Night of the Weredonk Part 3!

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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#3 of Weredonk

Weredonk 3

Alex suddenly woke up with a gasp; sweat covered his naked body as he looked around his surroundings. He was back in his room, the familiar sights and smells comported him as he tried to process the extreme dream he had been having. Something to do with John and him...and John turning into some kind of half man/Half donkey with a huge cock, and then him turning Alex into one of those things and them jacking off with each other and braying all night. The dream had felt so real...and it was so awesome...feeling all big and buff with such a huge cock between his legs...

The hot blooded youth felt a stirring in his groin and he smiled, it looked like his morning wood really needed to be taken care of, so he pulled back the covers and was suddenly met with an unusual surprise. Instead of his normal looking cock, was a big leathery sheath complete with a pair of nearly baseball sized balls. Alex regarded it curiously as he watched the flattened head of an equine cock began to emerge from its musky home. "It wasn't a dream!!" Alex whispered to himself. Alex then leapt out of bed and tossed on a pair of shorts and a wife beater, then put on his sandals and ran out the door.

Johns parents farm was right next door, so it didn't take him long to get there, and thankfully John was standing right outside the barn door with a pitchfork in hand tossing some hay into a bailer. "John! John!!" said Alex as he ran closer to him. John brushed the sweat from his brow and looked behind him and smiled as he saw Alex running toward him "Hey man! How are you?" Alex smiled coyly as he rushed up and gave John a hug and planted a big kiss on his lips. "Ohh I think you know how I'm come on!" Completely dumbfounded John looked at Alex and was barely able to stammer out a sentence before Alex grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the barn.

Alex looked around the barn and saw that it seemed that John had tried to clean up the results from their fun last night, but the smell of sex and animals still filled the air. "'re alright with it? I goes away in a few days...I just wanted to give you a glimpse". Alex then grinned as he closed the barn doors and looked at John with a lustful glare. "Ohh...I've had more than a glimpse...and now I want the whole thing".

John blinked in surprise for a few moments, but then smiled a lustful grin as he began slowly peeling off his overalls, "So you really want this huh? It's not just the cock talking?" John smirked as he stood in the middle of the barn clad only in a white stained jockstrap.

"Ohh I want this man...more than anyone could ever whip out that big stud stick and let me have a taste..." Alex had frantically pulled off all of his clothes until he was left standing naked with his rock hard equine erection standing proudly out of its sheathe. "Alright, but first we have to have you changed all the way first before we can make this a permanent deal...grab a hold of that sausage you got right there and take a deep whiff".

Alex looked down at his footlong member and grinned before grabbing it with both hands and rubbing up and down the length of the shaft, he kneeled in and took a whiff of his own rich earthy and musky stench and let out a moan of pleasure. Alex then began to stare at his own flattened cockhead which had a small drop of precum resting on the tip, feeling adventurous he kneeled over and licked the tip of his own cock and shivered in pure ecstasy. He then opened his mouth and took in as much as his own member as he possibly could and began thrusting his hips to shove more and more of his throbbing member into his mouth.

"Whoa whoa man...take it want to enjoy this don't you?" Alex reluctantly pulled himself away from his own shaft then looked down at his hands and feet which where covered in a familiar fur, "Look! Its happening again!" John grinned and adjusted his growing bulge in his confining jock "Yea, it goes faster when your horney, you learn to control it in time, but you got to keep a check on yourself or else you will shift at any time".

Alex only nodded before looking back down at his cock and opening his mouth again and continued blowing himself. John chuckled and the sound of one of the straps holding Johns jock together snapped echoed in the room. "Now at that're never going to get a hawww...handle on it".

Alex broke away from his cock again and looked at John with a lust filled gaze "Fuck that...I wanna be wild and free! I wanna be a stud jack again!!"

John smiled as he slowly peeled down his jockstrap and let his own hard equine hood free into the fresh air. "Well if you want to get to work at becoming a jack again, you better get to work on this hawww!!" John pointed down at his cock and Alex nearly leapt onto it and began rubbing his tongue along the length of his ebony shaft like it was made of candy. "Haww...Yes!!! He-Haww!!! You love that cock don't you? Hawww!!! You love big jack cocks!"

Johns body suddenly began to rapidly shift, his feet merged together into powerful hooves, his body began to expand as black fur rapidly covered his body and finally his ears moved to the top of his head and his face pushed out into a large muzzle. "Hawww!!! He-Haww!!!" Said John as Alex nearly devoured Johns growing shaft until nearly it stood at nearly a foot and a half long.

"Nnngh...hawwwww...wait man...we gotta do you next..." John's tail swished behind him rapidly as he picked up Alex by his armpits and lifted him up to his feet. John then leaned down and took Alex's cock into his muzzle, causing the young man to let out a loud bray in pleasure as his body began to grow.

John's muzzle never left Alex's cock as the brown fur began to cover the young man's body; powerful muscle grew underneath the short coarse fur that was spreading across him like wildfire. "Haww!!! Yes!!! Suck my stud cock! Ohh god man!! He-haww!!!" Alex's legs suddenly shifted as his feet merged together into hooves and his brown tasseled tail shot from his backside and began swishing back and forth. Finally with one loud bray Alex was done as his face pressed out into a long muzzle and his ears became long and pointed.

John then pulled himself from Alex's cock and licked his lips as he admired the amazing specimen of a stud before him. He seemed even bigger than before and his cock had to nearly be two feet long.

Alex grinned as he reached down and began to caress his newly grown abdominals and flex his gigantic arms. "So...want to make this permanent? You can always go back you know..." said John quietly as he looked deeply into Alex's eyes.

"Hell yea! So how do we do it"?

John let out a soft chuckle

"Bend over"