against the wall beside the door as I waiting for enough time to pass for him to get a towel and cover himself. I moved and turned the knob, opening the door and walking in.

"Chris I was just..."

My voice stopped and my eyes widened as he spun around, his eyes wide as he stared at me, no towel wrapped around his waist or anything. I swallowed hard and looked down, blushing madly before he scrambled to get a towel and wrap it around himself, which still did very little to hide how well endowed he was. I looked back up at his face and seen his cheeks were a little red, which made me smile slightly.

"Uh...s...sorry...I was just coming in here to wake you up....I didn't mean to barge in you while you were...naked...."

He nodded and exhaled, then walked up to me and grinned.

"Well it doesn't matter really. I don't mind at all." He gave me a seductive grin and walked past me. I looked down at the floor and swallowed, I was getting really hot, and that look he gave me made my heart race.

I turned and seen him slip the towel from his waist, letting it fall to the floor as he slipped on a pair of tight boxers and some jeans. I blushed and swallowed again, walking quickly to the door and talking to him over my shoulder.

"Um...well I'll leave you to get dressed. I'll go downstairs and keep Damon occupied."

He quickly turned and grabbed my shoulder, making me look at him.

"Wait a minute...Red...I need...I need to give you something."

I stared at him, what exactly was it he wanted to give me?

"I want you to have this, it's mine but I want you to keep it."

He reached around his neck and took off a necklace. I had never even noticed it was there, how could I not? It was a linked chain, medium sized but small with a smooth bright blue jewel hanging from the end. He stepped to stand only mere inches in front of me as he slowly reached behind me, slipping and fastening the necklace to me. He stared into my eyes and smiled.

"I want you to keep it. You could use it as a good luck charm or something."

I nodded and smiling, reaching up and fiddling with beautiful jewel softly.

"Thank you very much, I love it."

I gave him a quick hug, letting it linger jus ta little bit in order to take in his scent before moving away and going down the stairs, going back into the kitchen to see Damon looking through some red book. As I entered he glanced at me and shut the book, and moved to lean against the counter.

"Hey, you get blue eyes up?"

I nodded and gently touched the gem of my necklace.

"Yeah, he was in the shower, but when he got out he gave me this." I held it up to him so he could have a good look. "See, I'm not really sure why he gave it to me, but he said it was for good luck."

Damon grinned and laughed, slipping his hand under mine and holding the gem delicately.

"Wow this thing looks really expensive. Wonder why he'd give you something like that."

I pulled away and turned around, holding the gem to my chest.

"Because we're friends, and he's just looking out for me is all."

Damon laughed louder, I felt him move a little closer.

"Friends, it's either your just plain damn stupid and haven't realized it or your just not admitting it. It's obvious that your more than a friend to him, he likes you. Why else would he give you a damn necklace?"

I moved away and grumbled.

"For your information, I know he likes me. I just don' him back. But he's still nice to me and all, and plus it's none of your business anyway."

He chuckled and raised his hands in defeat as I looked at him with a mean stare.

"Whatever you say Red," He walked past me to the front door of the house, opening it but speaking again before stepping out and closing it behind him. "But how long do you think he'll wait until he makes some more advances on you?"

I stood there still and silent as he left, my thoughts running wild and my heart racing at what he said. What if Chris did decide to make more advances on me, would he stop if I protested, or would he keep going and take things to a much further level? I had no clue what would happen, but what Damon said worried me. Sitting down in one of the kitchen chairs softly I sighed and put my head in my hands, rubbing at my eyes as a headache began to form. I heard noise in front of me and looked to see Chris standing there, looking at me in worry.

"Are you ok, you seem stressed?"

I shook my head and sighed again as he took a seat beside me, placing a worried hand on my shoulder.

"It's nothing Chris, I'll be fine, but I think I need some sort of medicine, these recent events are catching up to me I guess."

Chris nodded and took my hand leading me up the stairs. The fact that his hand was holding mine made me blush and look away.

"Come on, I found some medicine in the med cabinet before I took my shower and you decided to barge in and get a good look. It'll help you."

My eyes widened and I blushed even more.

"I-I wasn't looking at y-!"

He chuckled and looked at me with a grin.

"Oh shut it Red, your not fooling me. I seen that blush of yours, and I see it right now."

I tried to hide my burnt up face as we went into the bathroom. Chris opened up the cabinet and pulled out a few white bottles, looking at them before putting them back in and getting more. After a few moments he turned to me, holding two pills that were blue.

"Come on, they'll help with your headaches and possible other pains or discomforts."

He handed me the small pills and then handed me a small glass of water.

"Drink that with it."

I nodded and took the pills, swallowing them and sighing, setting the now empty glass down and looking at him.

"Thanks Chris..."

He grinned and stared at me, making me smile and look away. I felt my face heat up but then felt a hand gently grab my jaw and make me look forward. Chris stared at me for a moment, closer then he was before, his hand never left my chin. He leaned forward, his other hand coming to rest on my shoulder as he stopped for a moment, and then gently pressed his lips to mine. I didn't fight him, the kiss wasn't forced. He knew not to make any advances, but for some reason I didn't stop him. Slowly closing my eyes, I gave in to him and rested my hands on his shoulders, kissing back softly. I didn't know what to feel, or expect, but the kiss didn't feel wrong or right. After a few seconds he deepened the kiss, using his tongue as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his hard, muscular body. As his hands began to roam over my body, I stopped and broke the kiss, panting softly and moving away, looking down.

" shouldn't do that...I...I'm still confused....Please...R...Refrain from doing that in the future."

He stared at me for a moment before nodding, walking close to me and holding my cheek with his hand, his smile was gentle.

"I told you....I'll wait as long as I have too...."

I nodded and turned, walking out of the bathroom and down the steps, I heard him tell me he was going to lay down for a bit, but I didn't respond. I just kept walking. I went outside, looking around, expecting to see Damon around, but he was nowhere to be seen. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of chirping birds and the soft sound of the wind blowing. I walked off the medium sized porch, feeling the grass on my feet and the wind on my body as I looked around. I had no clue where Damon was, but he had to be close by. I looked around once more and walked in the direction of the woods, slowly beginning to hear a faint sound. I had no clue what it was, but I hoped it was Damon. Moving silently through the trees I could make out his voice perfectly now as I crouched low behind a bush.

"...No. I haven't had the chance. I'm aware of that but there both cautious of's hard to find a good chance when they are both on guard. I can't just do it out of the blue! It has to be planned! Organized! Or I could die...No sir...I'll strike as soon as possible....No Red doesn't know anything...."

I gasped and looked around the corner of the tree to see Damon sitting on a small rock, a black phone looking device in his hand. I moved back, but my foot landed on a stick, and due to my weight it snapped under me, causing Damon to freeze and look up.

"I'll call you back.....apparently I've been found out.....yes sir....understood.....'

He shut the phone and dropped it, pulling out his handgun and pointing it straight at me, but I was still behind the tree.

"Come on out. I know your there."

I tensed up as he spoke, not sure of what to do, but my body automatically stood, and I turned, revealing my self as my eyes stared into his. He was grinning, his gun pointed straight at my chest.

"Red, I was expecting Chris, since he's the smart one. Oh well, it only makes my job easier. So I'm guessing by that deadly look in your eyes you know huh? Well yeah, I was sent to kill you, that whole rescue thing in the facility, a set up. I was in no real danger. I'm ordered to kill both of you. You're probably asking yourself, why would he want to kill us? Well Red, it's simple. You may have been successful when bonding with your dragon DNA, but if you're not obedient, they kill you. And they will stop at nothing to succeed in killing you."

I clenched my fists, a low, dangerous growl rumbling in my throat, making him just laugh and lower his weapon.

"Don't even think of getting violent with me Red. You're no match for me and you know it."

Nevertheless I still ran towards him, my sharp teeth showing and my fist drawn back. He just smirked and as I struck, stepped to the side. I then felt a hot pain surge through me, centering on my face. I screamed and fell to the ground, clutching the wound that felt like a large slash as blood poured from it. My breathing was quick and unsteady, but I quickly stood and kicked at him, he simply grabbed my leg and rammed his elbow into my knee, making my leg bend in a way it wasn't supposed to, causing a loud crack to sound. I screamed and fell to the ground, tears streaming down my face as I looked up at him in horror. His smirk was wide as he pulled out his handgun and pointed it straight at my face. I covered my face with my arms, afraid of dying, afraid so much it resorted me to begging.

"P-please.....don't! Please! Please don't!" I cried out in fear. I sounded so weak, so helpless.

I heard his dark chuckle then the sound of his gun returning to his holster. I removed my arms only to see a combat boot connect with my jaw, snapping my head to the side and darkness to cloud my vision. The last thing I remembered was his words.

"You're so pathetic....were going to take a little trip...."

Everything else was nothing but pitch black after that.

Well that was an AWEFUL ending!!!! I wonder what will happen next! I am so sorry for this late update, but with the death of my best friend, and me being extremely ill I haven't been able to do much at all. I am now currently sick but I forced myself to finish this chapter for everybody's viewing! I hope you all enjoyed this! Please vote/fav/comment!!! I love you all my little chickens!!!