Vince and Rocky: Chapter 7

Story by Coraurus on SoFurry

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            Rocky sat quietl...


Rocky sat quietly in his room, dozing off. It had been a long day- His squadron leader was gone all day at some meeting, so the second-in-command, Captain Jay, took charge. He was a perfectionist, and made them drill the same course twenty-eight times before letting them eat lunch. Rocky's legs were sore and limp, and he lay back gently, beginning to fall asleep...


"Rock! Rocky! Wake up, wake up!" Vince shouted excitedly, running about the room and grabbing a suitcase out of the closet. He began frantically throwing uniforms and other clothes into it.

"What, what..." groaned Rocky exhaustedly. "The base had better be on fire or something, the amount of noise you're making." He rolled over onto his side, facing his roommate and watching him tiredly. "What the hell are you doing? You're making a mess." He got up and pulled the clothes out, folding them neatly and placing them back in the suitcase.

Vince hopped around excitedly, getting more clothes but folding them before putting them into the suitcase. "I got my first assignment! We're leaving tomorrow for Aurus! Can you believe it? No one's been there in ages! And I get to go with the Sky Riders and two other squadrons!" He hopped around excitedly, getting his toothbrush and tossing it into the suitcase.

Rocky stopped instantly, dropping a half-folded pair of boxers into the suitcase. "Wait- What? Leaving? F-for... Aurus? The base there? Are you being transferred?" His voice trailed off.

"No, no, silly! The KINGDOM! We're going on an assignment, a mission. My first one! I can't wait, It's going to be so exciting and I'm going to be one of the first to-"

"You're leaving...?" Squeaked Rocky. He felt his entire stomach turn, his heart sinking. Right when he was going to tell Vince how he felt, right when they could end up happily ever after, he's leaving? No! he thought. No! That's not fair! This can't be real, it can't be!

Vince suddenly got silent, seeing his roommate's point. "Y-yeah... I... Guess I am leaving..." He said quietly. "It doesn't mean we can't still be friends... I'm sure we'll have contact! And I'll be back before you know it!" He got quiet again, looking down.

I need to tell him. It's now or never. I don't know if I'll even see him again. Rocky told himself silently.

"Vince, I need to tell you something. Now. I've been waiting to tell you this a long time. Sit down next to me." He sat down on the bed, patting a spot next to him and looking at his roommate. Vince sat down, facing him. "I'm listening." He said firmly, looking into Rocky's eyes.

"Well..." began Rocky, "These past few months. I've really been thinking. A lot. About you and me... us. As friends. And well... I just think... well, what I'm trying to say is... I think I-"

Suddenly, he felt paws on his chin, pulling his head up, and lips against his. He blushed bright red, realizing what had happened. He kissed Vince passionately, pulling him close and holding him tightly.

"Wait... I'm... confused." said Rocky, breaking the kiss. "Did... did you just kiss me?"

Vince nodded gently, and then leaned in, kissing again, his eyes closed tightly and his cheeks bright red. This time, he broke the kiss. "I've been meaning to tell you for awhile... and... I hope it's ok. I just realized, just now, that I'm going away, and well... this was the only chance I'd get. Even if it's just a kiss. I need it. Is... is it ok? I know you're a guy and I'm a guy... but..."

"Y-yes! Yes! Its exactly what I was going to tell you!" Tears streamed down Rocky's face, his orange fur matting below his eyes. "But now you're leaving! What if I never see you again?"

Vince held his partner tightly, kissing his ears. "I'm SURE you'll see me again. Until then, we just both need to stay single.'" He chucked, and nibbled Rocky's ears. "I promise, we will never be apart."

"But... you're going on a mission... and I'll be stuck here!" cried Rocky.

Vince held tighter "Don't you worry, we'll-"

Suddenly, there was a loud knocking on the door. Vince rose to answer it. "Stay here, I'll be right back."

Vince opened the door to a Wolf dressed in a Green uniform. "Uhm, yes... I'm Night. I'm Private Rocky's Squadron leader. I just came to inform you, he is to be in the assembly hall at o-six-hundred hours tomorrow with all his gear. He is to be going on the assignment tomorrow with the Death Troopers. Make sure he is there, soldier". Night glared at Vince, then stalked off.

"Rocky!" Vince was jumping up and down again, like earlier. "Guess what?"

"What?" Rocky whimpered through tears. Vince continued jumping.


"For God's sake, Vince, just tell me!" He cried out.

Vince grinned slyly. "Looks like we wont be apart at all. The Death Troopers are going on assignment with the Sky Riders. Looks like you're stuck with me after all."

Rocky wiped his eyes slowly. "R-really? Well... that sounds like cause to celebrate!" He giggled.

Grinning slyly and blushing, Vince hopped onto the bed, tackling his partner and dragging him under the blankets while growling. "Then let's celebrate!"

Vince and Rocky: Chapter 6

SIX The conference hall was filling up. Slowly, the last twelve representatives walked in, in their full, differently-coloured uniforms; the Air Squadron captains wore burgundy, the Land-Based generals wore dark green, the Naval captains wore...

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Vince and Rocky: Chapter 5

FIVE It had been two weeks since the big party in Keff's building (which, in fact, got six people expelled, and got Keff put on probation), and Vince was actually passing his classes and his training, for once. His roommate was constantly keeping an...

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Vince and Rocky: Chapter 4

FOUR Vince flopped down onto his mattress and groaned. "Oh God, what a long day. I didn't think it would end." He looked around lazily at his room, illuminated by the harsh glow of the red lights above the door. Rocky jumped a bit, startled awake...

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