Reindeer Games - 2011 - Thunder and Lightning

Story by Ether Rain on SoFurry

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#1 of Reindeer Games

Hey everyone, just made this little xxxmas piece as a holiday gift to...

Hey everyone, just made this little xxxmas piece as a holiday gift to you all! I'm sorry I've been away as of late, starting to get in the swing of things again, so expect new stuff come January :)

This little piece here is just a fun little quickie of some of Santa's naughty little Reindeer. It was done quite speedy and may not be as well edited as my stuff usually is, but it's got some fun heart to it, so I hope you enjoy!

Reindeer Games - 2011 - Thunder and Lightning

Written By: Ether Rain

I was lost in a sinful daze. Back up a bit though, don't you hate when people start off a story at its conclusion? Nothing is more pretentious than that. My name's Cupid by the way, nicknamed for my heartthrob appearance. Smooth short blonde hair, slim figure, medium build, and the sexiest damn eyes you ever saw. Powerful antlers too...oh yeah, almost forgot to mention, I'm one of Santa's reindeer.

You know Dasher, and Dancer, and Prancer, and Vixen. Comet, myself, and those crazy Germans who do nothing but party around here...and Celebrity boy...don't get me started on Mr. Royalty Rights. Well what you don't know is the dirtier side they all have, including myself. Now I'm gonna warn you, this story isn't for the feint-hearted. If you cherish the childhood magic of Christmas and all that jazz, you may want to buck out of this raunchy tale. If you're a perv like us...picture this if you can:

There Vixen was, live in the fur, nestled comfortably against a warm armchair, fire blazing beside him. He was thin and soft, long arms and legs and very strong eyelashes. The dark in them complimented the green shade of his eyelids and he gave an inviting smirk to whoever was in the room with him.

The only clothing he wore was silky pink stockings that stopped right at his butt. His bushy little tail flickered about as he put his tight hole out on display, the look in his eyes begging for abuse. You'd swear he was a chick, if it wasn't for the small semi-soft shaft dangling between his legs. I've never seen it fully erect in my life; it almost seems to know it will never be put to use.

My hand was now idly roaming around my waist, reaching for my growing erection as I held my breath for the anticipated announcement of his guest. As soon as I saw the two gruffer looking bucks step up to the plate, I knew who Vixen was dealing with. Donnar and Blitzen, with their stronger build and punked out hair. Donnar for Thunder, black atop his head, and Blitzen for Lighting, a streak of gold above him.

These two runners came all the way up here from Germany, and brought quite the rep along with them. I've never seen anyone party more then them; the drinking, the music, and...I guess apparently now the sex. In the few seconds of an intro I got from the two they had already gotten things going. The ol' ass man Donnar, as they jeer him at training, was already head first in Vixen's welcoming little rump.

Even the little whimpers Vix gave out sounded like a girl. His eyes locked onto Blitzen lustfully as he wiggled his buns against Donnar's muzzle. Donnar muffled out low murmurs as he dove in and out of the soft hole until it spread itself around his tongue. Blitzen said something German in a risqué tone. I still don't have the foggiest clue as to what it was, but Vixen seemed to get the gist of it though, blushing deeply just as he felt that thick cock rub against his face.

"Wow, that's a nice one!" rang out at that immensely girlish voice, giggling as its owner stuffed its muzzle full of musky cock. I tell ya, you've never seen anyone swallow a man's shaft like Vix; in just one attempt the breath from his nose was already tickling Blitzen's beltline. More German followed (where's the subtitles when ya need 'em?) followed by a hammering bout of thrusts into poor Vixen's throat.

There was the odd gagging sound here and there but nothing long-lasting, just the ol' Vix skill of chocking down any stud he could find. Donnar had got up to his knees now and trailed his cockhead against the rump his tongue had loosened. Taking the hint of the intended spit roast, Vixen took a break from Blitzen's manhood and joined the two on the carpet floor.

It was hard to see from here on so all I got were canted glimpses. I could hear the clicking of a cap and the squeezing bubbly hiss of thick lubricant. Blitzen came back into view holding his shaft back over the girlyboy's lips. Just as he wrapped them around the warm pole he let out a gentle wince, just as I could see Donnar's meat push up into Vixen's ass.

I struggled to keep the scene in view, clutching the door carefully as I leaned on the floor; paw working my member. Both deer hadn't given their prey much chance to warm up before both shafts were relentlessly hammering either hole. Several hard slaps struck across Vixen's backside thanks to Donnar making him ring out a loud yelp in between his gagging coughs.The two filled him up like it was a sport, several times seeming to laugh at each other like it was a sick joke. As one sped up, so did the other, both keeping a consistent rhythm.

"Switch!" Blitzen rang out gleefully a while later as he pulled himself out, Donnar following suit instinctively. They were polite enough to give Vix a quick breath before hoisting him back into position; both now at different ends. Vix let out a gentle murmur as Donnar's length dropped down into his throat, still warm from its time in his backside. His other end was given a short reprieve just long enough to allow Blitz to lube himself up.

All the while Vix wiggled his bum about, clearly impatient from the lack of attention his hind was receiving. It was only a few more tense seconds before he felt the sharp harshness of the invading prick. Blitz held Vix's stubby tail up in the air with a tight grip, forcing the hungry hole even wider.

He nodded to Donnar shortly after and received the same gesture back. A look of confusion crawled along Vixen's face as he watched the stud deer leave his mouth and carefully slink under his chest. Before he could let the word 'What-' leave his lips he felt the tip of Donnar's cock slip an inch inside his rump, slowly but surely joining Blitzen's.

Vixen wined out in an even mix of pain and pleasure as his eyes lulled about in an ecstatic daze. The two large shafts almost competed for space as the once tight tailhole slowly relaxed and gaped in obedience.

As soon as the two had room to move, the pounding began. Vixen's squeals were so forced out of him they were almost silent. It was almost impossible to believe my eyes; the amount of dick that guy can take is pun intended.

"Who's our little slut?!" Donnar repeated, being the one eye to eye with Vix. "Ahh, m-m-meee!" the dick happy bitch cried out, almost with a sense of lustful pride. Blitz just gave his snide little laugh, pumping in and out with a speed that matched his partner's. I wasn't sure how much more the little slut would actually be able to take but I watched on eagerly, awaiting the faithful money shot.

That is until..."It's not polite to eavesdrop you know!" a deep strong whisper slithered in my ears almost making me leap a mile. I turned with a jolt to see Comet standing over me, sporting nothing but a damp towel around his neck. Ok, I'll admit it, I'm not a slut...but my god was I tempted to be at that moment. The look of his strong pecs still curled with wet fur as it dripped from him. I could tell he had just got out of a post-workout shower, being the buff manly jock he was, but the thing standing at attention between his legs proved he hadn't arrive here by accident.

His member was easily a few inches longer than those German runners and a tad thicker too. My ass wasn't the 'home grown hero' Vixen's was when it came to swallowing cocks, but let's just say the 'Speed Trio' hadn't left me in the dark either. "I was just wondering what all that faggy racket was all about" Comet teased before I could ask, peaking in the room himself as he accidently smacked my face with his schlong.

"Oops, sorry about that bud, you don't mind doing me the favour though, do ya?" he said in the usual tone that seemed to leave the musk of testosterone behind with every word. Oh lord, I didn't just say that did I? Anyways I stood up immediately, standing my ground as I zipped up discretely and let the brute have it. "For your information I do mind, and furthermore what those three choose to do in the privacy of their own rooms is their business, and if they're being to loud just knock and tell them to hush it down!" Then I stormed off down the hall.

If you actually believe what you just read there, you are a total naïve dimwit. In actuality I didn't keep any sense of dignity or composure. Backtrack up to that early statement, what was it again? Oh yeah! "Oops, sorry about that bud, you don't mind doing me the favour though, do-heh!" his words ended with a chuckle as I was already pressing my lips against the tip, tongue tickling at the slit.

Now I don't want to say I looked up at him with needy puppy eyes, but well...yeah. He took over my view of the scene inside, leaving my imagination to sort out the detail of the audio as my mouth became his masturbatory aid. He was one of the few deer on the team who still sported foreskin, which was fun to play around with amidst the usual rhythm of a typical blowjob.

After a few minutes of gruff sighs from Comet he looked down to see just how much saliva I had left on him. He leaned back just enough to see the length of his shaft, now wetter than he was. He smiled down at me with a strange intensity before shuffling around behind me, gesturing his fingers in a circle. "Turn around Cupid!" he commanded now letting us both have a good view of the scene inside. Without questioning him I simply obeyed with a quick peppy, "Yes sir!"

I held my rump up high, knowing exactly what he wanted. He got a bit closer, holding his paws out to clasp over my jaw; presumably muffling any sound that was soon to drop out of my mouth. My teeth clenched as I felt the tip of his impressive meat jabbing into me. Luckily my whimpers were easily drowned out by the hard grasp of his paws.

The deeper his shaft sunk the stronger the pain that rushed into me and I was unsure if I could handle all that man after all. I watched with watery eyes over to Vix and the amount of dick he had pounding into him, and that's when I knew, pain or no pain, I had to struggle through this. It was sort of like a challenge had dawned upon me and somewhere deep down was the need to answer its call.

I nipped at Comet's fingers as I accepted his length, somehow feeling better if he shared a little bit of the pain. He seemed to let out a short chuckle, easily handling the feeble bite I had managed. Despite the lack of lube we had I found the more I watched the other three fuck, the easier it was to accept what Comet was packing.

Then I finally felt it. That smooth gliding feeling you get when your body can finally handle all that cock and...BAM! That's when he finally nailed my prostate down hard. I almost squealed at the wonderful feeling, luckily he knew to plug my mouth up. Knowing I was finally feeling it, Comet proceeded to a fast pace of shaft-length pummels. I began to pant with each thrust he lay into me, my body wriggling around in ecstasy.

The dull, heavy fullness in me continued to tantalize my senses on through the night as both my partner and Vixens' seemed to endlessly enjoy us. Eventually Comet was the first to cum, knowing well enough that the two of us would need to leave first. I wanted to lie down and relax in the after glow, but the moment he finished he insisted on taking me to his room.

I expected a 'Don't tell anyone' speech or something of the like, but when I got there he simply showed off his rear to me and stated in his deep powerful tone, "I'm not finished with you yet!" I looked up at his inviting muscular cheeks for a moment, giving a second's worth of contemplation before burying my muzzle in them.

I tickled every warm inch of his musky hole with my tongue, sniffing in his manly sweat with my nose and he leaned comfortably against me. I wasn't sure how long he expected me to lay there in his ass and service him, but it didn't matter to me, I was lost in a sinful daze.