Seekers Tale Part 6

Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#7 of Seekers Tale

Here it is, part 6, sorry it took so long, combining serious medical, financial, legal, fa...

Here it is, part 6, sorry it took so long, combining serious medical, financial, legal, family, and job related issues all at once tends to shove things like writing back. But i am back and writing again. Hope you enjoy

Standard disclaimer, this story contains male on male sex, some violence, and other fun stuff. If this offends you or is illegal for you to view, in any way feel free to hit the back button now.

Part 6

As I walk through the halls after putting Shadow in his bed my mind goes over the days events and how lucky I have been to find my new love. It may have taken me a few thousand years but the day has finally come and I could not be happier.

Eventually I end up back in my room closing and locking the door behind me before I pull my shirt off and toss it onto a nearby chair. Stretching my arms and popping a few different joints I walk across the room to the window and look out over the dark night forest as a full moon slowly rises over the peaks of nearby mountains, casting its silver light over the lands below.

For a while I stand there just watching the moon as it goes along its ancient trail, a show that I have seen countless times before, but tonight I look on it with new eyes in a way I have never seen before. After a time I slowly pull my gaze away from the window and go to my desk and light a single candle, (a bit old fashioned when I could have simply turned on the lights I know, but some habits die hard). Once the flame is going I pull the ring I acquired from town out of my pocket and sit down to study it.

To a normal person it looks like any other ring, but I have been around long enough to recognize it as being made for a magical purpose, and a powerful one at that. The four stones on it are the stone incarnations of the four magical elements of fire, water, earth, and air. To have all four represented on an item is very rare and very hard to accomplish. In all my years I have only seen it done three other times.

I sit and examine the ring for a few minutes but can find no engravings or markings of any kind to suggest its purpose. So after straining my eyes I blow out the candle and rise to place the ring in a wooden box on a book shelf nearby my desk and decide to look into it more in the morning. After securing the ring in the box I unfasten my belt and kick my pants off leaving just my boxers on and begin to pace my room a bit stretching out a few more muscles before going to bed. Along one of my passes I bump the edge of a small table I keep at the foot of my bed causing it to scrape across the wood floor and knock one of my antique vases off of it, which I manage to catch less than an inch from the floor.

As I am carefully returning the vase to its proper place on the table from where I just knocked it off as I paced in the darkness of my room, I hear a small sound come from my door. When I turn to see what it is my vision is filled with a blinding white light as my room is illuminated from an unknown source. Barely having time to react to my sudden blindness I hear the door flung open and I am knocked to the floor and can feel the edge of a sharp blade pressed to my throat. After a few heartbeats my vision slowly returns and I find myself staring up into the eyes of my assailant. It takes just a heartbeat to recognize those eyes, the same shining silver eyes I fell in love. The eyes of my assailant are the eyes of my new love, Shadows eyes.

But why is he in my room? Why does he have a knife pressed to my throat? For that matter where did he get a knife? When I left him in his room he was in his boxers and the rest of his belongings were stowed away. But he is obviously here and obviously holding a knife so maybe I should start with the simple questions.....

Looking up at Shadow I swallow hard before speaking "uhm.... Shadow, my love.... Why do you have a knife pressed to my throat?" He blinks a couple times as though clearing his vision then his vision focuses on me "Oh Seeker, I uh... I heard a noise and though you were in trouble..."

"Oh, that explains it." I continue to lay there with Shadow leaning on my chest with the blade pressed to my throat, the two of us staring into each others eyes. After a few moments I speak up again "Uhm.... Love?"


I glance down at the blade and then back at Shadow. "Would you mind moving that?"

His eyes look down at the blade causing his eyebrows to rise in understanding. "Oh sorry." He quickly pulls the blade away and slides it into a sheath that is tied to the top of his arm.

That was not there earlier I'm sure of it. As if in response to my unspoken question the sheath and blade shimmer then disappear from view as soon as shadow secures the blade. Though now that I know where to look I can see the depression of the bands and sheath against his fur.

"That's an impressive trick." I say as I nod towards the knife. Shadow looks at the now invisible sheath and smiles. "Yeah it was a gift from my grandfather and it has saved my life more than once." He turns his head back to look at me with a questioning look. "So since your obviously not being attacked by anyone but me, what was that noise I heard?"

I point at the vase I nearly broke earlier, "I bumped into that table in the dark and nearly broke the vase." He looks at the table then the skid marks on the floor where the table had moved when I hit it. "Oh, guess I was just a little jumpy, I'm not used to hearing strange sounds that don't involve trouble of some kind."

I chuckle a little at his comment, "Well wait till you have been here a while there are plenty of strange noises around here that mean trouble, though most tend to be of the non-violent kind of trouble." At that moment, as if planned ahead of time, a loud bang comes from the kitchen causing Shadow to jerk his head around and focus his ears towards the sound.

I place a paw on his arm in an attempt to help him relax a little. "It's only Rick doing his nightly raid of the kitchen, he almost always manages to drop a pan or two out of the cabinet." As I explain the source of the sound Shadow visibly relaxes and looks back down at me. "So I really don't need to worry so much huh?" "No love you don't, but old habits are hard to break the first night in a new place."

I shift a little under his weight where he is still pinning me to the ground. "My ribs on the other hand....."

"Oh sorry!" He quickly jumps up and offers me a hand up which I take allowing him to help me back to my feet. Once back on my feet I look into his eyes and place a light kiss on his nose. "Thank you for trying to come to my rescue tonight, but next time you hear a noise you're not sure about, try knocking first. Ok?" He smiles a little shyly and looks down a slight blush showing in his ears. "Ok."

He turns and heads for the door going back to his room. I watch him for a moment taking in the image of his body before I reach out a hand and grab his. "Shadow, wait." He stops and looks at me curiously. "Yes?" I smile at him as I look into his beautiful eyes. "Why don't you stay in here tonight?" A smile quickly spreads across his face at my words. "Really?" I smile back at him and nod softly.

He turns back towards me closing the door behind him as I pull him close to me and press my lips to his in a sudden kiss with only the light from the full moon out the window shining on us. As he begins to melt into the kiss I let go of his hand and slide mine up his side slowly caressing each muscle as I do. My other hand slowly moves to Shadows waist and slips inside the band of his boxers sliding around behind him to cup his ass giving a gentle squeeze.

When I do this he gasps a little giving my probing tongue an entrance into his mouth which I eagerly take deepening our kiss as he moans into the new intrusion and relaxes against me more. The taste of his mouth is like ambrosia to me, there is nothing in this earth I can compare it to. As I explore his mouth with my tongue and his wonderful torso with my hands he explores my body with his own hands, first rubbing through my back fur then moving lower and lower till he slips his hands into the back of my pants and cups my ass in his hands sending a shiver up my spine. The sudden squeeze causes my hips to jerk on their own pushing my already swelling sheath up against his own ample bulge, causing another, even better shiver. This one spreading to my entire body.

Slowly, reluctantly I pull back from the kiss and smile at my love. "Feels like some one likes what he's feeling back there." He just smiles back at me and licks my nose softly before replying. "I don't think I'm the only one who likes what he feels." To emphasize his point he pulls on my hips and grinds his crotch against mine again.

With a growl I scoop him up in my arms causing him to let out a yelp and wrap his arms around my neck. With him securely in my arms I make my way to my... our bed, kicking off my pants as I go (good thing I decided to go commando today). I gently lay him down on it and climb into bed straddling his hips as I bend over him and press my lips to his again for another kiss. Slowly I begin to kiss lower on his muzzle, then move down his neck, across his collar, then down his chest. When I reach his right nipple I suck on it and run my tongue around it till I have shadow moaning in pleasure then I move across to his left and repeat my performance, the whole time taking in his sweaty, woodsy scent that is driving me crazy with need.

While my tongue is busy pleasuring his upper body, my hands move farther south where I slowly begin sliding his boxers down his waist revealing his swollen sheath and hefty, furry balls to the cool air. Once I have his boxers down around his knees I pull back from my menstruations to his nipples and sit up and scoot down the bed a bit to admire the view before me. The top of his sheath is open revealing the tip of his bright red cock which is rapidly filling with his lust and need as it increases in size, emerging into view.

I smile as I take in the view, "Now that has got to be the best thing I have ever seen." Lowering my head I put my nose right next to his balls and take a deep breath of his intoxicating scent. After getting dizzy on his wonderful woodsy, musky scent I stick out my tongue and run it over his balls causing him to start moaning again and begin to grasp the bed with his hands.

After a few minutes of lathering his nuts with my tongue I peer up over his crotch to see his cock has slipped a few more inches out of his sheath and is standing proudly hard and erect in the moon light. "Well well, what do we have here, looks like someone wants to come out and play." Shadow looks down at me and half begs half moans out one word, "...please...."

Smiling, I sit back on my legs and pull his boxers the rest of the way off and throw them over my shoulder, not caring where they land. Looking down at Shadow I take in the sight before me and commit every detail to my memory before I lean forward again and take both of his testicles in my mouth and gently suck on them, rolling them around on my tongue. Soon I feel his hands grab the back of my head and hold on. I let his now dripping balls slide out of my mouth as I begin to lick my way up his sheath heading for the pulsing rod of flesh that is now standing proudly above his body, a swelling near the base announcing the place where his knot will form soon. Slowly tracing my tongue up his cock, I commit every bump, groove, and vein to memory and relish in the taste of my lover, my mate.

Hearing Shadow moan out in pleasure and feeling his paws on my head tighten their grip only encourages me to continue. Reaching the tip of his tapered wolf cock I find a few drops of pre which I quickly lick up and taste, savoring the salty sweet taste of his pre, pure heavenly nectar. Instantly addicted to this new treasure I quickly send my tongue in search of more ambrosia.

After thoroughly cleaning his rod of all pre I can find I open my mouth and take the tip of his rod into it and begin to gently suck on it, coaxing more pre out of it. With each drop I get I take in more and more of his dick till the swell of his knot is bumping my nose and the tip is poking the back of my mouth causing a short cough which seems to stimulate Shadow as he responds with a loud moan, and a shot of pre that coats my throat.

Before long each time I increase pressure on Shadows cock his moaning gets louder and his grip harder. Soon his knot is almost full size and this is when I pull off, letting his cock slide from my mouth, to his displeasure and my own. He looks down at me and asks "Why did you stop? I was so close."

I look up at him and smile, "I know you were, but I have something a bit better in mind."

Before he can ask any more questions I hook an arm under his right leg and flip him onto his stomach and get him to sit up on all fours. Then I kneel behind him and lift his tail looking for the object of my desire. The tight hole winking back at me is yet another glorious sight, many more of these and I may have a problem.

Glancing up I see shadow looking over his shoulder at me, comprehension dawning on his face along with a growing smile. Slowly I rub my free hand over his rump, kneading each side of his most attractive butt. Releasing his tail, which he keeps lifted to the side, I begin moving both my hands up his back feeling each muscle as it begins to relax under my touch. When my hands reach his shoulders I begin rubbing them as I slowly put part of my weight on Shadows back reaching my arms around his chest while I grind my own hard cock into the valley between his butt cheeks, eliciting moans from us both.

After a few moments I sit back up and spread his cheeks apart with one hand and grasp my cock with the other. Placing the tip of my own tapered cock at the opening of Shadows hole I let my pre leak out on to it and look at his face. "Are you ready?"I get a short nod for an answer and slowly lean forward piercing his tight, burning flesh, with my own needy rod. Gasps of pleasure escape from us both at the new sensations assaulting our bodies.

It was bliss, the burning heat, the tight pressure, as I slowly pushed more and more of my length deeper into Shadows body the sensations were nearly enough to send me over the edge right then, but not quite. When my forming knot presses up against his tight opening I stop my movements allowing both of us to get used to the sensations. Looking down at Shadow I see him clenching the sheets in his claws, panting rapidly his tongue hanging out. A bit concerned I ask "Are you ok?"it takes him a moment to make his reply. Slowly nodding he smiles and looks back at me "It feels so good, better than anything I have done before, it hurt a bit at first, but now..."a happy smile spreads across his face "Its glorious."

Smiling back at him "The best is yet to come."

Slowly I begin to pull back out until just the tip of my cock is inside him then I push back in faster than the first time, as soon as I am back to where I stopped before I push a bit harder pushing my partially inflated knot into his hole only to quickly pull it back out and start the process over. Each time I repeat the motions I go faster and harder, soon my knot has enlarged to the point where it no longer pops in easily and I stop pushing it in.

Soon my knot is at its full size and it presses hard against Shadows hole with each thrust I make. From somewhere beyond the pleasure induced haze now clouding my mind I hear the words "Tie me..."Hearing those words was all I need. I bend over his back, wrap my arms around his chest and waist, bite onto his neck in a mating hold and pound my hips as hard as I can driving my cock as deep into his body as it will go. When my knot reaches his hole I push even harder until, with an audible pop, it slips into his hole which quickly squeezes tight behind it locking me deep inside of him.

After a few short thrusts inside him the pressure I am putting on his prostrate must have pushed him over the edge for he lets out a room shaking howl and releases his seed all over the bed beneath us, I wrap a paw around the base of his cock behind the knot, simulating a tie for him. The sudden increase of pressure inside his body on my own knot and shaft drives me over the edge to orgasm a moment later, and I release my bite on his neck to howl my own release to the world as I fill his inside with my own seed. All of which is kept locked inside his body by my knot which is keeping us firmly tied together, and will continue to do so for some time now.

Panting for a moment after our howls die down I gently tilt to one side and pull him over with me where I hold him close to me, my cock still firmly locked deep within him. I lick on the spot where I had bit him, noticing for the first time that I broke the skin a small bit, the bleeding has already stopped, but I enjoy just licking where I had marked him as my mate. He pushes back into me getting as close to me as he can before whispering "So I guess this is our bed now?"

Stopping my licks I place my muzzle next to his ear and whisper back "Just until we get a bigger one."A smile spread across his muzzle before he mutters sleepily "I love you Seeker"

To which I happily respond "I love you to Shadow."

Soon he is sleeping peacefully wrapped in my arms. Pulling a blanket over the both of us I pull him close and soon join him in slumber, still firmly tied to the wolf I love.


Out in the forest a pair of eyes that had been watching a second story window turns and take wing into the night heading away from the slowly setting moon.