Twists and turns of fate and fur -Part 3-

Story by Brodec on SoFurry

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-=Part Three=-

Everything gets a little hard to remember after that. I was shivering and bucking, so deeply and fully bread, so very full. I could feel my tummy, swollen and round as I slid one paw over it; my tail twitched helplessly off to one side. I could feel his pulse in that throbbing, twitching cock. How long I was there I haven't an idea, my world was nothing but waiting for the next squirt of seed to rush into my over-filled body, pumped into my womb because there wasn't room for another drop in my knotted, stuffed cunt.

His huge balls twitched against my thighs, each twitch followed almost at once by the pressure growing inside, another jet of seed splashing against my cervix. His tail was thumping loudly as it wagged from side to side, slapping my ass and back now and then. I was cold, stripped bare and now sweating heavily, I was freezing without the heat of him above me. My mind was spinning, trying to make sense of everything, it wasn't adding up. The throbbing pain in the back of my head and between my thighs kept my mind mostly far away from trying to figure out what was going in.

I hung suspended from a perhaps three hundred pound wolf. Not a male anthro wolf, the kind I daydreamed about now and then. I was hanging suspended from my first lover, as he stood on all fours behind me, panting like a dog because he was one. I was ashamed and scared, confused and in a lot of pain. I couldn't stop moaning, no matter how much I hated myself for it, his knot felt too good inside me.

Perhaps twenty minutes later I fell to the stone. A loud, lewd pop, followed by a wet slurp echoed in the cave, and my knees fell to the stone, followed by the rest of my rear end. I could feel his cum pouring from my, in sticky white rivers down my thighs, bubbling and squirting out of my stretched snatch. I whimpered but couldn't find the strength to reach down and rub my sore and abused sex, I just lay there as the pool of sticky animal spunk collected around my waist, pushed out of me by the deep clenching I couldn't seem to stop deep inside of myself, as my hips bucked against my will.

Sleep took me again then I think, if not I lay there for hours. I did not dream, but when my eyes fluttered open and I sat up with a start, once again confused and dazed and lost, the pain in my head was mostly gone; even if my cunny stung as I moved, swollen from that huge knot bashing against it. The air had changed in the cave, and I heard the sound of birds from somewhere, far away.

I was still laying in a pool of wolf jizz, having rolled around in it in my sleep, I was liberally coated in his musky mess, and felt utterly disgusted by the sight of the now most-dry cum on my fur. I tried to stand, and this time my head only throbbed horribly. The world swam for a moment as the pain flared, but then I was alright, standing with one arm on the wall for support. My knees were week, and I was still cold, and naked.

The moment I stood I heard him coming. Not the wolf. I knew the sound, boots on a stone floor. I wished I had something to cover myself, but all I could do was stand there naked and coated and dog jizz, head throbbing, and wait to meet whoever brought me here.

When he came around the courner my heart stopped. Yes, there was a man standing in front of me, but he was not in boots. His hooves had been clicking on the stone floor as he walked. My eyes darted over him quickly. He was a goat, an anthro like myself. He looked to be perhaps thirty, with jet black fur and shining green eyes. He was dressed far too well to be living in a cave, a perfectly tailored silk suit hinting at wealth, the fabric a dark purple, almost black, a white tie at his throat.

"Goodmorning Miss, I trust you found our accommodations to your liking?" He said, his lips turning up in a teasing smile.

I felt my cheeks burning with blush, and covered myself with my arms, for what little good covering one's breasts with an arm dripping dog cum really does. I stammered for something to say, and finally settled on, "Who the hell are you and why am I here?"

"Calm, calm. I know this must all seem scary to you, I heard you moaning so I know you enjoyed yourself, but I know you didn't come willingly. Please, forgive my playful and teasing ways, follow me Miss."

"I will not follow you anywhere! Where am I? And my name is..."

"No names here!" He almost shouted, my voice losing its fire at once and drifting off at once, "If you would please, follow, me." He said, turning and walking away, around the curve in the bend. Shortly after he left sight, just before I decided to follow, I heard a loud howl in the cave behind me, "You better hurry, he is horny."

I gave in at that, and headed down the cave after him. I was shivering and sore, leaving footprints made of, as well as drops of, cum all down the cave. Wincing with every other step, I was afraid to even look at my abused cunny, sure I was bruised and swollen. That knot had felt unbelievable when it was beating against my sensitive lips and throbbing clit, but I was beaten black and blue now.

He paused at the first fork in the cave, and waited for me, "Have you heard about the string of murders in your home town?" He asked calmly, almost conversationally, when I drew close. As he started to speak, he also headed off down the left hand path.

"O... Of course I have. Everybody has..." She was confused. Somebody was going around the town, raping and killing young women, four had been found so far. However, they were killed with a knife and raped in the back seats of their own cars... no giant wolves involved.

"He was about three hundred yards further down that trail from you." He turned, and smiled at me, "You were about to stumble onto his camp in the woods. He would have taken your virginity, and kept you alive for days, until you finally died when he had played out all his horrible sexual fantasies..."

I was horrified. Why would he say that? How could he know. I stopped and swayed, putting a hand out against the wall, "W... What the hell... your full of shit. If you know that, why didn't you call the fucking cops?!" I tried to shout, but everything hurt and shouting was beyond me, my voice more of an annoyed whimper.

He sighed and shook his head, "I'll tell you soon, please, follow me." He started walking again, and as soon as I started following he started talking, "Look, what you need to remember right now is, you would have died. Not only that, but you would have suffered much more horribly than you did last night."

"M... My mom, my dad, where are they? You let them know you have me right?"

Shaking his head, he looked back at me, "That will come clear in time... This isn't... this place isn't the world your used to." He would say nothing after that. He kept walking, and I kept following, but he wouldn't speak another word to me.

Within half an hour, and only after more twists and turns and splits than I could hope to remember, we came to a door. It was a humble little door, set into the stone wall. He pushed it open, the little door lacking even a latch. He took a step inside and gestured back at me, "Please, come in. Welcome to your afterlife, or your next life, or whatever you choose to see it as. I know your going to have a lot of questions. First, come inside, I will help you get cleaned up, and then we can talk."