Christmas Time Chapter 3: A Magic Night

Story by Madarao12 on SoFurry

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Iris smiles and kept giggling. "W-when did you get here!" Katsu yelled "Just in time before you two love birds kissed" she replied with a sly smirk. I stood there to stunned and suprised to move "I'll kill you!" Katsu yelled adn ran after Iris up the steps I heard crashing sounds and yelling until Katsu fnally came back down with a sigh. "She wants to talk to you...." he said sitting down in a chair "Uh sure ok I'll be right back". I ran up the steps she was leaning agaisnt the wall of the long narrow hallway which was painted green and had pictures of Katsu, Me, and His mom hung on the walls. "uh you w-wanted to talk to me?" I asked shyly. Iris smiled "Yep I do" she said "I'll make a deal with you if i can take pics of you two kissing and all that I won't tell your mom and dad about your little relationship with Katsu" she reached her paw out "Deal?" I sighed blushing heavily my face a deep red color "Fine" I said and shook her paw. I walked downstairs and Katsu was asleep on the chair his head resting on the kitchen table. I nudged him awake and told him what Iris's "deal" was. "She wants us to...." he trailed off and sighed "we;re basically porn stars now yay us" he said grumbling. "C'mon it won't be that bad" I said trying to be reassuring. As it turned out she took pics from hididng spots so we wouldnt notice her. Oh how great those days were full of love and romance. Unfortunatly my time there was cut short Katsu's grandmother called and wanted him and his mom to fly to florid to see her. He tried to say no and stay with me while his mom went but she said he has to go. It was the night before he had to leave Iris and his mom were already asleep and we were snuggled up in bed. "I don't wanna go tomorow!" he said with a sigh "Well ya kinda have to" "I know it sucks! Stupid grandma" he sighed again and looked down. I smiles a daring thought in my head "Well..... we have one last night before you go why not make it last?" I asked smiling. He blushed "Y-you mean?" he asked shyly "yeah" I said still blushinhg a bit. And not another word need to be said he smiled and pulled me ontop of him and locked us in a deep passionate kiss. I smiled blushing like crazy from the feeling of his kiss. My paws soon drifted down his back and to his panties. He blushed and broke the kiss as i slid his panties off of him, I smiled and began to kiss down his chest and down his well toned stomach. "Mmm Yuukan...." he said murring loudly I smiles as i reached his sheath and began to sniff at it. His musk was strong and his sheath was already bulging I gave the base of his sheath a shy lick and a soft moan escaped his throat. All the shyness dissapeared all I could focus on now was pleasing Katsu my mate, the love of my life. I giggles as i saw his whole length slide out of its sheath standing erect and proud. His musk was strong very strong it made my eyes a bit blurry and my cock had already found it's way out of my sheath. I took the tip of his cock into my muzzle slowly and gently sucking on it. His murrs turned into moans of pleasure as i took more and more of his length into my muzzle. I started to bob my head up and down on his cock licking his length as i went. He was panting heavily now between his moans pre-cum was alraedy shooting into my muzzle. I smiles swallowing the pre and quickened my pace the sound of his moans filled the air "I-I'm so close" he managed to say. I pulled back so the tip remained in my muzzle and i stroked the rest of his length and massaged his knot with my paws. He moaned loudly howling into the air as he fi fillled my muzzle with his seed I tried to swallow it all but some seeped out the sides of my muzzle and dripped onto his crotch. I pulled back and licked my muzzle clean before licking hte cum off his crotch. "Mmm that was amazing.." Katsu said still panting heavily. "Well we're just getting started" I said wiht a giggle his eyes looked down at my full erect cock which was out of my boxers now. He smiled and layed on his back rearing his butt up in the air. "Why dont i help you with that" he said with a giggle I smiled and rubbed his butt before slowly sliding a finger into his hole he murred loudly smiling as i slid another finger in loosening his hole. I positioned my member at his hole and smiled "R-ready?" I asked blushing. He gave me a nod to proceed and i began to prod his hole with the tip of my member. His hole felt so warm as I slid the tip in carefully then the rest of my length slowly. He winced in pain at first but after I started to push in and out slowly he was moaning in pleasure his hole felt so tight around me. I started to thrust into him faster pre coating his walls making them slick and easy to penetrate as my murrs were now loud moans of pleasure, He moaned louder gripping the sheets his own member throbbing as I went deeper into him thanks to the pre coating his hole. Katsu gasped as he felt my kn ot jus outside of his hole I wondered if he could fit my knot. I tried to stop for a second but i couldn't hold it back anymore I shoved my knot into him with one final hard thrust as i covered his insides with my seed. He howled out in pleasure as he released his load onto both of us. I collapsed onto him we were both panting heavily he smiled and licked my nose. "I love you so much" he said in a whisper "I love you too" I replied blushing and we waited for my knot to go down. When it finally went down enough for me to pull out of him I pulled out and some cum leaked out of his hole. I smiled, licked some of the cum of his hole and we layed down my head ontop of his chest and we fell asleep. It was truly the best Christmas ever.

(Welp Sorry if it sucks it's first time writing a sexy story XD)

Christmas Time Chapter 4

We woke early the next morning his mom was still asleep and we assumed Iris was too. Unfortunately for us she wasn't asleep as Katsu and I were about to get showered she walked in front of us a smile a innocent smile on her face but the look in her...

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Christmas Time Chapter 2: Gifts

I woke up early the next morning to find Katsu was still asleep I let out a sigh of relief and sat up on the bed. The clock read only 6:30 am and it was christmas eve day "Ah I cant wait!" I whispered to my self gigging. Katsu sneezed in his sleepand...

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Christmas Time

It was late at night about 11:30pm I closed my eyes and turned over on my pillow. But it was all useless I just couldnt sleep. My white tail stuck out of my of my blanket and my whtie fur was ruffed from tossing and turning in my bed. My name is...

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