Story by Shock/Rice on SoFurry

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#3 of Random Stories

(Enter oblgitory sex warning here.) Either way, under the age and/or don't care for any of this? Don't read! Pure and simple. Other than that, ENJOY!!

Commission for Misty Maiko and her mates. I hope they enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!


Sighing, he walks into the bar and goes into the back corner, ordering a beer from the waitress that walked by. He leans back in his chair and stares at the smoky ceiling, the smell of smoke and nicotine in the air making him sick. He sighs out and looks about the dim room, seeing no one he recognized. He studies them to pass the time: a couple making out in a corner; three guys playing poker and shouting cusses at each other, accusing each other of cheating when they all were; a guy at the bar talking with the bartender, discussing meaningless stuff like sports and politics.

He sighs out again, noting that the music would fit the bar mood, depressing. He gets the beer and takes a sip. He mentally cringes, noting that the beer is room temperature and tastes like piss. All in all, a horrible way to spend a Friday night.

So, why would he spend the night here when he could go out with someone, you may ask? Truth is, there's no one, at least not right now anyways. While his friends are out partying with girlfriends or hooking up for the night, he would either spend most of his nights watching TV or come here to the bar.

Yeah, pretty sad, isn't it?

The door opened, the bell jingled. He looked up to see who would really walk into a bar like this and was stunned at the results. Three drop dead gorgeous girls walked in, stunningly beautiful and really stood out from the crowd. Seriously, it's like putting a spotlight on them, which would actually improve their beauty.

He looked at each in turn, amazed at how beautiful each was. On the far left was a Jolteon pokemorph, her yellow fur shining brightly and electrifying her appearance, dressed in very revealing clothing. She was wearing a very short, black miniskirt; a white V-neck t-shirt, the v revealing more than any he has seen. He looks her over and sees that, judging by the way her enormous breasts are hanging, she isn't wearing a bra.

He looked to the one on the far right. She was wearing jeans that hugged her amazing legs and supple ass, a black shirt with lettering on the front. The bold white letters spelled out "BUNNAH" and looked retro, meaning it was faded. He noticed something shining around her neck, seeing the shining metal in the shape of one of the ladies on the trucker mud flaps. Looking down, he sees that she's wearing five inch orange stilettos with green around the bottom. While she looked human, he could see that she had bunny ears and sees the wiggling of her bunny tail behind her, excitement on her face.

The one in the middle looked like the leader of the group, her muscular body putting out an aura of total respect. She was someone that people would want to follow. The vixen's body was amazing to look at, her clothes made to show off her body. She was wearing a pleated skirt that reminded me of that music video with Christina Aguilera, barely covering her gorgeous ass. She was also wearing a tight, faded shirt that was torn off below her chest, showing off her amazing six pack and muscular arms. Her orange fur stood out the most about her, almost the same color as the setting sun.

They all walked over to the bar and sat down on the old stools, the creaking showing their true age. They started to chat and, on occasion, laugh above the music, causing some patrons to stir from the spell of the bar and turn their attention to the newcomers. He watches them for some time, for they were the most interesting people in the bar, no contest. After a few minutes of watching, he figures that they know each other and were very close. But what happened next surprised the shit out of him.

During one of their talks, he noticed a hand from the pokemorph move over to the vixen's back and trails down, groping her ass in plain view of everyone, and the vixen didn't care. In fact, she offered her hand to the pokemorph's ass, further surprising him. He was shocked, of course, but at the back of his mind, he was a little disappointed. He thought that they were all friends, but seeing that two out of three were probably more, he still had some hopes for the third. That was, until he saw the bunny move close and grabs both of their asses with a smile.

That killed any chance he had with them and sighs out in disappointment. He leaves his money for the beer and gets up to leave, not wanting to be around anyone anymore. He puts his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and gets up, walking past the three girls.

He got the shock of his life when he felt hands grip at his arm and pull him in another direction, causing him to lose his balance and fall. He stumbles into the bar counter and grunts in pain, his eyes closed. He opens them to find the three girls surrounding him, looking at him with curiosity and, strangely, lust.

"Uh, hello. Guess I stumbled and fell towards y'all. Sorry about that. I'll be going now." He moves to get up and go to the door, but the hands hold him down. He looks down and sees that they're the ladies' hands on his chest. He looks back up, confusion on his face, and moves to get up again. Still, the hands push him back.

"Um, excuse me, but you're kinda holding me down. I was just getting out of here." He points toward the door.

"We know." He looks to see the pokemorph speak up. Her voice was heavenly, electrifying even, which made sense since she's a Jolteon.

"We saw you looking at us the moment we came in. And, just so you know, we couldn't take our eyes off you, either." She looks up at the other two and they both nod in agreement.

"Um, okay. Well, what do you three gorgeous young ladies what with someone like me?" He couldn't believe his luck. This has got to be a dream. I think I feel asleep back at the table.

"Well," spoke the bunny girl on his right, "we wanna treat you to a night on the town. You seemed lonely, so we all thought we want to treat you to a night with us! How does that sound-kyu?!"

By the looks on all three of their faces, they really wanted him to say yes. Well, if you were in the same situation as him, would you turn down three beautiful ladies?

He moves into a better position and looks at them, the beginnings of a smile coming on his face. "Sure. I'll be glad to go with you. After all, it wasn't like I had nothing better to do."

They released their hands from his chest, happy with his answer. He held out his arms to them, gesturing for two of them to hold onto him. The Jolteon and the bunny girl wrapped their arms around his, the vixen just looking at him with interest.

As they moved to the door, a voice spoke up from behind them. "Really? You would go out with a loser like him?"

All four turned around to see three guys standing up from a table. It was the guys from the poker game. Apparently, they stopped and watched the events, not believing their eyes as I was the fortunate one they had their eyes on. If they knew they were out scouting for potential guys, they would've turned on their "charm" which, to him, was all but sleaze.

The one closest to us was a grizzled old wolf, lean and fit from possible years of working out. The other two, a bear and a tiger, followed the wolf's actions.

The poker group walked up to them until they were face to face. He could smell their breath, filled with alcohol and a faint, distinct smell of smoke. He grimaced and walked up to them, slipping out of the pokemorph and bunny girl's grasp. He came face to face with them and sighed.

"Look, I don't want any trouble. Kindly go back to your game."

The wolf in front of him was now more pissed off because of my words. And judging from the looks of him and his friends, he was the leader.

"Seriously? You're telling us to go back and forget all of this? How did a loser like you get these three babes?! You don't even have the looks and, judging from your clothes, you broke as fuck!! Why on Earth would they go with you at all?!?!"

With that, the ferret moved so fast that in the blink of an eye, the wolf's back was in the wall on the opposite side of the room. He groaned from the sudden pain that was now coursing throughout his body. Everyone was dumbstruck with the sudden flight. He walked over to the groaning body in the wall and pulled him out.

"You disgust me. You would really hit on women when you already have a wife at home?!!" He grabbed the wolf's left hand and held it up to him, letting him see the metal band around his ring finger.

The ferret drops him and turns away, paying the barkeep for the damages and takes the ladies outside, the wolf's friends gathering around him.

He turns to the ladies when they were all outside and sighs, his head down in shame. "Sorry you had to see that. I hope this doesn't change anything." While he said that, he knew that they would leave him for his aggression and strength. They probably didn't want that.

Again he was surprised, because he didn't expect anyone touching him. He could feel all three wrapping their arms around him lovingly, nuzzling into him. He surely wasn't expecting any of that at all. He looked down, confusion on his face as to why they were still here.

"What are you talking about? If it were me, I would've punched his teeth in!" the bunny girl said, pulling back to punch the air to emphasize her words.

"He really was a jerk. Plus, he was married! Where's his sense of commitment to his wife?" the pokemorph said, hugging both the vixen and the bunny girl close.

The vixen looks him up and down, studying him intently. She smiles and moves to him, hugging him close. "You did well in that fight. I would've stepped in, but I wanted to see how you would react."

"Well, I guess you saw the results, then?" He smiles. "So, may I ask for your names?"

In all of the confusion and adrenaline of the fight, they forgot to make introductions. One by one, they spoke up and said their names.

"I'm Cosette," the bunny girl said.

"I'm Misty," the pokemorph said.

"And I'm Victoria," said the vixen.

"Well, ladies, a pleasure and honor to meet you." He takes a hand and places a kiss on it, bowing before each in turn. "My name is Chris."

Both Misty and Cosette blushed at his actions. Victoria grinned and curtsied, the others following her actions. "Pleasure to meet you, Chris. So, how are we gonna get around?"

"Well, we can take my car. Unless you drove?" Chris said.

"Well," Victoria started, "we walked here from our apartment and our feet are killing us. We could use a chauffeur."

He laughs quietly and motions for the ladies to follow. They walk through the dark parking lot towards his car, a 2012 Chevy Camaro Transformers Edition. The car was beautiful, with its high wing spoiler, gleaming black and yellow paint job, black rims and the Autobots shield on either side of the car.

Needless to say, all the ladies were impressed at his set of wheels. "My oh my," said Cosette, "where did you get the money to pay for that?"

Chris chuckles and says, "Paid for it myself. I work as a DJ in one of the local clubs in the night district. Perhaps you've heard of my DJ name, Shock/Rice?"

All three had their mouths open. "No way," said Misty, "You're the guy in the jackal helmet?"

He chuckles and nods. "The one and only, dears."

They started to talk excitedly among themselves as they move closer towards the car. He pulls out his keys and unlocks it, turning to them. "Alright, who's riding shotgun?"

They huddled around in a group, talking quietly among themselves, until moments later they turned towards him. "I'll call it," said Misty, hand raised above her head.

He smiles and claps his hands. "Alright, pile in." He opens the door for them, Victoria and Cosette piling in the back and Misty taking the shotgun position. He closes the door and slides across the hood to the other side, slipping into the driver's seat. Keys in the ignition, he starts the car, the stereo playing one of his favorite songs. He pulls out of the parking lot and heads toward the highway.

"So, perhaps I can interest you ladies in some shopping? All on me, of course."

All three perked up a bit at the word "shopping". Misty turned to him and asked, "Are you serious?"

"Yep. I know a guy that'll give me a discount if I bring in some ladies for sales. The place is packed with good clothes for y'all to go gaga over. In fact, some of the dancers shop there for their stage clothes."

All three girls got excited over shopping, especially Cosette. She was almost jumping up and down in her seat in excitement. He laughed at their excitement and cruised down the highway.

After a few minutes, they pulled up to the clothing store, everyone piling out to see what it was. The place was in a strip mall, surrounded by shops and food places. In the windows, they showed beautiful dresses, evening wear and loads of other fancy dresses. He smiled when all three had excited looks on their faces, all rushing inside to go shop. He stood off to the side, letting them have fun. That was, until they grabbed him and forced him into the changing rooms for him to let them see them in the dresses.

While they were in separate stalls, he shuffled around nervously, really feeling uncomfortable being here with them now. He tries to occupy his time by tapping his foot to an imaginary beat that was running through his mind now. While doing that, he didn't notice them coming out of their stalls until he heard a throat being cleared. "Ahem."

He turns and was floored by the results. All three were wearing amazing dresses, all to short and showing a lot of cleavage. Cosette's dress was bright orange, strapless with no back, with a green belt around her waist, the length of the skirt halfway between her knees and waist, wearing the same heels when she was in the bar. Misty's dress was cobalt blue, the hem of her skirt up dangerously close to her waist, almost revealing her luscious butt. The neckline was cut low, going down past her belly, showing a lot of cleavage. Victoria's was a two piece night black school outfit, the skirt short and the shirt barely covering her chest, making her look like a sexy school girl. She was also wearing fishnet stockings and black high heels.

All three of the girls look so amazing in their outfits; he had a hard time breathing from the sheer beauty of their gorgeous bodies. He stared at them so much, he forgot how to breathe and slumped down to the floor. As soon as his body hit the ground, he could feel hands around his body and slowly woke up to see three silhouettes above him.

"Wha... What's going on?" he reaches up to his head, rubbing the sore spot from when he hit the floor.

"Apparently, you fainted on us when you saw us," Misty said, looking down at him with concern.

"Oh. That. Um, well, I guess it was because you guys looked so sexy in those outfits..." he said with embarrassment, looking away from them with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Aww..." said Cosette, "You're just saying that, Chris." She blushes from hearing the compliment.

"No, really." He looks at them with sincerity, his voice in a serious tone. "I think the way you look is positively divine. You three are the epitome of beauty and sexiness. I honestly can't take my eyes off all three of you."

All three blushed and decided to drop the subject. Chris purchased the clothes and let them walk out with them, smiling all the while. I can't believe that I'm hanging out with these lovely ladies! How the hell did I get so lucky?!!

They got back in the car and drove around to their next destination: a club. They pulled up across the street from it and saw the people lining up to get in. Chris smiled and grabbed the helmet that was lying on the floorboard in between Cosette's feet, who just happened to call shotgun.

He put it on and got out, letting everyone else out as well. "Stick close to me," he said, draping his arms around them and walking up to the club.

"Why?" asked Cosette.

"Because," explained Chris, "people tend to freak out when A) there's a famous celebrity here, B) gorgeous women are going to enter the club and C) perhaps there might be a chance that they'll listen to me play. They'll rush the bouncer and possibly start grabbing at me. So, best stay close."

They moved quickly, past throngs of people trying to touch him, screaming in his ear and pronouncing their love for him. Soon, they reached the bouncer, who nodded and let them in.

When they got past the bouncer and entered the club, the place was packed from wall to wall of people dancing to the awesome music blasting from the speakers. All four of them made their way over to the bar and asked for a few drinks. Chris relaxed against the bar with Misty, Cosette and Victoria while they talked in excited shouts, just to be heard above the speakers that was blasting pulse-pounding music.

He checks his watch and grabs the attention of the three ladies, tapping his watch then pointing up to the booth, telling them he's due to play soon. They gave him a thumbs up and he moved to the backstage area, preparing his turn on the tables.

When the DJ before him stopped playing and let the music play out, he moved up and set up his mix of the night. He waited for the right moment to transfer over to his mix and when he did, the entire floor was silent. No movement, no talk. Everyone was hushed to hear what was happening up in the booth.

All eyes were on him and a cheer was rising from the crowd. Everyone knew what to expect and yet, no one did know what to expect from the legend that was Shock/Rice.

He started off simple: a nice 4 count dance beat with some synth leads and heavy bass. The crowd started to cheer and dance along. He looked to see the three ladies over by the bar, dancing along to the beat. They honestly like it! They are dancing to my music! How could this night get any better, I ask you?!!

He continues to play, pulling out all the stops, showcasing his favorite tracks from all his favorite artists and putting out a few fan favorites that was sure to get the crowd going. All in all, he knew that this was all for them, those three girls that wanted to spend the entire night with him. Not out of pity, but of sheer curiosity and genuine interest. They actually wanted to get to know him and wanted to spend time with him. He knew, without a doubt, that they were exactly what he needed for a night out.

_ Thank God it's Friday..._


Listening to him play, the three women talked to each other, discussing what their plans were next and how the ferret was taking a shine to them.

"Perhaps we can do something to repay him for all the kindness he has shown us throughout the night. I mean, we were supposed to show him a good time. But, as it turns out, that wasn't the case," Cosette was speaking to her two mates, "I think we should at least do something as a token of appreciation, right?"

"Well," Misty began, "I think we can do something that we can all agree, no?" She smiled knowing to the both of them and all both knew what the Pokemorph was thinking.

"Well, let's see if he wants it first," said Victoria.

"And if he doesn't?" asked Cosette.

Victoria smiled evilly, "Then we'll just keep pressing till he relents..."


After playing for 3 hours, the club decided to call it a night. He played the last song of the night, raised his hands in the air and listened to the crowd chant his name. He looked over to the three girls and saw that they, too, were cheering and having a good time overall. He smiled behind his mask, happy to know that they were having such a good time.

When all was said and done and they were all piled back in the car, he asked them where they lived. Misty told them that they were currently living in her beach house close to the shore on a secluded property. He followed directions and pulled up to the gate. After seeing Misty enter the password, the gates opened and he drove down the gravel road towards her luxurious beach home.

Her house was breathtaking. Somehow, it fitted perfectly with the beach background. He pulled up and admired the hard work that people went through to make this house happen. He walked the ladies up to the door and smiled.

"I really had a good time tonight, ladies. Please, if you're ever around, don't hesitate to find me..." he bows before them, kissing their hands and rising back up to hug them close for a few seconds. He sighs and turns around, walking back to his car. He gets another surprise when he hears Cosette say, "Why don't you stay and check out the house?"

He turns around and sees that they were serious. They really wanted him to stay. Why? Why would they want me to stay? I was nothing special. I just showed some beautiful ladies a night out because they wanted to spend time with me. It was possible it was out of the kindness of their hearts that I was so pathetic. They felt obligated to spend time with me because of how sad and lonely I was sitting alone at the bar. But, seriously, they don't need to go this far for me. They have done enough.

"Um, it's fine, dears. You really don't need to go through all of that trouble for me. Besides, I need to sleep and it's a long drive back to the apartment." He stepped back towards the car, inching closer to the driver's side, hoping that they would take the hint.

But that wasn't the case. Victoria strolled over, grabbed his arm and walked him back over to the front door. "You're going to stay with us for the night. No exceptions. And you're going to like it because we are doing this for you."

They walked inside and showed him around. They went past the living room, kitchen, dining room, gym, indoor swimming pool, sauna, game room and their bedrooms until they reached the master bedroom, the one where they all share a bed.

He gulped, wondering just what was in their minds to bring him to this bedroom. He looked around, seeing the big, luscious bed with red covers and pillows, pictures of all three of them doing various outdoor activities, like laying out at the beach and having a picnic. He could see that all three were very close and wondered why he was here. They really loved each other. He could see the love and compassion in their eyes when they stare at each other.

So, why was he here? With them?

They moved to the bed, laying out on it and cuddling with each other, their fingers trailing up their backs, grabbing their asses and moaning softly at each other over how they were touching each other. He just stood there, wondering what the hell he was doing here, witnessing this display of love.

While exploring the house, he saw a couch in the living room. He slowly made his way out and down the hall, thinking he was in the clear, when he felt a hand wrap around his waist.

"Where are you going?"

He turned and saw Cosette, eyes worried and face concerned for him. Her ears drooped down sadly, wondering why he was moving away from the bedroom.

"Um," he said, trying to think of what to say, "I don't think I should intrude...."

"Why did you think that? We want you to stay and join us!" she beamed up at him, her ears standing tall with excitement and happiness.

He still felt apprehensive about all of this. He had a sneaking suspicion that all three of the ladies were "together" one way or another, but he couldn't tell. From the way they acted around each other and how they looked at one another helped clued him in on how they felt. Now, looking down at Cosette, he could see the same in her eyes when she looked at him. Looking behind her, he saw that Misty and Victoria were looking at him like that, as well, although less intense than Cosette.

He was dumbstruck by what he was seeing, not realizing that Cosette was leading him back to the big bed, Misty and Victoria already on it and waiting for him. Cosette pulled him upon the bed, letting him lay out on it, and laid on top of him, Misty curling up on one side and Victoria on the other. They start to rub him all over, Cosette's hands on his chest and Misty and Victoria's hands on his arms.

Feeling their hands go over his body like the way he saw with their own, he was truly taken aback. Never has anyone shown him this much kindness in one day.

"Say, ladies," said Cosette, "shall we give him a night to remember?" She blushed when she said that, looking at the other two with hope and longing.

"I'm not opposed to cuddling and kissing, but I don't want him... you know..." Misty said, looking away in embarrassment, but wanting him to know her intentions.

"Of course, Misty. I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable. Besides, I figured you wouldn't, anyway." He leans in and kisses her cheek, probably the only time he'll go that far with her.

"So, that leaves you two. What will it be?" He looked at Cosette and Victoria.

Cosette leaned down and kissed him deeply, her hands cupping his cheeks and licking her tongue against his lips. She pulled away and smiled, "You know my answer, dear..."

So, it was down to Victoria. He could see her smile a little before answering, "Sure. But, I would like to spend some time with my mates, as well. Can't be all about you, right?"

"Sure, I completely understand. I don't want to intrude at all." He smiled and laid down on the bed, sighing in relief. "So, how are we going to do this?"

All three of the ladies were looking at each other with knowing smiles. Soon, they got off the bed and moved to the front, looking down at him. Curiosity peaking, he moved up to get a better look.

They all started to remove their dresses at the same time, slowly and sensuously removing each part of their dresses before it fell to the floor. One part of him was thinking this show was for him and a deeper part of him knew that this was a show for each of them, as well. When all the clothes and undergarments were gone and tossed away to the side of the room, he was floored once again for who knows how many times it has been tonight.

One thing was for sure, all three had big breasts. Cosette's were probably the biggest, looking like a triple Q-cup. Misty's were smaller, compared to Cosette, but still pretty big, maybe an F cup. And, bringing up the rear, was Victoria's, with the most beautiful double E's he has seen. All three of them were holding their hands in front of them, raising up their breasts with their arms and smiling down at him. "Well, Chris? What do you think?"

"My God..." He just stared at them in wonder, moving up to them, his hands on both Victoria's and Misty's while his head was nuzzling Cosette's. "They're amazing. Beautiful, even." He starts to tease Victoria's and Misty's nipples, his fingers tracing circles around them, even pinching them softly. With Cosette's, he moves his lips towards one and kisses it softly, slowly taking it into his mouth and slowly starts to suck on it, his tongue moving around in slow circles. He hears the sounds of their cooing and gasping, really enjoying his touch. They moved close to each other, leaning in to kiss each other tenderly and lovingly, hands cupping cheeks.

Seeing them preoccupied with each other, he takes it a step further. Seeing that Cosette was at the center of attention, he moves his hands away from Misty and Victoria and focuses on her. When his hands moved away from their bodies, both turned towards their new mate and wrapped their hands around her possessively, holding her close and kissing her to no end. Now that his hands were free, he began to explore the bunny-girl's body slowly, going over every inch and curve tenderly and lingering his touch as much as possible, hoping to heighten the pleasure that was hopefully building within Cosette.

Joining in the touching was Misty and Victoria, their hands moving around to grab her ass and rubbing her hips slowly. They even moved their lips around her neck and head, kissing slowly and tenderly around every inch of skin on her face. Cosette was practically in heaven, so many people touching her and the male in front of her taking care of her enormous breasts with such amazing love and care. Her hands reached out to hold his head close, never wanting him to leave her breasts. Her mates around her were also teasing her to no end; hands on her ass, hands on her belly, rubbing slowly and groping lovingly. It excited her and made her feel honored to have such loving mates and a kind male teasing her.

Minutes later, he moves away, lingering his touch on the bunny-girl. All three stop and look at him, wondering what he would do. Soon, he starts to remove his hoodie, grabbing at the bottom and slowly taking it off. He tosses it with the growing pile of clothing and lets them see his arms and shirt. His furry hands were brown. Moving up past his wrists, they could see that his arms were white, snow white. He takes off his black shirt, again tossing to the side and letting them see the body that he was born with. It sure has grown into the body he has now, the ripples of abs and the toned degree of his chest. His arms were toned with muscle, not bulging but you can see that he wasn't a pushover. Soon, his pants were off, letting them see his legs that matched his upper body. His feet were also brown, fading away to white at his ankles and going up his entire body. His back was brown, leading down his tail till it faded to white at the tip. He stood there before them, wondering exactly what they were thinking.

When they were seeing him strip, the ladies were still teasing, going over bodies slowly. When he was fully naked before them, they stopped and looked him up and down, slowly smiling. Misty smiled kindly, seeing that it was indeed an amazing body, but she had other plans and didn't want to stray from them. Victoria was thinking that he looked good and wondered how he got to be like that. Cosette was just amazed at his body, totally blowing her expectations of what he would look like under all those clothes. All three smiled brightly and moved close, wrapping their arms around him and crushing him in a group hug. Stunned at first, he moved his hands around them and held them close; loving the attention he was receiving.

While all three were around him, he gripped their bodies and fell back onto the bed, carrying them with him. They were surprised, but were later giggling and curled around him. He smiled and laid out with them, rubbing over bodies slowly. He then started to feel something wet on his chest, moving around all over, never staying in one spot. He looked down and saw Cosette kissing his white fur slowly. She could feel his eyes on her and looked up to confirm her suspicions, smiling lovingly and continuing to kiss his soft fur. Seeing that Cosette could keep the male busy, Misty and Victoria moved out of his arms and into each others, kissing each other deeply and passionately, tongues moving out to meet the other, hands rubbing all over the place slowly. It was quite possible that they haven't had done something like this in a while.

With Misty and Victoria busy, Cosette focused all of her effort and attention to the male before her. She moved her body around slowly, getting into a comfortable position with her legs wrapped around his and her arms slowly moving up and down his chest, her skin brushing against his fur, tickling her and exciting her to no end. She marveled at how soft it was and, when moving up and down his chest, she could feel his muscles more clearly, feeling the power and strength behind them. "Wow, this is amazing, Chris! You must've worked out for some time, huh?" She nuzzled his chest slowly, feeling the firmness of his chest.

He smiled and rubbed the back of her head slowly, his hand moving up to her long ears and slowly stroking them lovingly. "Not really. You can say its genetics. My father was like this when I was his age. And as the years past, he never lost his strength." His other hand moved up and down her back slowly, his finger trailing down the crook of her spine, teasing the skin with his fur. She cooed and looked at him, her eyes shining in the pale light of the bedroom.

On the other side of the bed, Misty and Victoria were exploring each other's bodies. Even though they have seen and felt everything the other had to offer, it still felt nice to touch each other that way. Going over muscles, bellies, thighs, arms, breasts, and asses, they smiled and kissed all the while. Misty went down Victoria's belly, inching closer and closer to her slit, but something was in the way. Misty gave Victoria a coy smile and grasped the slowly growing appendage. "Looks like someone wants a little attention down there, huh?" She moves down towards it, slowly kissing her way down. When she got there, she slowly took it into her mouth, moving lower along the length till her lips touched the base, having had practice in relaxing her throat when taking on big members like Victoria's.

Victoria smiled when her mate took her cock into her mouth, loving Misty's tongue coating her length and her throat clenching lovingly on her tip. Misty was being deliberately slow, teasing her to no end. Her hands moved to the back of Misty's head, running it through her hair slowly, before grabbing it and forcing her to deepthroat her cock, holding her there for a few seconds. She relented, letting Misty catch her breath before thrusting her cock deep into her mouth fast and hard, then pulling out slowly. She kept this up for some time, Misty enjoying it more and more, loving when her mate dominated her like this.

With Chris and Cosette, things were heating up. Cosette was now kissing every inch of his fur slowly, letting her lips linger on his fur. He was still stroking her ears, watching her with rapt attention. She moved lower and lower down his body, fingers trailing over his fur and moving around in tiny little circles. Soon, she was at his sheath, staring at it for some time before moving her tongue over it, licking all over and moaning softly.

Feeling the arousal building, his cock moved out of his sheath. When that happened, Cosette stopped her licking and moved over to his tip, taking it in her mouth and started to suck at it hungrily. It grew more, growing faster with each suck, the feeling of pure pleasure coursing through his body. He moaned and reached up to both ears with both hands, stroking her ears faster and hearing her moan around his cock. She decides to increase the pace, bobbing her head on the increasing cock, her hand rubbing around his sack.

After a few minutes of fucking Misty's face, Victoria was getting close. Misty sense that her climax was coming so, with a grin, she moved her hand down to Victoria's slit and pushed in two fingers, fingering the slick honeypot with vigor. Feeling Misty's fingers inside her, moving in and out of her pussy, she groaned and held Misty down over her cock, releasing all of pent up pleasure deep inside her mouth, letting it pool around and move down her throat and into her stomach. Misty pulled away and let the continuing stream of cum wash over her face and body until Victoria groaned and sighed out, her orgasm coming to a close. Misty stayed like this, letting the cum slowly drip down her body, then scooped a handful of her mate's cum and started to drink it down, sighing happily that her mate could please her like this.

"It was good, wasn't it Misty?" asked Victoria between breaths, calming down from her massive orgasm.

"The best batch to date, love," replied Misty, cleaning herself off then cuddling with her mate for some time until they were both ready for another go.

Chris was still battling with his release, holding it back until he was ready, but Cosette was trying her hardest to get the spunk she so craved right now. Going over his cock with her tongue, coating the hard member with her slick saliva, her hands kneading his balls, coaxing them to release his load all inside her mouth. He moaned and just couldn't take it anymore. He held on to Cosette's face and pulled her close to the base of his cock, releasing his load down her throat. Feeling the first spurts of his warm seed, she started to suck and pump his cock, milking him of everything he had. Soon, he was completely drained, panting from that mind-blowing orgasm. He looked down at the bunny-girl and smiled, seeing her licking his cock clean and looking up at him with adoring eyes.

"Damn, girl, that was amazing...." he said, panting between each word. Once she was done, she moved up his body slowly, kissing all the way up to his lips. The kiss was long and deep, her tongue slipping inside his mouth and licking all around. He moved his hands to cup her cheek and wrap around her back, rubbing it slowly. She pulled away and looked at him with lust, rubbing her wet slit on his cock. "Stick that big cock in me. I wanna feel you inside me," she moaned out, her need for him growing with each pass.

Sensing that they were ready, Misty pushed Victoria onto the bed and laid out on top of her, doing the same thing Cosette was doing to Chris with Victoria's cock, slowly rubbing it against her wet slit and wanting it deep inside her. Victoria and Chris looked at each other and smiled. At the same time, they moved their partners over the tips of their cocks and shoved them deep inside their tight pussies. Both Misty and Cosette moaned loudly and moved back and forth over the cocks, heightening the pleasure more and more.

Both girls started to move slowly on top of the dicks that were in them, moaning and squirming on top of their partners. Soon, they moved close to one another and started to passionately make out, licking each other's lips and wrapping their tongues around in a dance of forbidden passion. While making out and moving on top of the cocks, Chris and Victoria started to rub their hands on each other's bodies, his hands on her belly and chest and her hands on his chest and cheek. Soon, they moved close to one another and shared a kiss, as well.

Misty and Cosette abandoned the kiss and focused on their partners. Hands on their chests, leaning over to look at their faces in pure ecstasy, they moaned with each passing movement over the cocks that were inside them. Chris reached his hands out to Cosette's waist and started to thrust back, the first to cave and wanted to just unload deep into her waiting pussy. Victoria, on the other hand, kept her cool, despite hearing her moaning softly. She held back longer, but gave up and joined Chris in the thrusting. She rutted deep inside Misty, hitting all sorts of pleasure points inside, making Misty moan loudly up to the ceiling. Chris was keeping up, Cosette loving how it fit tightly inside, brushing up against her spot with each deep rutted thrust he could muster.

After some time, it became too great and the pleasure overtook all four of them, moaning and releasing at the same time. Juices flowed out from the partners above and seed shot straight up into their warm and inviting pussies, filling up their wombs immensely. After their orgasm died, Misty and Cosette fell and laid on top of their partners, cuddling with them while milking the cocks inside them of every last drop.

"Mmm... How was that, stud?" asked Cosette, her finger tracing tiny circles in the chest of the male, looking straight into his eyes.

He propped himself up and moved to her lips, kissing them tenderly and whispering to her when he broke apart, "Amazing, Cosette. I haven't had someone as good as you in a long time." He held her close and snuggled with her.

Misty and Victoria looked at the two for a second, watching their conversation, before turning back towards each other and smiled. "I know you enjoyed yourself, dear. I can feel your cock deep inside me, still hard." She kissed her mate passionately, cupping her cheek. Victoria kissed back, slipping her tongue inside the Pokemorph's mouth. Misty cooed against her mate and continued to kiss, not breaking away in the slightest.

After everyone was rested, Chris and Victoria moved their cocks out of their partners, cum slowly flowing out and onto the bed sheets. After some moving around, tails brushing against bodies and not knowing whose who, they found a position in which everyone could enjoy. Victoria was lying on her back, Misty was positioned over her cock, Cosette was above Victoria, cum dripping down her thighs, and Chris was behind Victoria and Misty, wondering what was going to happen.

First, Misty made her move. She took her mate's cock and poised it towards her tailhole, pushing down on it until the hole relaxed and accepted the member, moving down on it and moaning greatly. Victoria smiled at her mate and moved up to Cosette, pulling her down over her face and started to lick up the cum that was surrounding her folds. Cosette cooed and moaned softly at the slow, painfully agonizing licks along her slit. She even went over the bunny-girl's clit, to which Cosette moaned loudly. Getting the picture, Chris moved down towards the vixen's slit, brushing his cock against it a few times before thrusting his manhood inside. Soon, everyone was panting, grunting and moaning at various noise levels, sometimes quiet and other times loud enough to wake the neighbors.

Misty and Cosette were on opposite ends of Victoria's body, staring at each other with lust and love, moving closer towards each other to share a deep and passionate kiss, moaning into each other's mouths over the growing pleasure that they were experiencing. It got so bad that Misty started to rub her folds; still dripping with Victoria's cum, hoping to get off soon. While Misty was preoccupied, Cosette moved down and started to lick around her breasts, teasing the little pink nubs until they were hard. Cosette then moved her lips around the nubs, sucking them slowly, her tongue moving around them.

Misty was in heaven, having so much pleasure coursing through her body at the same time. Cosette was thinking the same thing, until Victoria moved a finger over her tailhole and started to push deep inside her. Cosette moaned louder with the new appendage inside her, moving in and out of her fast. Victoria was getting close, having Misty on top of her and the male thrusting his manhood deep inside. It seemed so long that she had something inside her like that, and she wasn't complaining in the slightest. Chris was just lucky to be there with them, he was lucky when they wanted him to come with them. He wanted to return the favor. He wanted them to have the greatest night of their lives.

When Cosette moved away from Misty's breasts, Misty moved down onto Cosette's, returning the favor in full. Her lips sucked and her tongue licked at her nipples lovingly, her hands grabbing at Cosette's breasts until she could feel the flow of milk flowing out. When that first drop of milk hit her tongue, she smiled and started to suck at it hungrily, drinking down mouthfuls of delicious milk that came straight from Cosette's breasts. Cosette cooed and moaned more and more, just loving her mates going over every inch of her body.

Soon, the pleasure was getting too great. Everyone knew that they were close and wanted to hold back until they couldn't, but that time was now apparently. After a few more thrust and a few more licks, everyone was moaning and groaning loudly as everyone came. Misty came all over Victoria's belly and Cosette over her face. Victoria came deep inside Misty's tailhole and Chris came deep into Victoria's pussy, feeling completely drained. He pulled out slowly, seeing that everyone was busy with each other, cleaning each other off with their tongues. Smiling, he silently grabbed his clothes and moved out of the bedroom. After putting on his clothes and walking down the stairs, he grabbed some food and a pen and paper, jotting down all sorts of contacts, hoping that they would use one. When he heard sounds of talking from upstairs, it was his cue to move out the door and to his car, driving down the gravel road and out of the gates, heading home. He went to bed, dressed as we was and fell asleep; tired from the extreme fucking those girls gave him. He smiled as his last thought of the night was his hopes of hearing from them again.


The next morning, the sun broke through the curtains surrounding his window. He sighed out and got up from the bed, moving down towards the kitchen for something to eat. He went towards the kitchen and sighed, remembering that he was low on food.

He went back up to his room to change his clothes: fresh pair of pants and a new shirt, same hoodie as last night. Grabbing his wallet and phone, he noticed a new voicemail on it and played it. To his surprise, it was them.

"Hey, stud! Had a great time last night and was wondering where you've gone when you disappeared on us," said Cosette. "Anyways, we were just wondering if you want to come by and have some breakfast with us. Maybe cook a meal for you?" Misty asked.

He wondered what had happened. Am I still dreaming?

"Just get your ass down here for some food. You don't want me to come up there and get you myself," spoke Victoria in a commanding voice, getting a chuckle out of the surprised ferret.

"Yeah," he said to himself, "I just might do that."

_ Thank God it's Saturday_ He thought as he raced down the stairs, grabbing his keys and heading out the door, with hopes that today would be even better than yesterday.


I bet you're all thinking "Well, took you long enough!! Finally some good written sex!!" Pervs. But, I loves ya all the same.

Meanwhile, getting to Division 42. And, if people want me to, continuing "Fallen Stars".

Either way: I'M BACK, BABY!!!

(Comment, fave and rate please!! It'll let me know that I'm doing a damn good job.)