Noises from a Cabin on the Trail

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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Just something I found while reminiscing through some old files on an old laptop that I owned...well, I hope everyone enjoys it and don't be afraid to drop a comment and tell me what was good, bad, or needs improvements (the latter is encouraged the most)

Outdoors experience weren't like this were they? John thought as he was pushed onto the bed. He looked at the muscular lion who was smiling at him. They were back in a cabin after a grueling hike. They were both hiking a long range of mountains, as they had been for the past six weeks, but they had the rest of the day off. The blinds were down and the curtains were completely drawn shut. They had pushed tail to get here as quickly as they did, and were both nervous and excited. The tiger, Ivan, was his mate, they had met three years ago but that wasn't what made this strange. He let out a slight moan as a paw groped at his rather large ursine package, and he looked to the face.

The day had started normally, and now it was a bit strange. They started out from their tents as they had most days, but now they were in a cabin. Every hundred or so miles of trail led them to one, and they were never occupied-save for now. They had been talking and laughing and did what they normally did. He was getting much healthier he thought. For a bear he had a nice stomach, but it was a bit faded now, though it was still there. Mostly it was his legs which were stronger and now as well defined as his arms, of course they still held that layer of fat before the muscle-just like Mike. He had black fur mostly throughout his body, though it was brown near a bit at his muzzle as on his calves and at his wrists. The look of himself in general was much healthier. He knew that he wouldn't become thin, and Ivan had told him he'd kill him before he let that happen anyway-both a compliment and a scary threat.

On the trail they often just talked, and would enjoy the nature. It wasn't like those parks where they only tried to capture the beauty of the world at its peak moment, but was a true representation of what it looked like. Sometimes it was grueling, sometimes it was hot, sometimes cold, sometimes all he wanted to do was take the next trail to a city and get off the path but that was what made it beautiful. Nature was great. The trail didn't have vast expanses of open fields or anything shown in the movies, instead it was usually thousands upon thousands of trees very close together. That wasn't to say the occasional great view didn't come into play-he'd seen his fair share of tear brimming sunsets with the tiger in the past two weeks too. He was briefly brought back to the cabin from his mind by a pair of lips on his black furred neck.

Life in the woods was great, it was truly amazing. The first two weeks he'd wanted to just kill himself but he was much better now. He felt like he was getting used to not being able to sit on a toilet, or a coach, or watch TV as he fell asleep. The daily luxuries weren't really as vital as he'd once imagined they were. Instead he was now finding just as much pleasure in a few books that he'd been convinced to bring along. It didn't hurt that the company was good too, playing cards long into the nights. A door opened and closed and he heard a bear let out a happy sigh.

"Whew, that water is really refreshing," Mike said as he began to slip off his shoes. He looked at the bear on the bed and the dog on top, "Ya'll weren't starting without me were you?" he asked with a chuckle. The sight before him was definitely serving to make his briefs seem a bit tighter.

"Of course not...this was your idea," Ivan said as he chuckled. He looked over the bear's body. Mike was only in briefs and his shoes, which he was already taking off. He guessed the bear stuck with only that much because he knew they wouldn't really need clothes for too long. It was really a good sight, Mike was just about a foot taller than his own mate but he was, without a doubt, one great piece of eye candy. His stomach stood lightly out as did most of his hefty frame which only accentuated how great it would be to take the bear for a ride, or to just let his paws roam Mike's body. His caramel fur was still slightly damp from the river, and he couldn't help but notice how the bear's sack hung even through the briefs; wondering how it would feel to roll them around in his paws.

The Canaan dog on top of John pulled away from his neck, "I swear I was pretending he was you," he said good-humoredly. His name was Walt, and he was Mike's mate. They had all met under very...lewd circumstances. That didn't hinder their friendship though. They found that they all got along great, and enjoyed each other's company-not in the way they were doing now though. This was the first time they were all doing something like this...

During the first week John remembered walking at night to a nearby opening for a campsite. They ended up walking in on Mike and Walt in the middle of a rather heated session of fireside love making. The two had been in a sixty-nine pose and were oblivious to their intrusion as were they till they caught the moan as the dog shot his load into his mate's muzzle. During which time Ivan let out a yell of surprise, and after which all hell broke loose for a few minutes. It consisted of the bear and dog trying to make themselves decent and John and Ivan averting their eyes. After the initial awkwardness passed they were able to talk a bit, though both parties were still a bit on the cautious side.

Mike was happy that he and Walt hadn't scared the two away after such a sight and they decided to stay the night. Then they hiked together the next day, and the next, and the next after that. It had been about four weeks of hiking together and they found that they all had a great friendship. It was strange how well they got along, and just how well they could talk with one another. Apparently Mike and Walt knew John and Ivan were gay too, though the two never said so. When asked John admitted it and Ivan couldn't help but chuckle. That never seemed to make things awkward for any of them though, they all got along greatly.

It was much like fate had dealt them a very unique hand of cards, seeing as what they were doing now. There was more to it though, they all lived nearby one another. Mike and Walt lived in the same county as John and Ivan, much to both parties' surprise. It was funny how they lived about fifty miles apart yet had met on the opposite side of the country on a trail hundreds of miles long that few would ever attempt to traverse. They all thought it was funny, and that they would definitely hang out later when they all got back home also.

As the weeks passed it was much like a seal of trust was put on their friendship. They could all talk with each other openly and just have a good time. The nights were usually spent by a fire, mostly clothed, and playing cards or reading a book. Neither of the two expected any of them to stop their more intimate activities while they hiked. There was still the occasional blush when one of them would go to bed early, followed by their mate quickly following after-followed by the tent rustling for a little bit. It was impossible to mistake the happy growls or when the erratic shakes began, but everyone just laughed it off when addressed. Of course there were the nights when all they wanted to do was sleep also; climbing up a hill for two hours only to have a bigger one can do that to even the most trained body.

Walt sat up on John's stomach and massaged his fur, running his paws under the bear's shirt. He smiled at how John let out a sigh of pleasure. He was a lot like his mate, though a bit smaller, but from what he'd felt he was just as big in other areas. Though he'd been nervous at first he was now a lot more into this-it was exciting to say the least. He felt John's own paws begin to explore his cream colored body, and let out a sigh as the bear massaged his upper thighs, just below his more intimate areas. He looked back at the two still standing, "Look John...they don't want to join us..."

"Aww...Maybe they're scared," John replied as they smiled at the other two. It was funny since he and Walt were the ones who had been timid about this. Though now that they had started they were definitely enjoying it. There wasn't the same connection as being with a mate, but it was fun still. It wasn't like any of them were cheating on a mate, it was more like a different way of meeting each other. Both Mike and Ivan saw it more like a way to just have fun 'with the guys', no different than meeting up to play a game of cards or some other activity. He heard the bed creak above his head and he was greeted with the sight of Mike's brown furred body. He leaned forward and found himself muzzle to bear balls-though they were still hidden by a pair of briefs.

"Who are ya'll calling scared?" Mike asked as he looked at his mate. He leaned forward and kissed the crème colored dog, who returned it with a moan.

"What we're trying to say is that...for the two who like to say 'we wear and take off the pants in the relationship' you two are being very...boring," John said as he inhaled the scent of Mike's package.

Mike rubbed his crotch against the bear's face and smiled, "Oh...I think I'm about to show you just how rough I can be if you two don't stop acting like you're the big dogs here," he said and felt John lightly push him. He looked down at the bear with an amused smile.

"Woof," John said with a chuckle and pushed Mike off of him. He didn't let the bear stay there for long though, and he moved forward, bringing Walt with him, and began to lap at the bear's sack through the cloth.

Mike let out a moan and looked at his own mate. He leaned forward and took the shirt in his paws, unbuttoning it slowly and with a teasing show for John-who was licking fervently at his hidden member. He looked at Ivan, "You're really lucky for a muzzle like his..."

Walt threw the shirt away and it landed on Ivan who was still standing there. He chuckled at the cat, "You just going to stand there like a voyeur?"

" guys still have clothes why should I get started?" Ivan asked with a grinning smile. He grabbed the shirt that had landed on him and took a light whiff of the odor it housed then threw it on the ground. The show before him had him as hard as a rock-especially seeing his mate in between them.

Mike looked at Ivan and smiled. He pulled away from John and sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the cat, "Well, how about you get over here and fix the 'clothes' problem for me?" he suggested.

Ivan smiled and took a step towards the bed. He couldn't help but chuckle as Mike spread his legs, but also couldn't help but feel his mouth water too. He got down onto his knees and smiled at the bear. His paws started at the bear's legs, and slowly moved up. He massaged the bear's inner thighs and heard Mike groan. "Doesn't take much to get you ramped up does it?"

"Nope...just tell him about how great he is and he thinks he's getting the whole shebang," Walt said with a chuckle.

Ivan leaned forward and took in a bit of the bear's scent, "He just might be getting that,"

John looked over at Mike, "You know you're doing good when he begins to purr for you,"

Ivan blushed lightly and threw his mate a scowled face. He felt a paw on his head and then being led onto the bear's crotch-the paw pulling him closer. He mewed as he licked over Mike's briefs. He continued to do that for a minute before being pulled away, he knew that if the bear hadn't done that he really would've started to purr. He looked up at the grizzly and cocked his head, "What?"

"You look really nice..." Mike said, it sounded just about as awkward as it was, but he meant it too.

Ivan chuckled and licked the bear's briefs, "You do too,"

Mike smiled and grasped the lion's shirt and began to pull. He chuckled as Ivan worked to help himself out of the shirt and he threw it to a corner of the cabin and then pulled the lion up by his shoulders, Ivan grunting as he was pulled to his feet. The lion's mane was long and very fluffy around his neck. It was a generic red color to compliment the cat's tan fur and it came to his chest, making a trail down into his pants. He didn't waste time with words and began to work on Ivan's shorts, which soon dropped. The lion's cock was already hard, tenting the boxers and he chuckled. He slid his fingers into the elastic of his own briefs and pulled on them a little, but was also focusing on the lion. Bringing a paw up to Ivan's boxers he slipped them inside of his underwear and traced over the cock. He felt some barbs and wondered just exactly what that was like. After another second he pulled his briefs down so that his cock was out in the air. He looked up at the lion, "OK...back on your knees kitty,"

Ivan looked at Mike and chuckled, "If I didn't know better I'd say that was an order," he said and stared at the bear's member. It was definitely a good looking treat, good enough to make him lick his lips.

Mike smiled at him, "Is that a no?" he asked-noting the cat's watering mouth.

Ivan smiled and kneeled down, "Nope..." he said and looked at the cock. It was pretty thick and long, much like John's. At that thought he looked over at his mate, who was currently kissing the dog. He almost felt jealous of Walt, but he was happy with the treat in front of him too. The thick cock throbbed and he began to stroke it lightly, Mike moaning above him. He smiled at the bear, "You like that?"

"I can tell you what I'd like more..." Mike said and placed a paw gently on Ivan's head.

Ivan grinned, "I don't know...ask nicely,"

Mike chuckled, "You ask..."

Ivan looked up the bear, they were having a silent argument-though it was more or less foreplay. After a bit he smiled, "Can I suck on ya' for a bit?"

Mike chuckled, "Only if you promise to let me return the favor somehow," he said and heard his own mate speak to John.

"Can't we begin to lose the clothing...they seem to be ahead of us," Walt said as he rubbed John's stomach.

"I've been waiting on you to take the initiative," John said. He chuckled as the dog cocked his head and looked at him, "'re the one who pushed me down so it's your job,"

Walt laughed and began to unbutton the bear's shirt, revealing the black forest of fur below. The bear's chest had a lot of gruff fur at the center of his chest-it was a good look for him. He pulled John up and helped him out of his clothes. Next he slid off of John and took off his own pants and underwear. Before he could even return to the bed he felt a warm breath on his cock. He looked down at John, who smiled up at him. Walt pushed his cock forward and his ran member over the bear's lips, John giving it a few light kisses as he did. "You want?"

John nodded his head, his muzzle lightly hitting against the dog's cock. It was surprisingly large, almost as big as his own, though not nearly as thick. He saw Walt grip the cock and pushed it forward, his lips pressing firmly against it. He let it slide in and moaned at the taste, Walt's own voice joining his. Compared to sucking on Ivan the dog was very smooth, like simply having a tasty treat to slide between his lips was all that there was to it, but a bump ran over his lips. The dog leaned forward and John adjusted himself and soon the dog was lying on top of him, and he felt Walt undoing his pants. The dog pushed his pants down to his feet and he kicked them off. He felt the dog massaging at his inner thigh. His cock was making a large tent in his briefs. He pulled off the cock and smiled at the dog, "You just going to tease me forever?"

"Sorry John...just admiring your body," Walt replied and let his eyes stare at the bear's body. He loved how he looked, thick and meaty in all the right places, just how a guy was supposed to be. He moved to the bear's briefs and pushed them down, John kicking them off also. The bear's cock was nice, and it looked good too. It was long and thick, as were most bear cocks. The head had a bead of pre on it and he wondered if the bear would taste as good as Mike did. He didn't bother to fight his urge to suck the bear, not wasting anytime as he took the bear's thick member into his muzzle. He felt the bear shudder beneath him and soon take his own member back into the warmth of the muzzle. Walt began to hump into John's muzzle the bear obviously enjoying the treatment and began to deepthroat the bear. He'd been right, the bear's cock was mouth-watering to say the least and when he began to play with the bear's balls he was greeted with small bucking thrust up into his muzzle as thanks for his own ministrations.

John slurped at every bit of the cock he was treated with, moaning as the dog's cock ran over his tongue constantly. The dog was smoother and bigger than Ivan, not having barbs and was a bit more difficult to take but he liked it. Though to compensate for the barbs the dog did have an emerging knot. He could feel Walt's sack coming off and on his nose, moving up and down with the dog's thrust into his muzzle. Walt played with his own balls, rolling them around in his paws and making him groan. His own cock throbbed in Walt's muzzle as the dog pleased his body, and used his own muzzle as a little piece of paradise, or at least that's how it seemed Walt thought by his moans. John moaned as the dog stayed down on his cock and bucked into his muzzle, the dog pulling on his sack as he did so-making him grunt in pleasure.

Walt enjoyed how it felt to hump the bear's muzzle, and he was even happier that the bear encouraged it. As more time passed he could hear Mike saying things to Ivan-his mate liked to say things during sex. The only way to make the bear stop talking was to put something in his mouth, which always worked well for both people involved in it. It wasn't bad to hear the bear talk though; it only served as a way to make the moment hotter. His mate loved to say things that were just fitting to the moment, to tell the person he was with just what exactly they were doing right, or how nice it felt, or some other wanton comment; everything he said seemed to be like honey. There was also a constant hum in the room, but he didn't know where it was coming from. He pulled off of John's cock with a plop and looked over at the two, though he continued to pump into John's muzzle-which he happily encouraged. After a bit he pulled away from John and smiled at the bear. He got up and ran over to his bag.

"Whatcha doing?" John asked, licking his lips a bit and watching as Walt's cock bounced up and down.

"Getting something," John said as he dug through his large backpack. Digging through such a huge pack was annoying when all he needed was one thing. He cursed himself for not putting what he wanted near the top, but he eventually found it. He pulled out a small bottle of lube, and smiled as he looked back at John, who was intently watching the other group. He walked over to John and tapped him on the muzzle with his cock, grabbing the bear's attention. He smiled at him, "We're a bit low on lube..."

"That's why you have a tongue," John replied and stuck out his tongue at the dog, running it over the dog's cock. He saw Walt smile at him and give him a wink.

"Good...then get up for me,"


"Well...with you sitting on your butt like that it's kind of hard to really get to it," Walt said simply.

John rolled over and chuckled, "Why didn't you just say so?" he asked and rolled over. A rough slap against his rump made him jump and he looked back at Walt who was grinning down at him. He guessed that this was just foreplay for Walt.

"Come-on, get that rump in the air," Walt growled. He licked his lips as the bear hurried to obey. He placed a paw passively on each of the bear's cheeks and leaned forward. He could heard John's breathing become more rapid in anticipation. He smiled as John spread his knees for him and looked down at the meal in front of him, "Mmm...such a tasty looking treat,"

John huffed in response and shuffled a little as the dog's breath played tantalizingly over his hole. He wanted to have the dog's tongue buried in between his cheeks, but Walt was taking his sweet time with it. It wasn't bad though; the dog was giving him a lot of compliments about his rump-something he was rather proud of himself.

Walt shuffled forward and heard John gasp as he cold nose pressed against the base of John's tail. He smiled and nuzzled one of John's large cheeks while licking his lips at the same time. He patted John on the rump and left him with a few last words, "Just let me know if there's anything I can do to make this better,"

John looked back over at Mike and his mate, deciding he could watch them as the dog worked on his hole, though that was a bit harder because he immediately began to moan and put his head into the bed as the dog's tongue ran up his two cheeks. Walt didn't waste any time with getting him to moan for him.

Mike groaned and pushed down on Ivan's head, "There's a good kitty," he said and leaned back a little. He was surprised at how the lion seemed encouraged by the compliments, or by how he spoke to him. The surprise was greatly out measured by just how great the lion's muzzle was on his cock. The lion was amazing at what he was doing right now, and he was obviously enjoying it also. A constant purr came from the cat and it made his muzzle vibrate around his cock; it felt amazing too. He felt Ivan pull on his sack a little and groaned again, the lion certainly knew how to make him hotter. "Hmm, yeah, that's right. You want to drain me don't ya?" he asked with a chuckle.

Ivan murred a yes to the bear and pulled on his sack once again. He could feel the bear's paws playing with his mane.

Mike groaned and bucked lightly into Ivan's muzzle. His paws gripped at the lion's mane and he pushed him down fully onto his cock, "'re doing a great job...keep it up and you'll get a reward,"

Ivan purred louder around the cock in his muzzle and tugged on Mike's bear balls again, making him groan loudly. He couldn't' say the idea of letting the bear empty his load into his muzzle wasn't great, but he wanted something too. They were just in two separate groups, this was hardly a party. Instead of following on his thoughts though he found himself glued to Mike's cock-of his own volition. The cock was something that he just couldn't pull himself away from yet; the compliments, the taste, even how Mike would ruffle his mane were all driving him onward. The bear's cock was great and everything he felt was too, the bear gently played with his ears and mane to keep him going, though he knew he'd continue one way or another. It was Mike who pulled him off and he couldn't help but whine as he did. The bear chuckled at him though and gave him a wide grin.

"Hey guys," Mike said, getting everyone's attention. He smiled at them, "How about we join know...really get good times going? Can't say that this isn't fun...but how about we get the real stuff started up?" he asked. The two were currently having a fun time it looked like; John's hole was currently being stretched by his mate's tongue. The dog had his paws planted on the bear's hefty rump and John was moaning into the bed with his rump in the air. Walt was always an enthusiastic rimmer, and an amazing one at that. Mike couldn't count the times he'd lifted his tail for the dog with a promise of his ministrations-even though he was the dominant one of the relationship. It really didn't matter if he was in the mood to top or what, if the dog said he'd give him a treat he practically became the dog's personal toy.

Walt pulled away from John's hole and chuckled, "Sounds what's the plan?"

Mike thought for a few moments and let out a light moan when Ivan licked his cock. He shot the lion a reprimanding look, and pulled on his mane a little. He heard Ivan chuckle and loosened his grip on the cat's mane. He looked down at him, " what you want," he said and the cat did just that. Mike suppressed a moan as Ivan went back to sucking him off. The cat seemed like he was more than happy to just be sucking on his cock. He stroked his mane and then looked at the other two, "I haven't really done this before...but...maybe there should be a middle man...and since it looks like John's already gotten started for being the middle man..."

John pulled his head and up and chuckled, "Volunteering me?"

"Only if yo-Ungh," Mike was trying to say when he was cut off by one of Ivan's breath taking maneuvers. He looked down at Ivan who was purring around his cock and patted the cat before continuing, "Only if you don't have a problem with it," he said while groaning.

John made the same noise as the other bear as Walt returned to his hole and ran his tongue along the length of his crack. He pushed back a little and smiled, "Could be nice..." he said and moaned louder. The dog's cold wet nose pressed just above the base of his tail as the dog's tongue ran rampant over his hole.

Walt smiled as he dug his muzzle into the bear's hole-the moans that came from the bear beneath him were all he needed to continue his acts. He loved to rim the bear, John reacted so greatly to what he was doing, almost as greatly as Mike did. The next thing he heard was actually his mate. Mike was panting and he could tell the bear was about to cum.

"No, wiat...Ivan. Geez, I tol-ungh!" Mike grunted as he began bucking up into Ivan's muzzle. He'd wanted ot last a while, but with the cat's expert tongue he was now losing everything. He felt his balls slapping against Ivan's muzzle as his cock spasmed and he released his load into the hungry lion. The cat didn't stop purring and he could feel the cat's tongue playing with his throbbing cock. He pumped into the lion and after a moment his orgasm faded. Ivan seemed more than happy with what had just happened and he groaned and laid back into the bed. After a moment he looked down at him, "I didn't want to cum yet,"

Ivan moaned around the cock and continued to suck on it. The bear tasted amazingly great; he was like honey almost. He stayed where he was, he was more than content to stay on the cock. The bear was now stroking his ears and mane tenderly.

"You like that don't you kitty?" Mike asked.

Ivan moaned and gave a nod around the cock. He smiled and pulled away from the bear with a plop. He had yet to swallow the bear's load-which was thick on his tongue. He shuffled up the bear's body, which he'd yet to explore fully and smiled at him. He leaned down and kissed Mike on the lips roughly, the bear grunting as he did so. After a moment the bear opened up for him and he shared his treat with him.

Mike moaned as his own cum came over his tongue and immediately began to kiss Ivan roughly. He was almost envious that John could get this kind of treatment whenever he wanted, but at the same time his mate was just as good in other ways. He swallowed what the lion allowed him to have and the cat drank down the rest, moaning loudly as he did so. Mike explored Ivan's muzzle and enjoyed how the large cat tasted to him.

"Way to go Mike...good self control" Walt said sarcastically and rolled his eyes. He couldn't' say that he wasn't harder than ever before after the little show though.

Mike pulled from the kiss and chuckled, "He's...really good,"

Ivan smiled, "Thanks...I try," he said, speaking again after what seemed like hours of having his muzzle filled with the bear's cock-though even if it had seemed like hours they were great hours. He traced a finger along the bear's spent member, "You can't do much with it like that can you?"

"Nothing like I was doing back then," Mike said and felt the cat's paw move slyly to his rump. He smiled, "You want to take me for a ride don't you kitty?"

Ivan chuckled, "Well, if you're offering..." he said and let the words drift. He felt a paw on the back of his mane and was pulled into a kiss. He moaned as the bear gave him and wet kiss and just as quickly as he pulled him in, he pushed him away.

"Yeah...I'm offering,"

Ivan purred loudly, "Hmm...You're in for a treat,"

Mike couldn't' help but moan and fought the urge to just let the cat take him right there. It was tempting to just get on his stomach and tell the cat to just pound him but he fought back to primal urge. He smiled and licked the cat's muzzle, "I bet I am," he said and another gruff voice cut in for a minute.

"Oh you are...just get him started and you can lay down and enjoy yourself" John said, and then moaned as the dog continued his ministrations.

Mike smiled and pushed the cat off of him. He chuckled, "Hey...what's with still have more clothes on than any of us," he said, seeing the cat was still in a pair of very wet and tented boxers.

Ivan looked down and chuckled, sliding them off quickly. He looked back at Mike and smiled, "Better?"

Mike moved closer and looked at the lion's cock, "Much better..." he said and smiled. He couldn't help but notice the barbs and looked up at the cat, "Do...those hurt?"

"I don't know..." Ivan replied with a chuckle. He gave the bear's head a small pat, "Why don't you give me a try and we'll go from there,"

Mike leaned forward and gave the lion's cock a wet, long lick from the base to the tip. The barbs tickled his tongue, they weren't as he'd thought, they weren't really painful per say. If the cat got rough and began to abuse his muzzle, then he was sure his tongue would be a bit sore, but nothing terrible. He thought it was a lot like after having spicy food, the way the tongue felt a bit sore afterwards, but the reason it was sore was so great that it didn't really matter-it was practically the same. Though now the second thought of how it would be to take the cat came to mind. John's voice was now speaking for him though.

"Don't worry...Ivan is really fun to take...he's gentle if you want him to be. The barbs kind of tickle as they slide in but after that you hardly notice...after that there's really only one thing on your mind," John said, hoping his words would put Mike to rest a bit.

Mike moved down the cock a little, taking it into his muzzle and bobbing his head a little on the cock. The cat definitely tasted good, but it was so different. He was used to having a dog cock in his muzzle, having to compensate for sliding past a thick knot and not having barbs tickle his tongue. The cat was smaller than his mate though, who was very well endowed, even by bear standards. Mike let out a grunt as he felt a paw on his rump, though both of Ivan's paws were on his head. He didn't turn around though; instead he learned who the assailant was because of how it felt. A rough tongue ran over his hole and he moaned, it wasn't Walt-that was for sure. He could only guess that it was John who was giving him a well done rimming. He decided the best thing to do was the enjoy the pleasure from all sides.

Walt pulled from John's rump and watched as he began to rim his own mate. He couldn't help but chuckle as he watched the hot scene before him. He leaned up and moved closer to the bear, his cock now against him. When John moaned he ran his paws through his back and leaned down to the bear, "You ready?" he asked, and the only reply he got was the bear pushing back against him. He chuckled and aligned his cock to the bear's hole, "I guess that's a yes," he said and pushed lightly. After a few moments his cock slipped into the hole and he stopped, John grunting and huffing as he did-though the bear still stuck to his mate's rump.

Mike let out a happy sigh around the cock and tried to take it all into his muzzle. That became much easier when the lion decided to ramp up his treatment. He felt the cat grab his head fur and begin to slide in and out of him, no longer just letting him bob his head. He looked up at Ivan and let out a threatening growl at the cat which earned him a chastising comment from his mate.

"That's enough a good bear and do what the lion suggest," Walt said and smiled as his mate continued to growl. He looked at Ivan, who was obviously a bit confused and scared. He knew that Mike was so caught up in his role that he didn't really care who it was, and didn't realize that neither John nor Ivan probably played their little love game. He looked at Ivan, and gave the cat a knowing wink. Apparently that caused the lion to understand. His mate liked to be treated a bit rough, to be told what to do, and to be 'punished' for not doing something right. After his small instructions to the cat he began to focus on the bear that was below him, lightly thrusting into him-getting him ready for the real treat.

Ivan swatted the bear and his muzzle lightly, "If you growl like that again I'll just let you sit there with an empty muzzle, and I won't let you have any more,"

Mike quieted down immediately and looked up at Ivan with playfully sad eyes. He let out a small whine and gave the cock a long lick. He enjoyed the game of role reversal and it was the best way to get him into a more 'subby' mood-and with John eating him out it made it much easier. The bear behind him was eager to lick at his hole and was currently kneading his rather large rump and growling as he dug into his new meal. With the lion above and the bear behind him he was quickly becoming more and more servile to the cat's dominant ways. Walt was a king at it, the dog could make him seem like a bottom with a few well placed words. He gently bobbed his head and kept eye contact with Ivan the entire time. After a bit he stopped again, as the lion grabbed his head fur again.

" there's a good bear," Ivan said wryly. He gently patted Mike on the head and smiled at the bear. He pulled out and then pushed back in roughly, Mike being taken by surprise at first. He stopped and looked down at him, the bear gazing back up at him and whining playfully around the cock again. He smiled, "I'm going to use this got a problem with that?"

Mike growled around the cock again.

Ivan looked to Walt to make sure he never misinterpreted the bear's growls as true threats and the dog urged him on. He looked back down at Mike and swatted his muzzle, getting the bear to stop his growl, "You want me to just stop I take it?" he asked and pulled out to the tip.

Mike tried to lean forward but the lion had a paw on his forehead and all he could do was lap at the cock in between his lips. He whined and looked up at the cat with pleading eyes. He could tell the cat was waiting for a response and shook his head vigorously, then pulled from the cock entirely, "No...I promise I'll be good,"

Ivan looked back at Walt who just seemed to think it was regular foreplay. For the two of them it was, but for Ivan it was a bit strange. He and John never did stuff like this, they would wrestle maybe, but never really played roles. He decided to play along though; it was definitely getting him hotter than usual. He smiled down at Mike, "Another growl and I'll be making sure you have something to whine about..."

Mike nodded his head and leaned forward, this time being allowed to go back onto the cock a bit. He wasn't allowed onto the shaft, instead he could just suck on the tip, the barbs tickling his lips and tongue. After a moment he let out a whine and looked up at Ivan.

"Show me how much you want it," Ivan said with a commanding growl.

Mike whined and lapped at the cock in front of him for a moment and kissed the head of it. That seemed to appease the cat because he was forced down onto the cat's cock, and he let out an approving growl-happy to be sucking on the entire cat again.

"Good bear...very good," Ivan said, guessing that it was what Mike would react to, and he was right. He smiled, getting a bit into the role and roughly gripped the bear's head fur, "Now, I'm going to use this got a problem with that?"

Mike moaned a no and acted eager to have the cock in his muzzle-though he was hardly acting. He could feel his stubby tail beating against John's nose who was still rimming him and seemed as though he couldn't care less about the others.

Ivan groaned and leaned forward. The bear's tongue never seemed to stop, and he looked at him for a few moments. When he saw a slight nod from Mike he grinned at the bear and began to hump into the bear's muzzle with a bit of aggression; it seemed the bear enjoyed it by his moans. He smiled and gently stroked the bear's muzzle, "Good job...yeah..."

Mike moaned around the cock and let the lion abuse his muzzle. He felt the cat's sack slapping against his chin. He was more than sated with his current pose-getting his muzzle abused by the cat and with John eating his rump. Time seemed to slur together for him and he just let the cat do as he pleased. He'd been right, after a bit his tongue did begin to feel a bit sore, but it was well worth it. He greedily swallowed all the lion's pre he was rewarded with and was constantly being complimented for his skills-if not just to keep the mood going.

After a few moments Ivan pulled his cock away from the muzzle and smiled, "That was a nice experience,"

"Now I can go for the real treat?" Mike asked with a smile. He chuckled as the cat nodded and pushed back against John. "I think I'm a bit occupied...ask your mate when he's done," Mike said and let out a moan. The bear behind him definitely knew what he was doing with his tongue. He found himself pushing against the bear and was happy that John growled with excitement when he did. After a bit the bear did pull away though.

"You can have him," John said and licked his lips. The bear's hole before him was good; the cock behind him was great though. He gave the bear one last, long swipe of his tongue across his hole. The dog was pulling in and out of him slowly now; making him shudder in pleasure. He looked back at Walt with a smile, "Come-on, show some aggression like you do when hiking,"

Walt chuckled and slammed into the bear, making him grunt, "Like that?"

" I said, show some aggression. If I wanted you to be gentle I'd say so..." John said and gave a toothy grin to Walt. He chuckled and smiled, "Don't tell me the puppy can't, at the least, make me give a single good moan,"

Walt smiled and pulled roughly on John. He gave him a few jabbing thrust and the bear just moaned. He waited till it appeared the bear was about to say something and repeated the action. John was more than fine with it it seemed and Walt took full pleasure of the bear's rump. He stopped for about ten seconds and then assaulted the bear's hole once more and pulled him onto his cock roughly, his semi full knot sliding into the bear's hole.

" that," John moaned, a bit incoherent now.

"He likes it...well, rough to say the least," Ivan commented as Mike turned around and got onto his back. He smiled at Walt, "So don't be afraid to let him know who's in control," he commented and chuckled as Mike moved forward. He looked at him, "Where are you going?"

"Well...I figured," Mike said and he moved under John, the bear looking at him as he did so. He got to the bear's cock and gave it a swipe of the tongue, "I could have a little more fun while you pound me,"

John looked at the cock before him, that was a bit limp and being retracting back into its sheath. Even when it was a bit flaccid it was impressive, looking as though if it were hard it'd be as thick and long as his own. He chuckled and gave it a single long lick, moaning at the taste. He felt Walt pull all the way out of him and then slam back in to the knot and yelled out, though it wasn't in pain-but instead it was pleasure. That almost made him lose his load right there, and he looked back at the dog who was grinning like a fool. He shook a little and before he could catch his breath the dog did it again, making him yell out in pleasure even louder.

"You like that?" Walt asked and pulled out to the tip. He pushed in just a bit, teasing as John's breath escaped him and he pulled back out. He never returned the hole, only teasing its entrance at the moment.

"Please...." John almost whispered.

"Looks like I can do more than just make you moan...might be fun to have you begging for it," Walt replied and patted him on his broad back. He looked at Ivan, "Just so you know...he's practically the same as Mike...give him a good pounding and they think they're the king of the world," he said and moaned as John pushed back on him. He smiled and looked down at the two, "Yep...they just think that they're on cloud nine if you can get them begging for you with a cock shoved in them,"

"Good to know," Ivan said with a laugh. He looked on the side of the bed and grabbed the bottle of lube. He looked at John and smiled, "How about you get my pole slick and I'll get his hole ready for me," he suggested.

John smiled and leaned forward. He looked at his mate's cock and wasted no time taking it into his maw. He rumbled in pleasure and felt the dog give him another jabbing thrust, which made him moan. He began to earnestly work on the cock in his muzzle and pull away quickly after a second-clenching his teeth and groaning very loudly. The dog was now fully in the motions of pounding his hole and he rode the cock for all that it was worth. He felt a small swat on his muzzle and smiled at Ivan, whose cock was still waiting to be surrounded by his muzzle again. He dove back down on it and made sure the cat's cock would be good and wet for pounding Mike. He felt Ivan move a paw under his muzzle and stroke his cheek and neck fur as he swallowed around the cock.

Mike was now sucking on the bear cock in front of him, though it'd been a bit hard to get into his muzzle. He'd been trying to catch it and get it into his maw but it kept slapping against the bear's ample stomach from his mate's pounding. Now that he finally had it in his muzzle he wasted no time in sucking it down and going all over it. He felt a finger rub around his hole before slipping in as the cat began to play with him. Time blurred and his cock sprung quickly back to life, leaking and begging for attention-to have another male in him, or the thought of it, always made him hard quickly.

"OK, that's good," Ivan said and pushed John off of his cock-something that rarely, if ever, happened. He looked down at Mike, "OK...get that rump in the air for me,"

Mike quickly did as he was told and felt the cat take his legs and put them on his shoulder for him. His hole felt completely exposed to the cool air, though that lasted only for a second before he felt the cock against him. He moaned to let Ivan know he was ready and the cat slowly pushed in. Taking the cat was made much easier as the bear above him quickly began to lap and suck on the tip of his cock. The barbs felt strange, very strange, but as soon as the cat was buried in him he didn't notice them. He groaned and felt his hole tighten around the cock, which made Ivan more than happy. After a moment the lion pulled back a little and pushed back in. Just before they could get into the motions he felt John spit out his cock and heard the bear asking them all to stop. He let the dick plop out of his muzzle and hoped he hadn't dong anything wrong, he hoped the bear was ok, as John shook above him. He soon realized that the bear was just trying to hold off his orgasm. A small bead of cum actually developed on the bear's cock and Mike fought the urge to lean up and let it into his muzzle.

John hissed and tried to keep his cock still, though it throbbed violently as it seemed to beg for that last little bit. He blushed as the room slowly filled with laughter and he actually began to laugh too, joining them in the small humor. He caught his breath and let out a sigh, "OK...sorry about that," he said and looked back at Walt, "My compliments though..." he said and the dog grinned widely. He grabbed the bear's balls and gave them a wet lick, "And you're not doing too bad either..."

Mike let out a grunt as Ivan gave the first of many light thrust into his tail hole. John had his sack in his maw and was giving his balls a rough massage. He smiled and leaned forward, kissing the bear's cock on the tip, "My pleasure...ready to start again?"

John chuckled and let the sack drop from his maw. He licked his lips and looked at the now fully erect cock, "Yeah...but I won't last long,"

Walt smiled, "That's a shame,"

"Doesn't mean I want you to quit," John said and chuckled, "I know I'm not stopping till I taste what Ivan here was purring about,"

Mike jerked as the cat pulled out to the tip and slammed back into him. That was one of the strangest things he'd felt, how the barbs were against his fleshy hole-though it didn't stop the moan of pleasure that escaped him. He let out a moan as the cat began to abuse his hole but then stopped for a minute. "Come-on...Please..."

Ivan smiled, the bear was really enjoying this. He grabbed Mike's legs and let out a grunt as he pushed in to his balls. " like this?"

Mike's breath caught in his throat and he let out a loud moan. "Please..."

"Please what?" Walt asked and smiled at Ivan who was grinning.

"Please breed me," Mike whined, wanting the teasing to stop now. He wanted a good pounding and was ready to be taken. He felt a thrust into his hole and then another, followed by a steady repetition of them. He sighed out a moan and closed his eyes in pleasure, "Thank you..." he said and opened his maw. He took John's cock back into his muzzle and began to suck it dry.

" just going to sit there with that juicy treat in front of you...I think I'm flexible enough to where I could pound him and suck him at the same time," Ivan said and nodded to Mike's cock.

John looked back at Walt, "OK Walt...pound me," he sai dnad then looked at his mate, "I think this is my treat now," he said and took the cock into his muzzle.

"Don't have to tell me twice," Walt said and slammed roughly into John. He leaned down next to the bear's ear and whispered, "Don't worry big man...even when your cock is spent I'll be making sure you think you're getting the full treatment,"

John chuckled and took Mike's cock into his muzzle quickly. He moaned at the words and at the cock and with that it was underway. Time blurred and he let his own pleasure just course through his body. He bobbed his head hungrily on the cock and was stuck between pushing further back onto Walt, or pushing his own cock down into Mike's muzzle. It was kind of like being in between a rock and a hard place, but he was hardly trying to figure out which he wanted to be away from-quite the opposite really. An electric shock ran through his body as Walt gave him an excessively rough thrust, one that he was more than happy to accept. He had been right, there was no way he was going to last long, it was just too much to handle. Five or so minutes in, he began to shake a little but held it back as much as he could. Those five minutes were like heaven though, he could hardly believe how great it felt. He wanted to hold off though, to keep his orgasm from coming, even if every violent shake told him that wasn't going to happen though. He let out a grunt and shook again, trying ot keep himself at bay. Apparently the others didn't want that though, because Mike pulled roughly on him and gave a light whine, sucking even more on his member, and he felt Walt lean down on him and become even rougher with his abused hole, to which he couldn't help but moan, "Yes...please," he begged, letting Mike's cock fall from his lips for a moment.

Walt smiled at the bear's actions and how he begged to be pounded, he hardly needed to but it didn't hurt to feel needed. It was enough to make the bear start to shake again. Walt pounded the bear as hard as he could, "Tell me you like this," he growled.

John moaned as the dog pulled on him roughly, "Yes!"

Ivan chuckled at his mate and flicked him teasingly on his muzzle with Mike's cock, which he was stroking in absence of John's muzzle. The bear looked up at him and was raked by another shot of pleasure. He rubbed the head of Mike's cock across the bear's lips, smearing pre on his mate's lips as he did so, "I don't think that was a yes or no question..."

"Gah!" John grunted as his cock throbbed dangerously close to shooting in Mike's muzzle. "I like this! Please, pound me!" he huffed as his body became ever tenser.

Walt smiled at the small victory over John and ramped up his thrusts. "Come-on big man...cum for us,"

Ivan smiled and looked down at his mate. He reached in front of the bear and grabbed Mike's member and guided it back to John's muzzle, who willingly accepted the treat again. He couldn't help but watch the hot scene play out as he pounded the tight hole beneath him. Mike was a very loud moaner, the bear would give grunts and moans around the cock and shake from time to time-which was a great way to increase Ivan's own tenacity in pounding the bear. He put a paw on John's head and began to guide it on and off the bear's member, using his mate's muzzle to please Mike. "There's a good bear...let 'em know that you're loving it,"

John gave an encouraging moan as his mate 'forced' him to suck on Mike and let out a grunt as his cock twitched. It happened again and he felt Walt slam roughly into him time after time. Mike was also doing more than enough to bring him over the edge as he eagerly sucked on his entire member-the bear's tongue tracing every inch of his thick member. He began to shake and moan as he lost his load. He bucked into Mike's muzzle and sucked harder on the member in his own muzzle, not helping to make Mike lessen his own traveling tongue. He shook violently and felt his mate pushing him down onto Mike's cock, forcing him to deepthroat the bear-which only made his orgasm feel even more powerful. He could feel Walt's cock slam against his prostate and only managed to push back and moan as he allowed the dog to breed him. Even as his orgasm faded he was shaking and growling. It was more than obvious that they didn't mean to stop using him as a pleasure center-more than fine with him. There were a few words, he didn't really hear them, but he could tell they were lewd and meant to encourage him; which was working well. Even as his brain told him that he was finished his body refused to listen; he still shook with the power of an orgasm. It very slowly faded, but his mentality was still there, he was more than eager to still suck Mike off, to have Walt pounding him, and to have his mate use his muzzle. Eventually his pace became a bit lazier, though still happy. He sucked casually on Mike and gave a constant moan as Walt pounded him.

It seemed as if time slipped by for what seemed like an eternity, one that was marked by intense pleasure. Walt was the first to show signs of cumming, beginning to pant heavily and slam harder into the bear. He had no intentions of tying with John, that was a pleasure solely reserved for his mate and him alone. He grabbed the fur on the back of John and began to pound the bear mercilessly-John's grunting and moaning muffled by the cock in his muzzle. After a few moments the pleasure was far too much to handle and Walt threw his head back and howled through the cabin as he shot his load into the willing bear beneath him.

The knowledge that his mate was being filled up by another male like that was what sent Ivan over the edge. He moved his paws off his mate's head and grabbed roughly onto Mike's hips slammed roughly into him, "Here it comes Big-guy,"

Mike suckled harder on John's still soft cock and moaned as the cat began to fill him up, making a mess of his hole. John's own hole was messy too, Walt's cum seeping out while the dog continued a lazy rutting motion. A few drops fell from the dog and landed on his muzzle, making him even more excited to be getting his mate's juices from John's sloppy hole. The grunts from Ivan along with the small echo of his mate's howl pushed him forward and a quick suckle from the bear beneath him ended his own resistance. He let John's cock slip from his muzzle and took in some gasping breaths, "Yes! Come-on pound that cock in there!" he growled, as if talking to Walt-something that would easily send Walt over the edge. His cock twitched and he felt the first rope of bear cum jump into John's hungry muzzle, getting happy moans from the bear.

John was the first to roll over and he fell onto his side and panted heavily, gulping in breaths. After a few moments he chuckled and shook his head, "Oh my God...that was so crazy," he said-smiling at the first of what he wouldn't mind being many foursomes. He moved so that he was face to face with Mike and noticed some of Walt's cum had dripped from his tail hole and onto Mike's face. "I think that is meant for me," he told the bear and lapped away whatever had dripped onto him.

Mike allowed John to lick him and when the bear's tongue grazed over his lips sucked the bear into a happy kiss, moaning and playing a quick tongue battle with him. After a second he stopped and nodded at him, "You've got a great tongue-just had to see how it fared in my muzzle,"

Ivan gave Mike a playful glare, "Don't get used to it, that muzzle belongs to me!"

" body is my own," John said and scowled at his mate.

"Whatever you say Hun," Ivan said and rolled his eyes, knowing it would play on his mate and he'd get to 'pay' for it later.

"Well Ivan, don't you go forgetting that plump rump you got to sample is mine," Walt told the cat with a smile.

"You tell him babe," Mike said and gave his mate a small highfive.

"See John...Mike doesn't get offended," Ivan told his mate with a smile.

"You know that they both probably have bondage stuff back home!" John told his mate-a thought they both could see since the two seemed to fit the mold.

"You two will just have to come see sometime," Walt told the couple with a grin. He moved and hugged his mate, "Did you enjoy yourself Honeybutt?"

"Yes," Mike replied and kissed his mate on the lips.

"Why don't you ever call me Honeybutt Ivan?" John asked his mate with a fake frown.

Ivan rolled his eyes and grabbed his mate's paw, moving them over to a bed of their own, "Because I prefer calling you my big, strong, sexy Bearbutt,"

John rolled his eyes and chuckled, "We all know you never call me that Ivan...besides I'm fine not having a pet name...yours is perfectly good for me Sweetums,"


Ivan leaned over his mate's shoulder and scowled at the snickering dog and bear, "Shut-up you two!"

"Whatever you say...Sweetums...hahahaha!" Walt replied and hugged his mate as he rolled with laughter. To them all Ivan acted the most 'manly' and to hear such a nickname was more than hilarious.

Ivan blushed and scowled at the two. He leaned down and scoffed, "Forget them...I'm fine being your Sweetums,"

John smiled and kissed his mate on the lips, "Thanks..."

" know how to please a lion!" Ivan said, saying the last part loud enough for Mike to hear.

They all just laughed and exchanged quips to one another. For the next few hours they stayed in the cabin and all played together, but with their respective mates and then went out for a campfire meal-allowing the cabin to air from the smell of a good rut.

"We should do this a lot," Mike said and saw the strange looks, "Not the sex...well, not if you guys don't want to...but I mean just hang out,"

"Yeah...that sounds fun," Ivan said and pulled his hotdog out of the fire, "What do you think John?"

"Hmm...well sure, but next time me and Mike top," John said and grinned at the bear.

"Deal," Ivan and Walt said at the same time.