Tya's Family Fun - Fun At College Part 1

Story by Tyaishia on SoFurry

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#19 of Tya's Family Fun Folder

"How did you get mom and dad to agree to this?" Geoff leaned over and whispered in my ear from his seat beside me on the train. It was clear he was still confused how I had managed to talk both of our parents into letting me take a week off of school to visit him at college after Thanksgiving. We had discussed the idea on our run that morning after Geoff had made love to me for the first time. It had sounded so exciting that I knew I had to make it happen. He would introduce me as his girlfriend and show me around campus. We would make out in public and no one would think twice because he was a fox and I was a panther. No one would ever think we were actually brother and sister and we could make love in the coed showers and have everyone write us off as just another horny couple. I would spend my time crashing in his dorm and to appease our parents the time he was in class I would take tours of the campus and sit in on classes.

"I'm just that amazing," I grinned over at him, placing a paw on his knee and rubbing it softly. "Remember that, because when I want something," I slid my paw up his leg further, rubbing at his inner thigh now, "I get it." And with a purr I leaned over and pressed my lips to his almost at the same time as my paw finally finished it's journey up his leg and rested a little forcefully on his crotch, groping him through his pants. I could almost feel the heat from his blush as I darted my tongue into his maw.

"Mmm, I'll keep that in mind." His voice seemed to purr as he broke our kiss, but didn't remove my paw from his groin. I could see him scanning the interior of the train for anyone who would be looking our way and took the opportunity to attack his neck with light nibbles and hard kisses. With a softer, more throaty purr, I could tell my brother was enjoying it so I went a little further and slowly unzipped his jeans, threw my leg over his to use it to hide his growing erection begging to be freed from the constraint of his underwear and jeans.

"Tya, don't," was all my brother got out before I had his cock free and my paw wrapped around it.

"You know you like it," I growled softly into his ear, "otherwise you wouldn't be so hard." As I whispered into his ear I had already started stroking the length of his cock up and down, causing him to have the need to stifle his moans and so he turned his head to me, brought a paw up to grab the back of my head and forced his lips against mine in a heated and passionate kiss.

"I'll always get hard around you Tya," he growled into my muzzle. "You drive me wild, you're incredibly sexy and I love the fucking hell out of you." It was my turn to blush. Ever since his confession a few nights ago, my brother seemed to find it easier to openly tell me how much he loved me romantically. I still wasn't used to it and would blush every time and part of me suspected that was why he kept doing it so much. "Now cut it out," he said after sliding the paw at the back of my head down my back to give my rump a playful smack. "We're almost there." With a sigh I gave in and stuffed my brothers thick hard cock back into his jeans and zipped them back up, but in an act of defiance I continued to stroke him through his jeans and in response he kept his paw on my rump. We sat there like that for the rest of the trip, my leg thrown over his, my paw stroking his crotch, his paw on my ass, rubbing and squeezing as well. We really did play the part of horny coed couple so perfectly that when the train pulled into our station no one on board had batted an eye.

We collected our baggage and took a cab the rest of the way to Geoff's dorm house. By the time we finally got inside his dorm room, I was so riled up I couldn't wait any longer. As I followed him into the room the door closed behind me on it's own, and I dropped my baggage beside his before jumping on him. He caught me, of course, as this was something I used to do a lot when we were younger. I would always end up with my legs around his waist and his paws on my upper thighs. Until now it had always been a fairly innocent thing, but we both knew this time it wasn't and as I locked myself firmly in place, with my legs wrapped tightly around him, Geoff moved one paw from holding my thigh to grabbing my ass. Our lips met in a heated kiss and he started rubbing two fingers against my crotch, taking the role of tease from me immediately. I moaned into his muzzle and tried to get down to take my jeans off so he could finally slip inside me, but Geoff held me tightly against him, not letting me move.

"Oh you're so mean!" I giggled, "First you make me wait the whole train ride and now you're going to make me wait even longer? That's just cruel Geoff!" My brother chuckled before shutting me up with a forceful and rough kiss. I could feel the movement of his body as he turned us so my back was to the bed before I was suddenly released, from both his kiss and his grasp as he dropped me onto his bed. Without a word, but with a snarl of desire, my brother pounced on me and literally tore my clothing off. He ripped open my shirt like it was tissue paper, cut my bra and jeans off with his claws and ripped my panties to shreds. Before I knew it I was laying on his bed completely naked while he was still fully clothed.

I opened my mouth to say something snarky about my now destroyed clothes but he wouldn't have it and before I could get the first syllable out his muzzle was over mine, his tongue inside my maw. I threw my arms around his shoulders and held him there against me as one of his paws forced my legs open and without warning my brother discovered just how hot for him I was as his finger slid freely inside my pussy without any resistance. I had been wet since the train, my desire to have him inside me growing exponentially the more he made me wait. He gave me no time to enjoy the slow push of his finger inside me because it wasn't slow at all, he shoved it up inside my cunt as fast as possible. I gasped in pleasure, but the only thing that accomplished was pulling his tongue further into my muzzle. As he wiggled his finger around inside me I kept gasping and moaning in pleasure, and as his finger finally found my g spot, my brother relentlessly pressed against it, rubbing against it as he wiggled his finger between my velvet walls. It only took a few minutes before I was tightening and spasming, cumming all over his bed with a muffled scream into his muzzle. Finally, as my climax came to an end my brother pulled his muzzle from mine, grinning.

"How was that?" He smirked, pulling his finger out from between my pussy lips and bringing it slowly up to his own to lick and suck clean.

"So fucking hot!" Came a voice I hadn't heard before and with the sudden realization we hadn't been alone simultaneously blushed and got even more riled up. Geoff looked in the direction the voice had come from and laughed.

"I'm glad you enjoyed the show, how was your holiday Steven?" Geoff hadn't even flinched the moment he heard Steven's voice, which told me he had known he was there where as I hadn't realized there was anyone else in the room.

"Oh, you know. A little bit of fun, a lot of food. So who's this?" As he spoke I could hear movement and when Steven flopped down beside us on Geoff's bed I knew it was because he'd been slowly making his way over.

"This is Tya, my little sister." Geoff grinned and my mouth dropped.

"Don't tell him that!" I growled as I started hitting Geoff. He caught both my paws and pinned me down to the bed with them, grinning over me.

"Don't worry," his voice was almost a purr, "Steven doesn't mind. Does he?"

"Fuck no," I threw my eyes over in his direction and caught the mixed looks of sincerity and pure arousal. "I wouldn't have guessed either, damn man. Are you sure you're actually related?" Geoff just chuckled and nodded, "Fuck me man, you've got to be the luckiest son of a bitch I've ever met. Not only do all the women want a piece of you, but even your own family. Not to mention this sex kitten looks nothing like you, fuck you could fuck her in front of anyone and no one would know what was actually happening. That's so fucking hot!" I could not only see the bulge in Steven's pants but I could even smell his desire and, finally feeling comfortable with the situation, laughed. It started off soft and quite, but it grew until I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard. Geoff let me go and I sat up, trying to keep myself from laughing any harder. I reached over and punched Steven in the shoulder, then hit Geoff again too.

"You guys!" I chuckled, finally calming down. "You scared the shit out of me!" I growled and punched them both again for good measure. "You're such an ass sometimes!" I giggled this time, reaching over and pressing my lips to Geoff's and kissing him full of tongue right in front of Steven.

"Mmm, damn she's a spitfire." Steven cooed as I pulled myself away from Geoff's lips. "I'm Steven, your brothers roommate." He said as he offered me an elegant silver paw. I took it and shook his hand while taking in the beauty of his silver fur.

"It's a pleasure," I smirked. "You're pretty sexy Steven," my voice purred out and as I glanced back at Geoff I continued, "ever had a threesome?" I could hear him swallow hard, whether it was from fear or excitement I couldn't tell.

"Uh, no. I'm not really all that, experienced with women." When I looked back Steven was blushing.

"Are you gay?" I blurted out and this time all 3 of us started laughing.

"No," he chuckled. "I'm just a massive nerd. Couldn't you tell?" He motioned to his side of the room and I finally noticed all the computer hardware, posters of video game characters and animes and giggled.

"That's so cute," purring I moved so I was on all fours, my tail swishing softly whacking Geoff in the stomach, facing Steven. "I like nerds." I moved closer to him until I was basically in his lap. "Do you want more experience Steven?" He swallowed hard again and this time I knew it was from excitement. His cock was almost bursting out of his pants and his eyes didn't leave the sight of my naked breasts inches away from pressing against him.

"Yes please," he finally managed to respond. I grinned and without a word unbuttoned his pants and his hard cock popped out, finally free of the tyranny of pants. He shivered as I wrapped my paw around his girth and by the time I had backed up enough to have my lips meet the tip of his cock, Geoff had gotten off the bed and removed his own pants. I could feel the head of his dick rubbing up and down my slit as I leaned down and licked Steven's cock. "Ooooh god!" Steven moaned and I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock before sliding it into my mouth, sucking gently.

"Oh fuck Tya!" Geoff growled, "I knew it was hot watching you suck me off, but damn!" I purred happily as more of Stevens cock slid into my muzzle and Geoff's cock head pushed against my wet pussy lips. As my brothers thick dick stretched my pussy lips as he slid inch by inch further inside me, I moaned out against Stevens dick and began sliding it out and in, in and out, licking it's tip and sucking it back into my muzzle with more vigor every time. "Mmmm! Fuck you drive me wild!" My brother moaned out as I started really going to town on Steven, even bringing a paw up to cup and play with his balls. The more I sucked Steven off the more Geoff seemed to enjoy watching it and the more he pushed into me. By the time I had Steven's cock comfortably deep throated, Geoff was pressing roughly against my cervix trying to fully hilt inside me. When he couldn't push in any further, he gave up and opted to thrust hard and fast inside me. He pulled his cock out so only the tip was still inside and then thrust quickly pumping in and out of me a little faster each time. I couldn't help but moan and match his pacing with my mouth on Steven's cock.

"Oh god, I'm going to cum soon!" Steven moaned and I pulled my muzzle off his cock and looked up at him.

"I want you to come on me," I purred. Taking the hint Geoff pulled away for a moment so I could roll over onto my back and as soon as I was down he was back to thrusting his cock into my tight wet cunt. Steven got up on his knees above my head and I leaned up, licking and sucking at his balls as he wrapped his fist around his cock and finished the job, quickly cumming so hard he covered both my tits and part of my stomach with his cum. Panting he flopped back down, his bits now out of reach of my tongue. As I turned my focus to Geoff, he pulled his cock out and started stroking it just like Steven had.

"Open your mouth!" He nearly growled, and I happily obeyed, but he didn't move from his spot between my legs. Jerking himself to completion, my brother shot cum all over my stomach and halfway through leaned back and got it right in my open waiting muzzle. I lapped it up and purred happily, covered in two different men's cum, swallowing down my brothers semen. Geoff sat on the bed as well and crawled up beside me, lightly stroking my leg. "That was so fucking hot," he grinned.

"I concur!" Steven mumbled into the mattress as he had flopped face first down onto Geoffs bed after cumming.

"Well," I giggled, "I am here for a week. We'll just have to do this more often."