VigoRx - Ch1p3 - Control Group

Story by IJrge on SoFurry

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VigoRxChapter I - The Get TogetherPart 3 - Control GroupAt the Lab Parking LotBrett parks the van. As he strides flustered into to the building, his mind racing through all the fun he's likely missing, he fumbles some keys. Inside the first doors, he turns down the hall and fumbles for some more keys. He leans up against the lab door and aims the key for the lock. The door, already unlatched, swings open, causing him to stumble in.First greeting his eyes, there lays Bob in his desk chair, asleep in his middle-aged, grey balding, rounded gut glory sporting sleep wood that gives Brett an earnest blush. Brett freezes. A smile sneaks up his cheek. He quietly calls out for Jean.Stumbling up from the floor, Jean manages a dazed wave and, "Hi!"Brett's blush hardens. He whispers, "Why are you wearing a lab coat?""I normally wear these here," Jean responds matter-of-factly.Brett corrects himself, "I mean, why are you just wearing a lab coat?" Taking care to emphasize the 'just' part.Jean looks down at bare lower torso. "Oh. I got too hot, and they were just in the way anyhow."

 A moment's awkward staring is thankfully broken by a creak of metal from behind Brett. Curiously he turns to Bob, who is evidently enjoying quite the dream. Bob's pelvis is beginning to jut rhythmically. The chair, oddly seeming a little too small for the miniscule man, was beginning to creak and groan aggressively.Spinning around, Brett asks Jean with a wicked grin, "You guys tried a little of the drug, didn't you?"Jean eyes past Brett at Bob partly from mild concern, but mostly out of lewd curiosity. Bob's clothes cinch into the corner of his pits. The fabric between the buttons of his shirt begin to bow.Muttering, Jean responds, "Unintentionally, but that's only part of the problem."With a crack, the bolts of the left arm give, and Bob flops to the floor out of sight. Brett spins around chuckling. "Did he fall out of the chair in the middle of a wet dream? That's fantastic!"Jean mutters, "You haven't seen anything yet."There came the pop and clatter of buttons, the whine of a strained leather belt and shoes.

 "What's that?" Brett asks confused, both to Jean's remark and the sounds.Not fully there, Jean just manages a shrug at Brett, as Brett creeps closer to Bob. Jean's mind was more caught in the realization of his own short coming growth. He felt a twinge of excitement, and felt the sudden need to lean against a desk, as his two flaccid inches began to sway upwards to life with furious

euphoric abandon of that realization.Brett saw Bob's legs tremble out from around the table. The way the pants cuffs ride up the legs gave Brett the most unlikely impression that they were lengthening.Brett turns to Jean. "That's odd.." His voice trails. Jean was laying against a counter, an unnerving giddy smile crossing his face.A five and a half inch cock on his six foot three person always bothered Jean. Statistically he wasn't small, but proportionately he felt minuscule. He had the girth to make up for it, but that seemed hardly a consolation at times. With a body spasm throwing a spittle laden grunt, his cock hardens intensely.

 "Are you ok, Jean?" Brett asks, a bit unnerved by Jean's expression. Jean's only response is to struggle through trembling arms up off the desk, revealing a good thick eight inches, the tip glistening wet as a bead runs down its side. Brett hadn't expected that Jean was such a grower after being rather small show. Seeing the slight ripple of abs flex to the surface, as Jean straightens to stand, gives Brett some growth as well.Brett becomes aware of heavy breathing, more of a rumble as deep as it is. There is a groan, a bit too low to be someone he knew, and he turns to investigate. Along came sounds of tears and grunts. His turn culminates in a sight of something his mind can't quite process, and froze him still as it tries.BobA reflexive half-awake rub off had become a furious bear grip pounding. His once impressive prick keeps swelling to the contact, leaving him frantically trying to rub every bit of growth to a now immense monster cock. He spreads his legs to better bend his knees, just to piston his rod up into his hands with satisfying slaps, much to the awe and shock of Brett standing mouth agape at him. Bob felt his muscles yearning.  Every part of him pulses, and he triumphantly bucks his cock hard trying to fulfill every inch of need, leaning on the creaking desk as great leaps of precum jump from his tip like shot blasts when he hits it right.

 BrettBrett can hardly hear Bob's roars over his own mind rattling against its cranial cage, screaming to get out and run away. His lab's father figure, the sweet middle aged santa of a man, was double fisting a massive foot and some more of thick cock in his oddly immense paws and directly at him. Sweaty thick muscles and height were tearing through his friend's old appearance, leaving rags of lab coat and button shirt to fray and stick along the heaving creases of thickening sweat slick flesh. The kindly old sage had been just barely five feet high. The new beast, arms bobbing along its massive dick, contracting biceps into cantaloupes, was enjoying the feel of its balls resting on the cool smooth velum counter top at about six

and a quarter feet.BobHis hand furiously strokes the length, pulsing to a good fifteen inches. He bellows pleasure and arches back. A minor orgasm ripples along his inner thighs and sends several shots of precum rocketing, causing sputtering and some expletives somewhere above his downward fixated view.

 BrettBrett spits streams of precum off onto the floor. He pushes it down off his shirt, and tries to pull some from his brow without getting it into his eye. The stuff is warm, unusually so. A kind of warm that gets into the skin, making his forehead, mouth, chest and hands feel sensitive, pulsing. Feeling unusually heated, his heart beginning to thrum harder, his thoughts addle and jeans whine at the crotch.JeanJean stumbles backwards grunting, having a minor orgasm of his own. A splatter of clear sprays from him to hit the ceiling, raining down in great globules. He clings to a high counter, and braces as his body quakes. His pulse quickens, skin feels tight. His shoulders pop and sinews creak, the room seems to shrink around him ever so slightly. His body still trembles as his abdomen clenches and edges stubble across his previously smooth skin.Panting, his body sore but needing, he affixes his attention upon his nine inch roaring hard cock, loosing a gush of precum with a mean shiver of lust and pride. He wants to use it. His fingers smear slick around its over two and a half inches of diameter, from fiery pubic curls to pointed tip. He wants its engorging length fitted tightly inside someone and to hear gasps of admiration for it.

 BrettWith a huff of release and an audible pop, Brett manages to open his buckle, causing his zipper to dart open from pressure. He lets his pants fall, as his hand goes to unbutton one lower along his precum soaked and oddly tight shirt. He gasps and leans over, his body still pulsing in the most pleasant but peculiar way.A hand, large and strong, cups his back and turns to slip under his boxer briefs. The huge palm grips his whole cheek, fingers reaching to massage his inner leg. Brett turns to lustily gaze on its source, a tower of fiery hair a good head taller than himself. The wolfish scruff bearded countenance is familiar but different. Brett, uncontrollably pressing back into the palm, asks, "Jean?"JeanCoping with his new center of gravity as it shifts higher, Jean looks down his towering body to Brett. The most he can recognize of his own body is the familiar pale pallor of his skin, but that was all of him that seems to remain. His eyes roll down slopes of strong abdominal mounds and a rich wild red treasure trail to display his jutting heavy cock that is driving him to act like a

wild beast. Reticently he realizes he's losing himself.

 His hand turns, gripping elastic fabric. His other hand braces on Brett's back, and he tears Brett's ass free from the briefs without effort. Jean's eyes fixate in as his breath cuts shorter. His hands spread Brett's smooth kept cheeks apart. He steps forward, bringing the base of his shaft and his balls down the crease and gradually drags the slick hot length till the pointed head flares madly to Brett's hole. All he could feel was want, so he grabs the middle of his cock, aims it with pressure to enter, growling. He rubs the entrance, slowly loosening it to Brett's increasingly maddening groans. The head snaps past the sphincter, sending each into shudders. Jean grunts and bucks lightly, his cock flaring and twitching with leaps and gushes of precum erupting with his second amazing prerelease.BrettBrett feels heat pour into his backside, the head producing it flaring and digging deeper with each shot. The liquid, great surges overflowing down his inner thigh, fills him quickly and glides Jean's giant cock deeper in, plowing hot fluid into Brett's gut. All Brett has the presence to do is cry out in unexpected euphoria as his hole impossibly accommodates a solid nine and a half inches of nearly three inch wide shaft.

 BobBob's gaze is now firmly on his lab assistants, as firmly as his hand grips and flicks the end of his shaft. He lets a low groan empty his broad chest, as Jean leans Brent over a counter and starts to gently push to deeper towards his hilt. Bob takes determined strides, covering the room in mere few strides that would have taken him a dozen steps before. Lapping a tongue up through Jean's crack, he sends Jean into a head dropping moan instilled with such desire that Bob immediately raises his precum gushing slit to the quivering hole.BrettJean's voice leaps over Brett's shoulder. Brett recognizes it, along with the added pressure on his back, as the moan of someone just getting mounted. Another explosion of heat deep inside him, filling him with odd new sensations. His loins surge hard against their six inch extents, and his muscles bristle. The thumping of his heart feels sized more to for a horse. He can see veins dance along his forearms to its rhythm. The muscles are swollen, burning with that same heat, as if well worked and engorged from within. As his head falls down to draw breaths seemingly too large for his body, as his voice rumbles lower than he thought he could muster, his cock dribbles madly in leaps pulsing, stretching out towards his navel to do so.

 So tight, the strength pressing in hard fast thrusts on his back. Two voices behind him caught in a cacophony of wild fucking. Brett in a moment of clarity slides out from beneath Jean, disgorging for

what seems for forever. Brett slips to the floor panting on his elbows, while his cock sends his back arching wildly and squeezing out cries of ecstasy. He looses several hard bursts of clear precum, having all the sensation and force of the best release Brett ever had. He collapses to his back, light glistening across newly formed and spunked abdominals, also showing to his transfixed surprise a good new inch and a half onto the end of his proud cock still spitting lines of precum.BobBob drives what feels like a yard of his hard flesh into Jean's fiery red tufted hole. His hands held fast at Jean's hips, his obliques feeling like smooth stone. Bob pushes himself off, disgorging a good foot free from the maturing seven foot giant ahead of him, watching Jean's hole widen for his thicker tip. With wild abandon, he drags himself back in with a slap, the sphincter tightening to around his four inch wide base.

 JeanHe presses back against Bob's muscle gut, giving him the room to sate his yearning shaft. He feels the his length, but it takes him several hard pushes back against Bob's wild hips to see and believe the twelve inches in his palm. Twelve magnificent inches. A nice taper from base to tip. Head pointed like an arrow to ease its way into a deserving hole. Balls like oranges, wild red curls giving it almost that hue. BrettBrett marvels. The voices of deep gutteral pleasure shaking the room. The sounds of slapping and sliding wet muscle reverberating off the walls. Their bestial bodies and motions reflect and distorting through the beakers and glass rattling with the fury. Bob drives deep and holds there. His voice ascends almost to its original timbre. He bucks rapid deep thrusts into Jean. Jean gasps. He rolls his rear back against Bob's hips, murmuring a labored, "yeah." White frothy sperm leaks down Bob's shaft, rolls off his balls in long stringy dollops. Jean rears up, manages a last few flicks along the end of his shaft before it explodes. Shotgun blasts of sperm rocket across the room, knocking over microscopes, beakers and coating shelves. Again and again they let loose, until finally they slump against the counter and start to laugh.

 The scent hits Brett's nose. The cum, the crazed musk of it. His body heats to a fever pitch, yearning wildly. He manages a few writhes on the floor before his cock unloads across his chest, long hot lines from neck to navel over and over again. It slows dribbling to a stop, though his cock still turgid at a new best of eight inches. He manages to push through the haze of Euphoria and cries out, "What the fuck just happened?!"