Chapter 2: A Visitor For Christmas Break

Story by AmadeoKristoff on SoFurry

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#2 of As I Go On...

Whoever has said first time was the most precious was probably right. After that day, I could not get my mind off Celine. I missed her with all my heart. I wouldn't say I was in love. You know how you miss the first time of everything? Like your first kiss, your first sex, your first car, your first home, etc. I missed Celine's touch. Those perfect breasts. The feeling of being inside her. Her scent. Her soft furry body pressings against mine. Her blue eyes. I missed it all.

It has been three months since that day. I had gotten back to my school in the day, and my job in the evening. Classes begin at 8.30 am in the morning and ended 2pm in the afternoon, followed by my work at 4pm in the evening to 10pm or midnight, depending on work load. I study at York University, 8 minutes' walk from my home. I am a second year student. I work at UPS, which is 20 minutes away from my place by bus.

My friends were all in different universities. Jun, the Dalmatian, was studying in Ottawa, in Carleton University. Chioma, the brown cow, was in Mississauga campus of University of Toronto. Only Trung, the chimpanzee from Vietnam, studying in the same university as me. Even then, I hardly see him. York University holds the nickname "A city within a city" since we have our own residences, a mall, and 150,000 people on one campus.

Well, life is getting busier for me. I am looking forward to Christmas holidays. My last mid-term exam would be on 18th December, and then I can chillax till 3rd January. I began making plans with my new friends that I made at York. I got on Facebook, and messaged Libby to find out if she was available for Christmas Eve. Libby is a white mare, dainty looking for a mare, and really crazy and funny. As soon as I received a positive reply from her, I messaged Heather. She is a mocha-colored bunny. Always excited and looking for ways to have fun with her friends. She too replied positively to me. Next, I messaged Jesica, my beautiful hog friend. She is the most random person I have ever met on this planet. She too replied positively. Looks like Christmas Eve was going to be fun. Lastly, I messaged my fifth and best friend in university, Chris, a raven. I think he is the twinkiest looking person I ever met in real life. Not in a bad way. He is a really nice guy. He was also very shy. Normally a shy guy myself, I was the first one to approach him, and I later found out I was his first friend. He is a first year student. I felt special, and I naturally felt like an older brother to him. It made me feel happy.


A week left for Christmas break. I am so excited. I am looking forward to it. Been exhausted with my school. I don't mind working the evenings even though I am on break, it's still money.

I turned on my laptop. I had to check my emails, get on Facebook, etc. When I was finally on, and connected, I noticed a message in my inbox. It was from Jun. I was wondering what happened, as he usually does not email me. I was worried. His email read:

"Dear Amadeo,

I hope my email finds you in good health. However, I had a favour to ask of you. You see, unlike you, I am not living off-campus housing. I live in dorm. Every break, like Christmas, or summer, we are told to move out within 24 hours of our last exam.

That being said, I have nowhere to go, being an international student like yourself. Do you mind if I could spend the 2 weeks of Christmas break with you? I am sorry if I am intruding on you and causing you inconvenience.

Hope to hear from you soon.



I was surprised. But I was glad too. I would get to spend my Christmas break with my closest friend with me. I never expected Jun to come down to Toronto for Christmas break. Not to forget that entire luggage. But all in all, I was glad. I was looking forward to seeing him. I quickly wrote him a reply telling him that it wasn't a problem, he was not intruding on anything nor causing any inconvenience. I also told him I was looking forward to seeing him. Apparently, he was arriving on the 19th of December. Perfect!


It was 5pm. I was down at the Greyhound station, waiting for Jun's Greyhound coach to come. Montreal to Toronto, via Ottawa, was what the bus schedule said. He was due at 4.45pm. I was worried. I wondered why his bus was late.

I decided to go get a cup of iced cappuccino with a hazelnut shot. God, the line-up at Tim Horton's was long. I don't want to be here and miss Jun when he gets off the bus. Nor do I want him thinking I didn't turn up. Poor dog would be homeless, helpless and clueless.

After 15 minutes of waiting in the line, I finally got my drink. I briskly walked to the bus bay, only to find out the bus had arrived. In fact, everyone had already left. The bus was empty, and Jun was nowhere to be seen. I began to feel wrong in my gut. A weird twist.

"FUCK!" I cussed under my breath. "I KNEW this was gonna happen! GODDAMMIT!"

I kept looking at the bus, wondering if this WAS the bus that he was supposed to come in. I was worried. Where could he have gone?

"GAH!" I roared.

"What's wrong?" came a soft voice from behind me. I turned around. There was Jun, standing with his luggage, looking at me with a concerned face.

"Oh my god! I thought I missed you. Where did you go?" I asked, relieved.

"The washroom?" he replied. "Why?"

"I didn't see you. So I thought I missed you and you were probably lost. I was worried." I said, and hugged him. He wagged his tail hard as he hugged me back.

"Hahaha. I am fine. I am sorry for worrying you. But I really needed to go after that 8 hour ride." he said with a grin.

"I understand. Did you eat? Or wanna go grab a bite?" I asked.

"Nah. I ate. I am just tired." he declared, the fatigue clearly showing on his face.

"Alright. Let's head home then. But I only have one bed. You ok with sharing it?" I asked.

"Sure. As long as you don't mind. By the way, thanks a lot." he replied.

"Don't mention it. It's what friends do, no? Well let's get you home and rested. You look like you gonna drop dead." I said, laughing. He only laughed back. I picked up his luggage and began walking towards the subway station.


"So. How was the journey?" I asked, while making him a cup of hot chocolate.

"Tiring. I slept through it mostly. I missed you in Ottawa. It's boring. I don't get to have the usual fun you and I used to have in high school. I mean, I do have fun, but it doesn't feel the same." he said.

"I know what you mean. I feel the same." I said, smiling back at him. "I missed you too."

"Awww..." he gave me a puppy look, and thumped his tail on the couch. I passed him his hot chocolate. "Thanks."

"Well, drink it, then off to bed with you. Let's do something fun tomorrow." I said.

"Sure!" he replied, all excited.

"Good night, Jun." I said.

"Good night, Amadeo." he replied.

I was tired too. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was sound asleep. I was glad I carry extra blankets and pillows. I lay down, and before I knew it, I dozed off...

I woke up to a kick from Jun. I looked at him, wondering if he was ok. He seemed to be ok. He was on his back, his legs spread open. Looks like he was really tired. His way of sleeping showed it. I only smiled to myself, as I observed him. Then, my eyes fell on his hardness. Pretty big for an Asian and a Dalmatian.

_"Wait. What am I thinking?"_I thought. May be I was just surprised. Yes, that was it. I was surprised. I went back to sleep.



Chapter 3: What's Going On With Me?

I apologise that this chapter is shorter than the first two. I will be writing more in the next chapter as time...

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Chapter 1: The Day I Lost My Virginity

\*Yawn\* Saturday morning. Feeling lazy. I just feel like going back to bed, and dozing off. You know what? I think I will. It's only 10 am right now. I dont have leave to meet up with my buddies till 3 pm. --------------------------- \*Yawn\* What...

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