Cooper Clan Secrets part 1

Story by Claire Cooper on SoFurry

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Chapter 1 Our First Encounter

It was a late Friday night when Inspector Fox and Constable Cooper were called on duty to patrol the cities of Paris, France. Normally it was just a usual report they'd look around and then go back to the office to finish their paper work but tonight something was different. They had gotten a call of a loud disturbance in a nearby alley way by some neighbor who complained that street kids were making too much noise again and she wanted it taken care of right way. Now normally the cops would come around do what they call a check out the area but Carmelita and Sly were ones to do a throughout inspection of the area before calling it quits. This wasn't the normal disturbance calls that they usually got this was different because when they got to the alley way they found something they didn't suspect and that was blood, it was all over the brick walls and on the ground and that's when they found out it was a gang beating.

They were astounded when they discovered this and called in more troops to investigate the area. Soon there were a bunch of large gorilla's scouting the area for any signs of weapons or finger prints of who could have caused the beating but what they found instead shocked them. One of the guards was suspecting an area near a large metal tin trash can when he heard a small groan, curious he opened the lid to find a body and it was alive and moving but badly beaten and bloody. He called over one of his fellow officers and said" Quickly call for an ambulance and get Inspector Fox over here quickly as well." The Trooper nodded and ran off to go find Inspector Fox, soon Carmelita came over a long with Sly at her heels" What did you find..?" The gorilla pointed his flash light inside the trash can and showed her a sight that made both her and Sly sick to their stomach.

For Inside the trash can was a raccoon but she looked different from Sly, her tail was fluffier and her ears were positioned differently than Sly's were. Carmelita was confused but she had to assume this child was a mix breed of some sort. Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt someone tap on her shoulder, She looked over to see Sly with a worried look on face but she gave him a weak smile" I'm fine just confused." Sly nodded" I know what you mean I'm just as confused as you are as to who would do this and why." Carmelita looked at him and shook her head" That's not what I meant; She looks like you just different." Sly took a look over at the young girl seeing that Carmelita was right she did look like Sly but with different similarities" Perhaps she's a mixed breed..?" Sly said feeling somewhat confident in his answer while Carmelita nodded" That's just what I was thinking too..." Soon the ambulance arrived and put her in the truck. The chief explained that they had to go to the hospital and get questions off of the girl to find out who did it to her and why, that is if she was going to make it.

Inspector Fox and Constable Cooper made their way to the hospital hoping they would find out some information as to who attacked the young raccoon mix breed. Upon arriving there they were greeted by a red panda with short black hair and bright emerald eyes. She wore a long white coat and had a stethoscope around her neck it was obvious she worked there. She smiled sadly" Hello my name is Scarlet Quinn and I'm the one who has been keeping an eye on the patient your team brought in." Carmelita nodded in understanding" How is she doing..?" Scarlet smiled sadly" She's doing a little better and she's stable but she hasn't woken up yet I take it you have questions you want to ask her am I correct..?" Carmelita nodded" Yes we need to know how she ended up in the trash can and who put her there in the first place." Scarlet shrugged" Well it was obvious she was beaten down, you can't get those kind of injuries from just anything..." She frowned as she made her way into the room" It's a sad day when they can't fight fair." Sly looked over at her" You mean it was more than one person who did this..." Scarlett nodded as she made a stop in front of the young raccoon mix breed" I'm afraid so, she was out numbered according to the blood sample we took from her fur, there were at least three of them after her or perhaps four..." Carmelita's brow rose in interest" How do you know that..." Scarlet smiled as she looked down at her patient" This young one got in a few good hits though I can say that much for her."

She noticed the girl murmur slightly almost as if she were to wake up. Scarlet smiled a bit" Well she's waking up so if you wish to speak with her you may but please try to keep her calm, waking up in a hospital will be a big shock for her as it is" Carmelita and Sly nodded in understanding when Carmelita spoke up" I Do have one question though.." Scarlet looked over in her direction" Yes Inspector Fox..?" Carmelita looked over at the young Raccoon" Is she a mix breed.." Scarlet merely grinned" Yes in fact she is a mixture of a Fox and a Raccoon ironic is it not." Sly and Carmelita looked over at her shocked by her answer as Scarlet continued" Yes I know it's shocking information to process but it is true, we did a DNA test and it proved to be quite true" Sly looked at Carmelita who seemed a bit lost in thought. Sly tapped on Carmelita's shoulder which snapped her out of her trance and she looked over at Sly and nodded" Well that was the question I needed answered thanks" Scarlet nodded as she made her way to the door" Alright have fun and remember keep her calm" Carmelita looked over at Sly and shrugged" Wow I guess that would explain the ears and the tail.." Sly nodded as he stared at Carmelita" Quite a mix though isn't it" Carmelita was about to respond when she was interrupted" Excuse me I was trying to sleep..." Sly and Carmelita looked over to see the young foxcoon awake and glaring at them slightly. Carmelita approached the foxcoon and introduced herself" Hello there I am Inspector Carmelita Montoya-"She was interrupted by the foxcoon again" Yeah yeah I know who you are and I don't care to hear it... if you have any questions might as well keep it to yourself because you're not getting no answers out of me" The foxcoon responded.

Carmelita frowned at her" There is no need to be difficult kid all I'm asking is for a little cooperation" She huffed" If you're going to call me kid you won't get any answers from me on anything from here on out." Carmelita growled slightly and was about to say something when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked back to see sly smiling a bit" Let me try please." Carmelita frowned a bit but nodded" Fine" Sly looked over at the foxcoon" So what is your name...?" The foxcoon looked at him and Carmelita before grinning something that threw them both off guard. She responded" My name is Claire... Claire Cooper."

Cooper Clan Secrets part 2

Chapter 2 Impossible Relations.. Carmelita and Sly stared at Claire in awe finding it hard to believe that her last name was Cooper. Sly wanted to ask a lot of questions but found he was unable for it would get Carmelita suspicious had he said...

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