Tyler's Pokemon adventure 6

Story by Dirana the rune on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon this is a pure work of fiction and is to be treated as such. However this work of fiction is copyright to me and is not to be used unless permission is asked and I say you may. (Authors not: I think this is my favourite chapter so far. No yiff or anything much in this chapter.) Tyler was moving quickly through the small room towards the bathroom where he assumed Aura was in. Although Aura was embarrassed as hell and thinking on what happened, how and contemplating her own feelings. Aura being as young as she was, happened to be tearing up. In actual terms she was only about a year old, but she'd be mature once she evolved. Aura was sitting up near the basin in the bathroom rubbing her eyes of tears. The real reason wasn't actually the kiss it was more the fact that the man who was sleeping so soundly before had said that. When she realised that it was that, that made her cry and act up she realised something. Aura sniffed and stopped her crying. She licked her lips tasting the dancing flavours of the berries Tyler head been eating before. "G-Growlithe was right.... I-I ..do like him" she thought, sniffing once again using her right paw to rub her eyes again. For the first time she was unsure of what to do. Did he like her the same way? "No its just attachment from his amnesia" she refused to belive that he actually felt the same way. Aura had so many feelings, some telling her to forget about he's human, another saying it was the amnesia, others saying that Lyra has a thing for him, a multitude of thoughts similar to this one ran through her head. It was all making her more confused. She wished that he felt the same. "Aura are you okay?" Tyler asked in a concerned voice while opening the door. "NO! JUST GET OUT!" she shouted angrily jumping at him and using force palm to slap him hard to the side of his head. (Why is it everyone seems to take it on Tyler?) The blow was hard enough to send Tyler reeling back till he stumbled over blacking out. It was then Aura realised how hard she had actually hit him. She ran over to him quickly regretting getting lost in her confusion and taking it out on him. He had a some slight swelling to the side of his head. RJ had left the building before when he was jabbed by Tyler before. Aura was beginning to cry while trying to shake him. "Wake up! I-I didn't mean it" she said crying loudly. She was met with no response. She knew he wasn't dead or anything as he was still breathing. Growlithe had heard her crying and eyed her and the human on the floor. He gave a yawn and stretched before jumping off the bed and walking towards Aura. "Told you and now look what's happened?" he said calmly but also triumphantly, a common trait amongst fire types. "Shut up" she shouted at him not looking at him caring too much for Tyler to do anything besides say stuff at him. "I...I know you didn't mean it....." Tyler said with a large exhale at the end of his sentence. He opened his eyes looking at the crying riolu. "T-Tyler....i-I'm so sorry!" she shouted leaning over and crying into his chest. "It's alright Aura. That blow may have actually helped me remember a little bit" he said to her, in truth he actually did remember small bits and pieces from before, he at least now new a bit about himself, Lyra, and how he got here. At that time the main door was opening and Lyra walked in carrying a bunch of bags full of stuff. She was carrying so much she couldn't actually see what was going on. She proceded to her room and placed everything on the bed. "OH! What happened!?" Lyra shouted seeing Tyler on the floor and Aura crying. After a long session of explain to Lyra what had happened over some lunch that consisted of strangely enough plain berries. As it so turns out Lyra was furious when she checked the fridge and found no berries left in there so she had to look through her bags for the new berries she had gone out and bought. She was scarier than Aura when she was protecting Tyler at the village. "Okay interesting turn of events. I have only two things to say though. One your bruise judging by size should be gone in about half an hour." She said sitting on the couch while Tyler sat beside her and Aura on his lap. Tyler thought for a moment. "How can a bruise that big just heal in half an hour? That's not normal, but then again I never could out argue Lyra so best leave it," he thought. "Seccond. IF YOU EVER TOUCH MY BERRIES AGAIN I WILL SERVE YOUR MANHOOD ON A PLATTER! Okay" she was ferociously saying and changed to a calm and happy okay. Tyler knew that Lyra always did tend to get angry when it was her stuff that you were "borrowing", but Aura sure didn't and was to scared, just looking at Lyra and couldn't say anything. "Anyhow since you and I will be here for god knows how long away from home. How about we enjoy ourselves and hope never to go home?" she said with a delighted tone. Tyler knew that she was referring to their world and this one. "Agreed lets have as much fun while we have a chance" he said in an excited tone. "Well then why not have a pokemon battle! Hmm?" she asked standing up. "YES!" he shouted grabbing Aura lifting her out of her trance of fear as he stood up. "Slow down Tyler" she shouted but Tyler was taking no heed as he was running down the stairs with Lyra. They ran straight through the foyer at the entrance to the inn. There were many people wondering what was going on but left it unchecked as to what they were doing. The two of them were running were running into the middle of eterna city passing those walking through town. There seemed to be an abundance of trainers as once or twice a poke ball was thrown but thankfully aura was already captured. "Ow, who threw that?!" aura shouted while Tyler was running after Lyra, what had happened was one of the poke balls had hit her and then dropped to the floor. Every now and there people seemed to be shouting that there was a kid running with a riolu. Eventually they came to a stop in the middle of the town. There was enough space to battle without anything possibly going wrong. Lyra ran ahead a little so they were apart by a little bit. "So what's going on?" Aura asked confused as to what they were doing in the middle of town. "Well were going to battle with Lyra" he said in an excited tone starring at Lyra while he waited for her pokemon of choice. "What? Why would we fight?" she asked feeling even more confused now sitting on his shoulder. A noticeable crowd began to form around the three of them waiting for the battle to start. "Because it can be good fun when there are no stakes. Plus you can be very energetic why not waste some energy?" he said thinking that she'd want to fight being a riolu. "On one condition then. No matter what happens you can't let me get hurt okay. Also I've seen a pokemon battle before do I have to follow commands?" she asked unsure about if she had to. "Well no you don't but I'll shout out stuff to try and help like dodge or use a attack like quick attack," he said reassuring her giving her a scratch on the head between her ears. "Well.... Okay" she answered him leaning a little into his scratch before jumping off his shoulders and standing in front of him. "Lyra will you hurry up!" he shouted to Lyra who had been standing still for the last 4 minutes. "Alright, alright! Go growlithe!" she shouted throwing one of her poke balls out in his direction. The ball opened and released the growlithe from before. "You can have the first move Tyler!" she shouted. "Aura Quick attack and charge force palm!" "Right" aura said before running with a burst of speed to growlithe, her hand held out and taking on a glow. "Dodge growlithe and use tackle". Just before Aura was about to hit growlithe he sidestepped and aura's momentum plus force palm created a small crater where growlithe was standing sending bit's of gravel everywhere and sending a little cloud of dust into the air. "Quick Aura move" Tyler shouted starring into the small cloud where Aura was. Growlithe charged in at full force aiming to hit Aura with a tackle. When he finally lunged into the small cloud he hit nothing falling over. "Argh. Where did she go?" he growled looking for her. Aura had used the momentum and her right hand to push off the ground turning it into a sort of cartwheel out of the way. "Aura Quick attack" Tyler said relived that she was okay. She didn't hesitate in giving a fast lunge into the growlithe while he was down. There was a little bit of cheering for Aura. She jumped back after hearing growlithe curse at her. He slowly stood up. "Growlithe are you okay!" Lyra shouted. "Yeah, just gotta teach this bitch a lesson". "Smokescreen!" Lyra said. Growlithe's reaction was almost instantaneous. He opened his mouth up letting Smoke pool from his mouth engulfing the area. Aura was having trouble seeing now and was at a disadvantage. "TYLER! I can't see a thing!" Aura shouted turning frantically trying to make out growlithe. "Neither can I! Can you try aura vision?!" he shouted hopping she could otherwise this would be all over. "I can't only lucario's can!" she said referring to what she had been taught till that eventful day. She shook her head trying to not remember that day as it was painful. "Aura you can do it. Just try. I know you can do it!" Tyler shouted trying to make it sound like he believed in her which he did. "Ember!" Lyra shouted. "Aura use endure then try to concentrate!" Tyler shouted. Aura was quick to endure the ember that was fired at her from god knows where. She stood there smelling something like burning hair. Then she got a tackle straight to the chest. Then another to the back. Just as quick as she was attacked she fell onto her hands and knees. "I-I need to concentrate" she thought taking a deep breath closing her eyes. Wave after wave of tackles came out of nowhere. She was about to go over the edge of consciousness when finally she saw glows around her swirling colours. She stood not feeling any of her wounds for some reason. She looked around as she began to spin on the spot looking at the many people watching most were just pale blue to her new vision but she saw to massive aura's around her one for Tyler that was a bright white light and another for Lyra that was just as equally bright. There aura's were different. Lost in her moment of joy she was tackled again by the growlithe. Although this time it barely even fazed Aura. Tyler was watching hopping that she was all right. He was starring into the smoke that had still yet to be cleared hopping. Then he saw the smoke light up and an explosion happened. Bits of gravel were literally sent flying over buildings. Both Tyler and Lyra had to cover their eyes. Slowly they could begin to make out shapes although there was one tall shape there as well. All of a sudden Tyler was taken off his feet falling back onto the ground when he opened his eyes up there was a beautiful Lucario hugging him tight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. For believing in me Tyler." Said the lucario who was lying on top of him. "Au- Aura?" he asked slightly taken aback on whether or not this was Aura. Aura opened her eyes to look at him with warm red eyes. "Yes it's me" she said. "Y-you evolved" he said in disbelief no moving as he was enjoying their close moment. "Wait what?!" she said not knowing that she had evolved. Well that's it for this up date Now I'm thinking about having a cat fight between another pokemon and Aura over Tyler. So whoever can give the best pokemon for that gets a character in an upcoming chapter! Just pm me the idea or write it in the comments. Also one idea only per person! Thank you till next time.