Far From Home Vol. 1

Story by Kyo Mizuki on SoFurry

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So while I was livestreaming I had an idea. I decided to start a story and let my viewers choose what happened throughout it. It ended up being a lot of fun so I'll be doing it again. If you want to get involved just watch me on FA and keep an eye out for my next stream. So here's the story we created.

The female eagle rolled out of her bed and glared at the bright sunlight streaming in through her window. She rubbed her eyes and yawned. She was up now, there was no avoiding that. She needed to go outside and water the plants...or she could avoid that tiresome chore and grab a book to read.

Fuck the plants. It'll rain sometime, right? She grabbed a book off the shelf her mother kept and flipped partway through it. She noticed some scribbles in the margin of one of the pages. After twenty years of being around her mother you'd think she'd know better than to read her dusty old books; but that wouldn't stop her. She spoke the phrase out loud.

Suddenly the bookshelf burst into flames! The fire quickly spread through the surrounding wood and as she stumbled back, the book falling from her hands, a portal opened and she fell through. She grunted in pain as she fell backwards onto hard soil. She looked around to get her bearings. There were no buildings in sight. She was in a clearing in a forest.

She spread her wings to fly over the forest only for a sharp pain to shoot through her shoulder and down her spine. She must've broken her arm in the fall. It looked like flying wouldn't be an option but at the very least she could get her bearings. Using her surroundings for guidance she was able to figure out her directions.

She decided to head North for the time being. The forest seemed thinner that way. As she walked through the forest she swore she heard something. Twigs cracked, leafs ruffled, every step she took she could feel something take it with her.

She calmed her nerves with a shiver. Partly because of the fear and partly because she didn't put on clothes before going through her mother's things. She came to a clearing. After making it to the other side of the small field she took a look behind her.

A flash of green just out of the corner of her eye. It darted back into the forest before she could clearly make it out. If she didn't know the species had died out a long time ago she would've said it was a goblin. That was impossible though.

She continued on her way north. She found it harder to keep calm now. Whatever it was in that clearing had let her know she wasn't alone. Wait, she'd seen that tree before.

"Fuck..." She muttered under her breath. She'd never had the best sense of direction. Especially for an eagle. On top of that the sun was going down. She found a nice area to lay down in and did her best to make a shelter. Her mind was foggy from the constant pain in her arm. She knew some healing magic but couldn't quite pull the words to her beak.

She muttered what she thought were the right words. Though she couldn't quite make the hand motions for it. It got the job done. She tried moving the arm some. It still hurt like a thousand knives but she could at least use the arm. She still wouldn't be able to fly without blacking out. A large cat sprinted out of the forest at her. She managed to dodge his initial attack and jumped back. He snarled at her from a distance.

He lunged at her again. She just barely managed to dogde a second time. He managed to rip a gash down her back as he passed. She cried out in agony as the blood gushed out and pooled around her feet.

"Stop!" An unfamiliar voice cried out of the forest. Out stepped a female panther. "Can you not tell she isn't from here, brother?" The male growled a last time but disappeared back into the forest all the same.

The dizziness was taking over the poor eagle and before the female panther could step closer to her the eagle crumpled to the ground. When she woke up she was being bandaged by the panthress from the forest. The wound on her back had been cleaned and bandaged.

"Where am I?" the eagles voice was rough. The panthress handed her water which she gulped down eagerly.

It was too late to notice the panthress' grin when she was done drinking. Her body had already begun to change. Her beak cracked and reformed into a broad feline muzzle. Her beautiful wings pulled into her body and vanished. The feathers fell from her body as sleek black fur took their place. She shivered as she changed. As much as she was terrified she was aroused. She couldn't help hitting an orgasm from the change. It happened just as her breasts began to swell to their new size. Soon she looked like just another busty panther. The only thing that hinted at what she used to be was hidden in her eagle-like eyes. She panted as she looked back at the panthress.

"Why...why did you do this to me? Who are you?!" She tried to get out of the bed but her body wasn't quite ready to respond to commands yet.

"My name is Siras, and I made you a member of my tribe. What are you called?" She stood up and it was apparent just how tall she was. She stood at seven or eight feet easily

"I'm Kirama". She felt compelled to answer. She didn't know why. What had they done to her? Siras helped her out of bed. Kirama realized that she was only a few inches shorter than Siras now, whereas before it would've been a couple of feet.

"Well, Kirama, now we need to finish your initiation. Come with me." Kirama did as Siras asked. She tried to resist but couldn't help herself. Siras had some kind of control over her. Siras led her through their camp, which seemed to be located in the heart of the forest, to a hut. Inside was a beautiful bedroom. The panther that had attacked her in the forest was there too, standing next to the bed with a grin. He was as tall as his sister.

"W-what's going on?" Kirama asked with a hint of fear.

"Simple, we're going to fuck". He answered almost hatefully. Siras had left the room. A spark of hope lit up in Kirama's chest. Maybe she didn't have to listen to the brother.

"Get in the bed". He said commandingly. Her legs moved of the own accord.

No..No! I don't want...no... The thought's died out as she realized she did want it. Her body was still worked up from the change and if the bulge in his thong was any hint he was quite a fuck.

He got on top of her. With a flick of his wrist he threw the thong in her face. She inhaled his scent only half-willingly. It did the trick, she was wet in a heartbeat. He just grinned.

"My my, what a slut you are." He chuckled at her. He wasted no time in shoving into her. He wasn't gentle either. He roughly pounded into her, stretching her to her limit. She had been right about his endowment. It wasn't long before he pulled out and sprayed his cum all over her tits. She panted, thinking they were done. He just grinned letting her know that this was far from over.

Hours went by of his hard fucking. Eventually it began to feel pleasurable, she even hit an orgasm a couple of times. His, on the other hand, were countless. By the time he was done with her there wasn't an inch of her body that was free of his seed.

Secretly she vowed to get revenge on him and his twisted sister for doing this to her. She spent the next week, forcibly doing everything the two asked of her. Until one night, the male came to her in the room they kept her locked in. She spat at him when he entered.

"What? Here to fuck me again?! Well, what are you waiting for?" She snarled.

"If I didn't know better I'd say you were eager." He tossed her a key. "Once I leave wait five minutes and run away. Get as far from her as possible and do everything you can to never find my sister again." Kirama blinked at him, confused by his sudden compassion.

She did as he said, not like she had a choice. After five minutes she unlocked her door and ran towards the camp. Guards were around the edge. There was no way she could make it past them. She thought fast. She grabbed a torch and hurled it at a hut. It went up in flames before she could count to three. She grinned in wicked satisfaction. She'd picked the biggest hut as her target. As she ran into the dark forest ahead the screams of the village that had changed her followed her into the night.

End of Volume 1 of Far From Home Thanks for playing!

Just Another Day at the Base

Done as a free request during a livestream. Want one of your own? Watch me on FA [http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kyomizuki/](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kyomizuki/) and keep an eye out for my next livestream. Don't want to compete? Commissions are...

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I am Here

Hope you enjoy this! I'm open for commissions and I'll probably start doing livestreams of my writing soon as well. You can find me on furaffinity under: [http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kyomizuki/](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kyomizuki/) The...

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That Night

Hope you enjoy!!! Synjer belongs to [http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kaze-the-fox](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kaze-the-fox) and is my mate. Also, Synjer is a great artist and takes commissions (Yes I'm shameless) Kyo, of course, belongs to...

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