Naughty Paws - Tech Con

Story by carlos_penguin on SoFurry

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#4 of Old Crap

Naughty Paws

A Series of Romantic Encounters

© 2011 CarLOS Penguin


This was a story written for a mate, feuerfuchska8, that won a contest over at Fur Affinity. References are to his character, a fox.


CarLOS Penguin

Tech Con

Hot as hell! That's how I was feeling, both temperature wise and in my classy new Beemer. Though I didn't seem to turn any heads in Vegas at SynTech, where it seemed everyone was driving cars classier than mine. Oh well, it did turn heads that one night on the Strip I decided to cruise and waste a few dollars on the tables.

It was late July and technically I was on vacation, but I got a call from work back home in Colorado that one of their clients got nailed with 'Scaper64', one of the nastiest little espionage trojan's we'd seen in a long time. It was a data mining script that was very difficult to trace and near impossible to remove without wiping everything and starting from scratch.

Since I was heading to California, they thought they'd give me a call to 'stop by and check it out'. Oh, a DAY they said it would take, as it only seemed to be a router misconfiguration, making data communications slow. Well, that was until I got there and found out what it was - their entire storage system was being copied, encrypted and sent out to thousands of remote IP addresses in blocks, presumably for reassembly and decoding by a master computer elsewhere. The day turned into a week. Bye Cali, you'll have to wait until next year.

I decided to take the scenic route back with my remaining week of holidays. up the Sheep and Shell Creek Ranges and on to the 80 and head back towards Colorado. Damn! This car handles great. I adjusted my sun visor from the last switchback and give her on the little bit of straight stretch.

It was at least peaceful. Hardly any cell service, other than in a few hotspots. Plenty of abandoned, overheating cars heading into the range, but it looked like smooth sailing from here.

Not a half hour had passed when I could see black smoke billowing from up the road. Unusual since in the heat of summer, the ranchers are really careful to not set the state on fire. Rounding the curve I saw it was a car engulfed in flames. I pulled over to see if there was anyone I could see through the flames. Of course, no cell service.

I get out of the car and peer through the smoke and flames. No remains visible, that was a good sign.


I hear a loud curse coming from up the sandy hillside and ducked as an object just missed my head.


On the road behind me, a cell hit the pavement and shattered into pieces. Looking up toward the hill, I see someone coming down, half sliding and a big cloud of dust. When they reached the road, they lout a high pitched shriek of frustration.

"There's pills for that!" I shouted. "Are you OK, anyway?"

A dusty vixen snapped around with as much fire in her eyes as her car was filled with. She stomped towards me with an expression as if her burning car and lack of phone service was my fault. She stopped a few feet from me, looked at her car, then back at me while waving her arms in total frustration.

"My car!" She shrieked, then with her hands out to her former transportation in the process of being vulcanized, "M... my... carrrrr." Her words trailed off into tears as she bowed her head into her hands and the waterworks poured out.

I cautiously approached her and placed my hand on her shoulder, to which she threw her arms around me and cried for several minutes.

"At least you're alive." I said, trying to sound consoling.

She sniffled and looked up at me with puffed eyes and tears turning the dust on her face and muzzle into mud, "My laptop isn't. My work isn't. My flash drives...." He face turned to an expression of shock as she pulled away and began shrieking at the smouldering mess, "My... MY FLASH DRIVES!" She looked as if she was going to run into the fire.

I ran after her and grabbed her, turning her to face me, "Whatever it is, it can be replaced! You can't!" She calmed down, nodded and walked with me to my car.

She leaned against the fender, making me cringe at the thought of what her dust covered shorts just did to my paint. She ran her hand through her long hair, shaking a cloud of dust all over the hood, "Y.... you're right. I'm still here. I can make it work again."

"So, what's your name?" I asked gently, she still held her hand on her head, looking in shock.

"Jenna." She barely said above a whisper, not looking up.

"Nice to meet you, Jenna. I'm Feuer."

She looked up, shaking her head as if confused, "What?"

"Feuer." I repeated. "Short for Feuerstoss."

She just stared.

With a smile and a shrug, "You can just call me Fuchs." I offered.


"Fuchs" I repeated. "It's German for fox."

She finally smiled, "How original."

"Look, you should be checked out by a doctor or something. Even if you're physically OK, you sure don't seem.... stable. Can I give you a ride to Caliente or something?"

She finally got off my car and motioned with her hand back towards Las Vegas, "I'm... going the other way. I have to be in Vegas for the weekend." She started walking south.

"Whoa, whoa!" I said, walking after her. "You aren't walking, for sure. What's so important that can't wait until you see a doctor?" I asked, catching up to her.

"Defcon." She said plainly. "I have a presentation."

Was it the chivalry in me, or the soft spot for helpless, dusty vixens in the middle of the desert? "Stop... Jenna!" I said, gently taking her arm, stopping her. She looked down at my hand on her arm, the wind gently blowing her long, dusty hair. She looked up, shining eyes looking sideways at me, not offended, but as if saying "Yes?"

I sighed, "I... I'll take you back to Vegas."

She turned and gave me a gentle hug, whispering "Thank you." in my ear. We walked back to my car, I opened the door and seated her gently, mindful of her experience.

We were on our way back to Vegas. I took it nice and slow, fighting my urge to show off my Beemer's handling, but Jenna might not appreciate it, I thought. She sat beside me , just looking out the window in silence. "So, what happened?" I asked.

She slowly turned, "Oh, ummm, from what I figure, one of my brakes was probably dragging. I had to accelerate down hill and by the time I got to the straight stretch, I could hardly keep it on the road. I pulled over and FWOOF!" She replied, motioning with her hands the 'fwoof'. "A little smoke out the back turned into a lot of smoke and.... no car."

I suppressed a smile, "That's what happens when people neglect their cars." That sounded harsher than I meant it to. "Sorry for your loss." I quickly added. She just gave a grunt.

"So, you have a presentation at Defcon?" I asked, making conversation. "What on?"

She snapped her head to my direction. "Had. Everything is back there, in the smouldering rubble. Including my presentation."

I shrugged, "OK then, what was your presentation on."

She sighed, "Corporate data security."

"No kidding?" I replied enthusiastically. "I'm an IT guy. Maybe we could share some insights on the topic."

After a pause, she looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "IT guy?"

"Yeah!" I smiled.

She scoffed and went back to looking out the window.

"What? Don't like IT guys?" I asked, more than half offended.

She looked back at me with disdain, "I'm in computer security BECAUSE of 'IT guys'."

I chuckled, "Bad experience with noobs and wannabe's?"

"You could say that." she said coldly and went back to looking out the window, silent the rest of the way back.

We stopped at the first hospital, which was North Vista. Luckily despite all her I.D. being toasted back in her car, she remembered her Blue Cross number. This girl had a good memory. A couple of hours later, it was determined she had no physical injuries, but the doctor gave her a pamphlet for a local counsellor. "I'm fine now." she mumbled and tossed it in a refuse bin as we left.

"You must have reservations?" I asked. "Is your room prepaid?"

"I'm staying with friends in a room. We took care of that already, thank you." She replied with a sigh.

"Well, let's make a report at the nearest LVPD for your car and I'll drop you off at your hotel." I offered.

"No, no cops." She said, looking rather nervous.

Hmmm, was she as hot as her car was? "Okaaaaay then, what do you want to do about it? They'll clean it up and send you a nasty bill for it."

"That's fine" she replied. "Money is not an issue for me... but..." She had a bit of a realization, "It may be for me now. Can I borrow a hundred bucks? Y'know, for food and girlie things?"

I rolled my eyes. "Why don't I take you to your hotel, you get cleaned up and I take you to dinner. I really need to get back on the road."

She shrugged in resignation, "That will be OK."

We arrived at the Riviera and while a Jenna was registered and being the first one there, without the confirmation code or her I.D., they refused to give her a card key. She had a fit.

I stepped up to the Auditor, "Look, my friend has been through hell..." I explained the whole story and he seemed very unmoved.

Calming her down, I promised to get her a room for the night until her friends showed up the next day. She was still screaming as we left, "Consider your credit rating GONE, mister!" I had no doubt that the poor Auditor was to find himself in a financial bind when she got her paws on a computer.

I checked her in at a motel not too far, but far enough that I was able to pay for it cash.

"Here are your keys, Mr. and Mrs. Smith" the manager said in a heavy accent.

"Ummm, I haven't filled out any cards? My name is...." I was cut off by him.

"Smith." He said with a smile. "We have cards all filled out. See you in the morning." He said and handing us the keys, went into his office without another word.

Jenna was smiling from the corner of her mouth, "Nice taste in accommodations, Mr. Smith" She said, twirled the key and left the lobby.

"Sorry, I was supposed to go to California. I didn't research the 'luxurious' cheap motels here" I said, opening the door to the room.

She turned the light on and looked around, "No blood stains, no police tape, no smell of bug spray. This might not be too bad... for one night."

"Well, you have yourself a wonderful convention!" I said and placing my key on the bed, turned to leave.

"I don't think so, Mr. Fooks." Jenna said. "I may have a room and a shower, but I need some clothes."

"Now, listen!" I snapped as I turned around, running out of patience with this presumptuous little haxette, "I have my own.... business.... to...." I trailed off to see her standing completely naked.

She walked up to me and showed the tags on her blouse and shorts, "This is my size. You can go on your way, but if you return, I can make it worth your while." Dropping her clothes on the floor, she wrapped her arms over my shoulders and gave a slow, sweet kiss.

"Damn this 'Y' chromosome of mine!" I mumbled, pulling into a mall and choosing a boutique that seemed her style.

After explaining the situation to the sales lady, I was surprised that she actually gave me a set of clothes for her at cost price and wished Jenna well. "Save money, make her happy, maybe get laid? This day might not end so bad!" I thought to myself.

"Honey, I'm home!" I said jokingly, returning to the motel. I had almost forgot to take the key off the bed when I left, but didn't need it, as the door was open slightly.

I entered to find a rather scary looking rodent fellow of short stature, rounded belly, wearing a leather jacket and cap. He stared at me with piercing eyes and we said in unison, "Who the hell are you?"

"Root?" I heard Jenna call from the washroom. She came out wrapped in a towel, "Hey! I didn't think either of you would be here so quickly." She said with a smile, sounding happier than I had heard her so far.

"I heard your car had been wrecked." The rodent fellow said. "I tracked to to a hospital, the hotel then here." He looked at me with that piercing glare again and held a thumb in my direction, "Who's he?"

Jenna smiled, "My rescuer. Mister Fooks."

Before I could interrupt and correct her on my name, she held her hand up to me and continued with the rodent fellow, "Thanks for coming so quick. Can you straighten out that Auditor?"

"No problem!" He said. "I'll be back with your room card in and hour." He looked at me again, "Or should I make it two?"

Jenna looked at me with a smile, "That depends? Are we still on for that dinner you promised?"

"Ummm, I guess so." I said, put on the spot.

The rodent fellow shrugged, "Have them ring the room then. I'll see you later, Spia." He left promptly.

"Spia?" I asked?

She nodded, "Our hacker names. That was Root." She adjusted her towel and took the bag, looked in and smiled pleased with the choice the sales lady at the boutique made. "That's why I didn't want you to say yours or my name. No one in our group knows each other by real names and it is best that way."

I fully appreciated this fact. Simple IT guy or not, I studied this culture. I had no idea what 'level' of hacker she or this 'Root' was, they may have been graphics developers, or being in corporate security as she said, some high level position. Either way, the less I knew, the better.

"You did well!" She said, pulling the clothes from the bag.

"Well, it wasn't me, the sales lady...." I started to explain when she again wrapped her arms around me and thrust her tongue in my mouth.

The towel fell from her body (oops, did I do that?) as I ran my fingers through her damp fur, on her back, pulling her closer to my body.

Her hair was chilly, damp, knotted, but her ears were already drying and soft, sensual to the touch. She moaned as I rubbed my muzzle on them and clamped lightly with my teeth.

Pulling me toward the bed, she unbuttoned my shirt, removing it in a swift, expert motion. She rubbed her face on my chest, giving me sensual little nips with her front teeth.

Sitting on the bed, breathing a little heavier, she quickly opened my belt and removed my pants nearly as quick as my shirt. Staring lustfully at my erection, she fondled my sack and gave my throbbing stiffness a long, slow lick from base to tip, gently with her soft lips sucking the tip and the drop of pre-cum that grew from her lick.

I rubbed her ears, cupped her cheeks gently, guiding he back onto my shaft. The warmth of her mouth and softness of her tongue nearly had me blowing my load then and there.

I gently began to thrust in her mouth when she slipped off and stood up, embracing me.

"Don't want the taste?" I chuckled.

She gave me a passionate kiss, then whispered in my ear, "I want you inside me."

I layed her down on the bed, gently caressing her form, nibbling her neck, her breasts, down further until she crossed her legs over my shoulders. Pelvis quivering with excitement, she exploded in orgasm as my tongue explored her sweet depths.

She leaned forward, panting heavily and with inflamed passion in her eyes, began pulling me on top of her. She had no problems conveying what she wanted, when she wanted it.

She let out a loud growl-like moan as I penetrated her warmth. I thrust slowly, but firmly, lifting her rear off the bed as I hit my depths, I felt her nails dig in as she moaned with pleasure and panted more heavily.

Wrapping her legs around my back, she gave a hard pull, forcing my full length into her. I felt my knot pop into her with a bit of force as she cried out in pain as much as pleasure.

"You all right?" I asked.

"BIG... knot.... don't... stop!" She panted as I resumed thrusting.

I felt my tip jamming against her cervix as she still pulled me against her. Grunting hard as her claws dug into me, all the sensations brought me to release with explosive force as we both cried out in pleasure, bodies as one.

It was 2AM when I brought her to the Riviera. Having layed together, cuddling from our evening of passion and now full from a steak dinner, I escorted her to her room and gave her a long, parting kiss for the night.

The door opened, it was Root. "You made it in OK? I thought you'd have to ring me."

Jenna smiled, "We came in as the guard was doing rounds. He got us up the elevator." Looking at me she offered, "Want to meet the team?"

I shrugged, "Sure!"

She brought me in the room and gave introductions, "Root you've met and over there is 'Handler'."

An extremely tall, lanky lagomorph fellow stood up and signed a hello. I waved, understanding he was mute.

The room looked like a LAN party was taking place. "I'm sorry your presentation got ruined. I hope you'll do well, otherwise."

Handler smiled and signed something to Jenna and she excitedly signed back. "It looks like it was recovered after all!" She said and trotted over to the computer. Excitedly she squealed and gave Handler a hug. "They got a copy off my home computer."

"You hack each other?" I asked.

Root looked at me surprised, "We're family, we look out for each other."

After another kiss, I bid her a good convention. "I hope we meet again." She said.

I was hopeful.

A year had passed.

The humdrum of work, life and more work made the time seem to fly.

The good news was the Scraper64 trojan had been hitting our clients less frequent. But all of a sudden a few months back, the security advisories went rather "hush-hush' on the topic. That told me what we saw was a 'beta test' and now it may have been going after bigger fish.

This was confirmed when my boss had got our company a government contract and a variation of it had been seen cleaning out the hard drives of a sensitive project for the Pentagon. But oddly enough, not the actual plans, just budget details and internal emails.

Flipping through the afternoon news, it was almost too coincidental - a big breaking story on a secret project getting out of hand on costs and copies of internal documents to cover that fact up.

"Hey, Fire-dude!" one of my co-workers came up to me with a printout. He also couldn't pronounce my name. At least I wasn't 'Fooks', I chuckled to myself.

"Phone hacking scandal was so last decade." he said, handing me the printout. "We were able to decrypt part of Scraper's payload."

I took a look at what appeared to be a self-modifying code block, but my jaw dropped at the comment string...

Spia's block

"It's not that impressive.... why so shocked?" He asked.

"Ummm, wha?" I looked up. "I just thought I recognized it for a moment."

He nodded, "We'd be stinking rich if you did. There's a huge bounty on the writer."

I just laughed. Everyone thought I went crazy. But it was a pleasant little secret, one that made that strange little working holiday, quite a memory now.