Tyler's Pokemon adventure 7

Story by Dirana the rune on SoFurry

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­­­­­­­­­­­Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon this is a pure work of fiction and is to be treated as such. However this work of fiction is copyright to me and is not to be used unless permission is asked and I say you may.

(Authors note: Is there a particular reason why no one has even bothered to try any of the competitions or said anything on them?

Any how this is the seventh chapter for this series. Hope you like it.)

Aura was just standing up when the dust and smoke finally cleared. There was a small crater and Lyra's growlithe was lying in it unconscious. All of a sudden there was the loud booming of the crowd applauding the battle.

"Growlithe!" Lyra shouted running over to her beaten pokemon. There was little that she could do but take him to the pokemon centre.

  • Thirty minutes later at the pokemon centre -

"Sorry were late, people kept asking me to trade," Tyler said as he and Aura walked into the pokemon centre.

Lyra was looking at Aura angrily.

"Why'd you have hit him so hard!" she began shouting at aura.

Lyra believed that Aura was using way to much force. Tyler could easily understand what she was saying but would never really go against Aura.

Aura stood her ground not even phased like when Lyra was yelling when she was still a riolu.

"Well maybe that mongrel shouldn't have fought!" Aura shouting back equally as annoyed.

"Oh crap maybe I should get out of here while I have a chance. Being in between this won't be good," he thought sneaking away to the front desk where nurse joy who was busy typing away on her computer.

"Room key and hurry please" he said quietly to nurse joy.

"Here you go" she said placing the key on the front desk.

"11, room 11" he said beginning to move towards to corridor filled with multiple rooms. Free for trainers of course.

"He's not a mongrel and you're a bitch! HOLD IT RIGHT THERE YOU!" she shouted

"Oh crap, oh crap," he said running for his room. "Open god damn it," he said just as the door opened.

He was quick to burst in and slam the door in Lyra's face and lock it.

"OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW AND GET YOUR BITCH IN LINE!" screamed Lyra who was pounding the door.

"Safe, safe and sound," he said before looking at his room.

It was a simple room, one queen sized bed a bathroom and a mini fridge. Nothing else just a plain cream coloured room.

"Oh there's a TV in the corner" he said to himself.

-Back with Aura-

"Finally" she said as Lyra gave up and got herself a room key and headed for her own room.

"Damn bitch wouldn't shut up!" she thought.

She wandered over to the room where Tyler had gone. She turned the handle but the door wouldn't open.

"No better not break this door. Hmm wonder if there's a window," she said before going outside looking for a window that would allow her to get into his room.

She walked around the building twice before finally figuring out which was his. Ironically the sun was down now so there were no trainers pestering her. She took a few steps back before leaping up to the window and surprising Tyler.

"Wha- Jesus Christ you're going to give me a heart attack if you do that Aura," he said breathing fast from shock.

"Oh sorry Tyler" she said lowering her a little and looking at him with puppy dog eyes.

"W-well I'm going to watch TV before going to bed so you're welcome to watch".

"What's TV?" she asked puzzled.

"I'll show you" he said grabbing the remote and turning it on.

"Ahhh, it's alive!" she shouted charging aura sphere.

"Wait stop" he shouted trying not to get billed for a TV and probably the wall as well.

"Bu-but it came alive" she said softly growling at the TV stoping herself from charging an aura sphere till it eventually faded to nothing..

"It show pictures from other places around the world, it's not alive" he stated relived that she did not fire. "Just calm down, sit down and watch the magic box" he said saying magic box stupidly to give emphasis.

"Fine but if it moves I'm killing it, got it?!" she said loudly.

"Fair enough" he said to her.

They spent the next hour or so just sitting on the edge of the queen sized bed watching bits and pieces from multiple channels. There was one channel in particular that Aura seemed to be fascinated with.

"God dammit, they have discovery channel here to" he thought.

Obviously it had pokemon instead of animals from his world. Actually on that note Tyler began to wander should he tell Aura?

"She'll probably think I'm crazy" he thought.

He put that thought to the back of his mind as he enjoyed the time spent watching TV with Aura. Even if it was god damn discovery channel.

"{Yawn} I'm feeling quite tired Tyler. So good night" she said jumping off the floor and sitting against the wall on the floor in a lotus position, closing her eyes. (Meditational pose for those who don't know)

"Alright" Tyler said turning off the TV

"Thank god she's sleeping on the floor that means I get the bed" he thought happily to himself.

Tyler Walked over to the opposite end of the room and opened the door to the bathroom. He slid the door shut behind him.

Aura in turn had waited to hear the door close and was quick to test her new aura vision. It took her a little bit before she had actually managed to get it to work. Once she had managed that she Found herself looking at Tyler profoundly. She was starring at him while he got undressed and turned the shower on . she was growing quite wet as she watched on.

"I wish I was in there with him" she said to herself, as she was now beginning to fell incredibly flushed just watching him.

Unfortunately all great things come to an end. Tyler had finished and turned off the shower and had proceeded to grab one of the towels and wrap it around himself. Aura was quick to stop using aura vision and pretend to be asleep as he walked out of the bath room and proceeded to look for a bath robe to wear for the night.

"Ah there it is" he said quietly picking up the bathrobe from beside the bed hung up in a small wardrobe.

Tyler headed back into the bathroom to finish drying himself and put on the rob. After that he went to the bed lifted the covers off and jumped in.

"Today's been a great day. I hope I never have to go back" were his last thoughts before falling asleep.

Tyler began to dream. He dreamt that he was in a room with 2 other people each who had a legendary behind them. In one corner there was a boy who had a Darkrai floating beside him. On the opposite there was a girl who had a Latias beside her. Tyler turned around and he saw to looming shadow of a pokemon he couldn't recognise it felt so cold and was shaped like a dragon. All of a sudden he could feel something wet on his thigh as the dream faded and he slowly began to wake up.

He saw an arm draped over him. When he turned to see what it was he was greeted with an asleep Lucario with a large smile on her face. He looked down from her face trying not to move to much as he could wake her up. He now saw why his thigh had felt wet. Aura was grinding against him in her sleep.

"Oh crap what do I do! What do I do?" he kept repeating in his mind.

Well I know that wasn't as long as normal but I've been busy working as I got a new job. And I have been drawing a little and working on something special for a later chapter.

Now this may be the last competition I ever do depending on if I can get any answers. It's simple Try to guess. Who the girl and the boy were.

The first to get one of the two will get a character sheet and the second will go to whoever can guess the other person. Simple enough.