Road Rovers: A New Start 7

Story by Kane Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#7 of Road Rovers: A New Start



I do not own any of these characters. They all belong to warner bros studios this is solely for entertainment purposes

hey srry for takin so long been juggling time between school, work, and my new bf Mikey_k9


The young dalmatian let out a long yawn as he stirred from his slumber but he felt a bit warmer than usual. He looked over his shoulder to see a black and very well muscled horse holding him close to the muscular chest. The horse's name is Micheal and is the captain of the track team and a substitute for the lineman of the football team. The dalmatian smiled as he remembered how things led to this.


Micheal jogged out of the locker room happily as he had a date with the hottest girl in school Miranda a youthful vixen with huge boobs. He smiled as thoughts of fucking came into his mind. He rounded a corner only to bump into a young dalmatian and caused him to fall flat on his butt. The dalmatian had a load of books and papers and now they were scattered across the floor. "Aww shit man sorry wasn't looking where I was going". The dalmatian looked up and gave a shaky smile as he started to collect his belongings.

"Don't worry about it Micheal just go on. I know you have a date with Miranda." The horse looked at the dog in suprise. Here he bumps into a guy who knows him yet he dosen't know a single thing about him. He pulled out his phone and texted Miranda that their date was off. He then bent down and began to help pick up the scattered papers. "So uh how did you know my name and that I had a date with Miranda." The horse cocked his head to the side as he handed the last of the papers to the smaller male. The young dog took the papers and stuffed them into his bag before he faced the black horse.

"Uh I'm the score keeper for your fouls and scores. I also help keep up with your track times so I see ya around a few times. I also knew about your date because I helped the basketball coach lock up some equipment and some of your teammates were talkin bout it. Sorry its not really my buisness I just overheard." As the young dalmatian explained Micheal was looking over the dog's features. He had a decent build and a slim figure which is pretty average. He has a cute and innocent lookin face with two huge spots covering his eye area. His ears were the cutest features about him one stuck up while the other slouched down it is so cute. "Thanks but you better get going if you want to make your date."

"Thanks for your concern but I canceled the date bro. How bout you and me hang out so I can get to know ya better." The young dalmatian perked up and started wagging his tail in excitement.

"Okay my name is Dylan."

"I like that name. Alright Dylan lets head to the rec center and swim.

"But the rec closes down at 4:30."

"My older brother runs the joint and he'd be happy to let us swim c'mon." The two headed for the horse's truck and then to the rec. Once they arrived at the rec they went to the back entrance and Micheal knocked on the door 3 times. The door open to reveal a huge brown horse with a gorgeous black mane which Dylan assumed him to be Micheal's brother. "Sup bitch."

The huge horse smiled."Sup ho." The two laughed and embraced each other in a hug. The older horse looked over Dylan with interset and raised an eyebrow to his sibling. "A little small for the usual guys you fuck." Micheal shot him an angry look.

"So what makes you think I'll fuck him maybe I want him as a friend." Micheal crossed his arms and eyed his brother angrily. The older male laughed at the childish display and ushered them in. "Sorry bro I just wanted to give this guy a heads up on what he's getting himself into. My brother is a horn dog fucks anything that'll move."

"Just shut up Mat."

"Or you'll do what squirt?" Dylan laughed as the two had their little argument and headed to the locker room to change into his swim trunks. Dylan arrived and the potent smell of chlorene and extremely strong sanitation agents hit his nose. This is the only bad thing about pools high matinance and kept clean by bad smellin agents. He shook the smell off and started to change. His ears perked up when he heard Micheal and Mat apparently still goin at their argument. They busted in just as Dylan pulled his underware off. Both stopped arguring and looked at the naked canine's form and more focused on his sheath and balls.

"Damn boy got a huge package for your breed dalmatians don't really get that big." Mat gave Dylan a horny look as he begin to grope his growing bulge. Dylan turned to see Micheal doing the same thing but his eyes weren't filled with lust they were filled with care and love. Micheal came over and slowly started to massage the thick sheath in front of him. Dylan moaned as a little red started to peak out as he slowly became erect. Mat stripped naked and walked up behind Dylan massaging his shoulders and tweaking his nipples to make them nice and hard savoring the young dogs moans.The older horse slowly moved his cock against the dalmatian's back feeling his cock moving through the soft fur sending jolts of pleasure through him. "Heh you're loving this attention but don't worry the only anal we'll be doing is rimming unless you say otherwise." Dylan gave a shaky nod as Micheal began to lick and suck his balls and the little bit of cock that was sticking out, which is slowly getting bigger. Micheal enjoyed the dalmatians moans as he slowly devoured the cock licking it the entire 13 inches as if it were the world's best lollipop. Meanwhile Mat was still giving the dalmatian a back massage making sure that his experience was the best one he ever had. He looked to see his younger brother deepthroating the suprisingly huge cock and went to position himself behind his brother and spread the ass cheeks apart to slowly loosen him for some anal fun. He lapped at the sensitive flesh coating it in spit and slowly pushing his tongue into Dylan's licking his inner walls. Dylan moaned louder and grabbed Micheal's head pushing him farther down onto his cock. The black horse didn't mind he savored the taste of the canine he can't remember the last time he had a feeling like this. The feeling of wanting to protect and pleasure someone he loves. His eyes drifted towards up to the dog's face and sees an innonncent face that looks like it was carved by angels. Micheal began to suck more on the cock sending new waves of pleasure into Dylan. Dylan loving this sudden attention lets his tongue hang out as he struggled to not to fall to his knees. Micheal sensing this pulls off the dalmatian's cock and brushes his older brother away from his ass. Dylan whimpered but Micheal kissed him and patted the dog's head.

"Hey let's go back to your place babe". Micheal started dressing and Dylan followed suit. Mat watched them drive off before going back to his closing duties. Dylan couldn't stop wagging his tail he was incredibly excited that one of the hottest guys in school called him babe. Also that he wanted to come to the dalmatian's place only made him even more excited. "Okay so where do you live at? I'm still horny and want to break in that ass of yours." Dylan's tail stopped wagging after the horse said that. He directed the horse to his place and Micheal was impressed of where he lived at. "Dude nice." Dylan didn't hear him as they made their way up to the pent house. Dylan led Micheal to his room where he was going to set down some rules.

"Micheal I'm not some cum slut ok if you want to fuck me then you need to date me if you think you can come here, fuck me, then be on your way with someone else then leave right now." Dylan didn't want to say those things but he wasn't going to be used anymore by horny people. But when Micheal hugged him and licked him across the cheek surprised him.

"I want to date you Dylan if you'll have me and I do want to fuck you but only when your ready." The horse hugged Dylan tight not wanting to let go. Dylan's eyes began to water as he hugged back nuzzling into the horse's chest. They both embraced each other for a long time before Dylan began to strip his clothing and Micheal's. "Haha what are you doing you silly puppy." Dylan rubbed the horse's chest and his huge cock slowly getting it to it's full length.

"What does it look like Micheal? I want you to take me but was afraid you would just use me then go to some one else once you were bored with me." The dalmatian buried his head in the strong chest slowly taking in the scent of horse musk. The horse rubbed his new mate's back and embraced him in a loving hug.

"I would never do that I know we only just met but there's something about you that I can't resist. I want to find out if this is love or just some type of instinct that wants me to care and protect you. Whatever the case I want to be with you as your lover or as your guardian it doesn't matter to me as long as I'm near you. Will you accept my offer hun?" Tears welled up in Dylan's eyes as he hugged Micheal harder and nodded his head indicating he accepted the offer. Michael smiled and picked up the young dalmatian placing him on the bed slowly exploring the lithe body. Micheal's tongue ran across the dog's nipples slowly teasing them getting them hard and sensitive. Dylan whined at the torturous treatment but let Micheal have full control showing the horse that he was completely submissive to him. Micheal came up to Dylan's muzzle and kissed him passionately while rubbing his sheath and balls slowly letting the canine's 13 inch cock peak out. Dylan tried to stroke his cock but Micheal slapped his hand away. "Sorry babe but that will have to wait." The horse leaned in closer to the dog's ear and whispered, "I want to fuck the cum out of you." Dylan blushed but nodded as Micheal lifted the dog's legs and lapped at the dog's ass. He slurped at the sensitive entrance enjoying the musky taste slowly rubbing the dog's cock. Dylan let out a few muffled squeaks and moans slowly humping into the horse's paw. Micheal smiled and lined his 16 inch cock with Dylan's ass and slowly pushed into the virgin entrance.


The rest of that night was a blur to Dylan. He remembered a whole lot of pain but then sweet pleasure as his virgin ass was broken in. Dylan snuggled against the black horse and took in his scent. The next few days are gonna be the best ever. He let out a yawn and slowly drifted back to sleep.


The rottweiler let out a long yawn and stretched before getting out of bed and made some coffee. Last night's shift took a huge toll on him. It was mainly bulls, bears, wolves, and horses last night and those guys had some serious libidos. It took him half of his shift just to take care of one guy and then flung into a group that weren't gentle with his ass. Still he made some good money last night and was going to take Dylan out to dinner as an apology for not being with him the night before. The poor guy has gone through a lot the past few months and still isn't used to the change. He has some nightmares and begs not to be left alone. Sometimes he acts like all of this isn't real and he's gonna end up back home. Whatever happened at his old home really hurt him and left him in a state of fear most of the time. Scout felt really bad about leaving him alone for so long and he promised Blitz that he would do everything he could to take care of him. He walked to Dylan's room and gently pushed it open. "Hey buddy I'm sorry for leaving you alone last night but how bout we go out to-". He stopped when he saw Dylan being hugged by a young black mustang both in a deep slumber and apparently having good dreams about each other seeing their smiles. Scout chuckled lightly and leaving the two lovers to sleep a little longer.

Scout jumped into the shower and made sure that the water is steaming hot. Once he got the temperature just right he scrubbed all the dried cum and sweat out of his fur. After that he enjoyed the hot spray rubbing along his muscled body twisting his nipples, fondling his balls, and rubbing his sheath. His cock came out finally got free of the tight confines of his sheath and was extending to its full 15 inches. He wanted to jack off but figured he can have some fun with the two teens after a little breakfast. He dried off and wrapped the towel around his waist and headed into the kitchen to make some pancakes,bacon,eggs,and some nice long sausages.


He woke with a yawn and slowly got out of bed and headed into the bathroom to releive his blatter. He finished and flung himself back into bed snuggling up to the sleeping dalmatian pulling him close so he could smell his mate's scent. Last night was one of the most intense sex sessions he ever had Dylan wasn't a virgin like he hoped but he knew exactly how to please a guy. Also his ass is incredible so tender and soft and extremely tasty too. He nuzzled the dalmatian's neck making the dog murr. Micheal loved hearing purrs and murrs of everyone he's fucked but for some reason he loved it more when he hears Dylan murrs. He sighed and wished that he noticed this stud earlier thinking that he's pretty much the only one for him. His nose, not as sharp as other species, pick up an aroma of food eminatting from the kitchen. Dylan's nose got a whiff too and he started to wake up. He slowly sat up rubbing his eyes clearing the gunk that builds up in your eyes while your asleep. Micheal gave the dog a hug and good morning lick. Dylan smiled at this and leaned back into the well toned horse enjoying the heat that eminatted from stud's body. "Morning baby how's your hole feeling."

Dylan looked up at Micheal and licked his chin in a reassuring manner. "A little sore but your so big it's to be expected. Besides you didn't hurt me at all and this is only my second time so I am going to be a little sore. You're so gentle you could never hurt me." Dylan brought his paw up and slowly caressed the horse's face. Michael grabbed the paw and nuzzled into it loving the fact that he didn't cause too much damage with his huge dick. This moment was so perfect but like all good moments it had to end especially if you get hungry. Low growls eminatted from their stomachs and smelling the sweet aroma of food only made their mouths water. They jumped out of bed and headed to the kitchen where they were greeted with the site of Scout still a little wet and only had a towel on as he cooked breakfast. The two boys didn't know what looked more appetizing the food or what's under the towel. Scout turned around and dumped the food onto seperate plates and motioned the boys to sit down and eat.

They tore into the food all obviously starving from their late night extortions. Once the food was cleared out Dylan blushed a little realizing that Scout knew that Micheal has been here awhile. "Hey Scout sorry for not telling you that I had a friend over and-". Scout raised his hand to stop Dylan from talking.

"It's fine I'm sorry for leaving you here alone but looks like you took care of that problem." He pointed at Micheal. "So what's the studs name and how far did you guys go last night?" They filled him in on everything and he listened not interrupting once. When they got to the part about the sex they had he didn't show any signs of getting horny only raising his eyebrow a few times and giving them a half smile. Once they were done he rubbed his chin and finally stood up. " Well Michael I think you should call your folks to let them know your ok and Dylan can I talk to you alone?" The dalmatian gulped and nodded following Scout into the den area while Micheal went to Dylan's room to use his cell phone. Once they were in the den area Dylan sat down in his favorite spot on the couch while Scout took the recliner. "Now Dylan I want to ask you why you hate being left alone so much and please be honest with me I want to help you ok?"

Dylan nodded and then started to tear up. "It's all because of my bitch mother she did this to me and took me away from my dad and brothers. Every time I'm left alone I'm afraid she's gonna show up and ruin everything." After saying that he broke down crying thinking about all the horrible things Maria has done to him. All the horrible things the bitch witch has done.

I added onto this hope you guys like it and srry baby for not getting the next chapter of our story out next.