Prime Bearing - Chapter 2

Story by TehJackal on SoFurry

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#3 of Prime Bearing

Once he made his way home he stops in the driveway and with the flick of a foot kicks his Skate Board in the air and snatches it quickly. He moves over to the garage and opens the little side door to put his Skate Board on the shelf to the left of the door. He bumps into the weed whacker and it comes off its hook and the handle smashes him in the face as he fumbles with it so he can catch it and put it back where it belongs. Once he finally wrests control over the weed whacker puts it back from where it fell. He hears a creak on the steps in the garage leading up to a door which is currently opening, his Sister leaning against the door frame giggling at him.

"Those rascally weed whackers, always causing problems."

Alexander is irritated about the whole situation, and his Sister laughing at him made the sting of it even more. He just glares at her and walks out the outside garage door and makes his way to the front door. He pushes it open after turning the knob and pads to the kitchen. His Mom was standing over the oven, tapping a foot on the floor watching what looks to be the last of the grilled cheese sandwiches she was making. There was enough for one sandwich for the family. She flips the remaining sandwich off the griddle pan and onto the plate and sets it on the center island for them to just take. Alexander hurriedly snatches the one that just came off the stove and cuts it half on a paper plate. His Mom smiles at him and walks over.

"So how was your day Son?"

Alexander looks to his Mom and ponders the question over.

"It was alright Mom. Just you know normal stuff."

She laughs softly, and then looks over to the door as Amy comes into the Kitchen and snatches up a sandwich as well. Alexander glares to his Sister again and walks back outside to the front porch where he sits on the hammock setup there then lays down and begins devouring his grilled cheese sandwich. This was going to be one more boring week of vacation time left, if only they had actually went somewhere he might be having more fun now. He sighs; finishing the sandwich he crumples the paper plate up and sets it on the stand next to the hammock. He lays there for awhile, day dreaming about girls and winning a magic tournament, if only. He sighs and after about an hour of this, he struggles out of the Hammock and picks up the crumpled up paper plate and once in the kitchen tosses it out. He folds his arms across his chest and looks out the window, sighing softly in thought. He was starting to really want a girl friend, but these days it was difficult at best. He glances to the clock, three in the evening on the dot. He flicks his ears and thinks back to the Sergal he met in the park, then to the phone. Would it be too early to call? He wasn't sure, he never dealt with a female before, except his Sister but he never considered her anything remotely attractive because she is his Sister. He walks back outside and sits on the porch steps. He rests his elbows just above his knees and allows his hands to dangle as he just observes everything going on outside. The usual neighborhood activity, the Rottweiler to the left was washing his expensive porch for the third time this week, a nice cherry red. And he knew cars like that took so much work to maintain and keep in perfect working order. He observes to young Husky pups playing in the front yard of the house across the street. He had to admit it was turning out to be a very nice Monday late afternoon. He would love it even more if he had any Pot but he was broke, having spent all his money on the Magic The Gathering ™ cards. He is bored out of his skull, so he decides to go up to his room to play on his Computer. By the time nine in the evening came around he pushes away from his computer desk and stands up stretching, just when he hears a knock at his door. He also heard some soft sniffling. He moves to the door and sees Amy standing there, arms hugging her middle, tears running down her cheeks. Alexander blinks and steps aside for her to come in. She does so and sits on his bed. He shuts the door and sits back down on his computer chair. Silence lasts for a moment or two then she breaks into tears again.

"Amy what is wrong?"

She just sits there sobbing and shaking. Alexander says nothing more but stands up and sits next to her on the bed. She leans over and wraps her arms around him and buries her muzzle against his neck and sobs harder. He is unsure what to do, as she has never been like this before, usually his tough, witty sarcastic Sister would be laughing at him and making jokes. He then decides to put both arms around her waist and hug her against him; he rubs up and down over her back. Right now it seems there is no time for talk, just silence and comforting hugs. Her sobbing slowly comes to a stop, and she just clings on to him shaking.

"My boyfriend cheated on me..."

Alexander begins to feel his blood boil at this. He narrows his eyes but says nothing. He gives her a tighter hug and pets the middle of her back. He knew against the Husky who was more or less an Alpha he would have difficulty beating down. Hell who was he kidding with these thoughts? He is a weak nerd who would never be able to defend himself in a fight. But he had to do something, that scum bag hurting his Sister like this. She finally raises her head to look in Alexander's eyes, her own misty and gives him a tight hug.

"Thank you Alex, this was what I needed, to be held and comforted."

She does not however just get up and leave. She stays clung onto him; she lowers her head and rests it on shoulder again.

"It's fine Amy. I am your Brother; of course I'll help you, you have nothing to worry about."

She smiles and gives him another squeeze. She then shifts her weight to press up closer to him. He felt his nerves rise, why was she moving closer to him?

"Alex, sorry I've been such a prick to you lately, I've just been under a lot of stress. Derrick would only come around when he wanted sex and never for anything else."

Alexander shakes his head softly; he was always against their relationship because Alexander has seen him do this to many other women. But he could not tell his Sister that it was a bad idea, he knew she would not listen to him but he did not think it would be this quick.

"Alex, do you mind if I use Paw Book on your computer?"

He shakes his head side to side. She stands and moves over to his computer seat then sits back down. He wanted to cuddle her more, in fact he enjoyed it. Probably more than he should have. He stares at the middle of her back directly between her shoulder blades as she logs into Paw Book and loads Derrick's wall and begins typing furiously. Alexander is left to his own thoughts; he glances to the clock, eleven thirty. Good thing he didn't have work or school until Monday of next week.

"Amy, this is going to sound odd, but. I would like to know if you want to make this... cuddling a regular thing."

Amy stops her typing and turns around to face him. She lifts her legs up and places them on the bed, her feet next to Alexander. She then slowly nods her head.

"Alright, I wouldn't mind that. I mean I guess since we both hit puberty we have been kind of distant from each other, I've honestly always wondered about that."

Alexander smiles and lies down on his bed with his feet on his pillows.

"Thank you Amy. And please come to me more with your problems, if you need to, Mom and Dad never seems to listen to us anymore when it comes to things like this."

She sighs and nods her head, that fact alone seeming to bother her.

"Seeing as you don't seem to know, Mom and Dad are going through some pretty heavy stuff right now."

Alexander scowls, why did they tell Amy and not him? He shifts around so he is laying on his back.

"Do you know what exactly?"

Amy shakes her head no.

"I wish they would tell me, but from the arguments I hear it's pretty serious."

Her voice had gone softer, so Mom or Dad would not hear them, as they are often up this late as well. At that moment there is a knock on the door, both Alexander and Amy perk their ears and snap their heads to the door. Alexander stands up and moves to the door, he pulls it open; Mom is standing in the hallway. She leans around Alexander and peers in and looks around, she notices Amy sitting there on the computer, in her jeans and t-shirt. She then looks to Alexander, still in his clothes as well. She leans back.

"I thought I heard crying awhile ago, is everything okay?"

Amy looks to Alexander and Alexander nods his head.

"She was just having problems with her Boy Fr-"

Alexander is interrupted by Amy.

"Ex Boyfriend now."

She nods her head to the open Paw Book account. On it was a harsh long message on Derrick's wall, explaining to him that she is breaking up with him and lists all the following reasons.

"Okay Ex. But he cheated on her."

Mom nods her head softly.

"I see, I'm sorry to hear that Amy, and Alexander, thank you for being her Brother and helping her out."

She turns away and pulls the door closed and by the creaking of the stairs, makes her way downstairs. Alexander and Amy look at each other and Amy cocks her head.

"I wonder what that was all about. She sure inspected us awfully closely."

Alexander shrugs.

"I'm not sure."

She logs out of her account and moves back over to the bed and sits near the foot of it.

"I'm going to get into some comfy clothing then I'll be back Bro, why don't you change too?"

He nods his head softly but then smirks.

"Change into what exactly?"

Amy laughs then punches his thigh lightly.

"A grown man!"

She launches off the bed and out the door laughing. Alexander throws a pillow at her but is too late, it hits the door as its slammed. He then smiles; happy for once he could start to get along with her. It did bother him a lot that they had been fighting and squabbling as of late. He sits up and pulls his baggy shorts off without unbuttoning them. He stands up kicking them off as he does so and moves over to his closet. He roots through the drawers there then finds a nice pair of long cotton pajamas and a simply t-shirt. He pulls off his shirt, pulls on the PJs and then the white t-shirt and sits down on the bed. About twelve minutes later there is a knock at the door. Alexander slides off his bed then opens the door all the way to see his Sister standing there in a pair of black mesh shorts and long pull over shirt that ends at her knees. Alexander steps aside and she makes her way into the room and closes the door behind her then sits on the bed. Alexander joins her sitting next to her.