Holiday Treats

Story by Liddell Scribe on SoFurry

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Holiday treats by Liddell Scribe Copyright © 2011 Liddell Scribe

"Come on! Admit it's cute!" the vixen chides out warmly, sitting under the tree and wrapped in her own huge tail. She looks up to her girlfriend, trying not to break out into a pile of giggles though her chest jerks with the suppressed snerks.

"Really? You cheap little cheat! I wonder if I can return it. Did you keep the receipt?" The larger but younger bunny doe dressed only in matching undies and bra puts her paws on her hips and grins back just as evilly.

"That's so hurtful!" That large luxurious tail uncurls from the vixens body and shows off her bare frame, complete with her throbbing erection against her tummy.

The bunny blushes as she notices it and sticks out her tongue. "Someone is really excited to be a present."

"Well yea," the vixen slips up slowly, her small chest swaying as she tries to keep a slow erotic movement. "I've been looking forward to this for a little while now. Maybe a pet would like her mistress as a gift, to do with whatever you want?" She cants her head cutely, trying to emulate the bunnies normal cute act.

"You should make her clean the kitchen," notes the older wolfess sitting on the couch with her large mug of coffee while she watches the other two, smiling like a mother watching her children.

"Gail that is so lame!" The fox whines out.

"You did say whatever I want! I really don't want to have to do the dishes." The fox gets a little finger waved in her face now. "I really like this idea."

The once pulsing erection is already starting to flop down between her thighs as the fox under the tree sulks. "I can't believe you guys. I just wanted sexy christmas."

Abbey, the bunny girl and youngest of the three by a few years, just bends over flittering her tail up high and kisses the foxes nose. "Awww Ana, we are just teasing." Her paw slips down to tease the pouting girls nipple.

Gail suddenly sets her mug on the end table and tugs her robe tight around her large chest before she slips over to the other two girls. She kisses the bunny girl sweetly and lovingly for a few moments before she just glances down at the fox present. "You willing to share your toys with an old wolf love?"

"We are married, what is mine is yours." The bunny squeezes in to the older wolfess and then smiles down at Ana.

Gail's grin becomes something wicked before she grabs at Ana's paw and pulls her quickly back to the couch. With a gentle heft she takes a seat and pulls the gift fox right in to her lap. "You know why I keep you around foxie..."

There is a little bit of nervous squirming and shifting in that warm wolf lap but once Ana really presses her tush in a yip of excitement and shock pops up from the fox girl and she starts to shift about furiously in Gail's lap. "G-Gail?!"

With a confused wiggles of her nose and tilt of her head the rest of the presents are forgotten and Abbey slips up to her two lovers, happy to answer for her girlfriend. "To deal with your wife's insatiable bunny needs?"

"That's right! Well more to be her mistress, and through that keep her happy in ways this ole wolf has trouble keeping up with... and being a bunny present washing dishes doesn't sound like that is what is happening. Maybe you need another reminder of who is in charge here foxie." Gail follows her playful warning with a warm grunt and shifts about a bit more, holding her wife's bare and squirming girlfriend firmly in her lap the whole time.

It doesn't take long for Abbey to figure out what is going on and she gasps out and makes the cutest pout. "Gail! No fair! If you are feeling growly-wolfy then I wanna play!"

The older wolf just growls sharply at her younger mate, asserting herself as the alpha in the group. "Hush! You're next."

With that the wolf bares her teeth and nuzzles right in to the nape of Ana's neck and gives her a firm bite. The playful thrashing and squirming of the small figured fox turns in to a bit of a jerking and she gasps out. "Oh.. G-Gail... I... nooooo" Her protests hardly manage to sound very earnest until, through all that squirming, the wolf manages to find her mark and bucks up hard up with a soft wet sound.

Ana yips out furiously and tenses up hard for a moment, huge fuzzy tail twitching out to the side. Abbey is left blushing furiously now as she watches her lovers together. The bunny slowly kneels down in front of the couch and their legs so she can get a view. Her paws come to Ana's thighs and helps position her a bit better, legs spread wide and everything exposed.

"Ohhh, now that's sexy..." Abbey whispers.

"Get your nose all up in there. I want you to watch it close, see your wolfy fuck your mistress" Gail growls out predatorily.

It's not often that Gail really gets like this but when she does it makes the young bunnies entire body quiver and her tummy do flips. Abbey doesn't just watch, she leans right in between Ana's thighs and begins licking furiously. The flavor of her girlfriend spread wide around her spouse is enough to make her squeak out and shiver in delight.

Ana on the other hand is hissing and yipping out tensely. Most hermaphroditic girls aren't heavily endowed but Gail manages to impress and intimidate with her thick nine inches of ebony wolf shaft pulsing above her feminine slit. This rutting length is a strain to take for the vixen, even with the soothing pleasure of her pets expert oral, especially since she not often the one to receive.

"Ssssslow down..." Ana whimpers out, her tail still twitching. The vixen can barely maintain her own erection like this though, half firm pink fox flesh drooping over her girlfriend's face and drooling pre all over bunny muzzle in a lewd marking that only makes this moment that much better for the bunny.

"Nuh uh, I want my bunny to be reminded who is in charge in the end." The big bad wolf facade slowly starts to fade as Gail really starts to buck up in to the girl in her lap with the biggest almost goofy smile on her muzzle.

Bunny tail flitters hard just out of the view of both of the lovers. Her small tongue slides through Ana's exposed inner flesh and licks along the pumping length sinking deep in to her over and over. Even though she is only given a taste she seems to be enjoying this more than those above her. With a giggle she lifts her nose up so she can lick up at that bobbing fox shaft. "Give it to her love! Rut that foxie good!"

The wolf needs little encouragement at this point now. She grips the smallest girl around the waist and bounces her hard in her lap, pumping up with deep rolls of her hips. Abbey watches that large knot growing out slowly, spreading fox folds open wider and wider as she works it against Ana'a tight entrance.

"Oh Fuck!!! Don't knot! Wa--Wait" Ana manages to whimper out in broken little cries. Her own thighs clench and flex hard, helping her lift just out of the wolf's lap before she collapses back down hard on to that hard upthrust.

Though all those complaints and whines Gail just growls out her alpha growl and brings her muzzle back to Ana's shoulder for a hard mating bite. That tight passage stretches a bit more and more now as she feels more and more of that tight warm pressure around her knot. The wolf nips down harder and hard the more of that bulge crowns in to her lover until with one hard buck up the thick ebony flesh presses deep and then is suddenly swallowed up fully by the vixen.

Gail whips her head back and howls out in pleasure as she feels herself buried fully. She bucks hard now, jerking and yanking her hips about in vain, that firm shaft locked deep in the girls warm embrace. As much as she holds back it is only a matter of moments before she grunts out hard and Abbey watches that flesh pulsing and jumping hard in her girlfriend.

"Oh my..." is all the little bunny manages to whimper out before she leans in to kiss the joint of those two hungrily, tongue licking up all the flavor of the act. Ana reacts by clenching up her thighs so tight, snapping them around her girlfriend's muzzle hard and squeezing like she is trying to pop off that knot and away from both of them.

There is a tense moment between all of them, girls twitching and jerking about in a shared pleasure before the combination of that pulsing shaft and Abbey's skilled tongue makes the vixen herself climax hard around that knotted shaft inside her. She twists and bucks her hips with all she has while that still half-hard shaft laying over the bunnies muzzle explodes, jerking lazily to cause her seed to spurt all over Abbey's trapped face.

Gail is the first to relax, collapsing back in to the couch and groaning out happily while Ana continues to jerk and pull over her twitching shaft. "Ohhhh yea... Merry Christmas foxie."

In just a few more moments Ana gasps out sharply, twitching her thighs tightly around Abbey's licking muzzle one last time before she collapses back and groans out. "H-Haaaaa. Now that's naughty Christmas." The fox wiggles in to get comfortable again as she lets the wolf finish and inevitably will need to wait for the knot to go down. Ana tilts her head back and kisses her girlfriend's wife deeply until they are both interrupted with a slightly frustrated squeak.

"Ah! Mean! You can't stop right now, I was soooo close!" The bunny in still kneeling between their spread legs, one paw buried deeply in her tight undies and the other on Gail's thigh. She looks up and hisses out. "What happened to 'you're next'? You're gonna be all tuckered out by the time that knot goes down!"

Gail groans out and smiles sheepishly. She did say that but sadly the bunny knows her mate too well, the poor wolf never usually has a whole one in her, doing two in a row might be asking for much. She nuzzles the vixen and groans out softly. "Well, you heard the bunny foxie. She needs some attention and it is why we are keeping you around." She then reaches over and grabs up her coffee, taking a slow sip.

"Ahhhh," is all the vixen manages to get out. She looks down with an apologetic look and whines a little, while she normally has no problem with her girlfriend/pet's marathon like needs, such a hard rutting from the large wolf is not something she is used to by any stretch, not to mention the fact she is knotted and locked in to that lap.

"You guys really suck sometimes! I better have gotten an awesome new toy this year!" With that huff Abbey draws out her wet paw from her panties and suckles her fingers for a fraction of a moment before she turns to crawl over to the tree, bottom and tail high in the air.

Gail feels the vixen in her lap squirming and clenching up just a little just at the sight of the younger girl crawling under the tree. "Really? Already? Well at least I choose well in finding someone to tend to my love."

With a gentle laugh Ana turns her head back and kisses again. "I dunno, we might be in trouble I got her a new leather muzzle and while she'll love it, it's not gonna get her off before she kills us both out of frustration." She half whispers in a tense and almost earnestly nervous voice.

"Shhhh don't worry, I got her the new Lelo. The guy at the store swore me it had a battery long enough to satisfy anybunny." Gail's free arm curls around Ana and squeezes tightly while she sips her coffee over the other girls shoulder and watches her precious little nympho wife sorting out presents and shaking her boxes in excitement and anticipation.

While it's not a big christmas, just a few gifts between the three of them, it's hard to beat the feeling of opening up the first gift of the morning.
