I love you

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#2 of Cassandra

Wow. A year since my last submission. Not perfect. Pursuing an engineering degree sucks. Hopefully more soon. Same as always: criticism, advice, comments, typos, blah blah blah. Enjoy. I'm going to go fantasize about a little bunny girl.

Edit: Holy crap. Just realized I uploaded this exactly one year after the last one. I did not plan that at all.


Tristan sighed in relief as his apartment door swung open. It was good to be home. He shut the door and locked it, dropping his keys on the floor and shuffling inside. Thankfully, it was mid February and finally starting to warm up, so he no longer needed winter clothes, just a pair of jeans and a simple jacket. Kicking off his shoes, he ventured deeper into the room, not sparing a glance for the rabbit sleeping on his couch as he stepped into his room and tossed his jacket onto the bed. He had his shirt halfway off and was wondering what to make for dinner when he realized something was wrong.

Tristan walked back into the living room, shirt in hand, and stared down. Sure enough, Sandra was curled up at the end of the couch, wearing a dark blue sundress, her chest rising and falling slightly with her breathing. He sighed and reached down, shaking her side gently. "Sandra, wake up. Come on, it's the middle of the afternoon." After a few seconds, she opened her eyes blearily, pushing herself up into a sitting position. "What are you doing here?" he asked

Sandra rubbed at her eyes sleepily and looked up at him, her eyes flicking from his face to his chest to her feet. "I was waiting for you," she murmured, tugging at the hem of her dress.

"Why were you waiting here? And how long have you been here anyway?" Tristan asked. Not long after their night together on Christmas eve, he had given her a key to his place. He didn't like the idea of her waiting by the door to see if he was coming home. And since he had given her a key, they had had more opportunities to be together.

The young rabbit looked at the clock."I came over a few hours ago. I wanted to be here when you got home," she answered without looking up. She fidgeted uncertainly. "I'm sorry."

Tristan stared down at the girl silently and then chuckled, reaching out to cup her cheek gently. "I'm not upset, so don't look so sad. Besides, it's kind of nice having you here when I come home." He laughed and scratched one of her floppy ears before turning and walking back to his bedroom to finish changing.

Cassandra watched Tristan leave the room, her eyes glued to his gray furred back and the way his thick muscles shifted under his skin. She thanked god once again for her black fur, so that Tristan couldn't see her blush. It seemed like she was always blushing when Tristan was in the room. It was bad enough when she couldn't even look at his face, they way his eyes bored into her made her heart seem to beat a million times a minute. But how could he just walk around without his shirt on? He was too handsome, too.....sexy.

But...he had said he liked her being here. That made her smile, and she even giggled a little. She tugged on one ear thoughtfully, not even noticing when Tristan walked back into the room until he plopped down next to her. "How were you able to get here so early? Don't you still go to school?" he asked, turning on the TV.

"It's a holiday," she explained, smoothing her dress over her legs. She could have come over later, but she liked being in Tristan's place. It made her think of him. The smell that had settled into the room after years of being lived in. Just a subtle scent, a trace of him that lingered under the detectable level.

"And you spent that time waiting for me here?" Tristan asked, finally settling on a channel.

"I like it here..." she mumbled, staring at her lap. She wanted to say more, but she could never get the words out. Whenever she looked at him, her throat got dry and she couldn't speak right. She was about to try to explain when Tristan beat her to it.

"Well, it's fine. You can come over whenever you want," he said, putting his arm around her shoulder and pulling her to his side. Cassandra's blush deepened and she snuggled up to him despite herself. He was so warm and firm yet soft at the same time....

Cassandra blinked sleepily, reaching up to rub her eyes. When did she fall asleep? "Oh, you're awake?" a voice asked with a chuckle. "How much are you going to sleep today?"

"How long?" she asked, straightening up against his side. Straightening up, but definitely not moving away.

"Only about half an hour," Tristan answered. She looked to the TV when she realized that the room was silent, and then up at him questioningly. "I didn't want the noise to disturb you." Cassandra smiled softly and pressed her head to his chest. He was so sweet. After he had moved in, when she had first met him, she had thought he always seemed angry and aloof. But even if he did always look kind of irritated outside, inside the apartment he was so sweet and kind, so gentle with her. "Come sit on my lap." Of course, sometimes he seemed to just be trying to embarrass her.

"W-why?" she stammered, hunching her shoulders, nervously twisting her dress.

"Because you look cute," he answered as if it was obvious, tugging at her bare furred arm. Cassandra blushed deeper but crawled obediently into the older wolf's lap. Not too quickly of course. She was only doing it because he asked. She settled down across his lap, folding up against his warm chest. Tristan wrapped his arms around her and for several minutes they just snuggled together.

Cassandra liked things the way they were now. Before, Tristan had always been so hesitant, so distant, and she would have to work to get closer to him, slowly, one step at a time, until she could touch him like she wanted to. Now, even if he was always embarrassing her, at least he was always willing to be with her. She twisted her fingers into his shirt, curling up even tighter

She felt his hand rubbing her back tenderly and began churring deep in her throat. "You look pretty in a dress," Tristan said gently. "Why don't you wear them more often?"

Casandra peeked up at his face from the corner of her eye, her cheek still pressed to his chest, to find him smiling down at her. "Th-they're embarrassing," she explained, averting her eyes. "Dresses are girly, and they make me look like a kid." She tugged on her dress to pull it further down her legs. Tristan placed his free hand on hers to stop her, then began to rub her leg tenderly.

"I think it looks good on you. You always wear such baggy clothes. They don't show off your body like this dress," Tristan countered, kissing the top of her head.

"What's there to show off?" she asked softly. It wasn't that she was uncomfortable with her body, she just acknowledged that her body hadn't developed yet. Her hips and butt were as flat as her chest.

"What do you mean? These graceful shoulders, slender arms and long, soft legs for starters." Tristan sounded like he was stating the obvious, and he touched each part of her body as he named it. "Plus your cute chest."

"M-my chest isn't cute!" she exclaimed softly but firmly, flustered by his compliments. "A-and I don't even have a chest anyway. Even though I'm the tallest girl in my classes, the other girls all look more...mature." It was mostly true. There were a few girls who were as undeveloped as her, but the rest were all more womanly.

"I think it's cute," Tristan declared, turning her so that her back was against his chest. He began rubbing his hands up and down her sides, slowly and gently tracing his fingers along her front.

Cassandra's breath was coming faster now, her fingers clenched in the fabric of her dress. She was a little scared, but more than that, she was excited. It was all his fault, too. When she had glanced up, the look on his face had sent her heart racing. It was a look she had come to know. It was a predatory glint in his eyes that said he saw something he wanted. And he was going to get it. Ever so slowly, his hands traveled up her sides, but this time did not stop at her chest level and change direction. They kept moving up, over her arms and to her shoulders. She felt him take hold of the slender straps to her dress and drag them agonizingly back along her shoulder, his fingers brushing her fur, until with a soft rustle, her dress fell to pool at her waist, exposing her body to the entire room.

Even now, Casandra trembled. Even after all the times they had been together, everything they had done, she still got nervous nearly every time. He was so big and strong and intimidating. If she had run into him as a stranger on the bus, she would have been frightened of him. It was only because she knew him, trusted him... loved him...that she could open up as much as she did around him. But still, she knew that he was only gentle with her through his self control. She could see him fight to go slow and treat her delicately every time they made love, and hated that she wasn't able to give him what he wanted.

But as he did every time, Tristan proved to her that she didn't need to be afraid. His big, strong hands wandered across her body, groping and caressing her. Somehow, he knew exactly how rough to be to make her feel good without hurting her. He squeezed the small mounds she called breasts in a way that she would have sworn would be uncomfortable but instead felt oh so sweet. The way he pinched and tugged lightly on her nipples seemed like it should be painful, but instead sent shivers of pleasure down to her toes. Casandra didn't understand how he could know things about her body that she didn't, but he did. He pulled her tight against him and her back met thick, soft fur as their bodies rubbed together. Sometime while he was playing with her he had taken his own shirt off. "I...I..." she moaned quietly. Why couldn't she just say it? I love you. I love you. She wanted to say it, but her throat was so thick she couldn't force the words out.

"You're so beautiful, Sandra," he whispered into her ear. That seemingly innocuous comment that he always made never failed to flush heat into her face along with the rest of her body, and he continued to play her like an instrument, eliciting moan after trembling moan from her young lips. She hated how dirty she felt, but relished the feeling at the same time.

Before she had met Tristan, she had never even thought about boys. But the first time she had seen him, it was if she she had been unable to look away. He had smiled at her kindly and it had made her heart stop in her chest. After that she had begun dreaming about him, dirty dreams she had never even considered before, but left her waking covered in sweat and her crotch damp with what was certainly not sweat.

So here she was, a thirteen year old girl, writhing in pleasure under the hands of her twenty year old neighbor. It made her feel dirty and embarrassed, but when she was with Tristan, it didn't matter. As long as he was touching her, holding her, she was happy. She gave a soft cry as his claws dug lightly into her tender breasts, surprised once more at how good it felt, but was silenced by his mouth locking onto hers, his large tongue invading her small mouth lewdly. His hot breath, the taste of his saliva and his strong tongue coaxing her much smaller one to dance passionately was too much to add to the stimulation from his hands and with a whimper, Casandra climaxed, her slender body twitching in pleasure while Tristan coaxed her gently along.

Tristan didn't break the kiss from her until she had finally settled down, tilting her head back and letting their collected saliva drain into her mouth, which she swallowed with an eager shame. He pulled slowly away from her, grinning as she panted to catch her breath. "You're so sensitive," he murmured, stroking her cheek with his thumb. Casandra leaned back against him, her body tingling, and pressed her legs together, awkwardly. But just as he was about to pick her up (to carry her to the bedroom, she knew) Casandra stopped him.

"W-wait," she suddenly, squirming, his arms already around her.

He frowned down at her uncertainly. "Is something wrong?"

Casandra bit her lip uncertainly. She had wanted to do this for a while, but could never get herself to say it. It was too embarrassing. But this time she would do it. "Umm....you know how...um...y-you always l-lick me..." she mumbled, staring down at her lap, fidgeting nervously. "I-I want t-to do it for y-you."

Tristan was silent for a moment, still holding her tightly. "You don't have to do that," he said quietly, squeezing her reassuringly.

"B-but I want to!" she said quickly, turning to face him. "Y-you're always making me feel good. I want to make you feel good," she said earnestly. Staring at his chest and stealing glances at his face. She could see concern for her warring with desire in his eyes.

"Alright, but you can stop whenever you want," he said quietly. Casandra gave him a smile that she hoped was reassuring, standing slowly and letting her dress fall to the floor. She was suddenly aware of him staring at her near-naked body and lowered herself to her knees quickly. Her entire body felt hot, the thought of doing something so strange making her stomach flutter. She reached out with trembling hands and fumbled with the button on his pants, her fingers slipping several times before she finished, and pulled down his zipper. "Sandra-" he began again.

"Take them off," she interrupted him testily, tugging on his pants. She didn't want to hear any more about it. Tristan sighed, lifting himself off the couch and tugging them down his legs. Before he could sit down again, Casandra grabbed his boxers and pulled them down too, her breath catching in his throat as his half erect penis fell free. She licked her lips nervously. It was already so big. Did it really fit inside her?

Haltingly, she reached out and wrapped her hand around his member, moving her hand up and down like they did on the videos she had found online. It was so hot, and she could feel it twitch in her palm as it grew to full size. She nervously moved closer, the smell hit her at once; a strange, heavy scent that made Cassandra's head spin. It smelled like Tristan but...different. Stronger, and mixed with the smell of sweat, among other things. It made her stomach twist and her mouth water.

Sticking out her tongue, Cassandra licked the tip quickly, eliciting a groan from Tristan. Encouraged, she licked him again, slowly this time, circling her tongue around the head. She could see the muscles in Tristan's thighs and stomach tighten and relax as she pushed herself on, running her tongue to the base, until her cheek was nestled against his short crotch fur and the smell was filling her head. She stroked the base with her tongue as she continued to move her hand slowly along his shaft.

Cassandra was surprised to find herself excited. Without realizing it, she had begun to rub herself through her panties and couldn't bring herself to stop Doing something so...naughty...made her stomach flutter, and she loved being able to be the one giving pleasure for once. Judging by Tristan's heavy breathing and gasping, he liked what she was doing. Moving her head back up, she took the tip into her mouth, suckling gently. She felt Tristan's large hands tangle in her hair, his fingers gripping her roughly, and looked up to find him watching her intently, his eyes half lidded and his mouth open slightly.

She smiled inwardly at how cute he looked when he was so happy. Their eyes met briefly and the embarrassment hit Cassandra like a slap in the face. She closed her eyes, blushing furiously, and focused on making him feel good, opening her mouth wider and lowering her head slowly to take more inside her mouth. It hurt to stretch her jaw so wide, but she ignored it, focusing instead on the hot feeling of her lover on her tongue and the taste that was making her saliva run in buckets.

After she had taken roughly half his length, Cassandra began to gag and had to pull back. She immediately settled into a rhythm, moving her head back and forth steadily as she slid her tongue along the underside. Although she didn't exactly know what she was doing, she had prepared in advance; looking up techniques online and advice for what made guys feel good (making very sure to delete the history afterward, just in case).

Tristan's hands had relaxed a bit and he was now stroking her head in a way that made her feel strangely happy. She lost track of herself, enjoying being at the center of their lovemaking for once, and didn't even notice when his breathing picked up and his muscles began tensing. Her only warning was his fingers suddenly gripped her head tightly and he began twitching in her mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise but she forced herself to not pull back as his warm seed began flooding her tongue.

When Tristan finally calmed down, his hands sliding from her head and his body going limp, she let him slip from her lips. She had read that guys really liked it when their girls swallowed after oral sex, but with her mouth half full of his stuff, she was less sure. She tried anyway, building up her courage and going for one large gulp. While the taste wasn't too bad, the consistency was awful, like trying to swallow glue, and it stuck in her throat halfway. She gagged, trying desperately to swallow, but it was as if her muscles had forgotten how, and she froze momentarily, unable to breathe. She finally choked and began coughing, splattering a white mess onto the carpet and herself, some of it dripping down her chin and into her lap.

Cassandra stared down in horror. She had wanted so badly to do it well, and now she had ruined everything. She felt like crying. Hesitantly, she looked up, trying not to meet Tristan's eyes. He was staring down at her, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open as if about to say something. She cringed, dropping her head and closing her eyes. She must look pathetic, scrawny body hunched over on her knees, her face a mess.

The rustle of fabric let her know that Tristan had moved and his voice spoke gently next to her ear. "Are you alright?" Cassandra nodded, not opening her eyes. Would he be upset with her? Would he wish that she was better? Older? More experienced?

"It's okay, you don't have to do that again if you don't like it. You shouldn't force yourself," he interjected, cutting off her thoughts.

"No!" she burst out, opening her eyes and turning to face him. He had a concerned look on his face and was reaching out uncertainly, as if not sure whether or not to touch her."I-I'm sorry, I didn't dislike it, I j-just..I-I couldn't.." she stammered helplessly, pleading with her eyes. She felt sick. She dropped her gaze, her eyes tearing up. "I'm sorry."

Tristan sighed heavily like he sometimes did when he was about to tell her she was being stupid about something, but instead he just put his arm around her and pulled her close. "It's my fault. I should have warned you so you didn't have to do that. It just felt so good I lost focus."

Cassandra felt a glimmer of hope stir in her chest. "It really felt good?" she asked quietly, still staring at the messy ground.

"Yes, it did," he assured her, sliding his hand under her chin and lifting her head, forcing her to meet his gaze. He wiped her lips and chin with his thumb and kissed her lightly, much less intensely than his usual, passionate kisses, but nice in it's own way.

She felt the pressure in her chest ease. She had made him feel good. He didn't hate her. He didn't want to replace her with someone older. He kissed her again and drew her up onto the couch. Her mouth and throat were still sticky, and he brought her a glass of juice to wash it down, which she drank happily while he cleaned up what he could with paper towels. When she finished drinking, Tristan looked her up and down. She still had some dried semen and saliva in her fur.

"Why don't we take a shower?" he asked. Cassandra felt her stomach flutter again, but merely nodded and let herself be led to the bathroom. Tristan was so amazing. He could always make her feel better with just a few words. Cassandra smiled shyly at his back while he wasn't looking.

The shower was somewhat small, and once the water was running and they stepped inside, she was left pressed fairly close to Tristan. Not that she minded. She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest, letting the water run over her soothingly. Everything was okay now.

After a minute of holding each other, Tristan began rubbing her back, his large hands easily covering her slender body. She murred happily as he massaged her, his fingers gently digging into her muscles. It hurt a little, but it felt good at the same time, and she couldn't help voicing her pleasure. Tristan's hands moved down to cup and squeeze her bottom, and she giggled and hugged him even tighter. It was more embarrassing than Cassandra even wanted to think about, so she focused only on how good it felt; how it made her whole body tingle excitedly.

Cassandra lost track of time as nuzzled Tristan's chest, her eyes closed and her breathing fast and shallow. She was only brought out of her reverie when Tristan gently pulled her arms from around him and spun her around so that her back was against his chest. She squeaked in surprise, but before she could ask him, he began the same treatment on her front.

Now that she could see what he was doing, Cassandra realized he wasn't just massaging her; he was washing her. Somehow, that made it even more embarrassing, and she squirmed helplessly as he lathered the cool soap into her dark fur. While he was washing her, he seemed to be paying more attention to certain parts than others. She sighed with a smile; he could be so hopeless sometimes. He seemed to spending as much time on her breasts as he did on the rest of her body put together.

It was even worse being able to see what he was doing, but Cassandra couldn't make herself look away. He would squeeze her chest roughly, kneading the softer flesh between his fingers, before rubbing her in small circles with his fingertips and scraping her nipples with his palms. She wriggled uncontrollably, panting and clutching at Tristan's legs to keep steady. And then his hands would move, and the water cascading over her now even more sensitive chest would drive her crazy. Cassandra's head would swell with a mix of relief and disappointment.

Still, as Tristan's hands traveled over her tummy and sides, she couldn't help but feel like a princess being doted on. He was so wonderful! "I...I..." she stammered, her knees quaking. I love you

"What is it?" Tristan asked softly, drawing his fingers up her front excruciatingly pleasurably to cup her cheek. Cassandra looked up at him, breathing heavily. He looked so beautiful, his thick fur plastered down by water, showing the lines of his muscles perfectly. The water was running down his strong muzzle to drip from his chin onto her cheek. She felt her body heat up even more just looking at his face. She couldn't take it anymore. I love you.

Spinning herself around, she reached her arms up pleadingly, a desperate expression on her face. Tristan's worried look turned to amusement and he lifted her into his arms effortlessly. Cassandra immediately clutched her arms around his neck and kissed him frantically. He held her tight and she wrapped her legs around his waist as their tongues played together. I love you, she thought frantically. I love you I love you I love you!

After an eternity of the taste of the older wolf's tongue and the feel of his breath, Tristan finally pulled back, leaving her flushed and panting. "What got into you?" he asked with a grin. Cassandra said nothing, burying her face into the crook of his neck, still latched onto him with all fours. "All right, guess we're done." Cassandra barely noticed as the water was turned off and she was carried out. She purred quietly, finally opening her eyes as Tristan laid her down on s fluffy towel on the bed. She reluctantly disentangled herself and allowed Tristan to wrap her up and rub her dry.

When they were both dry, Tristan embraced her and gently pushed her onto her back, kissing her neck tenderly. She moaned happily, struggling pointlessly as his kissed moved down her body and his hands groped roughly at her butt and legs. He was so big, he pressed her down into the mattress, his body completely covering hers. Even though she could hardly move, she didn't feel scared or smothered. She felt safe, and warm. And loved. She didn't know if he loved her. She was too afraid to find out. But she loved him, and as long as he stayed with her, it was enough.

"Are you ready?" Tristan asked her softly. She nodded and buried herself in his damp fur, gripping his back hard as she felt him begin to enter her. Cassandra bit her lip to stifle a whimper. It always hurt a little at first, the feeling of being stretched open, but she never told Tristan that. He already worried too much about her, and she wanted him to be able to enjoy himself.

Her body began to tingle as he settled into a rhythm; pulling out slowly and pushing in quickly, sending waves of pleasure through her body. It was such a strange feeling, being filled so completely. Cassandra never quite got used to it. Each time was just as wonderful. Each time felt just as good. She couldn't keep her voice in and cried out as he pushed in particularly deep. Suddenly, t was as if a dam had broken and each thrust brought another soft cry from her lips. Was she weird, she wondered, as Tristan clutched her tighter. He always said she was very sensitive, but she wondered if it was supposed to feel this good. It couldn't possibly. It was too much. She felt like she would explode. Desperately, she clamped down on his shoulder to muffle herself as the world exploded, her body convulsing wildly as she all but screamed into his fur, scrabbling wildly at his back.

After seemingly endless blinding pleasure, the force finally drained from Cassandra's body, leaving her limp and trembling. But Tristan wasn't done with her yet, and as he continued to force himself in and out she had no choice but to suffer through the pleasure, making her quake with every movement. She could only moan in a low voice.

Her arms had fallen listlessly to her sides, but she reached up weakly towards Tristan. I love you. He lowered himself down until they were pressed together and she let her arms fall around him. I love you. It was happening again. She couldn't stop it. I love you. It hurt to feel this good and she whimpered through a much smaller second orgasm. It was not nearly as powerful as the first, but coming when she was as worn out as she was, it felt just as intense. Tristan had begun to breathe heavily and his pace had grown erratic. I love you. With a growl, he pulled back, and groaned as his sperm splashed across Cassandra's front. I love you.

He collapsed alongside her and pulled her close. Neither said anything, the only sound in the room that of their ragged breathing. Cassandra placed her head against his chest and closed her eyes wearily. She knew she'd have to go home soon, or her mom would wonder where she was. But for now, it was okay. She could be with Tristan for a little while. That was the second to last thought that floated through Cassandra's mind as she drifted off.

I love you.