A brother's love Ch. 7 THE FINALE

Story by Timelord216 on SoFurry

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A Brother's Love Chapter 7

"The Wedding"

Davis Hanes, Daisy Carmichael, Jamie Drake, and Marty Drake are all © me. Tardis is © BBC Paradise and Coldplay is © Coldplay

Warning: this story contains a scene of extreme sexual content. Readers will be held accountable for there own...Aw hell! ENJOY!

It had been months since the family job on Daisy's house. A lot has happened, so let me fill you in. Daisy and Davis are dating now, and still hang out with us. In fact they are trying to have a baby. Jamie's band "Beneath the Shadows" has become a state phenomenon. They're getting calls all the time to play gigs all over. But that's not the biggest thing.

Jamie and I are getting married soon.

Months ago, I made a promise to him to marry him in the spring, and now that spring is here, I'm doubting myself. I don't know if I'll make a good husband, but I won't let that stop me.

"MARTY! HURRY UP! We'll be late for the rehearsal." Jamie called.

I threw a few clothes on, and rushed to the taxi. On our way to the courthouse, jamie kept asking me where we should honeymoon. I kept saying we'd decide when the wedding was done and over with. My thoughts kept drifting to whether I'd fail or not. As a brother, I've lived up to the standard I set for myself. As a lover, Jamie made sure I knew every night that I was doing my job. But was I worthy enough?

"Honey? HON!" Jamie said.

"Huh? Sorry hon. I was lost in my head again." I said.

" I was thinking we could go to Venice. What do you think?" Jamie said, touching my leg and smiling.

"Anything for you my love." I said. Then we kissed.

"You really don't care where we go do you?" Jamie said, pouting a bit.

"Not really. When I'm with you, I don't mind being anywhere." I smiled. Then we kissed again. Only we didn't stop. The whole way to the courthouse he and I made out. The taxi driver watched from the rear-view mirror and almost wrecked us twice. When we arrived at the courthouse, he hit a road sign. Both Jamie and I laughed as we paid him and got out for our wedding rehearsal. Davis and Daisy were waiting inside for us.

"Hey guys!" Daisy said in her blue dress.

"Sup bitches" Davis joked.

"Sup mama's boy." Jamie said.

"You guy's ready?" I said.

"Let's get this show on the road." Davis said.

The inside of the courthouse was buzzing with lawyers going back and forth. A couple of them bumped into us.

"Must be a busy day." Daisy said.

"Somebody must have screwed with the wrong officer." Davis said.

"Ah here we are!" I said.

We entered the judges office, and judge Martin was waiting for us.

"Hello boys, how goes it?" Martin said.

"Fine Judge. Let's do this." Jamie said.

"Okay boys, now listen. This is only a rehearsal, and I'm gonna be standing in for the priest, since he refused to do your wedding. The real service will be held at Miss Carmichael's house, yes?"

"Yes it will judge." I said.

"Good." Judge Martin said. "Now to start with, which of you will be standing at the alter first?"

"Marty will." Jamie said, placing his head on my shoulder.

"Okay. Jamie take your place by the door." Martin said.

Jamie walked to the door and stood in his place.

"Okay. I say my beginning speech, about the love one has for another. Then I say would you step forward." He said then motioned Jamie forward. Jamie stepped forward and took his place next to mine.

"Okay. Now what?" I said.

"Then I ask, 'will you take Marty to be your husband.'" Martin started

"I DO!" Jamie said loudly."

I Giggled a bit as he turned red. He apologized.

"Heh then I ask Marty the same question." Martin said.

" To which I reply, I DO!" I said loudly to tease Jamie. He hit my shoulder, which made me laugh.

"And then I say I now pronounce you married." The judge said. "Then you two can uh...kiss."

With that, Jamie and I smiled at one another and Kissed.

"Easy you two! Save it for the wedding." Daisy said.

"Sorry. Got carried away." I said.

"It's getting late. Why don't we call it a day?" Davis said.

Jamie and I hailed another taxi and said our goodbyes until the wedding two days later. Jamie and I sat in the back of the taxi and made out again on the way home.

"Babe?" Jamie said.

"What is it honey?" I said.

"Something's wrong with you, I can tell. Now spill it." He said, sitting on me.

"It's nothing. Really, its okay." I said.

He licked my muzzle and got nose to nose with me, as he often did when he wanted something.

"You're having doubts about the wedding aren't you?" He said.

"Only about myself. Have I been good to you, Jamie?" I said, stuttering.

"I...I can't believe you would even say a thing like that. Of course you've been good to me! As a brother and as a lover!" Jamie said, raising his voice a little.

"I feel I'm not doing enough for you. I feel I'm failing somehow..." I said, turning my head.

"You'll make a great husband to me. Damn it! I hate it when you keep shit like this from me!!!!" Jamie said with anger.

"I...I'm sorry Jamie. I don't think I'm any good." I said, starting to cry.

"I love you! Don't you love me?!" Jamie said.

"Of course I do, but-" was all I got out.

"Then that's all we need. Love is the only thing we'll ever need. I'll show you when we get home." Jamie said.

The whole way home, I cried in his arms and never said a word. I hated it when he yelled, but then it was my fault he did. He was all I wanted, there was no doubt in my mind about that. My heart still hurt; the fear of not being what he needed me to be still existed. Now, however, I felt no fear. Something about him holding me made everything go away. The taxi pulled up to Jamie and I's house, and as we got out the driver wished us a happy wedding. Sweet of her.

When me and Jamie entered the house, he shoved me against the wall and kissed me hard. He slammed the door shut and closed the blinds so nobody could see, then yanked me by my jeans to our couch. His lips crept their way to my neck, and he bit me harder than he ever has.

"AAH! OW! Not so hard!" I yelped.

"Oh shut up and take it like a man." He giggled.

As he gnawed on my neck, I loosened my pants and lifted him to a seated position in my lap.

"Mmm...already hard, my love?" Jamie cooed. "I can feel your cock teasing my hole."

"Am I really good enough for you?" I said.

"Yes. Now suck my dick. I've been aching for your mouth since the rehearsal." He said slyly.

I undid his pants and his delicious cock was underneath his thong, waiting for me. Little devil was wearing his Tardis thong. He know that it drives me up the wall. I took a breath and dove down on his dick as deep into my throat as it would go. My eyes blinked and rolled back as I became intoxicated once again by him.

"AH! Fuck yeah Marty." Jamie howled. "Aw yeah, suck it harder!"

"Heh, I love it when you get dominant." I pulled back to say, then he forced me back onto him.

He reached over my head and grabbed my tail, then started tugging on it. The harder I sucked, the harder he tugged.

"Unh...aah....I'm gonna cum..." Jamie growled.

"Dooit" I managed to gurgle.

"AHHHH FUCK!" He roared.

When he came, he yanked on my tail so hard I almost bit down on his cock. Don't get me wrong, it hurt, but I always felt a sense of exhilaration when he did it to me. His salty cum filled my mouth and dribbled over my lips and down my chin. I caught the drippings and slurped them up too, after Jamie let go of my tail.

"*slurp* Mmm....good as always honey " I purred, swishing my aching tail.

"On your back. NOW!" Jamie commanded.

I rolled over and obeyed. From time to time, he gets real dominant. I always loved to be shown who's the real master in this relationship.

"God your cock smells so good." Jamie growled, fully stripping me and him of clothes.

"Take it. It's all yours." I begged.

He slathered spit on two fingers and slammed them inside me.

"OH JESUS!" I roared in pain and pleasure.

Without waiting for me to adjust to what had been shoved into and was now stretching my ass, he started fingering my ass harder and harder and wiggling his fingers inside me, while he sucked on my dick.

"NGH...Ahh...oh god it hurts so good!!!!" I cried.

His nails clawed my chest lightly and I went limp. I was in such a state of euphoria, I could hardly stand it. I let him do whatever he wished with my body. I just wanted more. Then I felt it. He snuck his dick inside me while I moaning and clawing the floor. With a twinge of pain, he shoved his dick, and his knot, hard inside me.

"GODDAMMIT!" Jamie roared.

I said nothing, since I couldn't breathe. His dick felt so good I pushed him back and begged him to let me ride him. He nodded and pulled me on top of him. I shuddered with enormous pleasure as his dick pushed against the walls of my ass to shove deeper into me.

"Aaahhhh....J-Jamie..." I said.

"Breathe Marty...breathe." He cooed while scratching my muzzle.

I bounced once and cried out. I think his dick was pushing against my prostate. Whatever it was, I loved it. So I bounced again, and again and again.

"UNH! AH! AH fuck me! GOD yeah! Tear into me!" I howled.

"SHIT YEAH! Ride that cock Big brother!" Jamie roared.

Every time I bounced, he bounced with me to make his dick go deeper. I could feel my cum building and new I was about to shoot my load. His knot was growing too, so I new he was gonna cum. I bounced harder and harder.

"AHHHHH! I'M CUMMING!!!!!!" I yelled and shot my load all over my soon to be husbands face.

"GAHHHHHHHH!" Jamie roared, and fired his load into me as I fell onto his chest, exhausted.

"I...love you Marty." Jamie Panted.

"I Love you too Jamie...sorry about upsetting you." I said.

He held me and kissed me hard again. We both about fell over from exhaustion twice on the way to our bedroom. We kissed and Played one last time before calling it a night. I fell onto the bed as the spring moon crept into the bedroom, bouncing off of the both of us. Jamie's long brown hair fell down around his shoulders as he crept into bed next to me, and I sang to him as he fell asleep. Sleep took me, and I dreamed of dying happy, for as long as I was still with Jamie I didn't care when I died.

The day of the wedding came quickly, and me and Jamie were busy getting things ready at our house for the after-wedding party.

"Hey hon?" Jamie said.

"Yeah?" I said.

"You OK?" Jamie said taking my hand.

"Yes. I think I am." I said, kissing him tenderly.

"Good. So what are we gonna do when we get to Venice?" He asked, hanging the last of the decorations.

"Wanna go see the Vatican?" I said.

"Nah, that place is like graceland with Jesus. I figured we could go sample some food and just take a few tours." He said.

"Heh, I guess your right." I said. "Anything you want, we'll do."

"Why do you always say that?" He said, running a hand through his long hair.

"Because I don't care what we do, or where we go, as long as you're with me." I said, taking him in my arms.

"We've been through some shit haven't we baby?" He said nuzzling me.

"Yeah. The fights when we were kids, the terrorist attack and almost losing you. And now, at last, we get to get married. We finally get what we want." I said, almost crying.

"Now now. Save the tears for the wedding. SHIT! We're already late!" Come on! go get dressed!" Jamie said.

I raced upstairs and carefully put on my 11th Doctor outfit. And while I did that, Jamie got into his 10th doctor outfit. We both looked each other over and made sure we looked good. I couldn't help but smile at him. He was so beautiful. We got into the car and sped on the way to Daisy's house. The wedding area was beautiful. The altar was Tardis blue, along with the chairs. Heh they matched Daisy's house perfectly. There were white balloons hung from the archway. Everyone was there. The colonel, my mom, my dad, our distant relatives, hell! Even Madame president and her family was there for the wedding.

But something was wrong. Daisy was crying, and Davis was nowhere to be found. Everyone was there except him.

"Daisy! Honey what's wrong?" Jamie said.

"Davis...he won't talk to me. I'm worried and I can't get him to answer his phone. He was at your parents house the last time I checked." Daisy sobbed.

Without a word I jumped in my car and sped off for my mom and dad's. It was light traffic so I got there quick. I found him on the front porch.

"Alright Davis! What the hell has gotten into you!? I-" I stopped when I saw he was crying.

"Daisy...she's pregnant...with twins. I just got the call." Davis sobbed.

"So what's keeping you here?" I said.

"Oh my old friend...I can't be a father. I'm not good enough. I can't even face daisy because I'm scared shitless." He said.

"Bullshit. You will be a great father. Now let's go..." I started.

"Damn it Marty! I'M NOT READY!" He roared.

"THAT DOES IT!" I roared back.

I grabbed his ear and yanked him to his feet.

"If I have to drag your ass to the wedding, I will. You will NOT ruin this day for anyone, including yourself. Don't make me hurt you." I warned.

"Bring it you little prick." He spat back.

I'd had it. I came up with my knee and got him right in the crotch, then hit him with a right cross to his chin. He hit the ground moaning in pain, still crying, but now even harder. I knelt down and held him as he cried.

"Shh don't cry...I know you Davis. You are no coward. You would never back down from anything. Well being a father is just a new challenge. And you would never hurt Daisy. So please...get up." I said.

" You still haven't given up on me?" He said, smiling.

"I never will." I said, Hauling him to his feet.

We hugged then got in the car and took off for the wedding. I had to keep reassuring Davis that things would be fine. When we got there Daisy rushed to the car and hugged Davis, then slapped him for making her worry.

"Where were you?!" Daisy cried.

"I'm sorry. EVERYONE? I have an announcement. Well two actually." Davis said.

"The reason I've been missing, is because I got a call from the doctor's office an hour ago. Daisy and I, are going to be having twins in 9 months." Davis said loudly.

Daisy's jaw and Jamie's jaw dropped as far down as they could go. I Nodded when Jamie asked if it was true.

"I was so afraid of being a parent I couldn't face you, daisy. But now," Davis said, taking her hand and taking a knee. " I know I'm ready. I want you to marry me daisy."

"YES! Oh my god YES!" Daisy shouted.

The whole crowd cheered at the newly christened fiancés. And Jamie and I smiled at each other, as everybody took there places for the coming marriage...of Jamie and I.

I stood at the altar waiting for my true love to join me. Davis and my father patted me on the shoulder as they took their places beside me. My mother and Daisy took their places across from us. I adjusted my bow tie as I could feel it getting harder to breathe. Then my heart stopped as I heard "Paradise" by Coldplay start playing. Everyone stood and turned to look at the archway.

If you don't already know, the moment to turn and watch your soon to be beloved walk down the aisle? Hard as hell. I tripped on myself, and nearly fell on my face. I would have if it wasn't for Davis catching me. I turned and there was Jamie... standing at the end of the aisle, looking directly through me. Even as He slowly walked toward me, his eyes never left mine. It was wonderful watching him walk to me. Watching his hair bounce in the wind, watching his tail sway with every step, was just beautiful. He finally arrived beside me. For one solid moment, there was no one else there but he and I. The Judge stood in front of us and the music ended softly, then he motioned for everyone to take their seats.

"My friends, we are here to witness the marriage of Jamie and Marty. But before we wed them I would like to say a few words." He started. "The bond these two share, is a testament not only to their love, but their brotherhood. We each could learn a great deal about love from these two boys. The trials they have gone through in their lives are proof that their love will never fail. Now, Jamie, you may speak your vows."

Jamie took a breath and began his vows.

"You always told me if I ever needed you, you would be there for me. You have never failed to keep that promise and I thank god for it. I won't lie, because I would literally be dead without you. I swear to god, and in front of all of our friends and family that I WILL always be here when YOU need me." Jamie said.

"Marty, you may speak yours now." Judge said.

"This...is very difficult. When I first met you, I hated the fact that I was getting a new brother. But I realized I wasn't just getting a brother. I was getting a companion for life. As time went on, I grew more and more attached to you. Now, at long last, I get to marry you. I don't know what else to say besides I love you and I will continue to be here for you when you need me. Not only as you brother, but also as your husband." I finished.

The crowd applauded the both of us. Jamie didn't even wait, he just planted a big kiss on me.

"Now settle down you two. Place your rings on each other fingers." The Judge said.

We did so, and my hand trembled as I placed his ring on his finger.

"Now Jamie, do you take Marty to be you lawfully wedded husband?" The judge asked.

"I do." Jamie cooed.

"Marty, do you take jamie to be your lawfully wedded Husband?" The judge asked me.

"Your damn right I do." I said, smiling.

"Well then! By the power trusted to me by the state of Washington, I now pronounce you married!!" The judge said.

Jamie and I kissed as if we were meeting for the first time. Once again, for what felt like an eternity, it was as if we were alone. I held him, and he held me, only this time it was as a married couple.

He and I are on our honeymoon now. Venice is beautiful, and we are off to see the Vatican as soon as I'm done writing this. You know, there are people in the world who believe they will never find love and feel they are always going to be alone. I say there is someone for everyone. I'm living proof that you should Never give up hope. All you have to do is get the hell out there and look.

"Marty? You coming baby?" Jamie calls.

"On my way hon!" I say.

Gotta go. Jamie want's to have some "fun" before the tour bus arrives. Later!