Miyu and Fay: Duel Pilots

Story by kaboomers on SoFurry

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Miyu and Fay: Duel Pilots

"Pre-script: FUCK IT!!! I'm in a long figured writer's block and I have a lot of school work to be done, meanwhile I'm two commissions behind, but to continue to provide a story to satisfy my viewers, since I feel really guilt ridden to not have picked up lately, I've finally decided to dust this story off (made months, if not half a year ago) and upload it. ><

Anyway, enjoy this new story that I wrote for people who have interests in other gals of the Starfox universe J"

(Characters belong to Nintendo, I think. Most characters, though Miyu, Fay, and others might not. Anyway, time for a new spotlight featuring...well guess.)

Bill Grey and Katt Monroe were entering the Eladard airspace, which General Pepper had ordered Bill to seek and detain any Venomian insurgency troops. After the Lylat Wars, many insurgency groups have been successfully captured throughout most of the Lylat system after Star Fox's heroic efforts. Eladard, however, wasn't attempted by the Star Fox team, and so to allow them rest, Bill was sent to monitor the planet so the Cornerian Army could plan an appropriate course of action. Bill had found Katt was in need of some extra money, and so he hired her for assistance.

"Ok, Katt, we're going to be hovering about 500 meters above sea level," Bill informed Katt. "Turn your ship's camera system on and stay close."

"Alrighty, sug'," she responded. With the camera system on, they both saw a number of unarmed people, though they looked like typical Venomians. "I'm a little worried about our friends below. They look threatening."

Bill saw them, too, and worried just as Katt did. "We can't shoot unless shot at. General's orders," he admitted to her as they flew over them. "Just stay calm and stick close by. We won't be here long."

The two past a few Venomians who then grabbed a rocket launcher and ammunition, and setting up their attack, they took aim at Bill's ship. "HEY BILL, WATCH OUT!!" Bill heard Katt yell through the comlink, and both dove away from a rocket coming towards them. Katt's ship hit a building, causing one of the wings to break off. "Ugh! I think I'm fucked on this one, hon!" Her ship then skidded across the ground, making the ship luckily land in one peace.

"Hold on, I'm turning around!" Bill said as he headed for Katt's crash sight. He landed close by to Katt, but as soon as he got out a group of Venomian troops had their guns drawn, aimed at the unequipped Bill.

"Well, how about that," said someone quite familiar to both Katt and Bill. "Good thing they sent out a Cornerian soldier. I wouldn't know what to do if that pesky Star Fox was here."

"Damn you, Algy," Bill yelled out to him. Like the Star Wolf members, Algy was a mercenary for hire though he worked alone until Andross had given him a position to train forces on Eladard. He has been on the most wanted lists from Corneria, Katina, and Macbeth for some time now.

"Soldiers, go see if there is anyone alive there," Algy ordered.

Katt was hidden under the ship, and she saw Bill with blasters pointed right at him. She had to act fast for Bill's sake, so she devised a plan. Taking her blaster out, she shot at a nearby soldier and all fire was directed towards the ship. Her ship's shield was down, so lasers were shooting right through her Cat's Paw, so she darted out screaming "Quick, Bill! Get out!"

Bill acted quickly thanks to Katt's diversion and dove back into his ship. Guns were then shooting at Bill, but they were too late as he loaded up his ship's shields and boosted out. "Damn it, Katt...Don't worry, I have someone who might help."

Katt, who was hiding in a building, felt safe until, "Drop your weapon, pussy cat!" Katt turned behind her to find a soldier pointing a blaster at her. "Hah, perfect. A chick, and a hot one at that."

"You wouldn't, you fucking ape," she insulted, but it triggered the soldier to whack her over the head with his blaster, knocking her unconscious.

Meanwhile, in a small studio apartment in a town off from Corneria City, two girls had been sleeping on the couch with the holovision blinking "Game Over" from their SNES game. Fay, a cocker spaniel/poodle/collie/dog-canine-thing (just pick one of those as there really is no species I can truly confirm) was lying on top of Miyu, a lynx. Both weren't wearing much; it was a very hot and humid summer day and their air conditioning wasn't part of the billing for the apartment. Miyu wore only her underwear, which were a bra and a set of boxer shorts, as she was reluctant to wear panties being tomboyish in personality. Fay had only her pajama top on, and it rode up to where her ass was showing.

Miyu, being the first to wake, could barely see her roommate on top of her. "Huh, why is my bra all wet...AWW HELL! Fay, get off me!" she yelled to her as she saw Fay drooling all over her chest.

Getting up, she knocked Fay over onto the floor in the process, falling head first and waking up. "Ow, like what gives, Miyu?"

"Look at my left boob, Fay," Miyu directed her towards the soaking wet bra. "You know you drool in your sleep, why didn't you pull out the bed from the couch before you fell asleep?"

Defiantly, Fay told her, "Like, I wasn't the last to fall asleep. You were still watching Apes of Wrath, like, way after I fell asleep."

"Fay, your stupidity is almost mind boggling," Miyu said with her palm squarely slapped against her face. "Especially when the 'Game Over' screen is still blinking," and Fay looked over to see the SNES still on.

"Well, you should of, like, still pulled out the bed," she whined, defeated. Miyu walked over to take a shower as Fay grabbed a controller to play the video game.

"By the way, check to see if there're any assignments," Miyu asked while washing herself. "I'm pretty low on money, and I'm sure you're flat broke." Not paying any attention, Fay continued playing Starwing 2. They left off on the final boss, so she was getting really into it. "Rent's almost due, we need to go grocery shopping, and the insurance on my Arwing is on its way."

Fay's ship got destroyed, and to blame Miyu, she complained, "Will you, like, stop singing so loudly in there? I'm trying to shoot this ape-thing down."

"HAVE YOU BEEN LISTENING TO ME AT ALL!!!" yelled Miyu as she cut her shower short. She walked naked seeing Fay playing Starwing 2, and promptly pulled the plug from the wall. "We need money, Fay! If we don't find a job soon, we'll end up on the streets," and getting closer, she stressed, "And maybe you'll regret wasting time playing games while you're SUCKING SOME GUY'S COCK!!!" Miyu walked over to the kitchen to see if anything was in the refrigerator after her berating.

"Geez, Miyu, it's like you think jobs are hard to come by," Fay said in her defense. "The whole system just got rattled up by, like, some evil overlord guy, and..."

"AND EXACTLY!" Miyu interrupted. "Star Fox gets the mission while we're stuck hiding in a cave. No one even bothered letting us get to our ships when the planet was put on red alert." Opening the fridge, she saw nothing in there but empty egg cartons and a box of baking soda. "Mr. McCloud probably doesn't even bother reading my resume that I send him over and over. It's like the flight academy all over again where he doesn't even notice me. AND THERE'S NO MORE EGGS!!!"

Concerned, Fay walked up to Miyu who was leaning on a refrigerator shelf, just hoping that there was a morsel of food that she didn't notice. "It's ok, Miyu. I'm, like, sure someone will hire us for something." Fay assured her, resting her hands on her shoulders to comfort her.

"Fay...I'm naked, you're naked, and this totally looks like one of those 'no-homo' moments." Fay then took her hands off while Miyu slouched over to the couch to put the holovision on web mode to look through web postings. On the corner of the screen, she saw that her email inbox had one message unread, which is odd since she hasn't gotten a new email in months. Opening it, she found a video message attached sent by Bill Grey, an old acquaintance from the flight academy.

"Miyu; I hope you get this message soon," Bill broadcasted with distress in his voice. "Katt and I went to Eladard moments ago when we were attacked by enemy insurgents. I was able to get out, but Katt is still stuck there, and I'm afraid she has been captured. I tried talking to General Pepper about getting someone to save her, but he instead wants to bomb the entire place, saying that it's just too dangerous." Though they never really had any relationship other than classmates, Miyu's heart sank hearing how regretful and hurt Bill sounded. "Please, Miyu. You're the only person who can help me with this. Falco is with Star Fox and if I go to them it will devastate him, and they already dealt with enough already. But if you don't want to do this, I understand."

Half listening to the last part, she got up, grabbed her uniform, her special pair of lucky boxers and bra and went to Fay saying, "Alright, it's time to go. We got a job."

"Really? From, like, who?" Fay asked.

"Ace pilot of the Cornerian Army, that's who," Miyu told her as she put on her flight uniform.

"You mean...I was, like, right!" Fay gloated.

"GET SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON AND LETS GET GOING!" Miyu hurried her, and they were off to Corneria City.

Fay and Miyu arrived at the headquarters of the Cornerian Defense Forces, with Bill Grey already outside to welcome them. As they got off on the runway, Fay noticed Bill approaching them, realizing that the head pilot of the Cornerian Army was none other than her ex-boyfriend.

"Hey, thanks for coming Miyu," he greeted Miyu with Fay trying to minimize herself behind her. "Fay, is that you?!"

"Hehe, uh...hey Bill," Fay nervously spoke out. "What's up?"

"Not much," Bill said to her in surprise. "So, you're taking jobs with Miyu, huh?"

"Alright, you two," Miyu said splitting them up. She wasn't going to have any of this "reminiscing of their past relationship", especially since Fay was so popular, she gets guys flocking over to her on a daily basis. "Onto business; so, what exactly is going on with Katt?"

Bill gestured to follow them and as they walked down a hallway filled with offices, he told them, "Katt has been taken by Algy, the leading general at Eladard." Miyu had heard of the guy, but felt he was no one special. Most of the Lylat system thinks of him as one of the greatest criminal minds along with Andross and many others in the past, but she was confident in her ability to stop him. "Currently, we know that they're using relatively common weaponry, nothing fancy that we know of. He also has under him an approximate 800 troops; that's about four times as much as most of the planets Star Fox had to encounter, so Eladard is very important to them." Really, both of them weren't listening at this point. Miyu was just concerned about the cash, and Fay was concerned about the fact that she's being employed by her ex. As they entered into his office, he asked, "So, any questions?"

"Yeah, how much do we get after this?" Miyu impolitely reminded Bill about why she was doing this.

Bill hesitated, but answered, "...sp$46 for each enemy."

"Hell no, I want at least sp$90," argued Miyu.





"Seriously!" Bill yelled, not wanting to play this while Katt is in trouble. "We didn't even pay Fox that much!"

"Oh, really," she caught him confessing Corneria's range of payment towards the Star Fox team. "So, how much did you pay him?"

"Listen, I'm the one paying you," he defended. "Corneria isn't even contributing a cent to this mission, and I could provide, but I'm not rich"

Sighing, Miyu said, "Ok, ok...Star Fox's wage."

"What, sp$60?" Bill lied. It was actually sp$64 dollars per soldier, but he figured it was enough for the efforts.

"TAKEN!" Miyu yelled putting her hand out. "Shake to make it official?" Bill then shook her hand and Miyu grabbed a hold of Fay to drag her off. "Alright, Fay, time to kick some monkey-ass!"

Bill then grabbed a timer from a desk nearby. "Hold on, there's a reason I wanted to bring you here." Tossing it, he told them, "This is the time you have until we blow the location on Eladard sky high; approximately down to nine hours. Hold onto that so you know when you have to leave."

"Aye-aye, Bill," and with that helpful but stressful information, the two hurried to their ships. "By the way, Fay, hold onto this."

"Why me?" Fay asked, taking the timer.

"Just do it!" Miyu demanded her. "I'll get distracted by it while we're flying."

In a dark room, Katt was just waking up when she realized her hands were cuffed along with her legs, though spread apart by the two different holding points, and by mistake, she took a look to see she was completely exposed. She tried to struggle her way out of her cuffs, but there was no way out. Looking around, she could barely see anything. Only that it was a rather big room, possibly to be used for large equipment. She hoped no one could see her, but suddenly, the lights turned on, and from her right a she saw coming through the door her captor.

"Algy!" Infuriated, she saw that her captor was the famous outlaw himself. "Get me out of this right now so I can scratch your eyes out!"

He laughed off her threats. "Yeah, because that will convince me to let you go." Algy then took a hold of her chin so they could talk eye to eye. "You know, I think I have other plans for you, Monroe," and after that stressed omen, he licked the side of her cheek, causing her to struggle more.

"No, no you can't," she pleaded. "Please, don't do that!"

Uncaring, he pulled down his pants and revealed his hard, throbbing cock and moved it towards her entrance. "I don't really think that's up to you, is it?" and cutting to the chase, he penetrated into her.

"AHHH!" Katt shrieked as she was pumped into. "Oh fuck. Dammit you horrid ape!"

Algy laughed while thrusting himself into her. "Nice! Keep going, I love it when you talk dirty!" Seeing her lovely pair of breasts, he took a squeeze of both of them, caressing and pinching at her nipples.

Katt's cunt starting dripping wet to her dismay as the sounds of their piston movement were quite audible. "Hau...hau...oh fuck! I'm going to cum, oh fuck, I'm going to fucking cum!" Though Algy has been squeezing at her tits the entire time, Katt's hips pushed harder and harder into Algy's member by her own will. This sensation has been pent up for so long, and she didn't feel like waiting for Falco anymore. "Fuck! Harder, harder, HARDER!"

"Oh wow!" Algy yelled, being long since he's fucked a girl. As he pushed harder, he could feel Katt twitching, and with a loud scream, she came. "Oh, you like that, huh? You want this, you filthy whore!"

"Oh yeah...hau hau...pussy wants it harder!" Katt moaned, repeating over and over while the pleasure took over her, wanting more from him. "Pussy wants it harder! Oh fuck yeah...fuck yeah, this is so fucking good!"

Algy was beginning to feel himself about to cum as well. "Ugh...you feel that? It's my cock quaking. I'm about ready to cum hard inside you."

"Oh yes!" Katt screamed to him. "Cum in me! Cum inside me!" And she could feel him filling every inch of her that it gushed out, leaking both her juices and his load onto her thighs. "Oh...oh shit. Falco..." She began regretting all of that pleasure she felt as he began to pull out.

"Hmph, that's pretty rude," Algy sadistically said, seeing her eyes begin to water. "Aww, what's wrong? Feeling guilty that you betrayed the love of that limp-dick bird over at Star Fox?" He reached over to draw out some of his cum from her pussy, gasping as he stretched her with his two fingers. What he had, he wiped it all over her cheek and told her, "Believe me, pussycat, when we're done with you, he won't want you again." Algy then walked out to leave her alone, leaving her in their humiliating mixture.

"So, like, this is Eladard?" Fay asked as they were entering their airspace. "What a dump."

"Yeah, I can agree with that." Miyu looked around to see where Katt's ship was. Wherever it was, it would lead to the hideout of the Venomian insurgency.

Fay then noticed a small crater. There was no ship there, but it looked suspicious. "Hey, Miyu, that dent in the middle of the road; you think it's from Katt's ship?"

Looking over, Miyu said, "I'd check it out."

"Like, then let's go," so the two landed over the street. From a closer look, they saw laser shots all over the place and a few parts of metal and glass. It must have been where she crashed.

"Hey you!" They were noticed, as Miyu and Fay saw at a distance a trooper in armor.

"Shit! Let's get out of here!" Miyu and Fay panicked and the two started running through the alleyways. Miyu was ahead, Fay presumably behind her, but when she looked behind herself, she found that Fay had disappeared. "What the...Fay, where are you!" Just as she was about to get through the alleyway, a trooper jumped out in front of her, and before she could act he shot right at her and fell to the floor.

Consciousness was just beginning to come back to Miyu. The soldier must have shot at her with a stun laser. She could see Fay's head below her, so she tried to get up to see how she was. "Huh, what the..." Miyu had just realized her hands were tied behind her back. "Crap, what hap...Fay!" Getting a better look, she discovered that Fay had nothing on but the bow on her head. Miyu then found that both of them have been stripped naked. She heard Fay stirring followed by a loud scream.

"AHH! Like, what's going on, and why am I naked!" Fay panicked as she turned around to see Miyu in the same state. "Miyu, what's going on?!" A screen then turned on from the other side of the room they were being held prisoner in, revealing their target Algy, who broadcasted himself to the girls.

"Ahh, so my lovely little prisoners have awoken," Algy taunted them. Fay tried to wiggle behind Miyu, finding that her legs have also been tied together.

"So, you're the big, bad boss, huh?" Miyu stared up at him. "You know, if you're going to look threatening, I'd do something about the eyes. They look like you got it in the ass one too many times."

"Cheeky little girl, aren't ya?" Algy shot back. "Hope you're like that in more ways than one. Nonetheless, my soldiers are going to be coming for you to take you both into your holding cells, and they'll be rewarded for their services, so I hope you're up for a little fucking. Hehahahahaha!" And then he closed his comlink.

"This is, like, a fine mess we got ourselves into," Fay complained, worrying about what fate will entail for our heroes (oh teh drama).

Miyu confidently declares, "Nah, more like a sticky situation."

Bill was at his desk, pushing paper while sipping a cup of "joeb" (which in his building, tasted like mud). He looked over at the timer, which displayed an ominous three hours left and counting. He put his trust in both Miyu and Fay to accomplish their job, and he hope they were ok, but every passing minute without a transmission worried him that something might have happened and that they couldn't save Katt. Bill would just have to wait there, though anxiously, as time passed against all of them. Besides, he remembered Miyu from the flight academy; straight-A student, she and Fox had constantly competed in scores. While Bill and Fay partied on their tuition, Miyu and Fox hit the books hard and nonstop. From Fox he could understand, being the son of Papetoon's legendary mercenary, but both Miyu and he were supposed to be in the same level of academic fortitude, and Bill just wasted it until the very end when he realized his future was on the line. But he still has to admit, though; Miyu is a prodigy in flight.

"AAHHHH!!! GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT!" Fay cried out as two guards kept pushing their lengths into her. She cried, not wanting the apes violating her tight and delicate flower, but what was worse is that both of them had themselves inside of her pussy, stretching it in a rather painful way. Her defenses against them were tied down well as her hands were bound behind her back. "...oh hell, it hurts. Please stop." Sadly, with only the slightest bit of arousal, she dripped her nectar between the two cocks making lewd slurping noises and inducing Fay to cringe in disgust.

"Aww, the little girl isn't enjoying herself," the man behind her taunted. "Maybe she wants a little passion." To increase her degradation, he started nibbling at Fay's neck which made her react in a mixture of sparked titillation and loathing repulsiveness.

"GAH! Stop...mmm?" She was then muffled by the guard in front of her by locking lips, his tongue all around her salivating mouth. The more they continued violating her, the more Fay could feel their dicks pulsate in an eventual climax. "No, no, don't cum inside me!," she had thought to herself, but it was too late. As soon as that fear passed through her head, she felt them flooding her passage with their hot seed. When they pulled out, it gushed out of her, pooling below her abused nethers.

They left her alone, Fay now lamenting on her situation until she heard, "Ugh, please not again..." It was the exhausted voice of a girl and when Fay turned around to see who it was, she made a startling discovery.

"Clean our dicks off, or else!" the guard screamed at a bounded Katt. She was cuffed with her right wrist bound behind her right ankle, and likewise with her left wrist and her left ankle. Kneeling, she struggled to keep balance but was hindered as the two guards took her by the head and started shoving their members into her mouth. Fay looked away when she saw Katt glance at her. It was like a horrible nightmare, and she hoped that Miyu wasn't going through all this.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" Miyu roared out in pleasure. Miyu was in a dream, being penetrated in a room filled with naked men, their masculine musk filling the air. She had a dick in her cunt, inside her tail hole, and grabbed a hold of the lengths of two other men, feeling their hot throbbing as she messaged them with her hand, all the while sucking and slurping and licking at another's meat, and the three she held in front of her had their turn to feel her warm, wet tongue.

"Fuck, I didn't think she'd enjoy this," rejoiced guard #1, pumping himself into her fold while squeezing at her breasts below her. "Hey, right after this, I want to see if her ass is as tight as you say it is."

"Not for long!" guard #2 said, his girth constricted around her tailhole. She was so submissive with having sex with them that he didn't even mind his balls rubbing on guard #1's.

Miyu then felt a twitch in her mouth. "Oh yeah, I think I'm cumming...!" and guard #3, the one not getting a handjob, erupted into her mouth, Miyu bringing his member and his cum into her vacuum as she gulped all of it. The guard then collapsed onto the floor in exhaustion.

"Alright, me next! Me next!" shouted guard #4 from her right hand as Miyu turned over to suck at him. "Ohhhhh...oh fuck!"

"Hey!" guard #5 complained. "I was next...oh, wh-what?" Miyu pulled him over by his cock and took both of them into her mouth, messaging their balls as she drooled for their shafts to move in and out.

Her eyes widened with the realization that they got her into another spasm. This was the seventh orgasm she was experiencing and to ensure some more in the way, she pushed the two guards in her mouth out so she wouldn't bite onto them. "Fuck! Fucking hell! I'm coming, coming, I'M COMING!"

"Hey, what's the big idea?" guard # 4 yelled in agitation. Miyu started shaking as she squirted onto guard # 1's dick.

Now she felt guard #1 throbbing. "Fuck yeah...that got me going...ERRARGH!" he grunted shooting his jizz and filling her still quivering pussy. Miyu pushed guard # 2 on his back and spread her legs wide.

"Alright, who wants inside the boat," she teased. Guard # 4 and 5 were fighting to race towards her pussy, but to guard # 5's expense, # 4 got to it first, and he tossed # 1 to the side to slam himself into her used, leaking netherlips. "Ahhh! Oh that warmth again..." she squealed.

"Aww, no fair," guard # 5 grumbled.

"Hey," Miyu called to him. "How about making a strolled through the valley," she offered, holding her breasts together to seduce him. Pulling him towards her breasts, she started rubbing both of her mounds against his dick, licking the precum forming on his tip.

"Ugh, oh yeah slut...nice and soft," guard # 5 whispered.

Another throb was felt inside her ass. "Ugh, I think I'm cumming now...UMMPH!"

"Yeah, looks like I'm nex...ahh AHHH!" Both guard # 2 and # 4 filled her entire nether region with their seed. Guard # 4 slouched over to rest while # 2 passed out in exhaustion. With it now being between guard # 5 and Miyu, she pounced on him and held his arms down.

"Well, it's just you and me," Miyu whispered into his ear.

In confusion, guard # 5 question, "Hey, what's going on?"

"I've been wanting you all to myself since I first saw you," she revealed, purring against his chest. "You're a hell of a lot cuter than the rest of them, and now that we have each other to ourselves, I want to make this special." Passionately, she took her lips to join hers and both of their tongues swam in each others embrace. Without the guard knowing, Miyu was reaching over to their pile of clothes, feeling for a blaster. With a grasp of a cold, metal handle, she jumped up to her feet and shot at guards # 1, 2, 3, and 4, leaving # 5 in her mercy.

"You fucking bi..." though she pushed the gun against his forehead threateningly.

"This is for calling me a slut," Miyu said coldly. "Even though that's sort of true...Now, anyway, onto business." She walked over to their clothes and took the remaining four guns, tossing them to an unreachable corner of the cell, then grabbed his clothes and through them to him. "Ok, now put them on."

"What for?" guard # 5 questioned, but received a whack from the blaster for questioning her.

"Fine, if you gotta know, you are going to lead me to Fay and Katt," informed Miyu as she cuffed her wrists with two different cuffs. "I'll ride on your back while you transfer me as your 'prisoner' and then Katt, Fay, and I will make our dramatic escape. Deal?"

"What makes you think I'm going to lead you to them?" guard # 5 warned, but the blaster was pointed point-blank at his face again.

"Because I'm holding a gun to your face, duh," Miyu then lifted him up and she jumped right onto his back, keeping the gun pointed against his stomach and secluded from visibility. "By the way, laser through the stomach; awful way to die."

The guard walked through a series of halls, carrying Miyu who was faking being unconscious. Some guards stopped him asking where he was going with Miyu, which he lied obediently to make sure Miyu didn't shoot him. "Just wait until I get all three of you in a room..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, just walk," she responded in a whisper.

"Well, here's the cell," the guard told her. They stood there a half a minute for the guy to open the door.

"Aren't you gonna open it," Miyu scolded at him. The guard walked to a new door for some unannounced reason.

"Here's...the cell." The guard had lied before, trying to capture her again to fix the mess he was in.

Rolling her eyes, Miyu insulted, "You know, you're gonna get shot for that. Now open the door."

The guard opened the door, revealing two guards fucking both Fay and Katt, who were chained in a "69" position, Katt being on top of Fay. "Hey, what's going on, guard # 5..." before they knew what was going on, Miyu shot the guard carrying her dead and blew off their heads.

"Fay!" Miyu yelled to her.

Fay tried moving her mouth away from Katt's clit to try to respond. "M-...spff...Miyu! Thank goodness you're here...huh?"

"Good thing they didn't take your bow." Miyu was looking around in the folds of her bow when she found the timer, now showing about an hour and 23 minutes left.

"What? What do you mean 'didn't take my bow'? Get me out of this!" Fay yelled struggling.

Katt moved her mouth away to respond as well. "Hey, me first. I've been here longer than either of you."

"WAIT ALREADY," Miyu yelled. She shot her blaster through the chains, releasing first Katt and then Fay. "Ok, now to get out of here..."

"What the hell!" Algy came in yelling when he found the three released and gone. He dashed to his office when he heard the building shaking.

Outside, two Interceptor class Arwings were shooting everywhere in a frenzy. "This is for, like, chaining me and, like, having your way with me and for, like, stealing my sp$125 shirt!" screamed Fay in her ship.

"Hey, don't forget about taking a guy for me, hon," Katt said as a passenger on Fay's ship.

"sp$25380...sp$25440...sp$25500..." Miyu counted. She had thus far shot and killed 425 enemies and counting, making sure she knew the amount Bill had owed her.

Algy got out on top of a building, seeing the massacre. "Those damn pilots," and calling into his com-link, he commanded, "MORE SHIPS! BRING OUT MORE SHIPS!"

"Hey, Miyu, isn't that, like, the big boss man?" Fay asked, bringing Miyu's attention towards the unprotected Algy.

Miyu charged her laser to lock onto Algy. "I sure think it is. You want to overkill this or make it settle."

"OVERKILL, OVERKILL, OVERKILL!!!" Fay jovially sparked, and Miyu readied a Nova bomb for launch.

"No, nonononononononoNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Algy ran desperately, seeing the Nova bomb coming for him, but it was too late. The explosion took out much of the area, undoubtedly blowing Algy to smithereens.

Cornerian soldiers came in a few moments later, seeing the wreckage that was caused by the two pilots. "Huh? Who did all this?" one pilot asked, concerned for their safety.

"I don't know, but I know we're going to have to report this when we get back home," another sighed, knowing the kind of paperwork would have to be written for this.


"Time to seize this most welcomed day!" Miyu cried out, waking up in her cozy bed, free from any drool on her breasts. She strolled to the refrigerator to find three full cartons of eggs. Taking about five, she cracked them into a glass and swallowed them down, raw and whole.

Fay woke up with her nightshirt sticking to her fur. "Ugh, I'm all sweaty...Miyu, what's for breafkist?" she asked in a yawn. "Yuck! Whatever that was, can mine be cooked?" Fay saw the cup Miyu held, and knowing her habits, it wasn't something she'd eat.

"Hey, what's wrong with raw eggs, they're healthy for you and keep you lean and toned," Miyu defended herself, taking another five eggs for Fay.

"I prefer to keep myself lean and toned by my method; pizza and ice cream," she said.

Grabbing a pan and butter, Miyu remarked, "Pfft, guess some people go to dumb lengths to increase their boobage..."

"HEY!" Fay yelled, now livelier after that insult.

"Besides, we have another assignment, so hurry up with breakfast," Miyu hurried her.

Fay's ears sparked, thinking of Bill again. "You mean..."

"Yup!" Miyu interrupted. "Miyu and Fay are back in action!"

Starfox Adventures: Mystery of Dinosaur Planet CH3

Starfox Adventures: Mystery of Dinosaur Planet CH3 Finally, I get this done after all this time from a wait long past due. I am very sorry for that. I hope, however, you all enjoy this next installment in my Myster of Dinosaur Planet series. (all...

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Starfox Adventures: Mystery of Dinosaur Planet CH2

Starfox Adventures: Mystery of Dinosaur Planet CH2 (all characters belong to Nintendo/Rare) _Sorry that this took months to upload, but I've had a few moments where I had to stop for a while and catch up on more pressing matters. But here's the next...

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A Nice Pair (One of a Kind sequel)

A Nice Pair (Commissioned by Vixentamer. All characters belong to Nintendo/Rare) Sorry this took a while. Didn't know which story to do a sequel to first, but I decided I'll just go with whatever I can write about. But enjoy the next installment into...

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