Playing in the Dressing Room

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#3 of LIkes To Play

Edited & Coauthored by Averis

Playing in the Dressing Room

Waking up, and my arm was completely numb, I almost entirely forgot why until i saw my little kitten. We had fallen asleep in each others arms the previous night and she was laying on my arm cuddled into my breasts. I reached for my cellphone in my pocket to check the time I saw it was five o'clock, so I just decided to lay there until she woke up. I watched her slow steady breathing for about two hours before she stirred.

"Morning, sleepy head," I said.

"What time is it?" She asked me while figuring out where she was in relation to me by reaching up and touching my face before pulling herself up to my level and kissing me lightly.

"Seven, I've been up for a couple hours watching you sleep," I said.

"I usually sleep in on the weekend, I have the TV programmed to turn on at five thirty on weekdays to wake me up," she said while sitting up and getting off my arm.

"Can I say you look absolutely delectable, or would you hold that against me?" I asked.

Smiling she said "No, you flatter me so, how could I possibly hold that against such a beauty. If you don't mind I like to spend an hour at least working on a sculpture every weekend, after that I am all yours for the day."

"Damn right you're mine," I said laughing, "I'll need to look through your wardrobe before we head out though."

"Okay," she said before swinging her legs off the side of the bed and walking over to a pair of dusty overalls and a long white shirt hanging on the back of the door. Pulling the shirt on and stepping into the overalls she looked ready to go to work on a farm, not make beautiful sculptures. "I don't mind if you watch after looking through, I'll be in my gallery working on the one I showed you yesterday."

"Well JCP doesn't open for about a few hours and we don't need to be in a hurry. Also I don't want you to think I'm trying to change you, I just feel you're so much more attractive than you dress," I said.

"For you, I'll dress however you find me hottest," she said before walking out the door to work on her sculpture, a sculpture of me.

"So what part are you going to be working on today?" I asked, following her down the hall.

Laughing she said "Look down, see if you can guess hun."

"Ok, I can't wait to see it," I said, sitting on a small bench that looked to have been carved out of granite.

Picking up some tools around the base of the statue she picked up a hammer and chisel and after feeling her current progress she started slowly chipping away the space between the legs. As they started to clearly form before my eyes as my legs. After half an hour or so of that she set down the chisel and her hammer to pick up a much smaller hammer and a equally smaller chisel.

As she took them up she felt out her progress and slowly started chiseling out the details of my sex, checking on her progress continually throughout. As a couple hours more went by I saw her both happy and exasperated, when she finally put the hammer and chisel the entire area was complete. Motioning me over she took my hand when I got close and put it between the statue's legs.

"... My goodness, this is almost an exact replica of... well you know," I said.

Smiling she said "It will take hours longer to finish, but I didn't want to have you sitting there all day when you want to take me shopping." Grabbing a chip of marble roughly six inches long and two wide she said "I'm also going to make you a necklace out of this."

"Oh, you," I said blushing, "How about we go through your clothes now?"

"Okay, lets go," she said while turning toward the door and unhooking her overalls she let them drop just inside the doorway, grabbing the overalls she walked towards her room in just an overly long white shirt that was covering her all the way to the middle of her thighs. Turning into her room she took that off too and said "I'll let you pick the clothes," before dropping both the overalls and the shirt in a basket just to the right of the doorway.

Following her into her room I asked "How about this beige sweater and a pair of blue jeans?"

"Okay, take them down and put them at the corner of the bed, I'll put them on in a moment," she said while getting to her dresser and pulling out her delicates. Stepping into her panties she pulled them up and then grabbed a bra and put it on.

Doing as she asked I set them on the corner of the bed and started rummaging through her clothes, "It looks like you have a lot of the same outfit in here. Is that because you like wearing the same thing or more of a being blind thing?"

"I can't see what I look like and those are comfortable and cheap, and my last ex complimented how they look so even after the breakup I kept buying them." she said while grabbing the jeans and putting them on before throwing on the sweater.

"Well just because something is comfortable doesn't mean its exactly the most attractive thing," I said, "I know you can't see, but the general idea is to wear things that compliment your fur and make your eyes stand out."

"Well I can't put on necklaces myself since I can't seem to get the latch open, I have worn earrings and paw rings before but I tend to lose them. My Mum helps me go shopping most of the time and, well, while I love her to death the last time I let her buy me an outfit I got laughed at, I just ask the clerks to help me find outfits similar to whatever one I have on, either sweaters or t-shirts and a standard pair of jeans." She said while gesturing at the two sides of her closet, the difference in seasons obvious.

"Yeah I see why you don't let your mother shop for you, don't worry I'll try finding something that makes your inner beauty reflect on the outside and is still comfortable" I said.

Smiling she said "I believe you, I am certain that today will be very enjoyable."

"Well lets get going," I said.

Smiling she said "Sounds like fun."

I grabbed Zee's hand and walked her to the car, letting her grab her cane on the way by the door, "Ok do you want to stop by my place and do what I was talking about last night or go clothes shopping and stop at an adult shop on the way back?"

"Ah, um, I suppose on the way back," Zee said while getting in the passenger side of my car.

"Ok then lets go," I said shutting the door, and starting the car.

Grabbing the headset and my laptop again Zee put on Three Days Grace playing Animal I have Become before moving the mic away from her mouth. "Hey Casey, I have something to tell you."

"Whats that," I asked.

Hesitating for a minute Zee said "My parents aren't the only ones making good money, I've sold a couple of my sculptures and have several others on display in other parts of the world. I do owe my entire start to my Da's influence and money for getting supplies but afterwards they became popular in their own right and I'm self sufficient for anything I want, within reason."

"Well I can see why, you're a fantastic sculptor, I just work part time over the summer. Now I know there's a new place that just opened up at the mall, its called Wet Seal, want to check it out?" I asked.

"Okay, if you want to go there then I'm sure it's a good place." She said while adjusting the head set a little to make them more comfortable, messing her hair up more in the process.

"Quit fidgeting with the head set you're messing up your hair," I said, laughing.

Smiling at me through the hair hanging in front of her face Zee said "Well we didn't do anything with it, I usually just leave it be."

"We're going to change that as well. Now listen hun, about the skirts, most women don't always realize when they ride up, and for that matter they get caught in their undergarments or hosiery, I might have you try a few on," I said, "Just because you're blind doesn't mean you shouldn't be as beautiful as you can be."

"Well," taking the timing of it Zee used the words of the song and said "So long as you're the somebody to help me through this nightmare, then okay. I'll get a couple skirts that you think look good on me."

"Ok," I said, listening to the rest of the One-X album all the way to the Mall I said, "Here we are."

Turning off the music and taking off the headset Zee said "Okay, so while we're still in the car why don't you fix my hair, oh so lovely lady."

I put her hair in a tight self holding french braid and said, "There we go, simple yet elegant."

"Thank you, so shall we get started, I enjoy making you happy," she said while getting out of the car and standing there holding her cane in front of her with both hands on top of it, looking ready to take the world and yet looking so beautiful while doing so.

"Ok, lets get going," I said grabbing her paw.

Being pulled along lightly she said "You're really excited about this, do you have something else planned besides just trying on clothes, maybe taking them all off as well."

"Maybe..." I said, "If I were would you want to spoil the surprise?"

"I suppose not, I can't wait for you to surprise me, let's enjoy today as only a couple can," she said while laughing at me.

We walked to the entrance of the building and we walked slowly though the mall, Zee tapping her cane through the place. Around the middle of the mall we found Wet Seal. Without warning I shifted our direction and directed her right into the store. Almost immediately a shirt caught my eye.

"These are so totally us," I said walking over to the clothing rack.

"What are they?" Zee asked while standing where I let go of her hand.

"Naughty and Nice Girl shirts," I said, "You are so totally getting the nice version."

"Well I know you're ever so naughty, as we showed quite thoroughly this past eve," she said while walking towards my voice and hugging me from behind. Her cane was pressing across my breasts in a very arousing manner.

"What size are you," I asked.

"I need a medium usually because of my height," she said while pointing out the fact that she is indeed taller than me.

"Here's a large for you, just in case it shrinks," I said.

"Check the material types, some don't shrink." she said while adjusting where she was leaning on me.

"50% Polyester, 37% cotton, and 13% rayon," I said reading it out loud.

"Cotton is usually what shrinks and that is only really noticed above 70%, polyester doesn't shrink and neither does rayon when it's used in low quantities with other materials," She said while letting go of me and figuring out where the shirt rack I was looking at stood with slow movements of her cane.

"Ok, and mediums usually cover your breasts," I asked putting the large back and grabbing a medium.

Laughing she said "Well I don't have E cup breasts like you, so the shirt doesn't get pulled so far off my body. You can hold it up to a body and check if it fits half way around their torso, I've picked up easy tricks since I can't see."

"Ok, well you still might want to try it on just in case," I said.

Reaching over and missing a couple of times she managed to grab the shirt and said "Well do you want to find anything else before we take over a dressing room?"

"Yeah lets get you more clothes before we head to the dressing rooms," I said grabbing a Naughty Girl shirt of the same size and asked, "How do you know about the clothing materials?"

"Well I hire someone once a month to help me with drying and hanging my clothes, I asked her once why some of my clothes shrank, she explained everything about most different clothing materials," she said while tossing the shirt on her shoulder.

"Ah, ok. Do you wear shorts?" I asked.

"Some, yeah, they're comfy," she said while following my voice and footsteps.

"Ok, well what size do you wear?" I asked.

Shrugging she said "Um, size 9 I think, maybe 7."

"Where is the tag on those jeans?" I asked.

Reaching down she put her paw inside the front left of her pants and pulled the tag up saying "here."

"It says 7," I said reading the tag then walking over to these really cute cheetah print shorts. Then I found some cute skirts, a two tone body con and a printed mid length skirt, a pair of covered button Bermuda shorts, and a green striped tank with 'Made 4 Love' printed largely across the front and pair of patched grunge flair jeans, "Ok I think we got enough now lets go to a dressing room."

"Ooh, how fun, did you get anything for you to put on besides that first shirt, I wouldn't mind feeling some new clothes on you," she said while smiling at me a bit deviously.

"Why don't you feel one out for me?" I suggested,

Chuckling she said "Okay, point me out to the shorts then gorgeous."

I walked her over to where the shorts are and said, "Here we are."

Feeling her way through options she picked up a pair I was already holding at one point before putting them back, eventually she found a pair of high cut slightly tattered dark blue jean shorts and feeling around the waist she grabbed a pair of size 11s to fit over my full figure and said "I'm sure these will fit well, they feel around the same size as you, and I'm sure from the feel of the seems that they'll grab your ass well."

"Ok, so anything else before we head to the dressing room?" I asked.

"Hmm, ooh, point me to shirts and accessories," she said while growing excited.

"With pleasure hun," I said, doing so.

Feeling her way through several shirts and tops she eventually found a black denim vest that looked like it went with an old tux but had a low cut opening for a top pair of breasts to hang out. Smiling she said "this will accentuate your amazing top breasts," of course she wasn't actually looking at me when she said it and accidentally surprised a couple of younger teens that had just walked in.

"Sorry, she's with me, and she can't see," I said apologizing to the teens.

Looking at me after I spoke up she said "Did I say something and someone else took it that I was talking to them?"

"Yes you did," I said before whispering so only Zee could hear, "You'd have laughed at the faces they made."

"Oh, um, sorry, it happens a lot though. I was serious though, you'll look great in this, and I'll love the way it will pull up your breasts."

"Ok, so shall we go to the dressing room then?" I asked while ignoring the teens.

Smiling she said "After you my naughty girl, you know you just want to watch me change."

"You'd want to too if you could see," I said taking her paw and heading towards the back and taking the farthest dressing room.

As soon as the door was closed Zee leaned her cane against the door and felt out the size before turn towards me and saying "You're much easier to find in here where the most obvious noise is your breathing." Walking up to me after I hung up the clothes she kissed me and started to take off her shirt saying "This is what you want though, now isn't it"

"Make sure that cane is blocking the door," I said.

Tossing the sweater at me she said "It should be in the right place, why don't you check though." Unbuttoning her jeans she slowly unzipped them and let them drop to the ground so that she was just standing there in her panties and bra.

"Ok, it's in place and it won't be going anywhere," I said taking my shirt off, "we need to maintain a level tone though, we don't want them thinking we really are doing what we're doing."

Smiling as she touched my breasts she said "I like that you don't wear a bra, I can tease you much quicker this way," she immediately started trailing her pads around my breasts and began kissing me while I unfastened the three straps on her bra. Pulling me forwards while she backed up she only stopped touching my breasts for a moment when she let her bra slip forward to hit the ground. As she sat down on the bench running along the back of the stall I sat on her lap while continuing to kiss her.

Breaking it for a moment she said "You're going to make me soak my panties, what are you going to do about that?"

"Maybe if you'd quit wearing them it wouldn't be a problem, but if you did I might just ask to keep them till the scent wears out and play with myself until they do," I said

Laughing she said quietly "You really are a naughty girl, but I love you all the more for it."

"I've also got ideas about that cane of yours, but one thing at a time, let's get those panties soaked," I said, teasing her nipples with my hands and one in my mouth. I slowly pinched the pink mounds that had risen just above the fur and began sucking on the teat. Very quickly Zee was getting aroused when I suddenly decided to bite her tit lightly, not enough to hurt, just enough to cause pleasure.

Covering her muzzle Zee was practically vibrating with her purring and I could hear her moan of pleasure even through the cover. After a moment she said "Do that again."

"Bite you?" I asked, taking my muzzle off of her teat.

"Whatever you did, that felt re..." Zee started to say before getting cut off by me putting a paw over her muzzle and biting another nipple. As she moaned again I was glad I had put a paw to muffle it.

Taking my paw off her mouth Zee said "That was mean."

"You know you liked it," I said.

Pulling me back up she kissed me and pinched my top two nipples at the same time, muffling my moan with the kiss. Breaking it for a moment she smiled at me and said "And I know you liked that."

Sliding my hand down between her legs i started rubbing at her clit through the underwear, and slid two digits inside her lips with the limits of the fabric. Not long after Zee climaxed, her moan was muffled by my muzzle. Saying "Say what you will about me making you get these all wet you know enjoyed every moment of it," after I broke the kiss and enjoyed her look of bliss.

Panting she said "You're right, I did enjoy all of that, but I have an idea for you, take off your pants."

"With pleasure," I said, standing up and unfastening the button before letting gravity do the rest.

While I was doing that Zee stood up and walked over to the door and grabbed her cane, smiling she walked over to where I stood and put her cane between us before kneeling down. Pushing the cane back along the floor between her legs she leaned forward and began licking me. Wanting more I moved closer but she moved back at soon as she realized I had. Chuckling she made me want it more and more until finally she brought her cane to my entrance and moved it back and forth a little before slowly starting to push it into me. Licking my clit while slowly pushing the handle of her cane further in, she knew that I was getting closer and closer to climax as her cane began getting wetter and wetter while moving further in.

"Give it to me my sweet kitten," I said, hoping she'd shove as much of that cane inside as she could.

Laughing into my pussy she said "Oh, does my naughty wet wolf want more of this," before shoving her cane several inches further in all at once. When she did that several of the rises of plastic rivers around her cane passed my g-spot all at once and I came all over her face. As soon as I stopped she said "Someone certainly enjoyed that."

"Well it's been like three days since I had something hard inside of me," I laughed, "Even you have had something hard inside of yourself since then."

Pulling her cane out all at once and nearly making me come again she stood up and licked her cane once before saying "And it felt amazing," stepping up to me she licked around my muzzle a few times before saying "Maybe we should get cleaned up and try on those clothes now."

"I have some wet naps in my purse, there's also a small zippered pocket its empty so you can put your panties in there. Maybe I'll let you hear me masturbate while smelling them over the phone." I said handing her my purse.

"You're evil, and very naughty," she said while digging out the wet naps and taking them to her face and between her legs to clean up the scent. Offering me the package after taking a couple more to clean her cane she asked "Aren't you going to clean up?"

"I'm going walk around without cleaning myself," I said, "I like it when people get a good whiff of me. Plus stopping people and bragging about a certain someone's smells is appealing too."

Stopping cleaning her cane for a moment she looked at me and shook her head before sniffing the air and walking over to lick my face clean. "You're so different, but how can I not love you," she said when she was done finding all the spots where her cum had landed on my face earlier.

"You are the coolest girlfriend I ever had. If those teens are still in the main area we should do that to them," I said then leaned forward to kiss Zee, and stuck my tongue into her mouth to taste my pussy juices mixed with a bit of hers. When I broke it I said, "God damn we taste even better together. I'm serious we should add it into a cup and mix it around and each take a sip."

Looking at me I wasn't sure for a moment but the sheer shock of what I said had caused her to be able to see again before she said "I have no idea what to say to that."

"Maybe that's a good thing. Lets try these on," I said getting my shirt back on.

Putting her bra back on Zee said "Okay, hand me an outfit."

Once all of the clothes were tried on and they fit, we put everything back on the hangars and I said, "Hey Zee, do you want your lips to get really cold?"

Curious she looked at me and said "What do you mean, those wet naps cleaned everything up."

" I bet your panties are still wet," I said.

"Slightly, but I didn't want to take them off, and," blushing she said "I can still feel them where your fingers pushed them up, I kinda like it."

"Oh, well maybe I should finger you through your panties more often," I said only half kidding, "Just promise me one thing, when you're in heat let me get a pair of those panties you wear during that time."

"I think I'd like that..." she said quietly.

"Alright then, so how about we go get these paid for before heading off to Victoria's Secret," I said.

"Okay," pulling her wallet out of her front left pocket Zee said "I can cover it, don't worry."

"I'll buy lunch then," while we were walking out of the dressing room the two teens that Zee had surprised earlier were walking by us and I stopped them and held out my paw to them and asked, "What do my fingers smell like?"

"They smell funny," the shorter of the two said.

"That is my girlfriends pussy juices," I said with a grin a mile wide.

The taller one made a small retching noise as the shorter one blushed and pulled her friend in the other direction.

Laughing I said, "Lets go get this paid for."

Blushing a little herself Zee said "You make me so hot."

"Oh hey, before we pay lets find you some jewelry," I said, "And you are hot."

"Okay, but you know that isn't what I meant," she said while smiling at the flattery.

Picking up a grey fedora on the way and putting it on Zee's head, "That is so you."

Picking up off her head she felt it over with her pads and smiled when she put it back on her head at a tilt, "hows it look?"

"Looks like I just fell in love with you all over again. You make it look good," I said.

"Well thank you, if you like it then who cares what anyone else says," she said before stepping forward and kissing me in the middle of the store.

"Fedoras look good on everyone, but I have only eyes for you," I said after the kiss broke and we started walking again, then I saw a necklace, steel grey flowers on a thick link silver chain, "I know you don't like to wear necklaces due to your difficulty with them, but even I have trouble getting on a locket daddy bought me years ago."

"Well I'm sure that you can help me with it all, right?" she said.

"Of course, I can. I can also teach you a technique Mommy showed me," I said.

"Okay, you mean your birth parents don't you," shaking her head she said "No, you don't have to answer that, it's just you referred to them differently than your foster parents."

"I'll explain it later if you want me to," I said looking at earrings, "Its also about time for me to dig that locket out of my closet, now that I have someone else to put in there."

Joking around to change the topic she said "Now hold on there, you aren't going to curse me into that locket now are you."

"If i were going to banish you anywhere it would be much warmer," I said, "How about these earrings."

Moving aside the fur on her right ear she said "I have a few holes, I just lose the earrings, and the backs for some."

"They're hook earrings, and there's a trick to making sure they stay in, just bend it a bit at a time and eventually they'll just stay in, plus we could figure out a place to keep your jewelry," I offered.

"Okay, that sounds good, we can keep your jewelery that I make you there too," she said, reminding me of the piece she said that she would carve for me into a necklace.

"Sounds like a plan sexy legs," I said picking up a pair of earrings with silver grey feathers on round tight linked chain with dark grey cords wrapped around the chain.

"I, um, what did you call me?" she asked while blushing.

"Sexy legs, you got some really great legs but you keep them hidden by such long pants," I said, "With me though I almost always wear shorts or short skirts, and they show off my attributes so well."

"I've felt your attributes, they're amazing, but I'm just a simple girl. You are one of the most beautiful women on this planet, even without having seen I know this for certain," she said while looking down.

"Bullshit, you're tall, skinny, nice ass, and you have breasts, according to most men that makes you hot, and if you use them just right you can get them to fall down a hole," I said.

"I don't show off anything, I don't dress myself real nice, I don't even go to my own art shows for my sculptures because I don't have confidence that I can make myself look good without being able to see what I'm doing," she said while looking at me with tears in her eyes, "but you say stuff like that and I feel like I could take the world by storm."

"You could, but wheres the fun in that," I asked as we walked to the counter, "We'd like to purchase these."

As the chipmunk behind the counter rang up the items one at a time she sniffed the air at one point while she was ringing up a pair of the shorts that Zee tried on and shook her head. When she was done Zee handed over her card and when asked 'Credit or Debit' she said "Debit," before pulling out her ID she handed it over and said "You were going to ask for that, right." Finishing up our clothes were bagged and I put Zee's hat back on before putting in the earrings and latching the necklace closed.

Walking out of the store Zee picked up her cane and spun once on the spot, her obvious joy was simply infectious as she asked "How do I look?"

"I love it, how about we ask a guy that same question though," I asked.

"I suppose, guys usually have a problem keeping their opinions to themselves, to the point of dragging others into their habits," Zee said with a bit of venom sprouting in her voice.

Stopping a guy close to our age I asked, "Sir, how attractive is this young lady I'm with to you?"

"I'd say she's fucking hot, are you available?" he asked.

"No." Zee said with ice in her voice, she really wasn't a fan of men.

After he walked away I said, "See, he thinks you're hot, though he really wasn't a looker himself."

"He also had lust in his voice and his loins, but you're right, he did say I'm hot," she said, the ice in her voice melting.

"Of course he did hes a guy, men think about sex like every five minutes, you're just going to have to get used to it. Men want sex and that's all there is to it," I said.

Turning on the spot to look at me she said "They aren't the only ones but they don't have to be crude about it."

"They don't but they aren't very intelligent either, think of it as we're DSL and they're dial up," I said.

"Even if they get the job done in the end they take forever to achieve what they want, where as we see what we want and we actually use our brains to achieve our ends?" she asked me slightly confused at the metaphor and mixing her own in as well.

"We have more processing power," I said.

"You're making some sense in that jumbled metaphor, I'm sorry, this was supposed to be a good day out to the mall but now we're fixing me in more ways than one," she said while smiling that brilliant smile again.

"Well I know you're a lesbian at heart, but it doesn't hurt to get opinions from men now and again, or get a stare or two. I know that this should get more than a few," I said kissing her deeply without waiting for a response. Several whistles were heard as I did so, breaking it I said, "Now there are probably a few guys with boners, congratulations you just turned on a few men. Lets go."

As we walked towards Victoria's Secret she hung off my arm and I was happy to have cheered her up because she was so much more beautiful this way, and she is completely mine. As we walked in to Victoria's Secret Zee was still tapping her cane along when some bimbo of a golden retriever that most men would call a perfect ten decided that looking sexy was more important and tripped over Zee's cane.

Face planting right at the entrance to the store the bitch screeched "What the fuck was that!"

"Um, what happened?" Zee asked.

"Watch where you're going you bimbo, you tripped over her cane," I said.

"Why the fuck does she need a cane, she obviously can walk!" she said while pulling herself off the ground.

"Well she can't see, that's why I'm holding her paw and helping her avoid everyone else. Maybe if you would have taken about two seconds from thinking about the next time your going to get some dudes dick in your very loose snatch you would have noticed!" I yelled back.

"You bitch!" she screeched and lunged at me. I quickly pushed her away and hit her square in the jaw and she fell flat on her ass.

Walking up a big German Shepard security officer looked at us and asked "Is there a problem here ladies."

"I'm not sure sir, I think I accidentally caused something with someone tripping over my cane, my friend here is defending herself now at my best guess." Zee said calmly, summarizing the entire situation without a hint of irritation.

"Is this true miss?" He asked while looking at me and obviously watching the golden retriever laying on the floor sneering at us out of the corner of his eye.

"Yes sir, she tripped over my friend's cane and I told her to watch where she was going, she then lunged at me," I said.

"Is that what happened miss," he asked the retriever on the floor.

"She fuckin did it on purpose out of spite, then this bitch broke my nose and my jaw hurts like hell!" she screamed while holding a paw over her nose.

"What reason can you give in support to your statement of spite," he asked, obviously not wanting to deal with her antics.

"Look at her, she looks terrible in that stupid sweater, she has a bunch of black grey dust on areas of her face and paws, she obviously can't put forth any fuckin effort to take care of herself!" the bitch said while trying to stop the blood flowing from her nose after she looked up at us.

Rushing forward to hit her again I felt myself simply stopped on the spot and looking back I saw Zee was holding my elbow in a steel grip and starting to cry again from what the bitch was saying. "Please don't get in trouble by hitting her," even with all that was happening she just didn't want anything to happen to me.

"Miss, do you have any proof that you are blind and thus need a cane," the officer asked.

"She has a state ID, show him Zee," I said.

Pulling out her wallet and finding her state ID in the first slot at the bottom of the wallet she pulled it out and handed it to him, turning it over he read the back and handed it back, looking at it before she put it away I saw it had 'Class A Restriction: Complete visual obscurement, guide or cane permitted' in small print on the bottom of the card under the scanner section.

"Miss, she is indeed blind and as such has use of a cane permitted, you are causing a scene and disrupting the shopping of others. I need you to leave." As she got off the ground she threw herself at me again but the security officer stepped in front of me and grabbed her, taking her kicking and screaming around the corner towards the nearest exit.

"Zee, don't listen to what she said. That bimbo probably woke up at five this morning to get ready to come here, she has to work to be beautiful. You don't, and natural beauty is better," I said.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you holding your arm like that, and thank you, she reeked of makeup so you're probably right." Zee said while letting go of her iron grip on my arm.

"Honestly that grip kinda turned me on," I said, "want to do some shopping and have a repeat?"

"Um, okay, that sounds fun. Carving marble is good for the upper body, as are the exercises I do with my mum." she said while making a naughty conversation disappear since we were surrounded by people suddenly after the officer had left.

"Oh I think I see something that would be perfect for you," I said walking into the store and picking up a purple dress with a small pair of leather buckles, "Oh you've got to try this on, you'll look great. Plus this is soft, not as soft as your fur but I like it."

"Okay, well can we get some, um, panties this time?" She asked so tentatively and was so cute while doing so.

Walking over to her I gave her a hug while saying, "Oh you're so sweet and adorable, and of course we can, this place is after all primarily a lingerie store."

"You realize I'm still not even sure which store we're in, you said Victoria's Secret as one place to go today way earlier but we never established where we are right now, I wasn't sure after the bout with that banshee but what you just noticed something good, so is that where we are?" She asked in her adorable way of remember details that I didn't even remember saying.

"Well silly we're at Victoria's Secret now. i figured you would have known that after smelling that bimbo," I said.

"We're at a mall, every forth woman smells like she bathed in perfume and dried off with a powder brush," she said while laughing.

My bad, well let's go and get you some panties," I said.

"Maroon, lets find some maroon ones," she said while being pulled along behind me.

"Zee?" I asked.

"It's your favorite color, I don't even know what it looks like but I know it's your favorite color from our freshman questionnaire that everyone had to read aloud, we never got around to me in the time that the teacher gave for it," she said while stopping when I stopped.

"Your memory is scary at times," I said.

Smiling at me and falling into her memory a bit she said "You said it though, and at the time I remembered your voice from hearing it at our therapist, so I made sure to remember what you said."

"You know for someone who cant see you're remarkably knowledgeable, and I think its sweet you want to wear a color just because of me, I want to buy something for you," I said, "Do you wear perfume?"

Shaking her head she said "Usually not, my sense of smell is so increased most give me a headache, they have to be very light."

"Ok, first we'll get you the panties. How about these maroon hiphuggers, then there are also these boy shorts that are very sexy," I said, "There are also some bras that match the styling of the panties I pointed out. They're unlined, and maroon."

"Okay, if you like them then I'm sure they look good, and I like hiphuggers, and some bikini cut, and I haven't tried boy shorts but they sound comfy. Unlined bras feel very natural, I know you don't wear bras much but they are comfortable," Zee said while taking them from me.

"I was a very early bloomer, I know what you mean. When I was in middle school, I was already wearing a b cup. I didn't start having sex until Junior high school, even then though I was still wearing underwear, didn't stop till the middle of Freshman year when a girl suggested I should stop to allow easy access, it was the nurse if I recall correctly," I said.

"As in the school nurse, or was it Halloween or something, don't people dress up on Halloween?" Zee asked.

"No it was definitely the school nurse, I know cause I still get notes in my locker asking if I have a headache," I said heading over to the perfumes.

"Wow, that's kinda impressive, who knew she was into girls," she said while following my voice.

"She isn't, just me," I said browsing the scents.

"So why is she interested in you if she isn't into girls normally?" she asked while standing no closer than a few feet away from the scents.

"You forget that they call me 'Delivery girl', because I always get them to climax. Her husband is a selfish bastard too, 'Get me this, go do that, suck my crank'. She heard about me from some of the people talking in the hallway. She'd said she wouldn't have asked if circumstances were different, I had enough opportunity to back out," I said.

Curious she asked "So I'm guessing she hadn't climaxed in a long time?"

"Before that year, the last one she had had was three years before," I said picking up a bottle and spraying a bit on my wrist, "Sadly she was only four years married."

"That is sad, I'm glad that we'll never be in that boat."

"Yeah, oh this one smells nice," I said after taking a quick whiff.

Getting a little closer and smelling my wrist where I had sprayed it she said "It's smells good and the amount of scent there is better than most, it probably wouldn't give me a headache if I was careful with it."

"Ok, well I'm buying this then," I said, "now lets see what else we can find before we head into the dressing room. Oh, look skinny jeans!" I said and walked in the direction I saw them and grabbed a pair, "I like them but, if you find them uncomfortable in the least you wont have to buy them."

"Alright, find something though that you just want me to wear so you can take it off, something to turn the tables a little, sexy, seductive, something that fits that description," Zee said while following me around tables and islands in the way that she found with her cane.

Seeing something I picked up a black and bright silver bustier and asked, "How about this bustier? I think it would be very sexy."

Taking it she ran her paws over it and smiled when she found the thinner basically see through sections of it, "It feels like something that will get you going, isn't teasing part of the way these are supposed to appeal to people?"

"Yeah, that's one word to use for it. The one I'd say is entice," I said while leaning in to lick her ear when something caught my eye, "How do you feel about velvet?"

Twitching her ear a couple times from my breathing on it she asked "Soft, very sudden change there, so something caught your eye as the saying goes?"

"You took those earlier this week, but yeah you could say that," I said, "There's another dress I could just eat you up in."

"Hmm, well I know that your tongue is kinda magical from last night and earlier, so I don't mind you eating me," she said, teasing me.

"I'd eat you right now but getting arrested for public indecency isn't a good idea, but lets go get that dress and see how it fits then we can go and help you try these on," I said going and grabbing one in her size, then I grabbed her paw and leading her to the dressing rooms.

Setting down the bag from the previous store and putting the current ones on a hook and a couple on the bench I saw Zee put her cane against the door again and trace the interior. Finishing she immediately turned to me and said "So how about lunch, I hear there's a chance of flooding."

"Of your juices in my mouth now the pants lose 'em," I said.

Doing so on the spot she kicked them against the wall and took her sweater off and this time she dropped her panties and her bra before we started. "So what do you say, are you ready to go diving?"

Taking off my clothes and sitting down I said, "Are you?"

Walking over she knelt down almost reverently before beginning to eat me out, taking her fingers and playing with my clit with one paw she tentatively brought her other up to my asshole and taking her face away for just a moment she said "now relax," before plunging back into eating me out and stuck a finger up my ass.

Moving it slowly she reached around inside me and eventually she licked the same part of my lower wall that her finger was touching in my ass and the dual stimulation from that made me cum, but she didn't stop and let it ride this time, she kept going. Licking up everything that was leaking from me she took me into several more orgasms and made me completely weak to my knees for the first time in years.

"Good job hun, I actually thought it would take months for you to do that. Maybe we should have you try the bra's and panties on before we get to you," I suggested.

"But wouldn't that..." stopping for a moment she realized what I was saying and said "Oh, okay." Taking the panties I handed her she put them on and the bra that looked better with the pair of hiphuggers she was wearing and all I wanted to do was tear them off of her. "So how do they look?"

"Like a pie I want to eat. Now try on the other pair," I said, "Can I help you get in the other set?"

"Hmm, that sounds like fun doesn't it," she said while smiling at me and slowly taking off her panties while I unbuckled her bra while she bent over. Before she stood up again the bra had fallen off and hit the floor. Guiding her to the bench I grabbed the pair of lacey boy shorts and slowly inched them up her legs and onto her hips to fit snugly and very cutely on her ass without giving her a camel toe.

"I like these, bra next?" I asked.

"Okay," she said while leaning forward.

Grabbing the bra I slowly slid it over each of her breasts, tracing an outline of each. Then I slowly touched the last pair of breasts and grabbed the straps holding it in place. I repeated the process two more times. Then I slowly cupped each one of her breasts and slid my paws down the cups. "How does it feel?" I asked.

"Feels good, does it look good?" she asked.

"Not as good as you," I said.

Smiling she said "Well why don't you hand me those skinny jeans."

"Keep the panties on," I said handing her the skinny jeans.

Pulling them on she jumped once and got them over her hips and fastened the button and pulled up the zipper, "So how do they look?" she asked.

"Good, are they too tight?" I asked

"They're named skinny jeans, aren't they supposed to be?"

"Yes, they are, but would something like this irritate you for extended periods?" I asked.

"I can deal with it, they aren't terrible," she said.

"I can too," I said lightly slapping her very revealed ass.

Jumping she slapped at my hand and then realizing what she had done grabbed it and said "Sorry, you surprised me."

"I'm a good girl, you can trust me," I said, "Which dress?"

Laughing at my good girl comment she pulled open the button on her jeans before shimmying out of them and saying "I suppose the first one you found when we first walked in."

"Ok," I responded picking it up and handing it to her, "Here you are."

Finding the bottom she pulled it over her head and wriggled into the arms and head of it, once it was settled she looked amazing, I just wanted to cuddle up with her and hold her, "So does this look as good as you hoped it would?"

"With you in it even more so," I said, "I'm good at this."

"Hmm, I think it's just because you find anything with me in it attractive, am I wrong?" She asked in a devious way.

"You look perfect naked, so you tell me" I said just as deviously.

Pulling it back over her head and dropping the dress onto my lap she said "Lets try the other dress on so that I can let you ravish me."

"Want to wear it to the Homecoming Dance?" I asked handing it to her.

Freezing with it in her paws she said "Do you mean that?"

"Don't I always mean what I ask and say?" I asked.

Moving forward quickly she hugged me and said "I would love to wear it to the homecoming dance with you!"

"Well try it on," I said laughing, "I bet i could get you to come naked if i tried hard enough. Dont worry though, i wont do that, your parts belong to me, just like mine belong to you."

Putting it on she felt around and smoothed it out saying "I take it you like it, right?"

"Looks like we got a date," I said.

"So it looks good then?" she asked with a smile that could light a room.

Sliding my paw up her leg I said, "Of course. I love your smile."

Dropping it off and undoing her bra she said "So is it my turn again now?"