The Tale of Whiterun, Chapter 1: The Meeting

Story by itsubasa-chan on SoFurry

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#1 of Tsubasa's Tale

_ *disclaimer* _

if your under the age of 18, and all that stuff, you know you shouldnt be in the naughty section in the first place, so dont read if your not of age.

*Authors note*

This is my first story, i acctually had a dream about this and decided to share it with the rest of you hopefully i wrote well enough for you to enjoy it as much i i had dreaming about it.

Gather round humans n' furries, males and females alike, listen to my story and listen well about a hero like no other, one who still lives in a kingdom that still exsists today,The Kingdom of Whiterun. In this kingdom furries and humans live together in peace and harmony, some humans were even able to mate with the furries, although not all was like this in Whiterun Kingdom, before the Kingdom used to be separated and only furries ruled, with only few humans daring to enter into Whiterun kingdom. One such human even dared to love another furry and lived to tell the tale about it. That human is a furry now and is living well with his mate. He was the one that changed all course of the furry reign and helped the other humans and furries learn to get along and live in peace in this kingdom. This story is about him and his mate, and how he found his way to help the land become what it is today.

Chapter 1: The Meeting

Its was a lovely day, Spring time had recently arrived in Riverwood and the humans were all going about their business doing their housework and duties for the castle. Whiterun castle also was busy with the furries doing all of the daily chores, the cooks were making breakfast, the maids and servants were cleaning and tending to the king and queen's needs, and the guards were getting ready for morning patrol. In the castle there lived a cat, his name was Kit Twifur, he had the most beautiful white fur and his headfur had cute little streaks of pink at the ends, his cute little ears twitched as he lay in bed. One Servant arrived and came in, it was Kits personal servant and his body guard. Kit stirred and slowly awoke as he sat up in bed rubbing his eyes gently with his paws as his body guard stood there, "Dante, Is there any reason why you had to wake me at such a time, i was having the most wonderful nap and i didnt want to be disturbed..."

Kit yawned and stretched as he got out of bed the bed sheets slowly being dragged with him as he got out of bed part of them falling to the floor. Kit stretched a little more as he stood by the window, the sun shining into his room and showing off his pure white fur. Dante stood there in awe as he watched the little master, looking at his slender figure as he felt a little blush coming on, his ears slightly turning pink, "Master, i should inform you that your request to visit the town of Riverwood is not something that should be done, you could get harmed down there seeing that it is a human village, the humans don't take to-"

Kit cut him off as he rose his hand to Dante's face, signaling him to stop speaking, "Dante if i wanted to hear your opinion i would have asked, is my carriage prepared and ready to go?"

Kit looked at his servant, Dante was a big wolf, his bright gray fur matching his sort of gruff appearance, his tunic and sleeves seemed like they could burst at any moment from the size of muscles alone, his face also had a big scar moving across his face from underneath the middle of each of his eyes and across his muzzle, the wolf had protected Kit many times when the humans tried to invade the castle, and also saw many battles when it came to defending their kingdom, Kit only saw fit for him to be his sworn protector. Dante looked at Kit still concerned about his decision and sigh, "Your carriage is ready and is waiting downstairs young master, i will be waiting down there to escort you to the town" Dante then left Kit and closed the door behind him.

Kit smiled as he got dressed up in his clothing, wearing a lovely garment fit for anyone of his stature, he also packed a suitcase with another pair of clothing and went down to the castle courtyard where Dante was awaiting him. Dante took the little master's suitcase and escorted him to the carriage, setting the suitcase down inside for Kit and stood to the side holding the door open for him, Kit climbed in and Danted closed the door. Dante signaled the driver to start the journey, getting on his own horse to follow the master. They were now off to Riverwood, Kit smiled in the cart as he opened the suitcase and took out the change of clothing, it was a servant's outfit and he changed into the clothing and putting away his other outfit in the suitcase for later. Kit wanted to experience what life was like down in the village of humans, he really liked them and had fantisied about being with one, soon Kit was in his little world as the driver headed towards a bridge near the river. While he was dreaming and murring he heard the sound of metal on metal bashing against each other and the speed of the carriage picking up, he looked out the window to see what was going on and found that he and Dante were being attacked by group of bandits, fearing a little for his life he ducked his head back in the safety of the carriages and hoped that Dante would bring an end to the attack. Suddenly Kit heard a painful scream and the carriage jumped up suddenly on one side, he called to the driver to see what happened but got no response, he again looked out the window and found the driver was missing, turning his head back he saw the body on the ground. The bandits had killed the driver with an arrow and now his carriage was out of control, the horses raced faster trying to run from the danger without care of what they were pulling and Kit was now heading straight into the river, so Kit took every bit of courage he had and jumped out of the carriage tumbling a little onto the dusty trail. The horses were then freed from the carriage by a bandit that had caught up with the carriage and were lead to safety as the carriage went into the river with a crash. Kit, a little dazed from his jump soon stirred and sat up shaking his head a little to stop the bit of dizzyness, but he was soon surrounded by bandits, he looked around in panic and saw that they had captured his body guard. They brought the two together and kneeled them on the ground, Dante tried to struggle and get free from the bandits but they put a cloth over his and Kits maw, causing the two to fall unconsious.

Kit started to wake up and tried to look around seeing that he was blindfolded, he tried to move his arms and legs but they were bound together as well. To make things worse he felt the cold floor on his body, only signaling to him that he is also naked. Not knowing what to do he called out to his bodyguard, "D-Dante....are you here?" Dante was also bound and struggled a little, but it did nothing for him as he lay there helpless beside the cat, "im sorry Master Kit, i couldn't protect you and i failed to keep you safe...." just then a sound of a door opening was heard and both of their blindfolds were removed, Kits eyes adjusted to see who it was and saw that it was a human, not dressed like the bandits but was cloaked in a dark colored robe and had some outfits for them.