Chapter 1: Down a Peg

Story by frozenthrone on SoFurry

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A vixen in her mid-twenties stumbled out of the club. Well past the point of being tipsy she unsteadily made her way back home. Belting out a jaunty tune as she walked along, she didn't pay attention to the fact that she was beginning to get lost, much less to the group of teenage furs that had begun to silently trail her. Pretty soon she made a turn into an unlit alley. Leaning up against a dumpster she took a moment to catch her breath. As the alcohol slowly worked its way out of her system she looked around to get her bearings. The only thing that she could really see from her vantage point was the half dead neon moniker of some sort of club. Pushing off the dumpster, she walked over to get a better look at the sign. The flickering of the letters made the name difficult for her to read in her hazy state, but she could just make out the letters with some effort. They read: D-I-R-T-Y-F-I-L-L-Y. The Dirty Filly. When the words finally registered in her mind, she froze. Eyes widening in panic, she quickly glanced about her. She realized that she had stumbled deep into the wrong part of town. There were plenty of places in the city where a vixen like herself could go missing without any questions being asked. Unfortunately for her, she was standing in the middle of one of them. The vixen had managed to walk right into the middle of Rough Back territory. Whipping out her cell phone she frantically dialed 911. All that she managed to get out were the words "Dirty Filly" before something hit her from behind and she knew no more.

The Rough Backs were a local gang that had recently rose in the underworld hierarchy through less than honorable means. Brutal fights had broken out all over town as the Rough Backs attacked other gangs. Eradicating those who stood in their way and accepting those who swore allegiance, the gang quickly caught the attention of authorities. Reining in the gang had become a top priority for the police. So it was no surprise that when they received the distress call came in, the police chief himself suited up with the rest of the officers. Sighing to no one in particular, Matt Harrington strapped on his side arm and checked to make sure everything was in place. He was a wolf in his early-forties but didn't look a day over thirty five. His body was the defined to an almost absurd extent. Long hours in the gym and rigorous police training had seen to that. He constantly exuded an aura of confidence and power that screamed alpha male. As the new police chief he tried to implement a stricter structure around the station to speed up response times. His ultimate goal was to crack down on the hooligans that plagued his city and make them accountable for their crimes. Having always been a man of action Matt Harrington liked to join his officers on the field rather than sitting in his office. The only problem was that it usually meant he'd get back late and miss spending time with his family. On the bright side of things, this was his last night working before he got to take his two weeks of vacation. He tried to hold onto that thought as got into his vehicle and drove into the night.

Logan was having the time of his life. He was young. He was virile. He was thrusting his dog-hood into the unconscious bitch under him. His initiation into the Rough Backs was going off without a hitch. The vixen hadn't even put up much of a fight. He and his friends had simply followed her as she left that club a few blocks back. She had made things all too easy, even walked down the alley they were planning to drag her into. It was as if she wanted them to get her. Either way, her folds were doing wonders for him. He felt himself getting close when suddenly he heard a whistle from down the alley. A few moments later a lanky tabby jogged into view shouting, "It's the cops. Gotta high tail it outta here unless we wanna hit the slammer!" The rest of the gang quickly scattered as the sounds of police sirens approached. Hissing in frustration Logan pulled on his jeans and sprinted off a ways before ducking behind a dumpster. Sitting in the shadows he watched as the officers did a quick search of the area before carting the vixen into an ambulance. His anger reached new heights when he spotted his adoptive father, Police Chief Harrington, directing the officers to barricade off the area. The Dirty Filly wouldn't be usable for the next few months, at least, unless one didn't mind getting hit by a sting operation. The cops were going to pay for ruining his night. They were all going to pay, but first he had to take care of their leader. He couldn't do it alone, but had the perfect person in mind. Logan pulled out his phone and sent a text message before quietly getting up and walking home. Just thinking about what was to come brought a wicked smile to Logan's lips and a stirring in his sheath.

The bar scene had never really been his thing. Breaker always preferred the thrill of the underground fight clubs to gyrating and twirling of bodies he was seeing now. Nursing a scotch he chuckled to himself as he watched a bull and stallion fight over an effeminate looking fox. His tail swaying in boredom the cougar took another sip of his drink. He wasn't really a fighter for hire, but rather a dominator if it were. He didn't break bones. Their will. Their spirits. When he was done with someone, they were never the same again. Recently he had done some work for the Rough Backs. Amateurs really, but they gave him a steady supply of people to practice on, so he couldn't really complain. The steady flow of cash insured that he'd never have to find a real job. Breaker was about to join in the dispute over the fox when his cell sprang to life. Reading the message he grinned in anticipation. He was already out the door when he sent his reply, "Be there in a few".

Logan was clearing the table when the doorbell rang. He quickly rushed over to answer it, on the other side stood Breaker, the gang's enforcer. Waving him in Logan announced to his mother that his friend had arrived before signaling for Breaker to follow him to his room. Logan closed his door before turning to face Breaker.

"So I want him broken. Destroyed. I want him to beg to be taken by a real male." Logan growled. "When you're done with him, I want him begging to be anyone's bitch that will take him."

Breaker stared for a moment in thought before replying, "Sounds easy enough. Five grand is the price. No negotiations."

"And you can guarantee he'll never go back?"

"Guaranteed. No one has ever pulled it back together. No one ever will."

"Good. Here's your money."

Logan walked over to his night stand and rifled through one of the drawers before pulling out the wad of money. Handing it over he asked, "I'll be watching for the signal then?"

"You'll know when the time's right." Breaker smirked back before heading down stairs in search of Mrs. Harrington.

Matt Harrington pulled into his driveway and shut off his headlights. He was late yet again, but could at least know that his wife and kids were waiting for him. A plate of food would be ready for him in the refrigerator, waiting to be heated up. As he walked through the front door, he immediately sensed something was wrong. The dining room seemed to have been in the process of being cleaned and most of the leftovers were still lying on the counter. Moving up the stairs he could see that Logan's room was dark, so he figured Logan was probably asleep. As he reached the top of stairs he could hear the unmistakable pants and yips of his wife, Lily. "She wolfess must have gotten herself too aroused to wait for me", he thought. He stripped off his uniform in the hall and began to creep over to the door. Matt was sporting a raging erection by the time he reached the door. Throwing it open his smirk quickly changed to a look of complete shock. His wife was sprawled out on his bed gasping in ecstasy as an unknown cougar was pounding away at her. Matt stood for a moment watching as the cougar made his wife scream like a bitch in heat. The sheets were already soaked in sweat and other fluids, testifying to the fact that they hadn't just started. More disconcerting still, this cougar seemed to be able to bring Lily to climax with seemingly effortless ease. He didn't even have a drop of sweat on him as he thrust his length into her. The two didn't seem to have noticed his entrance as they continued their coupling. Matt snapped out of his reverie when the cougar addressed him.

"About time you showed up. Was beginning to wonder if you'd ever come home. She's about to have her tenth orgasm in case you're wondering." Breaker said matter of factly. He didn't even bother to look over his shoulder at the wolf. As if on cue Lily let out a howl as her body tensed up in orgasm. The cougar's thrusts immediately took on a much more wet character. Lily began to let out yips as she was masterfully shoved towards orgasm again. Dead to everything in the world except for Breaker's blessed length Lily lay with her tongue lolling out of the side of her mouth as she readied for another climax.

Finally gathering his wits, Matt charged the cougar, meaning to knock him off his wife. Without missing a single trust Breaker reached under the covers with his tail and flicked a dart at the wolf. Matt didn't even make it halfway to the bed. Fast acting muscle relaxants coursed through his body and he crumpled. From his new vantage point all he could see was the cougar's tawny ass as he pleasured Lily. Growling in impotent rage Matt willed his body to move, but to no avail. No longer the master of his own body, the alpha wolf is forced to watch as his wife is violated. To make matters worse for the wolf, the Breaker roughly threw Lily into a new position, with the eager wolfess on top. Matt's eyes bulged as he saw the cougar's length up close for the first time. Eleven inches of cougar cock pumped into his wife, causing her stomach to distend in a way that his own six inches could only hope to achieve. Breaker and Lily continued their mating for some time, occasionally changing positions, before Breaker finally finished. His potent orbs drew up against his body and he let out a roar that everyone in the neighborhood could probably hear. Globs of cougar cream jetted into Lily's womb before they slowly oozed out between her lips. Pulling his cock out of the wolfess Breaker admired his handy work. Lily's cunt never really closed as fluids dribbled onto the sheets.

Leaving the wolfess to recover, Breaker walked over to the still immobile wolf. Matt growled as the cougar approached, but could do little else. Smirking, Breaker picked up the larger wolf by the scruff and wiped his cock across Matt's face leaving a smear of silvery cum and pre across the black fur before dropping him again. He then strolled over into the bathroom and took a shower as Matt slowly began to regain motor function. By the time Breaker returned to the bedroom the wolf had just managed to get unsteadily onto his knees. "Excellent! You're ready for some fun!" the cougar exclaims as he picked Matt up and roughly tossed the wolf onto the bed. Pressing Matt's head into his wife's ravaged cunt, he says, "Come on now wolfy, lick out all that seed. Wouldn't want Lily to get pregnant now do we? After all, what would the neighbors think? What would your officers think? How could they respect someone who couldn't even satisfy their own wife?" At first Officer Harrington resisted. He would not let this upstart get the better of him. He would not let him win. He would not submit. Every time that Matt tried to get away Breaker just pressed him down harder. From his position the musk was over powering. All that Matt could smell was the cougar's scent. It permeated the air and made it hard for him to think. Eventually he caved and reluctantly stuck his tongue out. "That's a good boy!" Breaker crowed before roughly shoving the wolf's muzzle deep into his wife's folds giving him a mouth full of seed. The sudden taste of cougar semen made him want to gag. Matt whimpered as cum squirted out and coated the front of his muzzle, some of it even splashing onto the sides of his face before slowly dribbling down towards his chin. The wolf's ears lay flat against his head in humiliation. Here he was, the alpha wolf lapping up some stranger's cum, in his own house no less. Matt didn't think things could get any worse. He just needed to hold out until his full strength came back, and then he'd rip this intruder to shreds. Until then, there was little he could do but play along. As he cleaned his wife, he suddenly felt his tail yanked up and hole examined. The wolf blushed when he suddenly realized that Breaker was no longer holding his head down, and that he was lapping another male's seed on his own accord.

Before he could think much of it a digit was roughly shoved into his hole causing him to let out a muffled yelp, which quickly turned into a gurgle as more cum spilled into his mouth. Wiggling his digit experimentally Breaker grinned as Matt's ring clenched in discomfort. The wolf was tighter than anyone he's seen. It was going to be fun to break him. Spitting on his hand Breaker applied some saliva to his cock before spearing the entire length in. Officer Harrington quickly lurched forwards as a searing pain ripped through his lower half. Tears welled in the proud wolf's eyes as he was roughly taken for the first time. Matt winced every time that Breaker pulled back as the barbs on the feline's cock rasped against his prostate. Against his will his wolfhood slowly crept from its sheath. The cougar was the first to notice as he laughed derisively, "Aww look! Little woofie likes to play!" causing Matt to hang his head in shame. Never would he have thought he'd get pleasure from another man, much less from one half his age. Meanwhile Lily had woken up from her sex induced slumber just in time to see her husband being taken from behind. Giggling to she said, "I'll leave you boys to your fun. I'm going to be downstairs if you all need me." Matt watched in horror as wife simply acknowledged the fact that he was being raped, and walked off. As far as she knew, he had arranged all of this.

Matt didn't have much time to contemplate his wife's departure for he felt a familiar urge rise within his loins. He frantically tried to resist the urge but Breaker's experienced thrusts soon had him spurting his load over the sheets. Officer Harrington was simply reduced to mewling in pleasure as his gland was repeatedly speared and abused by the cougar's length. Eventually he even pressed back against Breaker's thrusts. His strength had fully returned, but he was too lost in pleasure to care. All that mattered now was bringing his alpha to climax. He desperately clenched his anal ring in an attempt to bring the cat more pleasure. Matt was rewarded by a pat on the head as Breaker drew closer to climax. With a deep thrust the cougar dumped his load into the long defeated wolf. As he felt warm cum rush inside him, Matt was sent over the edge a second time, leaving a pathetic puddle of semen on the sheets. When Breaker pulled out, all Matt could do was whine at the sudden emptiness. Yanking the wolf over by the ear, the cougar growled, "Clean your master's length bitch. I haven't got all day." This time, Matt jumped on the length and lapped it without hesitation. His tongue exploring the length from glans to sheath making sure that it was spotless. Satisfied, Breaker grab's Matt's muzzle and stares into his eyes. Where confident determination once was, a whipped and broken spirit lay. "Oh, one last thing. Your new role in this world is to serve real men. You're nothing. You're an omega. You're a bitch." Every word hit Matt like a blow. He shrunk up into himself and tried to curl into a ball, trying to escape the verbal barrage. "Remember my scent. Remember that I'm the one that made you this way." With that breaker let loose a stream of acrid urine into Matt's nose and muzzle. The pungent liquid rushing through the wolf's sensitive sinuses and scent bulb, seeping deep into his fur forever marking him as another male's bitch.

From the doorway Logan watched on in amusement. His overbearing adoptive father was taking it up the ass like a pro. The mastiff was amazed at how easily the wolf was molded into the perfect bitch from an impossibly confident alpha. Logan could barely keep himself from pawing off at the scene. He absorbed every image, every word, and every action into his mind for later use. Having finished Breaker simply got up, put his clothes on, and walked over to Logan. "He's all yours." The cougar said with that same self-confident smirk, before walking down stairs. He had made it halfway down he heard,

"Logan? Thank god! Something terrible has happened. There's a ... Logan? What are you doing? Lo........" the rest of what Officer Matt had to say was stifled as something long and hard made it rather difficult to speak. The muffled protests coming from the bedroom quickly turned into enthusiastic slurps. Congratulating himself for a job well done Breaker made the rest of his way down stairs to search for Lily. As he was passing the living room window he watched as a car pulled up the driveway and a rather buff black wolf stepped out. Logan's brother, Dylan, was a splitting image of his father. Breaker thought to himself as he watched Dylan unpack his car, "I guess Logan can have this one, on the house." A wide smile plastered itself on the cat's face as he started planning how he'd make this one submit.