Days of Our Lives: Chapter 1

Story by The Wandering Writer on SoFurry

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#1 of Day of our lives

_ Days of Our Lives _

_ Chapter 1: _

"Another day at school"... I say laziy as I signal to turn.. I've never been a morning fur just a night wolf anyways...Staying up late, watching movies, playing video games and err other things... I drive up slowly while listening to some trance music to wake me up; the beats help.. I park my olive green coupe in the parking spot and grab my messenger bag as i hear the first bell...

"Damn! I better hurry!", I scurry off to my first class and I see my gang of friends in front to greet me for statistics..

"Almost late!! I know how much of a smartass you are? Whats your excuse this time?"

"I swear! Its that dang ol' lady every time..." i chuckle, " well she always makes me la..

"You slept in didn't you?" She interrupeted ,

_ This is Naia; she is like the older sister in the group...Out of the three of us. She always looks after us two.. Constantly..And I mean constantly..._

"N..Naia..Maybe your being a little harsh on Squall just a little.." He says looking at me deeply and smiling..

_ With Gabe he always had this presence i liked about him...Well he is one of my bestest friends ever...He is very artistic..I love him as a friend anyways..Nothing more..Although...No..getting carried away..Well I know, I can always count on him.. _

"Gabe..Sometimes.." She rolls her vulpine like eyes," You need to grow a backbone!"

"So...sorry.." he says as he pulls up his hoodie to escape her wrath.

"Hey! He was sorry.." I shrug my shoulders, "besides it was my fault amyways.

"Squall.." whines, giving me his puppy like eyes; his long black headfur dyed with purple, covered his eyes as he was doing so..

"Hey don't worry about me." I wink for approval. I see my teacher, he comes up and gives me the 'stink eye' he always does and opens the class door and we all swarm in at once he hugs the wall to get away from the traffic of teens entering; he walks in last.

He writes on the white board the 'objectives', he calls it for the day the very skinny folf writes with a marker with his glove like black paws.. He draws a seneirio for a math problem from the textbook.. I just sleep with my head down, Gabe reading, and Naia brushing her hair. Mr Andrews, gives me another one of his glares...

"Okay....NOW!" Slaps his paw on my desk." Can you answer this problem for m.."

"28, its 28; can i go back to sleep now?" Irritated he asks "How do you know? Look how long the problem is?" He stares at me blankly, "Easy for me wanna correct me go ahead just I'm gonna.." I yawn and lay my head down again and muffle, "sleep."

He gets irritated,with Naia and Gabe laughing under their breaths; he walk up to the board and writes out the whole problem, after a couple of minutes of computing he growls and says in defeat."...right...Well done Squall...I guess..", still astonished about his loss.

After a couple more classes it was lunch, We all sat in our usual spot by the Performing. Arts. Center. or "P.A.C" we call it.

"Umm hey..Squall isn't that your girlfriend over there?" Gabe says kind of dissapointingly,Naia raises a brow and says, "Just go and leave us..Its fine Squall.." she said sarcastically.

_ No one ever liked Mia she was a leopard and very materialistic; selfish sure.. But at the time I thought I really liked her, she was nothing compared to whom I met later..._

I blindly left my group. Gabe very depressed that I left and Naia dissapointed that I left my friends for her.

"Hey Babe.." I greet her with a kiss and a hug. " Oh umm hey..." She responds with barely a reply. "So hey! I got something for you?" I give her a heart shaped pendant with a thin gold chain. She smirks and says " hmm its nice" She wears it.

"I knew you would like it! I picked it out myself" I say happily, she rolls her eyes and says a distastful. "Whatever.." It didn't phase me a bit.

"Hey! Look its the faggoty wolf with his cheap ass ho of a girlfriend, with his buttbuddy back there.." Blake stares at Gabe mentioning him as the 'buttbuddy', he shys away.

_ Blake, he is a asshole. I dont know why he has to grief us constantly, one reason I guess is because Gabe beats him constantly on the track team. Gabe is a born runner he is a border collie afterall. He looks amazing as he runs I watch him for every event he ever entered involving it always including an annoyed Blake at the end._

"Blake really?" I say as I hold Mia protectivly away from him afraid of something will happen. Mia looks at Blake with lust.

"Hey come on Mia, you really like this fag?" he says as he tries to grab her from me.

"Owww Blake your hurting me.." I step in. "Hands off of her!" I snarl at him being in a protective state..

"Damn! Alright she is a cheap whore anyways.." he walks away with displeasure.

I ask Mia with concern, " Are you alright" she shrugs, "I'm fine sheesh Squall.."

I kinda back away then sheepishly say,

"Hey I gotta go Mia..Talk to you after school?" I say leaning in for a kiss.

"Sure..." she leans the other way to avoid me and walks off..

Gabe and Naia come afterwards Naia with her usual look and Gabe concerned,

"Hey do you really think you two have something in common? Like look? You looked pathetic Squall.." She says dissapointingly.

"Did I ask for your opinion?" I say rudly kind of regretting it.

"Squall! I dont deserve that crap? Im just saying the truth? I dont want to see you treated that way? Its not fa..."

"Fair? Shut up! You always tell me what to do!"

"Squall I..." she loses her guard, then gets angry again "Fine!! Be an asshole! Gabe lets go.."

She walks away..And Gabe cries a lil seeing me hurt, I just try and hug myself for comfort; a sudden wave of depression hitting me... "Squall.." he says mustering up what lil courage he had to say..I then looked up and saw his beautiful, deep blue eyes meet with my green ones.

" makes you feel happy...Okay?" he shivers.. "I place a paw on both of his shoulders and give a fake smile. "Sure.." I walk away. He lowers his head in defeat...

"Ugh...Why am I such a jerk to my friends sometimes...Seriously!!" I say aloud as I pound a fist into the concrete wall in front of me and bled a little after the fact..I then proceeded to lay my back towards the wall and slide down it and curl up into a ball my tail wrapped around me..

"I wish the answer to my problems will just show up so I can stop this.." I say as I lower my head down in a depressed manner..I hear someone walk up and move my shoulder a bit.

"Excuse me.." A faint voice I never heard before came to my attention; I look up to see a very handsome german shephard peer back to me he was tall and looked very slim and athletic his short headfur complimented the pattern that went with his fur. It was weird? I had a sensation fill me that I've never felt before after that..

"Yes.." I say kind of embarrissed. "I'm new, can you show me where '4b' is?" he says staring me down with his dominating brown eyes that were gentle at the same time.. "So where is it stud?" I was shocked at what he said, 'stud'? Whats his angle? I thought to myself.. Afterwards I just held a shakie paw in the right direction...He giggled at my actions..I thought it was very cute at the time..What am I saying I wondered..

"Well thanks a lot ummm.." he looks at my name tag, a grey wolf with long headfur and piercing looked back at him. " Squualll..." he says it slowly trying to read it.. "Yup thats my name!" I say with a sudden burst of energy trying to not look depressed.. "Whats your name?" I say extending a paw ironically it was my bad paw.." Oh umm its Drake..nice to make your....oh no! Honey your paw!" I felt confused yet again. "honey?" I say puzzled does he think I'm gay? Seriously? " Here lemme mend that paw..poor thing..Someone as cute as you shouldn't be hurt.." he cooes as he wraps my paw with a rag he had in his backpack.

Cute now? Okay this has to stop, I thought.

"Umm thank you..But I'm straight.." he gets defensive " Oh...sorry" lowers ears, "spur of the moment you know? Hehe. Well I felt like I got this vibe off of you that you were..I apologize"

I felt bad and I gave him a hug he sighed with relief, " Oh....umm thank you..." He smiles, "Well thanks for the directions by the way Squall..I best be heading to the track meeting." he says about to leave. "Your the new runner?"

"Ya! I was the best in my old school, now you 'spartans' are lucky to have me here on the team." Drake said being proud of his skill.

"Well cool that means your running with my best friend...He is awesome!" I say showing him off like some trophy of mine. "Who ummm Gabe was it? The collie? Ya he surely will be a challenge for me.." he says cooly,"okay I really gotta flash okay? It was awesome meeting you hon..errr I mean Squall..Sorry..." He giggles not really being sorry.

He starts to walk away again and I say, "Wait!! Can we like I dunno hang out sometime? You seem pretty nice and you need a friend I bet here huh?" he shrugs "Guilty.." he smiles raising his paw innocently as he did so. "Well great hows saturday? We can spend the day together at like...Your house. " he nodds in agreement and we share numbers "Okay its a date!" I say accidently, "Oh? You say your straight, yet you don't act it? You really are cute.." I blush deep red and he giggles cutely as he sees me like this.

"You know what I meant!!" I hide behind my mended paw. "Sure I do.." He says gingerly and he struts off showing off his well toned rear and swishing his beautiful lushious tail about, as I stare I start to fantasize and become erect. I look down, I shake my head.."No!! No way!!" I say still in denial to myself." I love Mia!" I then thought, could I really? I just felt depressed again gargantuan amounts of confusion went though also as I try and compute everything..

Still in a train of thought, the bell finally rang.."Damn class.." I say as I grab my messenger bag and was off..

It was finally after school and I got home..I had to sneak upstairs before my dad realized I was home.. "Why the HELL are you trying to sneak to your room? What you think your going to avoid me?" My father says as he backhands me across the face. "Useless little shit.." I just take it all in..

_ My father is very abusive. He is a black panther who has fur as dark as his heart..I know he is a sadist..The only thing nice he said to me once,was my name. I hate him but the only reason why I take all the abuse is my little brother, so he doesn't have to..He threatened to kill him at some points so then there is me..Taking away the roof over our heads and all...I cant do that;not to him.. He also has connections like I havent tried to just run away...It drives me crazy that everyone finds him charming and nice..Me? I'm his friggin punching bag..I wish mom was still here. It would help..She was a lovely woman..Helping me and my brother out till she met that jerk...What she saw in him I will never know..She passed on as well. Its been a cold exsistence ever since..._

I try and recover from the smack to the face.."Look, I had a rough day...Please.."I cry a little.

"Fuck you! Go up to your room!! You don't get anything to eat tonight either so no sneaking and shit..or else you will be beaten down to more than just the fur on your arse!" he says as he slurred the last words out. Before I ran upstairs crying..

"Thats better.." He goes over to the kitchen and makes something for himself and my brother.

I ball as I head to my room and shut the door. My little brother knocked on the door and stumbles in almost falling down face foward..

"Brwuduh.." He says staring at me looking sad knowing I'm hurt..

I smile for no apparent reason and look absolutely happy..

"Hey Zach! How are you?" A tear came from my swollen eye as I looked at him placing all the happiness I had into one big smile just for him.

"Yay!!" He says hugging me with his little stuffed 'wolfie' he always carries with him..

"Thanks Zach..So...Umm...oww.." Zach looked back with a puppy like expression, "Brwuduh..Are you okay?" he sits on my lap.."Yes.." he looked at my face. "Why the silly face?"

I panic " Oh umm...I fought a ummm a dragon!! Ya rawr!!" I do a mock dragon expression.

He looks up to me as any seven year old would with a beaming face."Wow...Your the coolest brwuduh evur!!"

He hugs me.."Tell me what happened!! Tell me Tell me!"

I rub his headfur that was kinda long like mine, we were a lot alike..

"Whoa whoa! Your gonna have to wait till tomorrow night..When the dragon isn't around!!" I scare my gullible brother, by coming at him acting like the dragon..

I run over to his room and make him go in, I say goodnight and start to leave. " Brwuduh!!" he whines," You forgot to say 'goodnight' to wolfie!!" he shows me wolfie and I hug him and say,"Goodnight wolfie you two are my very special boys okay? I want nothing to ever happen to you.." I say that and walk over to my room and grab my nametag and get ready for work I soon leave thereafter..My so called father passed out with a television with nothing but static shows..

I turn on my car and proceed to work. I get there minutes later and I put the nametag on and clock in before I was late..

"Squall!" a voice I really didn't want to hear beckons me.. "What happened to your face? You do know its not company policy to be looking like that?" the night manger says as she disrepects me yet again..Acting like she is all about rules but that damn lioness doesn't even care..She has stolen company money and has taken items off the shelf she claims were hers.. She is a total shrew and was a big girl no kidding.. If she wanted to eat me she could.. She choses to just torment me instead. Just to let out steam..

"Okay hurry you have to close again I don't want any crap, got it?" she huffs as she finishes her sentence.

"Sure..." I say as I hurry to finish my duties.

_ I worked at a grocery store, "Rocket ", supermarkets. A small hovel of a grocery store.. With Naia's dad in charge..Actually..I like talking to him, he always keeps me in his best interests. But furs like Mary who say awful things all the time about me...Doesn't help my status.. The store isn't bad...Just at night when we get all the "fun" customers..You know? The ones drunk or high off their minds trying to buy goods.. Or even the ones who try and steal also..Or threaten you with a weapon of some sort...ya.. fun right? I guess being paid minimum wage is soo fun! Over worked and having to keep up with everything else? Great! I only worked so I can get things I want because my dad never will..._

"Get to work Squall! No screwing around! "Mary growls I weakly say, "Fine.."

I finally finish and clock out then leave to drive home, I enter my house and fall on my bed. "1am? Gotta go to school in 5 hours from now? Great! Just friggin wonderful..", I try and do some schoolwork and I pass out; anticipating still for the weekend...

** So hey trying to get back into writing again.. I thought I did good everyone...But do you think so? Please comment and rate ^^ Thanks for your support everyone =D Also hoped you enjoyed also forgot to mention hehe ^~^**