
Story by Black_cumbucket_fox on SoFurry

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The city was noisy. The sounds of living and dying mingled.. A feral growl told of a predator.. A noise! The creature whirled. "Friend.." It snarled in reply. A shadow detached itself and stood alone on the concrete. A metal hand was raised. "Friend.." A grin spread across the animal-like face. "Food.." The man stepped forward. "Friend.. Buzzer.." The monster leapt, came to ground on all fours. Then jumped again.. To fall in a heap. The man walked over. Lifted the mangy head. "Mate.." It weakly snapped at the hand. "KILL!" A scanner read Idents. Confirmed the creature was a Recom2, at 3rd level.. Nothing short of death would stop it.. The mega-hormones in it's bloodstream would destroy the creature.. But not before massacring everything that triggered a response. And anything that moved triggered a response.. The head was lifted. Kissed. The monster growled deeply. Then shuddered, as it's nervous system went into overload. The body flopped a few times. The eyes crossed as neurons overfired, burned out. It made a noise, then lay, quite dead. The balls were removed, placed in a pouch, a ticket was clipped to an ear. Then the man moved over to a vidphone booth. At the "Hello?" he gave a stream of numbers, and 1 word. "Recom." Then he hung-up. Disappeared back into the shadows.

A short time later, a dark car screeched to a halt. People got out, examined the body. Without a word it vanished. Except for one person. "The usual arrangement.." He started, then shrugged. Tossed a bag into an alleyway. He waited for a moment, then smiled as a flash showed what was left of a man. He made sure the person was dead, nudging the still smoking charred carcass. Grinning, he got into his flier.. And stared at the small, black box of a meson grenade. It sat in the seat, wired to a remote. His carvid came to life.. "Yes?" the voice asked.. The grim face looked into the cockpit.. A voice came from outside. "Bye.." The man tried to scream, to jump.. There was a flash. The flier vanished into a mini black-hole. Which itself disappeared. The crew dispatched to the scene found a card taped to the inside of the vidphone, also on the corner - "You don't cheat Death.."

They put 10,000 credits in a sealed envelope, and placed it in a can. This was tossed up the street, where it clattered into a gutter. Nobody looked back to see if the payment was picked-up or not. They left, not finding anything more than the card. A shadow detached itself from a nearby wall, scooped up the can, and disappeared. A light flashed on a console of a vehicle sitting on a roof. A finger was placed in a socket. A screen showed numbers. q45 - s21. Secondary Park.. The vehicle lifted off, as a Colonel ripped into every field officer that had anything to do with that night's operation. Then he showed the trans of the tape.. All calls, incoming or outgoing, were taped.. A package arrived. The man scowled, then opened it. He grinned mirthlessly. Lifted a hairy sack with twin ovals inside. "Just in case any of you others get big ideas.." Inside was another card, 'Business as usual.' He ordered them out, and sent the scrotum to the lab. Then he smiled and sent another 10K Cr. to the person known only as 'Shadow'. The demise meant a vacancy. And he knew someone who just might fit.. "Send for Johnson from Outings." He waited for the PR man to arrive, thinking. A smile creased the old face.. This might mean another promotion. If he played it right..

At Quadrant 45, Sector 21 an expanse of trees and grass sat. The second largest park in the system, it took the overflow of humanity from Primary Park. Two beings sat in the shadows. One of them turned as something made a small noise. Recom2/227 snarled. "Man.." A shadow detached itself from a wall. "Very good. Buzzer.." Recom2/144 whined. Re227 snarled and hit Re144. Then turned back to me. "Bad.." The creature roared, leaping.. To drop, deboned. Recom2B looked at the creature. "Buzzer..." Then at me. "Buzzer?" A red tongue licked at black lips. I could see the need.. "JoyBuzzer." The animal whined. Held it's hands out to me. "Please.." it whispered. I tasped him at L2. The entire creature transformed. From groveling dog to snarling werewolf. It's long arms reached to the sky, Fur standing on end. The red eyes glared at me. Then the monster fell. Loped over to me. Nuzzled my leg. "Recom Good. Get Buzzer.. Aaaaugh!" Moaned as I hit him with L3. The Recom stropped his muzzle against my leg. Breath warmed my crotch.. The animal would do Anything to get another electronic caress.. "Good?" The Recom lapped slowly on my zipper, watching to see if he was being too bold or not wanton enough.. "Recom Good?" The creature pressed his head into my hand. "Recom Good To Master.."

I nodded. Handed him some restraints. He shied away, until I pointed to the other one. "Put on Bad Recom. Follow." Re144 growled, slapping the prone one. Quickly tied him up. The being had many scars, obviously put there by his partner. I walked back into the shadows, waiting for the animal. With a grunt, it lifted it's burden, and came after me. This one was going to be easy.. I pointed to a sling. Re144 tossed the bundle into it. "Give Joy.." I smiled, and gave the creature a red oblong. It crushed the capsule, inhaling the DreamDust.. Was barely able, with help, to pour itself into the seat next to me. I had no more than got the hover up, than a furry hand undid my crotch- strap. Ducked inside. I could have told the creature not too hurry.. I wasn't about to tell it no. I set the Autopilot, and gave the doggish snout a kiss. It offered me it's tongue, but I declined. DreamDust was one of the few things that even ShadowWalkers were not immune to. Even Robots shorted out when given the powder, So.. The animal dipped his muzzle down, inhaling my stiffening cock. I ran my fingers through the ruff. "Good Recom." He growled, fondling my nuts.

I arched my back as the creature worked his snout over me. Claws dug into my butt, Squeezing the skin through the cloth. The other softly rubbed my swelling balls. He pistoned his mouth over my dick, obviously hungry for the scum.. And I gave it to him. His cheeks hollowed, gulping down my spurting cum as fast as it could be sucked out. The Recom drained my nuts with long laps to the sensitive head, while sucking with a passion.. Even when the last drops of pre- cum were gone, the creature licked my shrinking cock. "Stay.." He looked up.. "Please.. No go back.. Want Stay With Master.." I nodded, and ruffled the fur. He sighed, nuzzling my nuts. Fell asleep, head in my lap. I had a place I could put him. The 'Zoo' was always looking for new talent.. It was a simple matter of dumping him off, after taking a sample of singed hair - The lab asked no questions about Where I get the Dna, as long as I get it. I put Re144 into a cage and shipped him off. He didn't like it at first, until I set a tasp on L2, and placed it inside the box with him. Then he Loved it...

As to the other - I gave him the same choice. Be good and go to to the Zoo. Be bad and go to the Lab. Be dead and sent for scrap... He preferred dead, trying to attack me despite being restrained. I shrugged and zapped him, overloading his nervous system, burning out neurons until all that was left was a mindless shell. I dropped it and the hair sample off, getting my 'reward'. No messages awaited me so I headed home, parked the car, re-stocking the traps, bombs and other equipment a Hunter requires. I had no sooner stepped into my house then arms hugged me, warm fur engulfing my body, a muzzle pressed to my mouth, kissing me lovingly. Fingers gripped my butt, pulling me tight to the dark- furred body. "You worry too much." I said, grabbing my lover's rear in response. "I know," the mephit whispered in my ear, kissing it, "But I wouldn't be Me if I didn't worry." "Besides," strong fingers dug into my cheeks, "Where would I find another lover like you?"

The arms pulled up, lifting me off the ground and I was carried into the bedroom, and dumped on the bed, where hands deftly removed my clothing, slapping my fingers whenever they got in the way until I was as nude as my lover was. A rustle of cloth, a rubbing of cock on fur until the former was as stiff as a board. Then a soft moan from both of us as it slid into a warm opening, the skunk laying over me. "MMmmmmmm Lover I.." A kiss shut me up. "Don't talk. Just fuck me." I looked into the green eyes, not quite believing I had heard the word I thought I had. Then my face was shoved between black- furred breasts and my skunkette started humping me as if this was her first time.. Or our last. It seemed like only seconds went by before she started squirming and pulled up, riding my hips, holding my wrists so I couldn't play with her sensitive nipples.

She rolled and heaved, body arching in orgasm... The she made that sobbing sound that almost made me lose my erection. I loved to bring my lover to that plateau, push her beyond it.. But Gods! The wail it brings from her tears at my heart. We both know she can't help it, and I refuse to let her bite on her fist like she used to do to muffle the cries. I grit my teeth and try to think about how Good she feels.. Then she wails again and flops on top of me, licking the salt tears from my cheek. She again complains how it takes forever to make me cum, and I half-jokingly reply maybe a muzzle with a dildo-gag might help. She pats my cheek lightly, then works on my dick with internal muscles that I swear could get me hard after I left this mortal shell.

"Ohhhh.. Don't do that." She grins, showing her canines and rolls her hips, pushing me out, pulling me in until I explode into her warmth, hearing a feral growl and feel teeth nip my ear. "About damn time.." Then I pass orgasm, into dark, sweet oblivion, feeling her wrap herself around me, listening to her breathe. I faintly hear, "Night Lover." then even that is a dreamed whisper as I sink into slumber, knowing full well I will be more tired when I wake because My lover has an appetite for both sex and semen, and I will be performing in my sleep for her.

The End