Birthday Surprises, For TakenByMe

Story by ZyferWulf on SoFurry

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Birthday Surprises, For TakenByMe

A nice little yiff I wrote for TakenByMe because she's such a great friend and editor! (Funnily enough, she edited this too ^_^) So, more huggles for her *Squeezes you!* and thanks again for everything!

I burst out of the restaurant doors, Emerald running out close behind me.

"Helix, I can't hardly go anywhere with you without you doing something crazy like that!" She said, running up to my side as we headed towards her car. "You're such a mischievous little wolfie, you know that?"

"I know, but would you really love me any other way?" I asked as she unlocked the car doors. She looked at me for a short moment before shaking her head. "You're right, but did you have to drop your fork five separate times?"

"Of course I did, the waiter was eyeing you and even tried flirting, I couldn't just sit there!"

"So you resorted to making him look like an ass?"

"Nope, like an ass doing his job." I said, smiling as I got in the passenger seat. She got in and shut her door, putting the keys into the ignition.

"You wolves are soo territorial." She said while starting the car. She glared at me with her deep green eyes, a sarcastic smirk on her face. "You know we probably won't be allowed back there for quite a while now, right?"

"It didn't ruin your birthday dinner, did it?" I asked.

"Girl, as long as you're with me, it'll always be fun."

"Oh, you say the nicest things." I said, hugging the panther before buckling my seatbelt. Some people think my living with an older female, especially a panther, is weird. I had better explain that I'm bisexual but Emerald isn't sure if she is or not. Sometimes it can get really annoying. Like today, for instance. It's her 20th birthday and we went shopping together. I managed to convince her to go to a fancy restaurant but it could go either way from here. Every time we get close to some very exciting physical contact, she loses confidence and backs off. I can understand why and I still respect, but it really sucks.

"So, is there anything else you've planned for me?" She asked, pulling out of the parking lot.

"You'll just have to wait and see. Maybe that was all, but then again I could have something else planned."

"Oooh, keeping me in suspense are you?"

"You know it." I said, turning on the radio. I watched her drive, occasionally drumming on the steering wheel. She really was gorgeous, no matter what she though of herself. She had a beautiful, slender form, a soothing and gentle voice, and even the way she walked was enough to make me shudder with need. But, if she didn't feel comfortable I wouldn't force her into anything, which could be a real drag. Suddenly, she whipped her head at me and stuck her paw out, her fingertips just barely touching my nose.

"Haha! I caught you staring at me again!" She said, giggling. I quickly licked her paw and smiled, laughing with her.

"Well, you make it really hard for me to keep my eyes off of you."

"Aww, you're soo sweet." She said, rubbing my head for a moment before putting both her paws back on the wheel. Resting my head against the back of my seat, I though about what else I had in store for her, and I really hoped she'd like it.

Soon enough, we were turning into the apartment's parking lot, parking in the nearest spot. She shut off the car, quickly climbing out. I opened the door and stepped out, stretching a bit as I always do, before walking next to her.

"So, are you going to tell me what's next now?" she asked, opening the front doors to the building.

"Ok, I guess I can tell you what's next." I said, hitting the elevator call button.

"Oh goodie!" She said, jumping up and down like a small child would, which made me smile.

"I got us a movie to watch."

"Ohh, does it have cute guys in it?"

"Many cute, shirtless guys." I said, walking in the elevator when it opened.

"That's my favorite kind of guy to see in a movie!" She said, jabbing our floor button. "Hurry up! I wanna see the movie!" She yelled at the elevator, as if that would make it go any faster. The doors closed and we started the short ride to the third floor. When the doors opened, Emerald literally pounced out of the elevator and dashed to our door, key already inhand. I laughed, walking down the hall. She opened the door just as I got to it. By the time I was inside and had the door shut, she was already sitting on the couch, ready for the movie I'd rented.

I pulled off my shirt and shimmied out of the jeans I had on, leaving me in just my panties and my sports bra. Most of the time we wouldn't wear much more than that around our apartment simply because this was much more comfortable. Besides, I always secretly hoped my breasts, larger than average for a wolf of seventeen, would entice her one day. I walked over to the tv and turned it on, grabbing the disk from on top of the nearby desk and put it in the DVD player. I grabbed the remotes and a blanket, turning around to see Emerald still on the couch, most of her clothes discarded nearby. I jumped on the couch next to her, putting the remotes to one side and throwing the blanket over the both of us. As I journeyed through the main menu screen, I felt Emerald snuggle up next to me and get comfortable. When the movie began playing, I leaned against her, pulling her body right against mine.

I let out a deep sigh of contentment as her warm fur meshed with mine under the blanket. I laid my head on her shoulder, my ear twitching as it was pressed against her neck. I felt her lightly kiss the top of my head before leaning hers against mine.

Throughout the movie, we exchanged glances, occasionally locking eyes for a few moments, and every so often would quickly peck the other on the cheek. We even stayed there as the end credits rolled, not wanting to move from the warm embrace. Eventually, however, we had to get up and turn off the tv.

"So, was that the last thing?" She asked me, stretching her arms out.

"Not quite, there's one last thing I have in store for you."

"Yay, what is it?"

"It's in your room, so give me three minutes to get it ready and then come in."

"Ok, got it." She said, laying back down on the couch. I quickly went to Emerald's room, grabbing the box I had underneath her bed. I smiled as I opened it, revealing a very sexy black thong and matching bra. I slid out of what I was wearing and into the tight new ones I'd gotten her. I stowed the box back under the bed and went to her closet, grabbing a few candles and some rose petals. I set the candles on the side tables before lighting them, delicately sprinkled the petals around the bed, and turned the lights down to a low, romantic setting. Finally, I lay down across her bed, putting my full body on display for her.

"Alright, you can come get your present now!" I shouted to her, checking over my body and fixing up any misplaced fur. She came around the corner fast, obviously excited, before stopping rapidly once she saw the nature of her gift.

"Oooh, I like this present," She said, walking towards me slowly. "Especially the new things you're wearing."

"Well, I hope so," I said, running my paw over my body seductively, "because they're yours. I thought you might like to see them on me first."

"Actually," She said, getting on the bed and crawling towards me. "I'd much rather see them off of you." She whispered into my ear, nipping it lightly. She pushed on my shoulder until I rolled on my back, climbing on top of me and placing a paw on the side of my head before diving in for a deep kiss.

Her tongue worked its way into my mouth, running over my teeth and wrestling with my own tongue. This continued, our efforts becoming more vigorous over time until we were both out of breath and quite horny.

"You should probably get me out of your new clothes, cuz they're gonna get all wet soon." I moaned into her ear, catching my breath. She smiled, kissing her way down my neck. I felt her paws dance along my fur, sending tingles down my spine as they reached the small of my back. "Oh god, Emerald..." I moaned as she unclasped my bra and pulled it off of my breasts. I closed my eyes as she nuzzled her face between my fleshy mounds, rubbing and licking them. I set my paws on her head as she began moving further down my tummy, finally reaching my hips. She gripped my sides strongly, pulling down the thong inch by inch. As she got them off of my hips and started pulling them down my legs, I moved one of my paws down her back, snaking it under her panties, rubbing her raised rump. I smiled as she went rigid, but when I looked at her face it was full of discomfort.

"Are you ok, Emerald?"

"I-I'm sorry Helix, I don't think I can do this..."

"Come on Emerald, you love me right? And you know I love you too?"

"Well, yes..."

"And how many times have we gotten to this point and then stopped?" I said, sliding out from under her and sitting up.

"Quite a few times."

"So why can't we finally get any further?" I asked, slightly frustrated. I pulled the thong off and placed it next to the bra.

"I, I don't know. I really want to, but I just can't. I don't know why..."

"You know, this is extremely aggravating for me. I do all I can for you, I never try and make you feel bad, and I haven't forced this on you or gone any further than you wanted to go. I try to respect your position, but I don't know if I can put up with this much longer." I said, getting up and storming out of her room and into mine.

I slipped into my bed, hugging the covers tight against my body. I laid there, thinking over what happened for almost fifteen minutes before hearing a soft knock on my doorframe.

"H-Helix? Are you asleep?" She asked nervously.

"No, I'm awake." I said, sitting up and pulling my legs into my chest. I patted my bed and she walked over, sitting next to me. "Emerald, I-I didn't really mean what I said. I was just frustrated, and I hope I didn't make you feel bad."

"No, it's ok. I am being a little unfair and I feel bad for what you have to do for me." She paused, looking into my eyes. "Without you, I wouldn't have done half the amazing things I have because I would've been too afraid. Ever since I met you my life has been better, more exciting, much happier. While I trust you entirely, I've doubted myself. Well, I won't do that anymore. I know I can trust you, and know nothing you'd do would hurt me, and now I just need to start believing in myself a little more." She stood up with her hands behind her back. "What I mean is, well, I'm not waiting any longer for it to 'feel like the time', because it's not for any reason except that bit of nervousness of the jump off the plane before skydiving keeping me from going any further, if you follow what I mean."

"It was confusing, but I think I understand." I said, smiling. She took a deep breath before pulling off her bra and panties. I started to get up, but she placed a paw on my head.

"Nope, not yet. I owe you something first." She said, smiling seductively. She slowly went down on her knees, running her paws over my legs before splitting them apart. I scooted closer to the edge of my bed, giving her easier access to my cunny. She gripped my thighs tight, making me shift in anticipation. She tentatively gave my vaginal lips a lick, quickly running her tongue around them enthusiastically. I shuddered each time her muscle pushed into my tunnel, and moaned softly when it flicked over my sensitive clit. Placing my paws on her head, I gently pulled her closer against my moist folds.

After slurping at my cunny one last time, she rose up until she was eye to eye with me. She smirked before jumping forward; locking my muzzle in a kiss and making me fall onto my back. Around her lips were traces of my sweet juices, which I hungrily lapped up. Her breasts mashed against mine while we moaned and kissed passionately. I rolled over so that I was on top of her before sitting up on her tummy. I winked seductively before spinning around so my hips were near her face and her hips below my own head. She wasted no time digging her muzzle back into my slit, causing me to shout out in surprise.

I turned my head to my prize, rubbing her clitoris with my paw and licking vigorously at her dripping folds. I heard her moan into my rump, encouraging me to go faster. Her succulent taste was mind-numbing and, when coupled with her rough tongue running over my pussy, was enough to leave me breathless. I shoved my tongue into her passage one last time before pulling my head back. Before she could say anything I eased two of my fingers into her tight cunt, pumping them slowly.

"Oh yes Helix, oh yes! Why did I not do this earlier!" She yelled out as her tunnel spasmed around my digits. Her breath was ragged and short, winded from eating me out nonstop. In the absence of her tongue came three of her own fingers pushing their way into my cunt.

"Oh," I moaned between breaths. "So, you're trying to one up me... are you?" I looked back at her innocent face and grinned. "Well, bring it on." I pushed a third finger into her, as well as using my other paw to rub her throbbing nub. She started to whimper constantly in pleasure, growing louder as I sped up my thrusts. Suddenly she pushed four of her fingers in, ramming them up to her thumb. The sudden spike in pleasure stole my words away, yet I continued shoving my paw in and out of her soaked cunny.

Her pussy walls clamped down on my paw, locking it in as she came around my fingers. Her scream of pleasure was caught up in her throat, but that didn't stop her arm from spasming. I howled out and dropped my chest onto her legs as I felt her paw shove against my outer lips. She didn't realize it, but she was forcing her entire paw into my cunt. In a sudden movement, she slid it in to the wrist, causing a few tears to come to my eyes. I looked back to see her eyes open before going wide.

"I... Helix, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's, well, it's better than ok, this feels so fucking amazing."

"R-really?" She asked, moving it around and making me moan.

"Yes, keep going..." I whispered, laying down on top of her as she slid her entire paw deeper into my slick depths. I shuddered, never once before thinking this would feel so amazing. Black dots danced across my vision as the pleasure in my nether regions spread through my spine to my entire body until I was numb with ecstasy. Her paw was so deep that I could feel it rubbing against my cervix. I felt the floodgates keeping back my orgasm hit their limit as I howled loudly, my tight vaginal walls clamping down hard on her paw, which she had forced in almost halfway to her elbow. The sensation slowly subsided as my moans were replaced with gasps for air. My tunnel was so numb that I hardly felt her pull her arm from inside me, which was followed by a small splatter of fluids that hadn't run out of my cunny when I came.

She flopped me off of her and on my back, since I could hardly even move my own head. I closed my eyes as she climbed on my chest, planting kisses from my soaked nether regions up to my tummy, quickly nipping at both my breasts (COMMA!) before reaching my neck and finally my lips. I could taste my own juice in her mouth when she briefly kissed me. She moved something in front of my nose, and even without seeing it the thick smell of my own essence was enough to tell me it was her soaked arm. I opened my exhausted eyes and joined her in licking her matted fur with what little energy I had left.

"Helix..." She whispered into my ear.

"Yes Emerald?"

"I love you." She said, nipping my ear lovingly before quickly kissing my cheek.