School Night At The Academy

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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School Night At The Academy

S.M. Wolf

Kayla, Marla and the Academy are copyrighted by Kittiara and used with permission. Master David and this story are copyrighted 2011 by S.M. Wolf. The story may not be used in whole or part without prior, written approval of the author. The characters may not be used without prior, written permission of their respective owners. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

This story is set in the time after Marla joins Master David's pack and meets Sensei Tennchi and before she first seduces Mike.

Kayla lay face down on the well padded top of the spanking bench. The otteress was naked save for her slave collar and the cuffs around her wrists and ankles. Ropes bound her limbs to the ends of the bench. Her tail was curved up high in the air with the tip nearly touching her neck.

Faced with an imminent spanking, most slaves would be scared, but Kayla was smiling and cheerful instead.

In front of the otter sex slave stood two wolves every bit as naked as Kayla. Marla, a grey wolfess, stood to Kayla's left. Like Kayla, she was a sex slave owned by their Master, the third fur in the dungeon. The black wolf male playfully tapped a small paddle against his palm as he looked down at Kayla.

During the afternoon Kayla's pack mates had kidded her about being a "bad girl". The kidding had spilled over into their nightly sex play, and they had ended up in the secret dungeon hidden behind the library of the penthouse. Their clothes had come off quickly, and Kayla found herself guided to the spanking bench. The pair of wolves had quickly secured her to the comfortable bench. Master David had selected the instrument of her "punishment" from several on the wall. Now it was time to begin.

Master David slid the paddle under Kayla's chin and forced her head up. She grinned at him.

"Impudent and unrepentant as well as bad!" the male fur said with mock anger. Kayla just grinned even more.

"Given all the things that you have been doing to Marla, especially for her initiation into our pack," Master David growled, "I think it only appropriate that she spank you instead of me!"

Master David turned to hand the paddle to Marla. To his utter shock, the wolfess was trembling and on the verge of tears.

"Marla, what is wrong?" Master David asked. All pretenses were gone from his manner and voice. Only pure concern for his newest pack mate remained.

Marla said nothing. She actually whimpered and half turned away.

"Marla?!" Master David said in a voice laced with concern and confusion. For one of the few times since Kayla had known him, his voice was tinged with just a hint of panic at the sight of his pack mate's state.

"Marla!" Kayla said sharply.

Marla turned to look down at Kayla.

"Kneel in front of me," The otteress ordered Marla. Reluctantly Marla knelt.

Kayla stretched as far forward as possible. Her muzzle met Marla's, and she kissed the wolfess. It was not a sexual kiss, but one born entirely of love of her pack mate and friend.

"It's all right, Marla," Kayla said in a calming tone. "I never blamed you for what happened."

"What happened?" Master David interjected in a sharp tone. His eyes darted from one femfur to the other. He could tell that something major had occurred between the two females sometime in the past, but he had no clue what could shake the normally unflappable Marla so deeply.

"It's a long story...," Kayla temporized.

Mater David sat down and pulled Marla to him. She flinched at his touch for a moment before melting against his body. He was further shocked to feel her silently weeping.

Kayla sighed. Their Master was not going to be satisfied with anything short of the full story.

"It happened at the Academy. It must have been about two weeks before we were sold..."

The air of the baths at the Academy was filled with barely audible whispers.

"I hope that they don't take us upstairs tonight!"

"Fat chance of that happening! We bring in too much money not to have the 'customers' using us every night. I bet we go right to the client rooms after our bath."

"Some of them aren't too bad..."

"HA! That zebra stallion with the butt fuck fixation had me walking weird for a week!"

Kayla slipped deeper into the warm waters of the baths. Around her, the other femfur sex-slaves-in-training conversed in whispers. In her tub were Trouble, the cheetah; Marla, the gray wolfess; Jenny, the jaguar; and Zassa, the flame-colored vixen. They shared a coffle at the Academy, Elysium's premier sex slave training facility.

Right now, Kayla just wanted to relax in the warm water, get the various bodily fluids out of her pelt, and then curl up in a ball in her kennel for a long night's sleep. Even the straw pile on her kennel floor would feel good after all the sex training and abuse that they had received that day.

The slaves knew that the semi-annual slave auction was coming up soon. They would be sold at it. It saddened Kayla to know that she would never see her friends again, but there was nothing that she or they could do about it.

The more immediate problem was that for the past two weeks the instructors had driven the femfurs harder than ever. . The Academy was working the slaves that would be sold extra hard to squeeze in everything they could before the auction. More abilities meant a higher price for the slave and greater profits for the Academy. Every minor mistake rated a major punishment. The clients were more demanding as well as they expected the slaves to perform at ever increasing levels. For a reluctant sex slave like Kayla, it was a very bad time.

Zassa's prediction of an early start to their night proved prophetic. Just as Kayla finished getting the last bit of dried sperm from her face, a pair of guards appeared.

"Out!" the mean-looking Komodo dragon ordered the five femfurs. With a barely audible sigh, Kayla and the others complied.

The dingo guard pushed Kayla toward the pile of towels. "Dry off! We can't have you getting the floors wet upstairs."

The five sex slaves did as ordered. The guards enjoyed the show of their captives carefully drying their entire bodies and grooming their pelts flat. The dingo took a few moments to run a towel back and forth between Marla's legs. By the time the dingo was done, the wolfess was breathing hard from the stimulation of her crotch. He just grinned and tossed the towel aside.

"I think that got you in the proper frame of mind for tonight," the dingo said with a little cruel laugh.

"Line up!" the Komodo dragon barked.

The guards secured each femfur's wrists behind their back. A large phallic gag went into each reluctant muzzle. Kayla, with her short muzzle, had to work to avert her gag reflex as the hard silicone intruder brushed the back of her mouth. Ropes were run from collar to collar to complete the coffle.

"Step lively," the dingo said. He gave Jenny, the last female in line, a hard swat on her ass to get them moving.

The coffle quickly made its way upstairs through the labyrinth of corridors to the rooms where the paying clients took advantage of the various delights afforded by the Academy. They passed not only other femfurs but many male sex slaves. The Academy provided for every sexual desire, and the males were ridden just as hard as the females.

The coffle came to a stop in a small dressing room. Five bags hung from hooks on the wall. Kayla eyed them with suspicion. In the past they had contained unpleasant things like chastity belts with very large dildos front and back.

The guards removed the binding and gags from the femfurs. The Komodo dragon looked over the coffle once before telling them, "You know the drill by now. Grab the bag with your name on it. Put on what's inside. No talking or complaining, or you get ten lashes with the quirt afterwards and thirty minutes at the Punishment Wall."

Kayla and her friends quickly grabbed their bags and opened them. Inside the otteress was surprised to find a blue mid-thigh length skirt, a white top, some sort of blue scarf, a pair of white socks, and white shoes with blue trim. It took her a moment to realize it was a Japanese Girls School Uniform.

Damn! Another fetish creep. Kayla thought as she rapidly dressed. She caught the look on the other slaves' faces. They had recognized the attire as well. Trouble and Jenny were almost as upset as Kayla, but Marla and Zassa had a speculative look in their eyes.

I hope that they get the brunt of whatever happens, Kayla thought at the sight of the small smiles on the canines' muzzles.

Kayla quietly sighed. That was not very charitable, she thought to herself. They are in this with me and the rest. They may just like dressing up like teenagers again. And, it might not even be all that bad.

Kayla almost snorted aloud.

Who am I kidding?! This is going to be a bad night, and so will the rest until I'm sold! After that...?

Once the femfurs were dressed, the guards handed them book bags. Kayla could feel something light moving around inside hers as she put it on over her shoulders.

"Go inside. Your 'teacher' is waiting for you," the Komodo dragon instructed them.

Kayla and the others filed through the far door into a windowless room made up to look like a high school classroom. There were five desks and chairs in a single line in the middle of the room. At the front was a large teacher's desk with a heavy wooden chair. Behind it was a blackboard that stretched across the entire wall. Prominently written on it were the words "Sex Education".

That certainly explains the posters, Kayla thought as she glanced around the room. The walls were covered with cutaway views of male and female genetalia, diagrams of the erogenous zones for various species, and explicit depictions of various kinky sex acts.

"Do not dawdle, class!" a large male lion sitting at the desk said irritably. "Get to your seats so we can get the class started!"

All five femfurs quickly found a seat and dropped their book bags on the floor. An old-fashioned bell rang for three seconds, and class came to order.

"Today we will be exploring various facets of sexuality. This will be a participatory class, so be prepared to contribute when you are called upon. We will begin by having you present your homework assignments."

The lion stood and picked up a school book. He glanced down at it and appeared to read something.

"Miss Marla, you are up first.

"Come to the front of the class."

Marla stood and walked up to the teacher's desk. She turned her head to look at him inquisitively.

"We will start with your basic anatomy review.

"Remove your clothes."

Marla was an exhibitionist and had no problems with complying with the lion's order. She did take her time and flashed many provocative views at both their 'teacher' and her friends. She was smiling broadly by the time she was down to just her medium gray pelt.

"Sit on my desk," the lion ordered the wolfess.

Marla did as ordered.

"Spread your legs wide and point out each part of your body as I call it out.

"Labia majora. Perineum. Anus."

Without fail, Marla correctly pointed to each part of her body as the lion said it.


Without hesitation, Marla drove her right index finger into her tail hole to point at her rectum. Kayla nearly giggled at her friend's enthusiastic response. Fortunately, just before they had been sent to the baths, the coffle had been ridden by a dozen new male slaves for their intermediate anal sex class, and all five femfurs were still a bit loose back there. Not that it really mattered to Marla.

"Um, yes," the lion said after a momentary pause. "I will assume that you are pointing at the right spot."

I hardly think that she could miss it! Kayla thought with a mental laugh.

"To continue, labium minora. Prepuce of clitoris. Clitoris."

Marla gave a soft "Ohh!" as she touched her sensitive nub. It was already well swollen, and her arousal was evident to all. The lion looked at her critically, and she fell silent. Kayla and the others could still see her gently rubbing herself, though.

"Urethra. Vestibule. Vulvovaginal glands."

The lion paused for a moment.


Kayla was not surprised to see three of Marla's fingers disappear into her pussy. The lion had led her paw all over her crotch, and the wolfess was openly aroused. Marla was going to take advantage of any opportunity to "scratch her itch".

The lion set down his book.

"You were 100% correct, Miss Marla," the teacher said. There was a note of surprise and even grudging respect in his voice.

Kayla was impressed. She knew that Marla was intelligent, but she did not know that she was so well acquainted with the technical terms for the female anatomy.

"Now let's see if you can do as well on the rest of your assignment.

"Your homework was female self-pleasure. Show the class what you came up with for masturbation."

Kayla nearly laughed out loud at the delighted look on Marla's face. Trouble coughed several times, and Kayla was sure that she heard a small snort from Jenny as well.

This should be interesting... Kayla thought to herself. The otteress unconsciously leaned forward in her seat to watch Marla more closely.

Marla did not start with the obvious ploy of using the fingers already in her cunt to get off. Instead, she began by rubbing her breasts until her nipples were hard. With a coy look at the class, she raised her large boobs to her muzzle and suckled on them. She left her legs open obscenely wide to place her dampening crotch on full display.

After a minute of playing with her breasts, Marla allowed her right paw to slide down over her belly. She rubbed her belly for several seconds before sliding lower to rub around her slit. She never quite touched it. Instead, she teased herself and built-up her anticipation of the first touch.

Marla slid her paw over her slit. The touch elicited a long, low groan of pleasure from Marla's muzzle. She played with her pussy lips for a while before moving deeper into her cunt. A couple of fingers slid between her labia. They thrust in and out slowly as the wolfess allowed the fire in her crotch to take hold and grow. She varied which fingers she used and the number.

When her snatch was good and wet, Marla stopped playing with her left breast. Her paw moved downward. Her fingers found her clitoris. Just the gentle touch of her finger caused Marla to hiss in pleasure, but she did not cum. Instead, she brought herself to an even higher plateau in sexual excitement.

The wolfess lay back on the desk and spread her legs almost directly out to her sides. Her tail trailed over the front edge of the desk and curved straight down towards the floor. The class was treated to a lewd view of the masturbating wolfess as she jilled off. Despite her aversion to sex, Kayla found herself staring raptly at the wolfess' dripping snatch. The other female slaves were just as entranced by Marla's wanton display.

Marla was crying out with each thrust of her fingers into her cunt. Kayla could tell that she was getting close but still had a bit to go. Marla suddenly switched paws and drove three fingers of her left paw into her open cunny. She adjusted her legs to get her feet beneath her and pushed upwards to lift her hips off the desktop. She flicked her tail beneath her raised torso. As the other furs watched, she drove all four of her lubricated right fingers into her ass hole.

Marla howled, and her hips bucked as the wolfess climaxed. Her orgasm did not slow down her fingers thrusting deep into her orifices. Indeed, she actually sped up her frantic fingering.

Even Marla could not sustain her orgasm forever. After several seconds, the tidal wave of pleasure subsided, and her hips dropped back to the desktop. She lay panting heavily. Her entire body was flushed from her huge orgasm.

She enjoyed that! Kayla thought as she saw the distant look in the wolfess' eyes as she bathed in her self-induced afterglow.

After a few moments of silence, the lion said, "I see that you have been studying diligently, Miss Marla. You have earned an 'A'. Put your clothes back on and return to your seat."

Marla stood shakily and was rather wobbly on her feet, but she managed to get her clothes back on and return to her seat. Kayla and the others could smell her musk and hear the slight squish she made as she sat down bare-bottomed on the seat of the chair.

"Miss Trouble and Miss Jenny, you had a group project for your homework assignment. Please come to the front of the classroom and give us your demonstration."

Kayla caught the two felines covertly glancing at each other in some confusion as they rose and walked forward.

I wonder what this guy wants them to do, Kayla thought as she watched the three felines.

"Miss Jenny, disrobe and demonstrate the proper presentation of a female's sex to another female for oral sex."

The jaguar was emotionless as she removed her clothes. Like Kayla, she was not thrilled with the arrangements at the Academy. She did enjoy the sex and other things more than the otteress, though.

Well, at least it looks like she is going to get off tonight. And I think I know who will be doing it! Not that Trouble minds, and her tongue does feel really good, Kayla thought as she watched Jenny disrobe. The otteress had been the recipient of many pleasurable lickings from the cheetah fem. She knew that Jenny was in for a treat if the lion allowed it.

Jenny lay down on the teacher's desk. She spread her legs, looked down the length of her body between her large breasts, reached down, and pulled open her labia to reveal her pink interior and her clit. She rubbed her labia lightly. Her juices started to flow, and her pink flesh glistened in the lights of the room.

Not bad, Kayla thought. She even felt a desire to lick the jaguar's hot cunt. After all this time at the Academy, Kayla had no remaining qualms about sex with another female so long as it was one of her special friends. Marla's display had gotten her aroused and ready for some fun of her own even.

"Fair," the lion commented condescendingly with a slight nasal twang. It was obvious that he was not impressed with Jenny's performance.

"Miss Trouble, turn Miss Jenny to present her genitals to me."

Trouble gently grabbed Jenny's ankles and rotated her around so that she lay parallel to the width of the desk with her right side facing Kayla and the other slaves. Her pussy was now facing the lion.

"Now show me the cunnilingus techniques you studied last night."

Kayla's ears perked up.

How did he know that we were given extra cunnilingus instruction yesterday afternoon? Kayla thought. Did he actually order it? If so, who is this lion? Or did the Academy just tell him what we have been studying to give the scene more realism?

Kayla realized it could be any of several possibilities. She shook her head and returned her attention to the pair of felines at the head of the class.

Since she had not been told to strip, Trouble just dropped to her knees. Her muzzle disappeared between Jenny's thighs. The sound of wet licking could be heard in the silent classroom.

Almost instantly, Jenny's face contorted in pleasure. Her paws moved down to grab Trouble's head and help guide her. Kayla watched Jenny's nipples harden quickly.

The otteress could certainly understand Jenny's reaction. Trouble had become an expert at pleasuring females with her tongue. Considering all the "special attention" that she had received over the past months including many painful trips to the Punishment Wall for poor performances, proficiency had been required for self-preservation. Kayla felt her crotch grow damp at the thought of Trouble fellating her.

Trouble brought Jenny to the edge of a climax and held her there.

"Class," the lion said, "get up and observe Miss Trouble's techniques."

Kayla, Marla and Zassa stood and walked to the front of the room. They gathered around the desk and watched Trouble eat out Jenny. Neither feline cared about their audience. Their sexual taboos were long gone, and they would have gladly invited the other three femfurs to join in given a chance.

Trouble sure is good with her tongue, Kayla thought as she watched the cheetah fem run the tip over Jenny's outer labia before dipping it deep into her slit. She continued to excite the jaguar with a combination of outer and inner stimulation. Despite her reservations, Kayla thought, I wish I was that good when it came to pleasuring my friends.

After several minutes, Trouble glanced at the teacher. He shook his head no, so she continued to lick and play with Jenny's sex. Kayla watched the jaguar grow more and more distressed as she fought a release that she was not allowed.

Typical. More orgasm denial to prove their total control over us, Kayla thought disgustedly.

Jenny lay on the hard wooden desktop and writhed in increasing sexual frustration as she fought her own body's reaction to Trouble's ministrations. When Trouble looked up at the teacher again a couple of minutes later, he nodded yes. Trouble quickly brought off Jenny. The jaguar screamed in pleasure as her body shook from the intensity of her climax. Kayla felt her own juices flowing. From the smell of her companions, they were obviously aroused by the display as well. She caught Marla sneaking a paw over her crotch as she shifted her position. Even with her recent climax, the wolfess was ready for more action.

"Not bad, Miss Trouble" the lion said. "Miss Jenny, your presentation was barely acceptable. You receive a C minus for your presentation. Miss Trouble, you receive a B plus for your fellato.

"Now stand up, Miss Trouble, remove your clothes and assume the Sixty-Nine Position."

Trouble did as ordered. Kayla caught a strong whiff of aroused female cheetah. A glance at Trouble's pink labia showed them to be puffy and wet already. Trouble had obviously enjoyed pleasuring Jenny almost as much as the jaguar had enjoyed receiving her licks.

She did always like giving as well as receiving, Kayla thought wryly.

"Now we will see how well the two of you have been practicing together. You have ten minutes to bring each other off three times."

The lion adjusted his watch. He pushed a button and said, "Begin!"

The rest of the coffle and their ersatz teacher were treated to the sight of both feline femfur going at each other with abandon. Their heads bobbed up and down, and their tongues darted in and out of each other's dripping snatches. Trouble was the first to orgasm, but Jenny came shortly afterwards. Those climaxes started a chain reaction, and each femfur orgasmed several times in rapid succession.

The lion walked around the pair and watched with a small smile on his muzzle. When his watch beeped after ten minutes, he said, "Stop!"

Both felines instantly stopped. Kayla could see that both were still hot and on the verge of another pair of orgasms, but they knew that consequences of not obeying orders too well not to comply.

Not that they are not ready to start again if this guy lets them, Kayla thought to herself.

"Get up and stand in front of the class, Miss Trouble and Miss Jenny.

"The rest of the class, sit back down."

The females did as ordered. Kayla heard Zassa give the softest of sniggers as she walked by Trouble. Zassa slid just a bit of her tongue out and licked her muzzle on the side away from the lion.

Well, Kayla thought, Trouble's muzzle is a bit wet!

In truth, both Trouble's and Jenny's faces were soaked with their companion's nectar. The lion made a bit of a show inspecting their muzzles before pronouncing, "Your work was acceptable. You both receive a B. Put your clothes back on and sit down."

The pair did as ordered. They were not allowed to clean up and had to sit there with matted muzzle fur slowly drying in the slightly cool air of the classroom.

"Miss Zassa," the lion said.

The vixen looked at the lion attentatively. She actually smiled at him like a pupil being called upon by a favorite teacher. Like Marla, Zassa largely enjoyed what happened within the walls of the Academy. Kayla could tell that she was interested in seeing what her "assignment" was.

"Did your boyfriend enjoy helping you with your homework last night?" the lion asked.

Zassa smiled broadly.

"Yes, Master!" Zassa replied very cheerfully.

"Very well, then. Let's see what you learned. Front and center!"

Zassa rose and strode quickly to the front of the room. She stopped in front of the desk and looked at the lion. He indicated for her to turn towards him and pointed downwards.

Obediently, the vixen dropped to her knees facing the lion. She openly licked her lips as she stared at his crotch and the large tent that had been pitched for her there.

She knows what she wants! Kayla thought. The otteress was not surprised by Zassa's reaction. The vixen was constantly horny.

The lion walked up to Zassa and stood about a foot in front of her.

"I think you know what to do, Miss Zassa."

Zassa grinned and licked her lips. She opened her mouth and took the tongue of the zipper between her canines. She used her bared teeth to slowly pull it down.

Not exactly what he was expecting! Kayla thought when she noticed the shocked and somewhat concerned look on the male's face. He had obviously not expected her to be so feral in her randiness.

Zassa used her tongue to spread the male's zipper open. Immediately his long, hard pink shaft popped out of his pants. Zassa grinned and licked her teeth again. It was as if a feast had been presented to her.

Yep! She knows what to do, and she likes it! Kayla mentally laughed

Briefly Kayla wondered what it would be like to be like Zassa and Marla. Both so enjoyed their submissive sex slave role. The otteress just could not understand it. At least she understood Trouble and Jenny. Both were surviving as best they could. She was incredibly grateful to her sisters in misery who were helping her get through the Academy even if it was often pure hell for the otteress.

The lion did not last long at all. With a small roar, he orgasmed. Zassa swallowed all of his hot jism and continued to suck him. The lion came several more times in rapid succession as Zassa continued to suck him. After he deposited a half dozen or so hot jets of jism in Zassa's eager maw, the tempo slowed a bit, and he lasted longer. The blow job did not stop until the lion finally went limp after a good twenty minutes, though.

"Clean me up, Miss Zassa, and replace my cock in my pants," the lion ordered Zassa.

Zassa's pink tongue lapped at the lion's exposed flesh. The tip of her muzzle disappeared deep into the lion's pants though his open zipper. Kayla could hear her murring contentedly as she cleaned the lion's sheath and scrotum with her eager tongue. From the movements of his pants, the otteress could tell that Zassa was even licking the lion's balls clean. She was somewhat surprised not to see the lion's dick reappear from his open zipper.

When the lion sent Zassa back to her seat, Kayla stirred and sat up straighter.

My turn now, I guess, the otteress thought with some trepidation.

"Miss Kayla, bring your bag to the front."

Kayla picked up her book bag. She wondered what the Academy had put inside for her. She stood and walked to the front of the class. Her stride was noticeably slower than her classmates had been, and she wore a definite if small frown instead of Zassa's willing smile.

Kayla turned around and looked at the other femfurs. At least she knew them well and knew that whatever happened here tonight they would not think ill of her. She could see open looks of concern on their faces. They knew that she dreaded these events and the things that she was forced to do.

"Miss Kayla, Remove your clothing."

Kayla woodenly did as ordered. Unlike Marla, she made no great show of stripping. She caught the slightest frown of reproach from the lion. She quickly adjusted her attitude to at least appear to be more enthusiastic about what was happening. It was a survival trait that she had learned at the Academy. Her friends knew the truth, though.

"Now take out your homework and show us how to use it."

Somewhat curious, Kayla opened her bag. When she saw what was inside, she actually smiled some.

The bag contained two items. The first was a medium-sized feline dildo made of silicone. The spines on the surface were soft silicone. They looked like they would feel good stimulating her as she played with the dildo. The second item was a large tube of lubricant.

Kayla detested the Academy and everything it did to her, but she had one outstanding ability. She had exceptional vaginal muscle control. It was an offshoot of her adolescent days playing naughty games with her sisters. She had learned to hold a bottle of shampoo in her pussy while standing with her legs spread wide using nothing but her interior muscles. While at the Academy, she had learned even more tricks. It was a source of secret pride for her to be able to exceed Trouble and the rest in this area if no other.

For tonight, it meant that she was reasonably certain that she could use the dildo well enough to avoid another punishment. She suspected that, if allowed, she would even have some fun with it. A gentle glow started in her lower torso.

"Be certain to demonstrate the proper application of lubricant to both the dildo and your labia and vagina, Miss Kayla. Use plenty of it before you start to use the dildo."

Dutifully, Kayla opened the tube of lubricant. She sat on the edge of the desk with her tail trailing off to the left across the desktop. She lifted her right foot and placed it on top of the desk while letting her left leg dangle. She applied a large dollop of lubricant to the fingers of her right paw. It smelled slightly medicinal, but Kayla ignored the smell. Likely it was just some spermicide mixed in with the water-based lubricant.

The otteress set the tube down on the desk. She used her left paw to spread her vaginal lips wide. She had just a hint of moisture on her inner flesh. The rest of the coffle leaned forward to watch her.

Kayla ran the fingers of her right paw over her inner labia and the fold of skin between them and her pouty pussy lips. She applied a second, larger glob of lubricant to her fingers and sent them sliding into her pussy. She did not stop pushing them in until her knuckles were pressed hard against her outer labia. She twisted them back and forth both to apply the lubricant and to stimulate herself. She felt her own juices begin to flow freely.

Kayla used a small amount of the lubricant on her pink outer labia and clit to make them glisten more provocatively. It was a small technique taken from one of her advanced presentation classes.

Taking the dildo in her right paw and holding it horizontally, Kayla ran a long line of lubricant across the top of it. She set down the tube and proceeded to carefully coat the entire black silicone shaft and all the nubs on its surface.

Unconsciously, Kayla grinned as she brought the dildo down to her cunt. She had confidence in herself to do this and thought that she might even physically enjoy it. The otteress slowly ran the tip of the phallic shaft up and down her slit several times. The pointed end felt good as if gently parted her pussy lips and rubbed against her clit. She took the base in both paws and bit by bit inserted the first two inches of the phallic toy into her wet love box. She moaned in pleasure as she felt herself spread open by the hard intruder.

Kayla worked the dildo in and out of her cunny repeatedly. She kept the thrusts shallow as she worked herself up to full arousal. With each thrust her juices flowed more and more, and she started to drive the fake cock deeper and deeper into her waiting vagina with short, sharp thrusts.

The otteress frowned. Something was wrong. The pleasure coming from her crotch was diminishing rather than rising. A look of confusion and shock briefly crossed her face. Desperately, Kayla worked the dildo harder and faster, but it did not help. She could still feel the physical sensation of the dildo filling her and stretching her love canal, but there was absolutely no pleasurable sensations coming from the rubbing of the silicone against her interior. It was as if someone had turned off all of her pleasure receptors.

Suddenly, Kayla understood the order to use plenty of lubricant and the slight medicinal smell. The Academy often practiced orgasm denial. The lubricant had to be laced with one of the many drugs they used for it.

Inwardly, Kayla cursed. She kept thrusting harder and faster even as most of the sensation left her crotch. She did her best to moan and act as if she was getting closer and closer to orgasm, but her body was not responding, and her best efforts could not hide it, especially since the lion no doubt knew of the drugs and their effects.

The lion allowed Kayla to run the dildo in and out of her cunt for nearly twenty minutes before finally saying, "Enough! Obviously you have not been studying and are not able to complete your homework assignment. You receive an F. Return to your seat immediately."

Dejectedly, Kayla removed the dildo and replaced it and the lubricant in her backpack. She put her clothing back on and sat down. The other femfurs looked at her in concern, but none dared speak a word.

The bell rang again. The coffle looked at the lion for instruction.

"Miss Marla and Miss Kayla, you will stay after class. The rest of you are dismissed."

Trouble, Zassa and Jenny rose and left. They gave the two femfurs ordered to remain behind a wan smile of encouragement, and then they were gone.

"Miss Kayla, you have yet again proven yourself inept at the class work. Go stand in the corner with your dunce cap on!" the lion sharply ordered the otteress sex slave.

Kayla looked to her left and saw a large, white dunce cap sitting on the table by the front corner. With a small sigh under her breath, Kayla walked over, placed the cap on her head and stood in the corner like a pup in elementary school receiving a punishment.

"All the way in, Miss Kayla! I want that button nose of yours shoved into that corner!"

Kayla did as ordered. Her arms, breasts, legs and muzzle were pressed against the immovable walls.

Behind her, Kayla heard the lion praising Marla for her fine work. The wolfess responded with coos and other vocal expressions of thanks and pleasure.

"Since you have done so well," the lion said, "I think I should reward you."

"That would be very nice, Master," Marla replied. Kayla could practically see her looking up at the lion from her seat and batting her eyes to encourage him on. Her tone dripped with sexual desire.

"But how to do so..." the lion said in a voice that trailed away contemplatively.

There was a rustle of clothing behind Kayla. She guessed that Marla had stood and removed her uniform.

"Some 'fun' with my favorite teacher would be a very nice reward, Master," the wolfess said sensually.

The lion laughed deep in his throat.

"Always so ready for sex, Miss Marla. Very well, so be it. Lie down on the desk."

Kayla heard Marla lie down. There was the sound of a zipper being opened.

"Oh, such a nice 'pointer' my instructor has!" Marla said appreciatively.

"All the better to point out the best parts of your hot interior, Miss Marla!" the lion said with a lewd undertone.

"Now let's just lift up that skirt of yours and start my 'instruction'. And I think I'll unbutton that top of yours to unwrap some of your better features..."

For the next fifteen minutes, Kayla had to listen as their "teacher" rutted with Marla. She brought him off with a loud roar matched a moment later with her own howl of orgasm. Inwardly Kayla shook her head.

Marla always did enjoy sex! the otteress thought wryly. At least her friend was having a good time. She doubted that she would when the lion's attention turned to her.

The pair continued to have sex for some time. The lion seemed to be in no hurry to get to Kayla, and he was obviously enjoying mating Marla. She kept encouraging him as she drew out the experience. Eventually, though, the fun ended.

"I am done with you for the moment, Miss Marla. Remove your clothes and return to your seat," the lion instructed her. "I will call upon you again later for some more extracurricular activity."

There was some shuffling behind Kayla as Marla removed her clothes and returned to her seat. The lion did something for a couple of minutes while he recovered from his exertions. When he was ready again, he spoke.

"Miss Kayla, come over here," the lion ordered the otteress.

I'm up, Kayla thought bitterly.

Kayla turned and walked over to the teacher's desk where the lion now sat. She glanced at Marla. The wolfess sat naked in her seat. Her body was still flushed from her fun, and she was panting. Seeing Kayla looking at her, Marla gave her a momentary smile of encouragement before schooling her face.

Kayla took up a position in front of the desk looking at the lion. He leaned back in his chair, put his paws behind his head and said, "Miss Kayla, you have once again failed miserably in your studies. I and the other Academy instructors have been discussing you and your behavior. While you exhibit certain limited abilities and occasional unexpected flashes of brilliance, your overall body of work is poor."

Great! Kayla thought dejectedly. He is one of the Academy instructors! I'm in for it now.

"Graduation is coming in a few weeks. You need to improve both your studying and your attitude. I and the other instructors have decided that, if you failed again tonight, you needed a severe punishment."

Crap! Kayla thought. Now I'm going to get it! This is going to be bad. Real bad!

"Miss Kayla, stand on the left side of my desk and bend over it," the lion instructed Kayla.

With considerable trepidation, Kayla did as ordered.

The lion opened one of the drawers of his desk and extracted four small coils of rope. He used them to tie Kayla's wrists and ankles to the legs of the desk. She was securely held down tightly on the desk when he was done.

Definitely a professional, Kayla thought as she tested the ropes. They did not cut into her flesh but did hold her totally immobile. She could barely move anything besides her tail

As a final touch, the lion lifted her short dress and laid it back over her back to expose her round, fleshy posterior.

The lion walked to a closet at the front of the room. From within he extracted a cane that made Kayla gasp in fear.

The cane was three-and-a-half feet long and about the diameter of her pinky. Its shaft was white plastic reinforced with carbon fibers to give it strength and a suppleness that wood could not match. Its lightweight allowed the instructors to achieve incredible speed while the ability of the shaft to bend ensured a long line of pure pain across the receiving furs ass. It was one of the most severe implements of punishment that the Academy could use.

The sight brought an audible gulp from Marla. Kayla could not take her eyes off the cane, but she suspected that Marla was slowly turning green. The male wolf that often punished the femfurs had broken more than one of these canes over Marla's backside. The wolfess had howled in pain and fear throughout her punishments with this instrument of torture.

Kayla was close to tears as the lion moved around to her left. She looked up at him and pleaded with her eyes for mercy.

"We have decided that you need three dozen strokes," the lion informed Kayla. " Hard strokes!"

Kayla wailed in fear. That was more than even Zassa had ever endured!

Without taking his eyes off of the wailing otter, the lion said, "Miss Marla, come here."

Reluctantly Marla rose and came to stand beside the lion. Her head was down, and every bit of her body language screamed her fear and horror of what was to happen to her friend.

The lion held the cane out to Marla and ordered her, "Whip her."

It was not uncommon for the slaves to be ordered to inflict punishments upon each other. It was, in fact, part of their training so that they could safely punish slaves if their future Master or Mistress ordered them to do so.

Still, Marla did not take the cane.

"Take the cane and whip her!" the lion demanded angrily.

Against her will, Marla raised her right paw and took the proffered cane.

"Whip her good and hard," the lion said forcefully. "I want to hear her scream!"

Sickly, Marla looked down at Kayla. Kayla was sure that the wolfess was going to throw up or pass out.

Kayla drew a deep breath. She was screwed. There was no way out of the torture she was about to endure. She was going to be heading for the Medical Ward after this one. If Marla did not do as ordered, she would likely be joining in Kayla's punishment with dozens of strokes as well.

Kayla looked up at Marla. Their eyes met. Kayla nodded once, turned her head away, closed her eyes and settled in to await her caning. Her paws opened and closed as she waited for the pain to begin.

The otteress could tell from her snuffling that Marla was nearly in tears. Kayla had absolved her of all responsibility for what was to come with that small nod, but still the wolfess did not want to do this.

"Get to it, Miss Marla, or you will be getting a caning as well! Your ass would look very pleasant stacked on top of Miss Kayla's for a double caning."

Kayla heard Marla take up her position even with the otteress' left flank. She raised the cane and struck hard across the center of Kayla's exposed buttocks. The otteress hissed in pain.

Damn, that hurts! Kayla thought.

"Harder!" the lion ordered.

Marla hit Kayla's ass again. The otteress yipped in pain.

Even worse that time, Kayla thought around her pain.

"Harder!" the lion yelled at the wolfess.

Unseen by Kayla, Marla bit her lower lip hard enough to draw blood, but she drew back the cane and struck a third time even harder. Kayla yelped in pain.

I hope they don't get worse! Kayla thought.

"Harder! This is not a sorority initiation! This is a punishment!" the lion bellowed.

So much for that hope! Kayla thought bitterly.

Marla drew back the cane even further than before and struck. Kayla howled in pain. Her body jerked about as she strained against the ropes.

"Better!" the lion said. "Now give her thirty-five more."

Kayla heard Marla exclaim, "But, Master! That was her fourth stroke!"

Don't argue with him, Marla! Kayla thought around her pain. As much as she appreciated the wolfess' attempt to limit the number of strokes, the last thing she wanted was for Marla to be punished or even more strokes to be added to her own punishment.

The lion growled at Marla. The wolfess got the message. She raised the cane and brought it down for a fifth time on Kayla's bottom. Kayla screamed from the pain.

The lion drew out Kayla's punishment by forcing Marla to wait between strokes. After the first dozen, Kayla could feel her buttocks covered with long welts. Several were bleeding. It only got worse as Marla was forced to continue to cane Kayla severely.

Around the fifteenth stroke Kayla began to lose consciousness. The lion called a halt to the proceedings. He broke an ampoule of smelling salts under the otteress' nose as she lay half-conscious on the desk. She jerked her head back and looked around.

"Continue," the lion ordered Marla as he took up his seat at the desk again. He smiled broadly as he looked from the distraught wolfess to the otteress writhing in pain and back again.

"Get back to work, Miss Marla. I want to hear Miss Kayla scream with the next stroke, or we start all over!"

Kayla heard the whistle of the cane through the air, but it did not register until the pain erupted from her ass. She screamed even louder than before.

The caning continued at a slow pace. The lion had to use the smelling salts several more times before the last stroke was finally delivered on Kayla's heavily abused ass. Through her pain, the otteress half-conscious could dimly hear Marla openly crying loudly. Most of her attention was focused on the extreme pain coming from her bottom and the feel of her own blood flowing slowly down the back of her thighs and calves before dripping to the floor.

Weakly, Kayla thought, I survived. How did that happen?

"Miss Marla, you are dismissed. Gather your belongings and return to your quarters."

Marla threw the cane down on the floor and bolted. Kayla turned her head and watched the wolfess sprint from the room. Even before she got to the door, Marla was wailing like a banshee.

I don't blame you, Marla, Kayla thought past her pain.

The lion stood and inspected Kayla's posterior.

"Damn! She really laid them in!' he said in a surprised undertone. "Never thought she would.

"Pity this one's too banged up to use. I've got a hard-on that needs immediate attention. Maybe that vixen is still available..."

With dimming vision, Kayla watched the lion leave. She was still tied to the desk, and the room was slowly going black on her.

Kayla finished by saying, "They obviously came for me and took me to the Medical Ward. I spent a day and a half in their 'tender care'. What they did with a catheter and an ice-down is a tale for another time.

"I never got a chance to talk to Marla about it before we were sold. I tried twice, but she was so traumatized that I never got past the first few words."

Master David looked at Marla. During Kayla's story, she had pressed her body against his and buried her face in his chest. He could feel her sobs and hot, wet tears. His chest fur was soaked. Her entire body shook with the suppressed emotions of that painful day that had inadvertently been brought to the surface by him.

"It was a setup," Master David declared bitterly.

"Why?" Marla wailed around her sobs. Her voice was muffled by her Master's fur.

Master David shrugged.

"A message to Kayla. An attempt to break your friendship. To see how deeply their training and conditioning had gone in Marla. All of those and more?

"Who knows?" the black wolf male said with a heavy sigh. He had seen the Government and its minions do similar things many times, often for small, petty reasons. It was one reason he had turned against it and those who supported it.

Master David's voice took on a steely tone.

"Do either of you know who the lion was?"

Both femfurs shook their heads no.

"Pity," Master David said bitterly. "Still, maybe Tenchi can work some magic and find him for me. I want to have a long, pointed discussion with him plus find out who else was involved."

A small shiver went through both femfurs. Their Master's anger at the lion was palpable. Both wondered if the lion would survive that "discussion" with Master David.

Master David turned his full attention to Marla. She looked up at him from the safety of his arms.

"Kayla," Master David asked the otteress without taking his eyes from Marla's face, "do you want to be spanked by Marla?"

"Yes," Kayla replied without hesitation. "I think it would do her a lot of good."

"I agree," Master David said.

"What?!" Marla exclaimed in shock.

"The Academy tried to destroy your relationship with Kayla by forcing you to hurt her badly. Kayla forgave you, but you never forgave yourself.

"Marla, you are a highly intelligent young wolfess, but you are still blaming yourself for this when it was just not your fault. Kayla knows that. I know that. We want you to know that.

"While you are, as I said, very intelligent, you think with your heart and your body at least as much as your brain. You need to feel things, have a visceral experience to change. I think it is, in many ways, a highly laudable trait. But it does not help you here."

Master David shifted Marla in his arms so that she was facing him.

"Marla, if you spanked Kayla right now, would you hurt her?" the black wolf asked.

"Of course not!" Marla replied heatedly.

"Would you enjoy spanking any other fur, including me?" Master David asked.

Marla actually blushed a little bit. There had been one or two erotic fantasies of late featuring the male holding her. Not all of them had seen him as her Master.

"Y- Yes."

"Then why not enjoy the same fun with Kayla?"

It was, in many ways, both a simple and profound question that forced Marla to confront her fears and her shame at what had happened.

Even after all these years, the wolfess still vividly remembered that night when she had hurt Kayla so badly. She considered Kayla to be more of a sister than a friend. She had largely managed to suppress her emotions. She had been so overjoyed when both Master David and Kayla had taken her into their pack and welcomed her with open arms and love that she had not felt for so long.

Marla realized one thing. She did not want to hurt Kayla ever again.

"I will not hurt Kayla," Marla said defiantly, "regardless of the cost to me!"

"If it was you tied down and me spanking you," Kayla asked, "how much do you think I would hurt you?"

"A little," the wolfess replied.

"You're right," the otteress confirmed. "I would give you some nice stinging blows to get your ass warmed up for more fun.

"Because I know that is what you want.

"Tonight, I want it. From you, my pack mate and my sister. I want it because, while I prefer the romantic seduction while you enjoy the domination, I want to please you and give you what you want. I do the same for Master David for the same reason.

"I love both of you.

"And because I love you, I want to make sure you understand that I do not hate you for what you did. You - WE! - were forced into a no-win situation. I gave you my permission to do what you did to protect you because I loved you then as much as I love you now.

"Because I love you so much, I want to make you happy and whole. We play at these games, but they are just games. Ways to express our love and trust in each other. Master David would never deliberately hurt me. Neither will you.

"So spank me, Marla. I love you, and I trust you to do it right this time," Kayla concluded.

Marla looked at her friend and pack mate in shock. The calm brown eyes of the otteress stared back at her. There was quiet determination and great love in those eyes. In her heart, Marla knew that Kayla wanted her to be cured of her fear and shame. She was still reluctant. What if she hurt Kayla again? She would never be able to forgive herself!

"Marla," Master David said gently, "you know that Kayla is right. You will not hurt her. I don't think you could even if you tried."

"But I know that she doesn't like this type of thing!" Marla protested.

"Not nearly as much as you and I, but Kayla will give us whatever we want because she loves us and wants us to be happy."

"What if I do not want this?" Marla asked almost angrily. "Don't I have a say in this?"

Kayla opened her mouth to say something, but Master David cut her off before she could speak by saying, "Then do not do it, but know that you can have it from her at any time. She wants it because she knows that it will help you heal."

Kayla vigorously nodded affirmatively.

Marla crawled over to Kayla and put her arms around her shoulders. She rested her muzzle against the bound otteress' head.

"Are you sure?" Marla asked in a tremulous voice.

"Yes," Kayla immediately replied confidently. "You need to mend from what happened. I think - I hope! - that this will do it. You are so emotional about these things at times that you cannot see the truth, even when it kisses you."

Kayla planted a passionate kiss on the side of Marla's face.

"Do it to cure yourself. I want you to be better," Kayla whispered into Marla's ear.

Marla stood. She picked up the small paddle and looked at it like it was a venomous snake.

"I don't know if I can do this," the wolfess said in a quiet, scared voice.

Master David stood and took Marla in her arms. He said softly, "We're here for you, Marla."

Master David led Marla to Kayla's left side. The otteress looked up at Marla. The wolfess stared back down at her. Her expression was almost horrified. To Marla's utter amazement, Kayla gave her a huge grin and a saucy wink. She wriggled her rump back and forth provocatively to entice Marla. It was too much for Marla.

The wolfess laughed uncontrollably at the otteress' irreverent antics.

Marla covered her face with her paws, but she did not stop laughing. She could hear Kayla's otterish chirps and barks of laughter as well. Master David wrapped his arms around Marla from behind and held her tight. He was not laughing, but she could feel his love coming from his gentle embrace.

With her laughter, Marla felt years of pain and bad memories leaving her. She knew that Kayla and Master David were right. She had been manipulated and forced into doing something absolutely terrible to Kayla that horrible night back at the Academy. She finally was coming to grips with her feelings.

When her laughter subsided a bit, Marla bent down and kissed the bound otteress again.

"Thank you. Thank you both," she said. Her eyes were bright with tears, but they were tears of release from her long nightmare.

"You're welcome, Marla," Kayla responded quietly as she kissed the wolfess back.

After their lips parted, Kayla asked in a loud, firm voice, "Now where's my spanking?"

Marla dropped to her knees and looked Kayla in the eyes. She asked in a voice filled with wonder, "You really want one? From me? After what happened?"


Marla swallowed and asked, "How hard?"

"As hard as you would like me to spank you," Kayla replied firmly.

"You're sure?"

"Yes," Kayla replied confidently.

Marla was surprised at the trust that her friend and alpha female was placing in her.

Kayla suddenly smiled and added cheerfully, "In fact, I'm going to give you a nice spanking as soon as you are done with me, and they are going to be just as long and hard!"

"What?" Marla asked in surprise, but she suddenly felt a warmth in her crotch at the thought of her bottom being gently spanked by the otteress while their Master watched. It appealed to her in so many ways. She also suddenly realized why Kayla had wanted to be spanked in the first place. It would give Marla and Master David so much pleasure, sexual and otherwise.

Marla stood and picked up the paddle again. She grinned down at the otteress.

"In that case, I better make this count!" Marla said with a mock growl.

Marla lifted the paddle and began to slowly deliver twenty light blows that barely stung the otteress' flanks and rump. She applied them lovingly to her alpha female's bottom with great show for her Master and alpha male. Master David observed the proceedings over her right shoulder as he held her lightly in his arms and petted her belly and other parts. Kayla egged on Marla with her grin and swaying ass. The otteress even occasionally caressed Marla with her tail between swats.

When Marla was done, Master David released Kayla. She stood and promptly took Marla in her arms. There was no mistaking her feelings towards the wolfess as she kissed the slightly taller femfur and drove her tongue as deeply into Marla's muzzle as she could reach. Marla almost purred as she closed her eyes and accepted her alpha female's love.

After several minutes, Kayla withdrew her tongue and broke her kiss. She looked at Marla and cheerfully said, "Your turn now!"

Marla could not help but grin as she was tied down to the spanking bench. It was not only the paws that caressed her so delightfully or the thought of the pleasure of the paddle that she would soon experience. It was also the strange sense of healing she was feeling from giving Kayla a spanking that she obviously deeply desired and even unexpectedly enjoyed. After so many years, Marla had come to peace with what she had done to Kayla, and she knew in her heart as well as her mind that Kayla did not blame her and still loved her.